
By idkbree

16.2K 824 159

If we weren't formally introduced, my name is Emilia Darst. I used live with my little sister and older broth... More

1. Beginnings
2. Nightmares
3. Arms Length

4. Battlefield

1.3K 176 34
By idkbree

Chapter 4 - Battlefield

Emilia's Pov


Have you ever experienced the feeling of having your heart plummet into your stomach? The weightlessness of your throat that somehow renders you enable to talk? Like like the vocabulary you were taught in your early schooling years was shot to hell? Or rather swallowed whole and sent to your stomach for no return. To me, this feeling is very unlikable. I'm a woman of many words. I'm quick witted and I hardly ever endure this feeling. But today, now for example, I was no exception to that. Yet, it seems I wasn't the only quick witted person in this place.

"Shove it Benji." Harry shot back without so much as to glancing back at him.

"Styles, you unbelievably in deep on this one." This however, made Harry stop in his tracks, and face the man with a grin.

"How so, my dear friend?" Harry's sarcasm was obviously led to the man being older than him. Though Harry is in his twenty's, Benji seemed to just be hitting his mid-thirty's. His features showed showed an age much younger, but the way he held himself, and presented himself to Harry led me to believe his age was the only thing he could hold over this dominating green eyed giant.

"Well you were front row to little tousle she had with your uncle, and you were brought up as the accused. I say you're walking a thin line pal." Benji slowly walked towards us. Almost as if he was letting us -me rather- know he brings no harm, only a warning. A warning Harry didn't want or need.

"Benji, I get it, you're looking after me, you always have, and I thank you for that, but I think I'll take my chances. We're friends, it's not hard to believe, I'm a likeable person," Harry boasts with a triumphant smile. "but I'm tired of being controlled by my uncle all the time. By the time I turn 21, this camp will be handed for me to lead and I'll be making changes. He doesn't control me, the only person that can control me is my mother. He just sets rules I'm allegedly suppose to follow. I think I can handle it."

"I completely believe you Harry, you can handle it, but the question is can she?" Benji asked with a pointed finger towards me.

Can I? Well of course I can. We're only friends, what's the danger besides getting caught? It's not like we're going to get all friendly, having sleepovers and giving each other piggyback rides in the open.

But I know physically I am not strong. My muscle is about as little as it comes. And the extent to lift is about as much as Addie weighs. Maybe while I'm here I should start to build up a little so I won't be that weak. It probably won't help, but I'm sure I'll at least feel a little self-reassurance.

"I appreciate the concern, but I really think it's up to me to decide. I see no harm here anymore. Harry's just being nice...and looking around, I'm going to need someone nice here. General Styles don't scare me as much as he thinks he does. If I'm going to be locked away here, I'll pick my friends, whether it be my housemates, Harry, you, or other soldiers. It will make my life less dreadful here than I would like."

Benji let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his left forefinger and thumb across his forehead. "I'm not against this, first of all. Second, I'm just concerned about what happened out there before by General Styles, and that was just him thinking Harry was with you. You both need to keep this low, and keep the out-in-the-open talks to the minimum. Whatever happens between you two is safe with me."

It seemed like both Harry and I agreed with his input, but only thanked him a nod of our heads and a small smile from me. Thinking about this place now, I see not everyone here is a rotten soul like how I originally assumed.

"Why was he being so nice?" I asked aloud, mostly to myself. So I was startled when Harry had an immediate reply.

"Well he was my training officer when I joined about five years back. I was the youngest in the group of about a hundred and fifty or so because when my dad passed, I had all this anger and the easiest option for both my mum and Aaron was to get me training for war. It helped a lot, and Benji became my punching bag but never complained. He also knew my dad well even though he still was a good few years older. In those five years he grew on me. I never attempted to befriend any of the other soldiers either. He was a friend yet he gave me fatherly advice without me realizing it. It helped me clear my head and the anger within myself settled. He's been looking out for me ever since. And I'm not joking when I say that fucker has eyes in the back of his head, and everywhere else for that matter." He lightly chuckle in spite of his friend.

"He did seem to find us with quite ease."

I laughed along with him, liking the sound of his childlike chuckle and the way his dimples effortlessly fell upon his face. At this crack of his exterior, I saw a glimpse of what a young Harry possibly looked like. There was a brighter glint in his eyes and prominent laugh lines. It was then that it dawned on me, that Harry had voluntarily shared part of his past. It was brief and had nothing to do with the mystery part of his early years, but it was none the less interesting of why he really came here in the first place. I'm sure the twins will revel in this bit of information.

The twins!

"Harry, I hate to end this so abruptly but really have to be going. I told the Raven and Haven I'd be back soon and I can't just drop Addie with them. I'm sure I'll see you soon." I smiled his way.

He returned the smile. "I'll make sure of it, Emilia."

By the time I made it back to market, the twins, Addie and a cute little blonde girl were sitting at the curb. Raven looked to be in a heated argument with Haven, but Haven looked like she could give less than a damn.

Addie was playing with the little girl in front of the twins. She was a few inches shorter than Addie, maybe even a year or two younger. Her blonde hair went past the shoulder blades and ended with fine curls. She was so blonde her hair glowed in the sunlight. As I approached I saw they had drawn up a hopscotch outline in the dirt, and Addie was waiting patiently for the younger girl to finish.

I took my seat on the curb next to Haven and gave them a one sided smile to thank them for watching Addie while I wandered off.

"Well long time no see missy, where were you?" Haven raised a brow.

"I was looking for a door out of here, but Harry found me first and we talked for a bit." I shrugged.

I couldn't help but to laugh at seeing their eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. It was funny seeing their reaction to something that was no big deal. Aside from shock; I couldn't see any other emotion through their face. Nothing that gave away "did he catch you?" "what the hell are you doing with him?" or Ravens most witty comments "been catching up curly, hmm three days and you already can't resist."

"He went to rat you out didn't he?" Haven accused with scowl.

"No, he had actually saw me when he was walking around and he just stopped and talked to me for a bit. We've come to a bit of an understanding and have agreed to be friends, or something close to that. He's the most mischievous little bugger, I'll tell ya."

"Seems to me you've made friend with an eight year old rather than a twenty year old."

Raven laughed out at her own joke. So much so she had fell back onto the curb with her hands holding her stomach to relieve the guttural laugh she was producing. Her loudness attracted many people, almost all were curious glances, except one. Addie's head spun to meet mine, quickly looking at Raven to see if see was okay then back at me. It still surprises me to this day how Addie can be so happy and alive when she sees me. Whether it be an hour or ten hours ago. She never fails to light up at seeing me, and I hope it never fades as she gets older. Addie is always filled with happiness, it just radiates in the air around her. Yet, when she cries, gets sick, or screams because of her nightmares, the area your around her just seems to crumble, and you torment yourself along with her. She's rarely unhappy, and for that I'm thankful, she makes being her in this place surround by barbed wire all the more bearable. My thoughts were cut short as soon as I felt her arms around my neck, giving a tight squeeze. I picture her happiness as the warmth she always held. Addie gives the best and warmest hugs I have ever known.

"Em! I'm so happy you're back! I made a friend named Finley. She stays here with her nan. She's only three so I'm teaching her my favorite game." Addie beamed.

"That's very kind of you, why don't you keep playing because we'll be heading in for an early night so we can wake up tomorrow on time and get to work."


She ran back to her friend and continued on with her game. The twins and I sat for a few hours, basking in the warmth of the sun. We talked about anything that came to mind, our families, our lives before our capturing, the soldiers here, and who to trust. But the topic the twins always tried to pull me back to -no matter how far I strayed-was Harry.

Of course both of them think I'm full of rubbish and believe I made up my story about Harry begging me to be his friend, okay...I exaggerated a little bit. But they still don't believe the strict Harry they've always known is now somehow magically my friend. I found it a tad insulting they believed I couldn't befriend someone like him, when their truth was, they couldn't believe he befriend someone like me.

When I breached the small amount of information about his past to them, they seemed to be automatically hooked, and started pelting questions at me like I assumedly know. Harry has given me about three pieces to his life of a five hundred count puzzle. The twins gave me about six the day I arrived. Thinking of his life didn't really intrigue me, more so I don't care about his private business. If he ever chooses to divulge this information to me, I will listen and offer advice if need be. Knowing the twins will be hankering about it when I return home everyday, I'll choose for myself which parts are safe to reveal. But this is only if and when he trusts me. I don't trust him yet, so I'm guessing this info will be held out for awhile.

But even then so, I don't see Harry ever opening up. He is a closed off man and the information that slipped had obviously not crossed his mind before he spoke the words. Otherwise, I would have expected to be pushed up to a wall and threatened to never tell a soul of what I heard.

Yet, I can't help to think, everyone has secrets...Harry has his, and I have mine.


I woke about an hour early before all the girls did. My time was mostly spent in the lukewarm water of my shower. By the time I finished, Haven was up, dressed, and toasting four pieces of toast on our tiny burner. I gave her a small hello, and continued on to pick out Addie's clothes for the day. When I woke up this morning, our assigned working areas were posted. All of us got the fields but Addie and I were put to work in the barns and the twins were picking.

Grabbing the same working dress she wore yesterday, I laid out new socks, some boots, and a hair tie. Addie awoke shortly after, along with Raven. We were running late by the time I got Addie dressed and everyone was ready so I braided her long brown hair, and tied the plait off.

The walk back to the field was about five minutes long, so I picked up Addie and carried her since she likes to walk at her own, very slow pace.

"I'll see you guys when the day is up?"

"Yeah, we'll meet here at six then walk home to prepare our dinner." Haven replied.

We said our hesitant goodbyes, mostly only mine was consumed of hesitance because of the nervous bug that wouldn't leave me alone. My nervousness was only to be expected going into this without the girls, without knowing what to do. I still didn't feel comfortable talking to anyone outside of the circle I made the last few days.

Many women passed us with looks of sadness, over-worked frowns, tired, heavy eyes; and it was only morning. This didn't help ease anything within me. So much so, I started praying I could fly.

When we arrived at what looked to be a barn slash warehouse building, I pulled Addie closer to me, and headed towards the counter in the back. The signs I passed coming through here told me this would be where I was assigned my specific job and given the things I need.

And just to my luck, the plump lady who tattooed my wrist the first day I got here was sitting behind the table. Her grimace was focused on the book she held in her sausage like finger. I only hoped her scowl was towards the assumed awful plot line of the book I don't ever recall knowing about. But my hope was denied when she lifted her large head towards my presence in front of her. Her frown deepened and she took extra care for me to notice her over-exaggerated eye roll. Look at that- she remembered me.

"Ah, Miss Darst, what a pleasure." Her words seemed to come out with such ease, I questioned if they were rehearsed.

"The pleasure is always mine," I smiled, trying to hide the sarcastic smirk that will more than likely show if I do not. "Do you know what job I'm assigned to today?"

She flipped through her piles of paper that covered her desk. When she stopped on one, she slid her glasses further down her nose, peering at the small print.

"You'll be with the animals, taking care of them, and all that. You're also going to be cleaning the barn, moving hay, sweeping, replacing food and water. There will be a commanding officer there to show you how. Good luck, and try not to faint from the toxic fumes of animal waste." She smiled broadly at me.

This time, I couldn't help my eye roll. Only grabbing the sheet she pushed toward me and following the signs to the barn number thirteen, as said on my sheet. After that it gives the name of the officer -Officer Holten- then some details, and finally the pay which is about four coins since I'm a "beginner"...what bull.

When Addie and I finally reached our destination, I placed her on the ground but still held her hand tightly. This barn didn't seem too much like a barn I've known my whole life. It's almost like a mini warehouse with two full length sliding doors that open widely. Though this barn wasn't nearly as big as the rest of them. I couldn't think of a reason why that is.

Walking in, the walls were lined with stalls for animal and one giant gap that held hay all the way up to the top of the ceiling. The smell immediately started messing with my allergies and my nose began to itch. Thankfully, it's never too bad, but I do expect to sneeze quite a bit today. I could clearly see the officer sat in the corner, his area clean of hay, and removed away from near animals. A metal table stuck to the wall as well as a mental chair behind it. A tiny metal name plate with his name on it. Commanding Officer John Holten. It seemed like a little set up of an office when he probably just used it for a hard surface to sign papers. There were only two other women here, both seemed at least ten or so years older than me.

When the officer caught me standing and looking around in the entry way, he hurriedly made his way towards me.

"Well don't just stand there! Pick up those bails, and move them to the stalls!" He ordered, one hand raised in the air for emphasis.

My eyes widened like a deer in head lights and my head nodding like I was on the verge of becoming a bobble-head. I quickly pulling Addie with me to bails of hay. Picking up one, I almost fell over with the heavy weight. I definitely need to start working out.

"Em, it's falling out." Addie pointed at the now loose hay that left a trial behind me.

"Oh for crying out loud!"

My frustration caught attention of the officer. The next thing I knew, he was making his way towards me, steam coming out his ears.

"Bloody women can't do anything right." He mumbled.

As I was holding the still large pile of hay in one hand, my other was trying to pick of the rest as I bent over. I didn't make it far from the wall of hay, so the officer stood to my side, in front of the wall.

"When you pick up the hay, you don't grab the whole bail. Take it the strings on top and bring it to you chest. The rope will get brutal, I suggest you buy yourself a pair of gloves soon." And without another word, he walked away, not leaving me time to say thank you.

Following his instructions, I pushed the fallen hay away with my food, and grabbed a new bail. Addie followed me along to the first stall. To our surprise we found a mother cow and her calve. Addie squealed in delight, making the calve a bit startled.

"Addie, be careful, we don't know if they're nice."

"But Emilia..." Addie whined, dragging out my name. "They're not going to do anything."

"We don't know that."

"Well I'm going to find out."

Without further warning, she stuck out her hand and walked closer to the two animals.

"Adelaide Jade Darst, you go any closer and you will be going to bed straight after dinner. Do you understand?" I threatened.

"I'm four years old Em, I understand. But I'm not gonna listen." And with that, she reached out petting the mother cow behind the ear and on top of her head.

"You are so lucky this cow is nice." I scowled down at her.

"I'm naming her Patty." She confirmed with a nod.

"What about the little one?"

"Well, since he's a boy-"

"And how do you know it's a boy?" I asked, my eyes bulging out of my sockets. She's too young for this talk.

"It says male on the ear tag."

Oh thank god.

"Oh, how about that. So, names?"

"I like Duke."

"Duke it is. Now say goodbye so we can get to the rest of the stalls. Maybe we'll meet more friends."

She compiled, cooing her goodbyes to the cows and petting them her farewell.

Our day continued on how it started. Our officer made us stay in the barn to eat, we weren't allowed to leave until we finished our job. So instead we met various animals; three ducks Addie named Larry, Carry, and Barry. Some pigs all based off of some typical pig names like Louise and Maybelle. My personal favorite was the horse at the last stall. I named him myself, Aeris.

I was in the middle of bathing him, Addie bathing the young energetic colt, named Teko in the next stall over, when there was a knock on wooden entrance to our stall.

"What else can I do for you, Officer Holten?" I asked, not bothering to look behind me. He's been asking me to do numerous things today and it's almost time to leave, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of actually caring about what he wants me to do.

"Go home Emilia, you've been here an hour later."

The gruff voice of Officer Holten was not the one to grant me wish of finally going home. Instead, it was the raspy, rough, yet beautifully light voice of Harry.

"An hour? Why didn't he..." My voice trailed off wondering why Holten hadn't notified me of working later.

Harry slowly approached me. Arms crossed over his chest with a slight smirk. "I'm going to say this once since you're a bit new to all this. The soldier, officers, generals, whatever they are, they do not care. As long as you work your full time, they don't care if you stay later for more. Not their problem. Except for me. When I was walking back to my place, I saw Haven and she said you never met them at the gates, so I came here to get you. I figured it would happen. You expect too much out of people." He chuckled slightly at that.

Somehow, I wasn't surprised by what he said, I believed they didn't care. I was very aware of that with Holten. I'd be quite surprised if he cared about anything at all.

"I guess that'd explain the dying need I have for food right now. Holten didn't offer a long break, I was practically stuffing my face like a chipmunk." I laughed at my own expense.

He shook his head in amusement. Walking away and over to the hose. Picking it up, he inspected the nozzle, a huge grin spreading across his face as he looked up to me.

"Harry, what are you- Harry don't you dare!"

The next thing I knew, I was sprayed with the lukewarm water. It was a quick spray, but I was close to soaked. He even managed to startle Aeris. I couldn't help my next actions when I reached down, grabbing the soapy pale of water, and chucking it towards him.

His gasp was as loud as my scream when we sprayed me again. Then it was on.

Aeris moved from our battlefield, close to the wall, as Harry and I battled it out. He still had the hose in his procession, and I was left to nothing but a wet sponge and a cup of liquid soap. Harry continued you to soak my clothes, and I could do nothing but try and hit him with the sponge. His laugh echoed around the room when I poured the contents of the cup of liquid soap on his hair.

"Hey!" He protested.

"Hay is for horses." I grinned.

I laughed even harder taking in our appearances. Both soaked in water and bubbles. Even a bit of hay covered our legs.

"This is all your fault you know."

"How is that?"

"Well if you didn't pick up that stupid hose and spray me instead of helping me clean off Aeris we wouldn't both be drenched!"

"Fine, I'll clean up. Turn around."

I gave him a questioning look, but he only twirled his fingers around, telling me to do it. As soon as I stood in my place, my back was sprayed again, getting out all the suds. When I faced front again, he did the same. Except he got me in the face, and when I tried to tell him to stop, he'd hit me with the water in the face again. Eventually I gave up, letting him come closer and clean my hair. His long fingers running through my locks.

When it was my turn to rinse him off, I had to double check and clean his hair well. So soft. Oh my, it's so luscious. I quickly shook my thoughts and continued you on.

Not soon after we finished and were drying Aeris, did Addie come in.

"Are you guys done being children?" She giggled.

Harry shook his head and walked towards her.

"Addie, do me a favor, and never grow up." He smiled.

--(a/n: oh my god, I'm soooo sorry this is so late! I've been caught up in school work and I've been super busy. I feel really bad but I'm going to try and update as soon as I can! Thank you all for reading! Please keep voting and commenting! :) )--

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