Can't Run Away

By srmeadows

1.7K 54 3

A young girl is fighting a battle with Leukemia and she is an orphan who ends up befriending the head nurse w... More

Can't Run Away
Part two
Chapter 2
Part two Chapter 3
Part 2 chapter 4
Part 2 chapter 5
part 2 chapter 6
part 2 chapter 7
part chapter 8
Part 2 chapter 9
Part 2 Chapter 10
Part two Chapter 12
Part 2 Chapter 13
Part two Chapter 14
Part 2 chapter 15
p2c22 (Jasmine's POV unless specified)
p2c23 (Jasmine's POV unless stated)
Part Three, Chapter One-Third person point of view
Part Three Chapter Two Jasmine's POV
I Don't Have Much Longer
The Gates Seal

part 2 chapter 11

34 1 0
By srmeadows

Selina's POV

I know something is very wrong with Nicole.  She could die.  I have a diagnosis in mind, but I need tests done to prove my suspicions.  I walk into Nicole's room.  Her mom is sitting off to the side crying.  I am going to order an MRI, CAT scan, blood work, and a chest X-ray.  I walk up to Nicole and I do not like what I see.  Nicole isn't awake, yet.  It has been four hours since her seizure.  Her mom knows it looks bad, but she doesn't know the reality of the situation.  "I think Nicole has slipped into a coma.  Do you want her on life support, or should I try to wake her?" I say to her mom.  Her mom looks offended and she storms out!  I was trying to help!  I will try to wake Nicole.  I shake her gently, put a cold cloth on her face, and I stick her with small pins designed to wake someone in this state.  She stirs and coughs.  I call her name and she tries to sit up.  "No, Nicole!  Just lay back, I'm trying to help you, just relax." I  to Nicole as I push her back down gently.  She cries softly.  I feel nervous around Nicole, she is so fragile.  I rub her arm and take the blood samples.  I walk out of her room to try to find her mom.  "Mrs. Brown! Nicole is awake!" I say smiling brightly.

Jasmine's POV

I need to talk to Penelope, now! I feel awful!  I have a huge rash, my stomach is very upset, and I feel like I have a fever.  I hit the nurse call button.  Penelope walks in.  I look at her shyly.  I speak first.  "I feel awful.  I have a rash, my stomach is upset, and I think I have a fever." I say quietly as I lay back weakly.  Penelope looks panicked.  "I think you have Graft Versus Host Disease.  I need a blood sample and a marrow sample to confirm my suspicion.  I will do the blood test now, and I will start an IV to sedate you before the marrow test.  You'll only remember two sticks, but there will be more when you're sedated.  Let's get it over with!" Penelope explains.  I nod.  Penelope gets a blood count kit and an IV starter.  I close my eyes tightly and I hold out my arm.  Needles aren't as bad now.  I'm still terrified, but I'm not going to put up a fight.  Penelope counts to three under her breath.  I jump when I feel the sharp stick, but I stay still.  I suck in a few deep breaths.  The needle comes out and I feel another stick replace it.  I yelp and pull away.  Penelope keeps my arm locked in place.  The IV is finally in and I open my eyes.  Penelope smiles at me.  Her smile is slightly crooked and it doesn't reach her eyes.  I smile back, gently.  I shift my eyes away and Penelope walks out, quickly.  I am thinking deeply about the possibility that I can die.  Penelope rushes back in after 20 minutes, or so.  "I was right!" She says with fear in her voice.  The news hits me in the heart.  I start to shake.  "What are you t-t-t talking about??" I ask with a shaky voice.  Penelope sits down and opens a file folder.  "Your blood test shows that your white blood cell count is extremely high!  It shouldn't be so high.  I am so sorry.  Your symptoms are from Graft Versus Host Disease.  It will be hard to treat, but I will team up with Dr. Baker to try to get it under control."  Penelope explains gently and slowly.

Selina's POV

I knew something was wrong, deadly wrong, when Penelope came rushing towards me.  "Penelope, what's wrong?!" I say trying to contain my panic.  "It's Jasmine.  She has GVHD.  It is deadly and she is really going to die within four months.  I know you grew close to her.  Everything will work out, just try to relax and don't let her know how much you care!  Or, you could look into her eyes and tell her even though you're scared she will die." Penelope says holding back her tears.  I storm off into an unused office.  I sit in the corner and start crying.  It makes me feel worse.  I wanted so bad for Jasmine to live, for her to achieve remission.  "She can't die!" I just realize I said that last part out loud!  I put my head in my hands and try to hide the tears dripping out of my eyes.  She is too young.  She can't die!  I sit against the wall crying softly.  Penelope finally realized to leave me alone.  I am too emotional right now for her to try to deal with.  She isn't going to make me feel any better right now.  My tears slow to a shudder of my breathing.  I stand up and stalk to the staff bathroom.  My makeup has ran down my face, making me look like a clown.  I fix my makeup and take out my contacts.  I clean them and relubricate them.  I go to put them back in, but they won't go in!  I try to put the contact in again.  "Ugh!" I scream as I throw the case on the floor.  I regret it the minute I do it.  "My contacts!  Really, where did they go?!" I say under my breath with a hint of anger.  I find one contact lense, but the other is no where to be seen.  I go through my purse for a spare pair.  I go to put these in, but for some reason, my contacts do not want to go in!  I put on a pair of plack rimmed glasses that has flowers on the side.  It feels weird not to have my contacts in.  I keep my head down, and I play with the charm on my necklace.  It is a stethescope to represent my perfect dream job.  It is obvious that I don't want anyone to notice so Stephanie pulls me aside as I walk to a patient's door.  "Girl, what is up with you this time?" she says with a suspicous tone of voice.  I look up and say "I feel embarassed about my glasses.  I just need to go back to work to clear my head."  Stephanie nods and walks away.  I walk into Jasmine's room.  "What are you doing in here, Selina?  You aren't my nurse!" Jasmine says to me.  I nod and say "I am not your nurse, but I couldn't stay away.  You don't want me to stay away.  You know I care.  I just want to talk to you.  No medical stuff involved." with tears threatening to spill over.  Jasmine nods and she starts to cry.  I am shocked because I thought I would be the first to break.  I sit beside Jasmine and I look down.  I don't know what to say!  This is a first for me, anybody else?  I laugh at my own thought.  Jasmine looks at me and she starts to smile through all of the tears and pain.  "You are beautiful.  You will be safe in heaven or safe on earth.  I care beyond my duties, you know it Jasmine!  I really do care.  I do my job and about 10 times more than I have to.  What I do in this job is just take care of your medical needs, but since your mom died I got close to you and I will get hurt because of how much I care; mostly over something stupid, but" my voice trails off. 

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