
By Momma__Gay

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When this world ends, wether it goes boom or bang or blast and everything disintegrates. The birds, bees, gra... More

Chapter One

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By Momma__Gay

Thomas bolted down the packed corridors, he was late for his shift in the kitchen and couldn't afford for the lunchtime corridor rush to make him late again. He managed to get into the kitchen and get changed into his work cloths before any of his peers seeing how late he was, but not fast enough for his boss to realise.

"O'Neal, you're 5 minuets early..." Mr.Williams paused, " Spain. Get your act together Thomas or i'll fail you in community service." His permanent frown deepened further as he shook his head and walked away.

Thomas huffed, he had better things to do like; making fun of Toby, or hanging out (annoying) Cris. Thomas staggered over to the serves area, the stench of fat and oil drowned his nose making the burn of vomit and stomach acid become present on his taste buds. He needed a better community job, Toby took the job he'd had his eyes on, the only good job in the flight garrisons. Plane management.

Plane management meant that you would get to wash the planes (in Thomas' mind, that was amazing fun), be able to: fly, fix, program and design new planes. It also meant that you didn't have to be inside the garrison that often and that is exactly everything Thomas wanted because-

"Oi slacker, pay attention! I asked for a sausage and chips, idiot." The unwanted but familiar male monotone voice pierced through Thomas' thoughts like a knife.

Toby stood on the other side of the counter, his broad, bulky shoulders dropped as if he was bored of Thomas' slowness. The two males stared at each other with disgust before Thomas threw a sausage on to Toby's plate then shovelled a few chips on there too as if he was angry for Toby interrupting his train of thought.

"Anything else, asshole?" Tom spat, his eyes narrowing as if he was just waiting for Toby to have the nerve to say something. Instead Toby just scoffed and walked away, Thomas had clear won.

In Tom's mind, the rest of the day seemed to go by like an eternity, by the time he made it back to his dorm he felt like he'd aged 80 years spontaneously. Just as he collapsed on his bed, his door was opened again with Commander Walker standing by the threshold. As quick as lightning, Tom was on his feet, his hand in a salute (his posture a little messy but hey, he was tired).

"Commander Walker, something you need sir?" Thomas' voice cracked, it was rare for anyone to see Commander Walker, let alone be addressed singularly.

"Yes, I need you to pack your bags O'Neal. Meet me at wing 3 in five minuets." Walker's voice was serious, stern but calming? As if he wasn't trying to put any pressure on Tom.

Thomas nodded to Commander Walker, but as soon as Walker left his dorm: he broke. 'I'm getting kicked out!?' He brain worked at a million miles per second, but he packed, took all his valuables, cloths and even stole the really comfortable pillow on his (ex) bed. Then, started to make his way to wing 3. Wing 3 was the closest to the exit, he was definitely getting kicked out.

Once he reached the Wing, and stood solemnly in front of Commander Walker, he realised just how useless he was, maybe he deserved this. He knew he never showed up in time, wasn't all that great of a pilot and didn't get on will with other cadets. He started to worry, panic even, where would he go? He had no family, no money or a car, he was homeless!

"I-I'm sorry Commander, please I have no where to go, please let me stay. Don't kick me out, pl-" he was cut off.

"The hell are you talking about O'Neal!? If anything I'm giving you a promotion. You and 3 others have been given a chance to go to space." Commander Walker shook Thomas' shoulders as if it would stop his brain from having a mental breakdown.

"Huh?" It was all Tom could say and he repeated it many times as the Commander guided him out of the door and on to the launching pad.

From a distance, Tom could see 4 other figures and the black outline of the SLS rocket, it had been there for a while but was always it top shape, always being improved one way or another.

As the Commander and him approached the other 3 cadets and his boss, Thomas huffed as he realised one of the cadets was Toby. He turned to the Commander and whispered 'what is he doing here?'. In return the Commander gave him a look that could have made him shit bricks. Tom just nodded and shut up instead.

"Right, cadets. I understand it's late and you're definitely confused, but we assure you what you're about to do will save each and everyone on Earth whether they be a criminal, girl or boy. So, I need you to take this seriously." He threw a warning glance to Toby and Tom," please for Christ's sake be good you too. Queen Aurora will debrief you fully but this is the gist of it. A very big threat has been placed upon Earth but a Suga named Denral. A suga is an alien-like species that can shape-shift into any animal it touches. Remember, it only needs to touch you.

"Queen Aurora wanted 5 cadets, but you 4 where the best. She needs your help and I believed you could be of her assistance. I guess all I can say now is, good luck." He nodded towards Mr. Williams who then told the cadets to follow him to the stairs that scaled the SLS.


Word count: 968

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