Magi: Lost in Time

By AthanasiaKashimashi

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Previously known as Magi: Cinderella's Spell Escapade 1: The Adventures of Sinbad Yrif Kingdom was a prospero... More

Prologue - They Met
Escapade 1
Scroll 1: Tison Village
Scroll 2: Napolia, Reim
Scroll 3: Truth, Stars
Scroll 4: Sinbad and Thais
Scroll 5: Sasan and Artemyra
Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction
Scroll 7: Impending Doom
Scroll 8: Sinbad's Mistake
Scroll 9: Epiphany
Scroll 10: Strange
Scroll 11: Heliophat
Scroll 12: Unnerved
Scroll 13: Resolution
Scroll 14: Showdown
Scroll 15: Toran and Judal
Scroll 16: Parthevia
Scroll 17: Shadows Within
Scroll 18: Selendine's Will
Scroll 19: Captive
Scroll 20: Dirtied
Scroll 21: Farewell
Escapade 2
Scroll 1: Alibaba
Scroll 2: Niel
Scroll 3: Gamori
Scroll 5: Marbas
Scroll 6: Kouen and Thais
Scroll 7: Balbadd
Scroll 8: She
Scroll 9: End
Scroll 10: Arjwani
Scroll 11: Peril in Paradise
Scroll 12: Progress
Scroll 13: Explanation
Scroll 14: Light in the Darkness
Scroll 15: Precious
Scroll 16: Towards Sindria
Scroll 17: Darkness
Scroll 18: Pain
Scroll 19: Real
Scroll 20: In order
Escapade 3
Scroll 1: Battle of Destiny
Scroll 2: Magic Academy
Scroll 3: Reim
Scroll 4: Morgiana and Kaein
Scroll 5: Luna and Al-Thamen
Scroll 6: In Between
Scroll 7: Sky
Scroll 8: Countdown
Scroll 9: Resound
Scroll 10: Reim versus Magnostadt
Scroll 11: She Comes
Scroll 12: Vessels
Scroll 13: Warriors
Scroll 14: He comes
Scroll 15: Wish
Scroll 16: Invitation and Feud
Scroll 17: Play Your Cards Right
Scroll 18: Signs and Past
Scroll 19: Solomon and Demeus
Scroll 20: Broken Time
Scroll 21: Broken Mirror
Scroll 22: Future that Awaits Us
Scroll 23: Comfort
Scroll 24: Internal
Scroll 25: Hope
Scroll 26: Akil
Escapade 4
Scroll 1: According to Plan
Scroll 2: Sun and Rain
Scroll 3: New Light
Scroll 4: Responsibility
Scroll 5: Irony
Scroll 6: Tower of Feelings
Scroll 7: Ray
Scroll 8: Forgiven
Scroll 9: Rose Garden
Scroll 10: Losing It
Scroll 11: Dungeons and Akil
Scroll 12: Solution
Scroll 13: That Hope
Scroll 14: Shards
Scroll 15: Wishes
Character Profile
Bonus Scroll: Maharagan

Scroll 4: In the Meantime

574 23 1
By AthanasiaKashimashi

Thais was not the only one with her adventures going on. Her friends also had their own travels.


Aladdin was sent to the Kouga Clan where he learned the meaning of his own existence, family and of course, the rukh that connects everyone to each other. Along the way, he met Hakuei who is an Imperial Princess and Warrior. She was true to her words but one peculiar thing about her was her determination to subjugate the clan for their safety. Maybe that was one reason why her djinn picked her as its king.

There had been some complications during her visit but the turn of events eventually favored her. Baba-sama, who took care of Aladdin during his stay, died of bleeding to death. They mourned for their beloved mother.

"Aladdin? What are you doing here at the back all alone?" Baba-sama asked with a smile. Aladdin bitterly smiled.

"You died didn't you, Grandma? They're all crying you know. They loved you so much." Baba-sama laughed at his response and asked him his feelings. Of course, he was also saddened but for him, these people held stronger feelings than him. Baba-sama shook her head and let Aladdin see the string that connected everyone.

"The blood that connects everyone, that is the rukh. You are the one beloved by the Rukh. You who lives beside people. So you're not alone. Okay?" Soon, her rukh returned to the flow. Aladdin teared up at that realization.


On the other hand, Hakuei returned to their base. However, she was stopped by Ryosai, one of her soldier. He planned to eliminate the princess through the Kouga Clan but failed. He wanted nothing more than to lead an army but his dream was drowned down by Hakuei. They attacked her but she stopped it with her metal vessel.

"Spirit of Maniacal Love and Chaos, embody me. Transform me into a demonic god, Paimon!" They fought through their enemies but it looked like she was about to lose all magoi. She had to do something so she finished them with one attack.

"Magul Alhazard!" The wind blew fiercely but that cost a huge amount of magoi. Just when she thought that Ryosai was gone, he appeared with another batch of soldiers. Hakuei was captured. She tried to fight him, but arrows pierced her. Blood flowed profusely and when Ryosai was about to kill her, Aladdin came.

"Harl Harl Infigar!"

Flame burst out from the flute which killed most of the soldiers. Ugo slammed the traitors down. Hakuei was astonished at the display of djinn and rukh. She asked who he was.

"I am a magi."

"Magi?" Just then, her metal vessel glowed and Aladdin asked if he could touch it. Given the permission, the magi touched it and a huge female djinn came out. She, too, was surprised since it required a huge amount of magoi to summon one out. After her mild introduction, Ugo came out. She teased the male giant with a simple touch and it looked like Ugo begged her to stop. Again, like Amon, they talked nonverbally.

"I see. I understand the situation now. Something strange is happening in the world. But that makes no difference to me. My only task is to help Hakuei, whom I've fallen for as a worthy King's Candidate. That's the reason I was created." Paimon excused. Aladdin wondered what she meant. The djinn explained that she was also chosen by the magi.


Hakuei and Paimon had only one magi in their mind and that was a certain fallen Magi known as Judar. Aladdin understood the fact that there were also other magi in the world. After their talk, Hakuei arranged everything for the protection of Kouga Clan. On that matter, Aladdin also had to leave for his friend. With Baba-sama's staff in hand, they bid farewell to each other.

"I hope to see you soon again, people of Kouga."

"Yeah!" And with that, Aladdin set off to Balbadd.


Morgiana, the Fanalis they saved, joined a caravan in order to fulfill her savior's wish. Consequently, she gained new friends named Leila and Sahsa.

Currently, she was facing a trouble in crossing the border. There seemed to be thieves roaming around the valley they were supposed to go and the leader of the caravan feared for their lives. They decided that they have to avoid that path and choose another one but Morgiana had little time. She volunteered on eliminating them.

'This must be it.'

She jumped down the cliff which surprised most of the drunkards. She asked them politely to leave the area but they just laughed. One man mocked her but she punched him in the face. That in turn, forced the bandits to fight her. Morgiana showed no mercy and easily brought them down.

"The red hair, shear strength, those fighting style. It's no doubt that she's a Fanalis!" A man with white hair and red lips. He was interested and quickly asked the chief for her.

"Of course, Fatima."

He called for his raven and it dived towards her. Even though she was able to dodge the attack itself, she was scratched. Fatima appeared in front of her.

"Are you the chief of this disgusting band of thieves?"

"Oh please, don't group me with them. You see, I am a slave merchant." He laughed. Morgiana remembered him and threatened him to call off the group or else. She was about to take action when she suddenly felt dizzy.

"What is happening?"

"Ah! Finally, it's kicking in. That's the Desert Crow's poison from its talons. Very potent indeed." She fell unconscious with the last image of Fatima's smirk.

The Fanalis wears plagued with nightmares of her past. She woke up with a little girl wiping her tears.

"Are you alright, Miss?"

"Yes, I am alright." The little girl was happy. She introduced herself and asked Morgiana what would happen to them. Her explanation was quite morbid that it scared the girl. The Fanalis saw herself on the girl and promised that she will release them from their binding. However, that promise will not be easily fulfilled.

Nadja had a fever the next morning and Fatima decided that she will be offered as a meal for the Desert Hyenas. They protested but they remained bounded. Morgiana watched her dangle up above the hyenas. She screamed but her pleas were ignored.

'Is this really all you can do, Morgiana?' She heard a voice from somewhere. It was familiar. Very familiar.


'You are no longer bounded by chains but by your past, Morgiana. However, I know that you can overcome it with courage. Go!' He stated. Morgiana's resolve steeled and she jumped down to drive the beasts away. Fatima ordered her people to release the other beasts to be auctioned.

"That's the Maurenian Tiger, one scratch from its fang or claws and you're dead." Fatima explained. Nadja was afraid, but Morgiana assured her that nothing will happen to them.

"Because I am a Fanalis!" She kicked the tigers away. They dropped down like rags and she went to Fatima and demanded for the keys. The slave merchant gave up. The keys were given to her and the slaves were freed. What she did not expect was to see a familiar face. The blue haired magi sat on the floor, chained.

"Are you from the lady from before? Oh wait, you are!" He exclaimed.

"You know her, Aladdin?" One of the captured slaves asked. He nodded. Morgiana asked how he was captured and he summarized everything. Another slave caught his attention as his flute was offered.

"Thanks, Mister! Now, let's get out of here." He called for Ugo and the bandits were driven away.

Outside, the caravan that Morgiana joined for 6 months rode towards the hideout. Once they saw a familiar huge djinn, they smiled. They knew that they were safe.

Once everything was settled, Leila and Sahsa went to greet Aladdin. Morgiana was astonished at the information. She did not know that he was the one they were talking about. They were all connected somehow. The leader of the caravan congratulated Morgiana for the accomplishment. Finally, she was will be able to get to Balbadd.

"You're going to Balbadd too, Miss Morgiana?"


"How about we go together?" Morgiana smiled and approved of his wish.

That night, everybody rejoiced for the reunion and freedom of slaves. They drank, ate and danced around. Morgiana and Aladdin watched them with smiles on their faces. It was sad that they had to depart with them but Balbadd was insight and so the next day, they bade them farewell.

"Let's take care of each other now, Miss Morgiana. Okay?"


"You know, Miss Morgiana is too long. So what should I call you?" Aladdin inquired. Morgiana did not mind whatever he called her. A nickname popped out in his head.

"Morg it is then!" She took a liking at that and nodded her head in approval. With that, they made their way towards Balbadd.


After the dungeon was conquered, he went back to his hometown. He did not expect the chaos that coated it. The slums were raging against the government. Not only that, he met with his childhood friend again. Together, they terrorized the government for the justice the country's people deserved. It looked like the king drove its people to a corner and most of them were hanging on to a thin thread for their money and lives.

"We will save Balbadd."

"You're right, partner. Should we head out for another raid?"



Thais brought her hand down the walls of the dungeon. She will enter this dungeon alone and it kinda scared her. It had been 14 and a half years ever since she conquered a dungeon. Her heart thumped in pain and in excitement. She subconsciously thought about Ose and Ronove. Tears pricked her eyes.

"I miss you guys. I wish I could turn back time again to see you one more time." She whispered to herself. She was already crying until a voice scared the crap out of her.

"Hey. What do you think you're doing in front of this dungeon, woman?" She turned to them with tears in her eyes. What she saw was a familiar man with red hair and goatee. He raised his eyebrow at her crying figure.

"Why are you crying?" She touched her cheeks and giggled lightly. Wiping her tears away, she assured him that she was just remembering something. The red haired man asked her intentions once more.

"Hmm? I want to conquer this dungeon." The soldiers with him gasped at her ridicule. Some even laughed at her bold statement. The red haired man glared at her.

"What did you say?"

"I said I will conquer this dungeon. Wait, could it be that you're the imperial people the townspeople were gossiping about? It's nice to meet you then!" She grinned. He did not returned it and instead held her high.

"You insolent fool. You dare talk foolishly but I like that positive attitude of yours. The only problem is, I will be the one to conquer this dungeon." He declared. The soldiers agreed. Thais dropped her facade and gave him a cold look.

"I see. You're challenging me, huh? I'm quite honored. How about I go and take it before you then?" She kicked his chest which naturally made him drop her.


"I'll see you inside then, goatee! Later~!" She entered the dungeon with a flash of light. He gritted his teeth in annoyance but he liked the challenge. He ordered his soldiers to prepare since they were going inside another dungeon.


"Everybody is already dead and we're the only ones left. Why did this happen to us?" A male voice asked to himself. A female voice crouched down and comforted him.

"It's alright, brother. We will find another place where we can be happy together. This continent only brings suffering to us and I think it is time that we explore the outside world." She voiced out. They walked out of the dark cave and the light shone on their fur. One masculine beast had golden fur and bright purple eyes. The feminine one had silver coat and purple eyes.

"We might find a friend in the midst of this strange world." The female one said. He scoffed at his sister's comment but he as well wished for one.

'I also hope.'


"A letter? From who? King of Shajaea? Let's see." His blazing red eyes scanned the letter and it widened at the mention of an old friend. His hands shook and tears flooded his face.

"It can't be. She's alive." The man with him tilted his head in confusion. He wanted to ask His Lord what was the problem.

"Daw, please find information about her. I don't know if this letter is true but this line proves that whoever the King of Shajaea got this is her."

"Milady is here? Understood. I shall bring back good news." He disappeared into the darkness in search for His Lord's light.

'I want to see you soon.'


'We both hid our pain. It had been 14 and a half years. Where are you now? Have you come back yet? I miss you. I missed us. Please, come and show me your love once more. You are the only woman who held my heart captive for so long.'


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