Drive By [BoyXBoy]

By Spotlight_

159K 9.1K 612

8:15 every morning I see him. In his big red Ford truck, with his window down just enough to let the smoke fr... More

Doughnut Days
Tim Hortons
Lumberjack Chic
Mr. Cartwright
Um- hi
Nothing Big
Get Together


8.2K 435 30
By Spotlight_

I got to work late. I paid fourteen dollars for gas that I didn't even need. spending another five minutes sitting in my car, just reflecting on what I just heard. Trying to memorize his laugh.

You're being stupid Gabriel. I scolded myself. I was going overboard over a crush on a man I didn't even know. Wouldn't see again. That was it. This was it. No more Clay. I got my fix and it was over.

Or at least that's what I was going to tell myself.

At my second job I rushed inside, holding a hot coffee in one hand and my laptop case in the other, giving a rushed hello to Helen who sat at the receptionist desk, her hair in her usual braid. I rushed up the stairs taking two at a time finding my way to fifth floor.

"You're late Winters." Joshua calls from his office. I can see him through the glass window looking down at sheet of paper with his normal scowl.

"Sorry sir. Here's your coffee." I say laying it on his desk away from the scattered papers. "I'll be one moment I'm going to put this at my desk." I say gesturing to my laptop case. He waves me off and I let out a great rushing to the desk I share with the other part time intern Megan. Who does the morning shift while I cover the afternoon.

Like everyday she leaves the Joshua planner on the desk, dressed in a sticky note that reads 'have fun' with a little heart after it. It's cute. Megan is a sweet girl. To bad she's not my type, though I'm sure she wishes she was.

I wasn't going to boast about my looks. I was average, like I said. I was six foot. Had floppy brown hair with blue eyes and like Katie I was lanky, tall with little muscles. Really I was every dominate gay man's dream twink. And I only knew that because I was told a good amount of times.

I had been working at Deems magazine for a little over a year. I started off in the copy room just printing off needed paper work. But after showing Joshua what I got. Which wasn't much but apparently enough. I got a part time paid internship. All I really did was get Joshua his coffee and proof read what ever work he was to lazy to look at. But sometimes I got to write articles, add snippiest of commentary on pictures of celebrities.  All the small stuff that made me feel like this job was worth it. That I would some day make it.

Like this interview this weekend.  Josh wanted me to meet with a man named Mr. Cartwright.  A young entrepreneur who started his own housing company three years ago, the main pitch was that he also made time to built free mini houses for our homeless. He had spent his own money to buy a lot on a land just outside of the city where he built fifteen miniature houses that will temporally hold any homeless person for a maximum two years while they get back on their feet. After the two years is up he helps them find their own rental apartment or I'm some lucky cases their own houses.

The man sounded like a saint, and frankly I was excited for my first big interview.

This was front page stuff.  And it was all mine.

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