Chucky X Reader

By AWildBimbo

482K 14.1K 11.3K

You weren't really into dolls...but what happens when you find an intriguing, tattered little ginger doll in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
IM ALIVE (barely)
Im sorry

Chapter 7

27.2K 838 834
By AWildBimbo

"If I hadn't found you, you'd either still be out in the pouring rain, probably cold and hurt, or somebody else would've found you. And trust me, you're lucky I found you, because if it was anybody else they would've killed you, phoned the police or thrown you out the window."

"Then why haven't you?" He retorted quickly, putting you completely off guard. That was a good question, actually. Why haven't you?

"Because's because, you see....maybe because" you stuttered, searching for a rational reason. Chucky was regretting asking that, now. What if you decide to kill him this instant? He'd be rendered defenceless against you. "I actually have no idea."

Both you and Chucky's thoughts were cancelled out by the sound of the dolls stomach rumbling again. Luckily there wasn't much pain after it, only a light sharp pain, so he managed to keep it to himself.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" You commented somewhat rhetorically.

"I could eat" he muttered as he looked away, not really wanting to admit it. You smiled and gave him a corny thumbs up, turning to leave the room. You didn't reach the door before Chucky called out to you.

"Where the hell are you going?"

You turned back towards him, frowning as if it was obvious. " I'm going to get you some food. Duh"

The killer doll gave a rough tug against the ropes restraining him, managing to shake the desk that was keeping him in one place. "No fuckin' way! I'm not staying here any longer!" He protested.

"You know I cant let you go." You explain, hoping he would understand why you were taking these precautions. Chucky actually did understand why you were acting so carefully- I mean, you found him with a huge kitchen knife- but that doesn't mean he's going allow it.

"How long to you plan on keeping me like this? You can't keep me here forever." He growled. You walked back over to him and bent down to his height.

"I know I can't. But I can't just free you. The moment I untie those ropes, you might attack me. How do you expect me to trust you?" You questioned, a part of you hoping Chucky would come up with a solution. The ginger just stared at you for a moment.

"Do you really think someone of my stature can kill you with no weapons? Besides, you know I'm not in very good condition at the moment." He started, but sighed when he couldn't see a change of emotion in your eyes. "Okay, how about this. If I attack you, you can just kill me. I'll be gone. End of the line. History."

You had to admit, his reasoning was pretty convincing.

"Uhhhh..." You thought, feeling on the spot as his intensely hopeful eyes burned into you, "Argh, fine. But please, I'm begging you, don't do anything you'll regret. You've got my trust here."

"Yes! You won't regret this, I promise." He says, only making you feel more uncertain about your risky desision.

One by one, you carefully untied the knots with slight hesitation. You left his hands last, just in case he swiped the knife from your pocket while you untied his feet. Once he was completely free, you bit your lip and stood back, watching him shift around and get used to his freedom again. He rubbed his wrists that was sore from all his tugging on the itchy ropes.

Part of you had expected him to jump up at you and attack you, but when he only looked up at you in anticipation, you began to think perhaps he really was going to stick to his word.

"Well, are we goin' or what!" He inturrupted, walking towards you. You backed away ever so slightly, not really used to seeing a children's toy walking around yet. His movements looked so human, it was insane.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry." You stumbled, heading out of the room.

As you walked to the kitchen, you made sure Chucky was in front of you at all times, just to keep a close eye on him. You watched his legs skitter across the floor as his tiny red sneakers made a pitter-patter sounding noise as the trotted across the floor.

It was a little tense once you and him had reached the kitchen, as you knew the knifes were sitting carelessly on the counter. It was probably too high for him to see them, but if he did you knew very well that he was obviously capable of climbing up to them.

"Chucky, come over here" you ordered softly, directing him over to the other side of the kitchen, away from the knifes, just to be safe. He complied, following you over to the side where the fridge was.

"What would you like to eat?" You asked him, eyeing him for an answer. He looked up at you in thought.

"What've you got?"

You turned and opened the fridge door for him to select anything he wants. There was too much for you alone in there anyway. The killer shuffled over to the fridge, and you moved out of the way for him to get a better look. He eyed it up and down, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Nice selection you got here; except I can't fucking see half of it." He commented sarcastically. You looked away, a little embarrassed by your stupidity.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to find a chair for you to stand on?" You offered. The doll rolled his eyes, lifting his arms out to you.

"Just pick me up, damn it." He said, like it was an obvious solution. You had thought of doing so, but you were worried he wouldn't like it. It was rather condescending in your opinion. But, nevertheless, you listened to him, bending over to lift him up. Being put on the spot, you weren't sure how to approach the situation. It was different to holding a baby or a toddler, because this doll is able to think like an adult.

"Where do you want me to lift you?" You asked gently. The doll scoffed.

"I don't fucking care, just stop making this awkward. It's worse for me than it is for you." He said, making a good point.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to offend you." You blushed, deciding to lift him up under his arms. He grabbed onto your shirt collar after he was hoisted up, just to make sure he didn't fall. Then he turned his attention to the fridge, scanning for anything that he liked. Then one certain food caught his eyes.

"Those!" He yelled, pointing a finger at one of the shelves. You followed his finger to a plate of defrosted Swedish meat balls. "They're my fuckin' favourite!"

You suppressed a laugh. You loved Swedish meat balls too, hence the plate of defrosted ones. (A/N: Sorry, veggie/vegan readers lol). You were planning on eating them for a late tea today, but you didn't mind giving them to your new guest. After all, he needed them more than you did. He hadn't eaten in days, and you'd eaten about five hours ago.

"Good choice." You smiled, grabbing onto Chucky's waist and slowly setting him down on the kitchen table. You used your now free hands to grab the plate of meatballs.

"Do you want it done in the microwave or the frying pan?" You asked. They'd already been cooked in advanced, so it wouldn't take long to reheat them now.

"I don't care, whatever's quicker!" He said as he squeezed his grumbling stomach that was twisting into a knot. You sprinted over to the microwave with the meatballs, plopping them in and setting the time to 2:00 on the dial. That Should be enough to heat them up.

Two minutes later, Chucky waited impatiently as you burnt your fingers taking the now scorching hot meatballs out of the microwave and dropping them on a clean, fresh plate you'd set out while they were heating up. You grabbed the plate and set it down in front of him as he sat down on top of the table.

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