His [The Cellar sequel]

By natashapreston

6.1M 152K 114K

After escaping from police custody, Clover tries to piece his life back together. Determined to return to hom... More

His [The Cellar sequel]
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter One
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Two
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Three
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Four
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Five
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Six
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Seven
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Eight
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Nine
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Ten
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Eleven
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Thirteen
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Fourteen
You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Fifteen - Epilogue

You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Twelve

286K 7.8K 5.2K
By natashapreston

Chapter Twelve

Chantelle’s POV

The wood shed was dark and cold. A few panels were missing or broken so we had very little shelter and had to hide behind old logs in case the police searched the area.

Clover had managed to fall asleep, snoring lightly beside me. I couldn’t sleep though. So many emotions and thoughts were running through me so fast I could barely focus on one at a time. Nervousness and fear were the ones that kept springing back all the time. What if we were caught? Would I be in trouble too? The thing I was most scared and nervous of though was the girls rejecting me. They were such a big part of Clover’s life that I needed them to like me to stay with him. Surely he wouldn’t still want me if they didn’t? Tonight I would know if I was going with them, wherever that was.

Clover stirred beside me and rolled onto his side when he realised I was awake. “Are you okay, Chantelle?” he whispered over the loud whistling sound of the wind outside.


He frowned and sat up. “Tell me. I know something’s wrong.”

“I’m guess I’m just worried about tomorrow.”

“Everything will be fine. This time tomorrow we’ll all be together and can start our lives again.”

“The four of us,” I replied, nodding my head.

“Five,” Clover corrected. “Once I find Heather.”

“Find her? Where is she?”

He smiled sadly and took my hand. “I’m not sure yet. Let me worry about that though. Do you think you could sleep?”

“Not really.” His hand found its way to my cheek. A first I jumped at the contact, his hand was so cold but after a second I got used to it. I liked it. My eyes closed as he stroked down my cheek and across my jaw. Just as I was about to open my eyes I felt his breath blowing across my face. Was this going to be our first kiss? I wasn’t sure if it was something he wanted, and I only half wanted it.

“Clover,” I whispered, “I don’t think…” The words wouldn’t leave my mouth even though I wanted, and needed, to say them.

My eyes were still closed but I felt him move away. “You don’t want this?” His voice was filled with hurt.

“No, I do but I’ve been used by men for so long.”

“I’m not using you, Chantelle,” he responded, frowning in anger. “I’m offering you a new life, with me.”

“You’re sure about me though? You really mean it?”

Clover took my hands and squeezed them lightly. “Of course I mean it. I’m a man of my word, unlike a lot of people these days.”

“Can we wait until we’re all settled?”

“Absolutely,” he responded, kissing the back of my hand. “Take as long as you need.” A proud smile swept across his face. Did he like that I wanted to wait? He didn’t seem to want to wait like I thought he would. “Lay down. You need to get some rest for tomorrow; it’s going to be another long day.”

That time I didn’t argue. I was tired and knew I needed to try and get some sleep, even if it was only for a little while. We laid down side by side. With my head resting on his shoulder, I closed my eyes. It was so nice to be close to someone properly, rather than them just using my body and leaving. I wanted something real. The things he’d done were awful but in a strange, twisted way he meant to do good. And because he had good intentions I could get over his past.

When I woke up, it must have been quite some time later. Clover was no longer lying with me and outside the sun had just started to set. “Hi,” I said, pushing myself up and stretching my arms out. The ground was uncomfortable so I ached all over.

“Hello,” Clover replied politely. “Here, have a cereal bar.” I took it from him gratefully and ripped the wrapper open. I felt like I hadn’t eaten in weeks. There wasn’t a lot of food left but hopefully we could get some from Lily’s house, we would definitely need more to feed another three people. “Are you ready for tonight?”

“Yes. Well, I think so.”

He shuffled a little closer and took my hand. I instantly felt safe and warm. My feelings for him were strange and seemed too soon to be real, but they felt real. “If you’re not happy to do it you don’t have to. We can find another way.”

I smiled as happiness spread through me. “I want to do it. I’m just nervous.”

“Everything’s going to be fine. We just have to get through tonight and everything will be fine.”

“Will it though? We still have to get away.”

Clover gently kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry about that. Leave it to me.”

“I trust you.”

He smiled, closed his eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”

We waited until it was dark; talking to pass the hour and a half. “You’ve memorised the way now?” Clover asked as I prepared to leave.

“Yes.” It was pretty easy and wouldn’t take too long if I walked through the fields rather than following the road. I chewed on my bottom lip. We’d decided that I would go to Lily’s first. I preferred to meet one of them at a time, if they’re not together. “I should go now, I guess.”

Clover nodded and stepped in front of me. “I’ll be waiting,” he said tenderly and stroked my cheek. “Be careful.”

“I will,” I whispered back, feeling almost speechless at how close he was to me. His head inched towards mine and I didn’t pull back. I wanted the kiss more than anything. As his lips gently stroked mine my whole body felt alive. Although it only lasted a few seconds it was enough to make me feel happier than I probably ever had. “See you soon.”

“Goodbye, Chantelle.”

Leaving him behind felt wrong and I knew I was more vulnerable alone. I had only ever felt completely safe when I was with him.

Thankfully, the walk didn’t take long. I was so anxious to get back to Clover and start our new life. His directions were perfect and I easily found her house. I watched Lily’s house from the edge of the path and again wished Clover was with me. It was too dangerous for him to be here but I was scared to do it alone. It was dark and not one light was on inside the house so I knew they were all asleep.

I walked back the way I’d come now I knew they were almost alone in the house. It would be easier going in from the back as the police wouldn’t see me. Hopping over the short fence in the back garden, I crouched down and moved along between the wooden fence and the withered flowers.

When I approached the side of the house I could see her through the window. The dim glow of a fish tank lit up the living room just enough for me to make her figure out. As she made her way through the room she stopped briefly and stroked a picture frame. I couldn’t see what was it in but it must have been her family. Why would she do that? Why would she care about them if they were so terrible to her like Clover said?

There wasn’t much time to think about it because she was creeping towards the back of the house. Towards me. The lack of leaves on the bushes made it almost impossible to hide but I laid down behind the biggest one just as the back door opened. It was dark so it was unlikely that she would see me but I still held my breath and laid still.

Lily closed the door gently, wincing as it closed a little harder than she wanted. Even though there was no light I could see how right Clover was, she was beautiful. So much that it made me feel inferior. Why would he want me if he had someone that looked like her?

She didn’t even look in my direction as she made her way to the end of the garden and hopped over the fence. I had to run crouched down to catch her up. Not that it really mattered anyway, I knew where she would be going, I just hoped that the first time we met was at her house. Meeting at Clover’s felt weird, like I was moving into their territory and I didn’t want them to resent me. There was no chance of our meeting being in a neutral place anymore though.

Lily walked a little way down the road and got into the car with another girl. I couldn’t see who it was but it was probably Rose or Poppy. Frowning at the complete waste of time and energy it was go get to hers, I started running back to Clover’s.

Arriving at Clover’s house, or his old house, I saw them walking around inside with a small, dull torch. What were they doing anyway? It wasn’t like they could stay there long. I would find out soon anyway.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to slow my heavy breathing. The wasted journey and added walking put me in a bit of a bad mood but I had to put that behind me and concentrate on what I was doing here. It wasn’t a great time to meet the girls for the first time. I walked to the front door and pushed it open. My heart was racing as I took the first step into the kitchen. It was nice, everything neat and tidied away. It was exactly what I would have expected, even from only knowing him a short while.

I moved quickly, staying against the wall as I walked. My hands started shaking with anxiety as they stopped whispering. There was now no way of knowing where they were. Clover had told me about the cellar so that was the most likely place they’d be, I hoped. As I moved through along the dark hallway, I felt my eyes prickle. What the hell was I doing?  What if I got caught? Clover made me feel things that I hadn’t ever felt before but doing this for him was crazy. The thing was I volunteered. This was my idea, so I couldn’t back out.

‘Just keep calm,’ I told myself. With every step, my breathing sped up and I fought to keep it in control. One of the doors was wide open, unlike the rest so I knew that was the one. The door that lead to their little house in the cellar.

I took the first few steps on the tip of my toes, not wanting to make a noise but I knew I would soon pass the wall and they would be able to see me. Digging my nails into my palms, I stepped lower than the wall, taking the steps quickly so I could see them.

They were facing away from me, whispering about something. “Hello,” I said, not knowing what else to say to them. They both gasped and spun around.

Lily stepped forward so she was slightly in front of Poppy. “Who the hell are you?” she demanded confidently. I didn’t know her but she looked tired, worn out, sad and almost lost.

Smiling, I made the final few steps until I was standing at the bottom of the cellar. “I’m Chantelle. Clover sent me.” Their faces fell. After exchanging a look between each other, their eyes shot back to me. “He’s waiting. Are you ready to go?” Lily laughed humourlessly while Poppy just shook her head. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Are we ready to go?” Lily repeated. “Are you fucking crazy?” The hate in her voice shocked me. She looked so young an innocent.

“But…What?” Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts. “I don’t understand.” Clover was so excited to be reunited with them again. From the way he spoke about them I thought they would be…Well, happy.

“How do you know him?” Poppy asked. Her voice was softer, although I had a feeling that was only because Lily was so angry.

“We met a few days ago,” I admitted, feeling a little stupid. Here I was doing something extremely stupid and risky for a man I knew for less than one week. “I-I’m coming with you.” As the words left my mouth they sounded ridiculous, even to me.

“Where is he?” Lily asked, the confidence in her voice faltered slightly. They both looked towards the stairs and back to me.

“He’s waiting nearby.” I shook my head. “You don’t want to go?”

Poppy scoffed. “I’d die before I went anywhere with him.”

“Wow he’s really fucked with you, huh? You have absolutely no idea who he is, do you?” Lily shook her head and took a step closer, obviously happier that I was alone.

I stood tall. “I know everything actually. About his childhood and rescuing you.”

Smirking, Lily looked at Poppy and raised her eyebrows. “Everything?” she questioned. “He didn’t skip over the part where he kidnapped us, not rescued but kidnapped. Locked us up down here, raped and beat us then? You knew all that then?”

My blood ran cold. “What?…No.”

“Yes, actually. That room right there.” Lily stopped and pointed at a door behind her. “That’s where he took us once a week, after he fell in love with us though, of course. He’s a disgusting, sick, psycho and you have no idea what he’s capable of so if I were you, I’d run.”


Poppy laughed. “No? Chantelle, I’ve seen him brutally murder prostitutes down here. We were the ones that had to put them into a body bag and scrub the blood from the floor and walls. I wasn’t even the first Poppy, he got pissed off with the others and murdered them, just like he did with so many other girls. Is it getting through to you yet? Leave. Now,” she ordered. Why were they so keen to get rid of me? What were they really doing down here?

“You love him?” Lily accused, turning her nose up in disgust. “What’s wrong with you?”

I shook my head. “I-I don’t love him.”

“He’s fed you so much crap and none of its true.”

“It doesn’t make sense. He explained. He told me he helped you, looked after you. You were all homeless.” I said desperately. Were they telling the truth though? Was he really this horrible monster that just took them?

“No, I was sixteen when he took me. I was at a gig, one of my friends walked off alone so I went to find her. Clover kidnapped me in the park and threw me down here. I wasn’t homeless; I have a family, one that spent months trying looking for me. I didn’t want this. Ever.” I gulped and blinked rapidly as I realised she was telling the truth. They didn’t want to be here. He lied. I was so stupid to believe a man I hardly knew, to let him into my shitty life and truly think he was going to help me.

Lily sighed. “I’m sorry, but you really have no idea. You need to leave, Chantelle.”

“No one’s leaving, Lily.” I spun around and watched Clover walk down the stairs of the cellar. He smiled. “Hello, flowers.”


Aww a reunion. What could possible go wrong?! *grins*

So I said only two chapters left after this one but there might have to be three! -.-

I hope you liked it :)

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