Just A Kiss On Your Lips

By SnowMione18

127K 2.4K 834

Barry Allen soon finds out that Caitlin Snow kissed Hannibal Bates. When Caitlin tells Barry will these two c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 7

5.7K 112 21
By SnowMione18

Barry's POV

"How are you?" Caitlin asks me as we laid in bed

"I guess I'm fine, i just have a lot on my mind"

"Well that's to be expected. But i know something that can take your mind off it" She said running her hand along my chest

"Really what?" I ask confused but interested in anything to get my mind off Wells

"Felicity is planning on visiting today"

"Are you sure it's the right timing...i mean with everything going on?" I missed them, but I didn't think it was the best time to have friends visit

"Yes. Plus you need the distraction...well more distraction" Caitlin says kissing me

I started to kiss back almost immediately, her kisses were toxic...i couldn't resist her. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip causing her to open her mouth. I pulled her on top of me and when I ran my hand along her back i felt her pull away.

"Barry if we continue we are going to be late for work and we can't have that" She says getting off of me

"You can't break the rules once?" I asked her annoyed

"No. But i promise i will let you take a shower with me"


"No. You will distract me. Now go home and i will see you at S.T.A.R labs" She says walking into the bathroom and shutting the door

My own girlfrined is kicking me out. How nice

I quickly raced home and got ready for work. As expected Iris was once again sitting on the couch waiting for me, as usual she asked me where i have been all night. I made sure to call Joe and tell him everything that went on yesterday and he understood why i wasn't home.

"You haven't been home for the last 4 days. I just want to know where you have been" Iris says angrily

"Working late" I tell her just as I tell her everyday

"Sure" Iris says in tone where she clearly doesn't believe me

"It's too early for this. I will see you later" I say to her just before walking out of the house and over to the police station

A few hours later...

"Barry i have something that might help in our investigation on wells. It's a file of all the evidence about the night of your mom's death" Joe explains


"So i heard a little bit about the arguement you had with Iris this morning. Do you wanna tell me what that was about?" Joe asks

"She keeps bugging me about where i spend my nights and i can't tell her fighting crime and trying to put my mom's murderer in jail"

"Sorry Bare...I know you want to tell her. But i can't have her in any danger" Joe says, he then leaves me alone with my thoughts

I automatically hear my phone go off, It's Caitlin, she is informing me that Felicity has just arrived and wants to say hi. I quickly headed over to the lab. I walked in to see Felicity standing in he cortex talking to Caitlin and Cisco.

"Hey Barry" Felicity says pulling me in for a hug

"Hey, i was wondering when you were going to show up"

"Barry it's good your here. There has been some sighting a robotic bees roaming around the city. I have done some research and it seems that they have something to do with micro technology...which is awesome" Cisco tells me with excitement


"So i had an idea. If none of you guys are busy tonight i wanted to take you all out to dinner. I have lots of money now that I'm the CEO of Palmer Tech, so i decided to spend it on you guys. Now how does that sound?" Felicity asks

"Sounds good...Caitlin your car hasn't been working well. Do you need a ride?" I ask her


"Great i will see you all tonight and i will text you guys the details" Felicity said before walking out

"Barry i have to pick out what I'm going to wear do you mind taking me home?" Caitlin asks, without thinking i instantly pick her up and run her over to her house

"So Barry what should i wear tonight?" She asks

I don't know much about clothes so i don't think I'm the right person to ask. But if i know one thing...that is she will look great in anything she wears.

"Cait...you will look beautiful in anything you wear. But my favorite color is red" I whisper in her ear before heading to my house

a little while later...

Caitlin's POV

"Cait...you ready?" I hear on the other side of the door

I quickly rushed to the door and i see Barry looking quite fancy in his suit. As i stand before him in my strapless red dress, i can see staring at me a surprised look.

"Barry you can stare all you want, on the way to the restaurant that is. We have to go or we're going to be late"

Barry picks me up right away and heads over to the restaurant Felicity said. We walked in right away to see Cisco and Felicity already at the table. We sat down and began ordering our food when Felicity starts asking me something.

"So what's going on between you and Barry?" She asks catching me by surprise

"Nothing. Why would you think that something was going on?" I ask her right back

"Well just the way you two keep looking at each other tonight, i mean isn't his favorite color red? And when you guys walked in here you definitely looked like a couple"

"We are just friends, nothing more" I explained

"Okay i was just wondering"

I obviously couldn't tell her anything, she would blab to everyone in sight. But i liked knowing that he was staring at me the whole night. As i looked over at Barry who is sitting across the table from me, i could see him looking me up and down. I tried not to look back since it could cause suspicion but then i felt my phone vibrate, it was a text from Barry asking me to meet him by the bathroom in a few minutes. I could feel my face getting warmer as i saw Barry get up from the table, i looked over to see Cisco and Felicity in deep conversation about some gadget...i guess this was as good a time as any. I casually walked over to where Barry is trying to avoid getting seen by the others.

"Barry why did you ask me to meet you?" I asked him

Before he could answer he pulls me in for a kiss. I instantly kissed back causing him to moan. As we were kissing, i remembered that this was not the place to do this. So I pulled away.

"Sorry Cait you just looked so beautiful i couldn't help myself" Barry says separating our kiss

"You looked very hot tonight as well. Just keep the staring to a minimum. Felicity is starting to get suspicious" I tell him before we head back to our table

"Where did you guys run off to?" Cisco asks

"I had to talk to her about something" Barry says

We continued conversing for the next half and hour until it started to get late. Thank goodness dinner was nearly finished.

"Okay so you guys ready to go. We have to be up early in order to hunt a bunch of robotic bees tomorrow" Felicity says getting up

"Yeah i guess we will see you guys tomorrow" I tell both Cisco ad Felicity before Barry picks me up and runs me home

Barry and I got inside my house and he instantly pulls me to the couch.

"Thank god were finally alone" Barry says before connecting our lips

"You were so hot tonight" I whispered in his ear

"Cait i think this whole secret relationship is a great idea" He says picking me up so my legs are around his waist, he then pulls us down to the floor

"Me too" I agreed as we started ripping each others clothes off

I laid on the ground so Barry was on top of me. I felt him kissing my neck and all the way down my chest

"Mmm Barry"

I pulled his lips back to mine causing him to moan under his breathe. We spent the rest of the night showing each other how much we love each other.

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