I loved her

By HaileyKlose

70 1 0

This is a story about a girl who is living a normal life until one day shes found out she has a rare cancer... More

After math.

Getting Cancer

52 1 0
By HaileyKlose

Maybe there was apart of me who took life for granted or maybe this was gods way of testing me but either way it was my last day me Amelia wright,
as what they say a normal teenager. If normal is someone who got straights A's was a cheerleader and had a job as a waitress while being in step club. Then yes I was just an ordinary girl. I was in the cafeteria with my friends eating lunch that lunch felt like forever but I would give anything just to go back to having lunch with my friends... after lunch we had a pep rally and being in step and cheerleading I had done both for the pep rail.

I had finished with the step team everyone clapped then the teachers got pied I remember feeling short of breathe before going out there but I thought it was because of the steps I had just done

I drank some water , and then the speaker went off " and now give it up for our school cheerleading squad.

We were doing our regular routine and I even did the little dances we did and then the splits when we did our song and then they flipped me up and I dropped down and my friend caught me I felt something off (I couldn't breathe and the room got dizzy I rmeber everyone clapping and I pulled my friends hair as they were walking off and fainted)

The whole room saw me and I was soon put into the ambulance. My parents were called and they rushed up there when I woke up there was a tube in my throat and I couldn't breathe but I knew even seeing my parents talking to the doctors and seeing my mom fall to the ground and them in tears coming to tell me that the rest of my life had just changed forever. I had already known this was it I had cancer. Not just any cancer the rarest cancer of all lucky me?

The next few days were hell I had to have that tube in and I had to keep my mouth open but couldn't move or swallow while they took it out and got another tube to stick back in i couldn't talk with it in so I was just writing things on this little board.

See I had a rare cancer that I not only had a tube the tube was to help me breathe drink and eat. Trust me things got worst from here. I ever sometimes got seizures After four days I finally got a breathing tube that I had to actually wear around my mouth and nose which trust me wasn't fun to put on every day. I had to quit cheerleading and step club. I couldn't go to school for two weeks. They gave my parents these list of medicines I could take to help with the pain and help me reduce being tired. I still had my job but I had to reduce my hours so I was only working two times a week. I also had go a trainer to help me exercise with the chemo I would feel like a potato so they said..

School was the worst everyone was staring and knowing I was the girl who had fainted and know I was the girl that had cancer. But Emily my best friend thank god for her she never treated my differently and made the people buzz off as she said to them.

But Amelia was constantly throwing up at home

One night she decided to go to the school fair her friends were jumping on the bouncy house when she heard a song she liked and was moving her legs and her hands back and fourth

When some group of guys were laughing

" dude come on you totally can't find anyone to dance with

don't need a girlfriend if that's what your gonna end up with

" she looks like a popsiscle

Dylan: dude shut up so not cool( he goes over there looks at her and she looks up

Amelia; oh hi

Dylan: by any chance you wanna dance

Amelia looks at everyone dancing and his friends laughing; you don't have to do this

Dylan: but I want to. 

Amelia: what would your friends think

Dylan: who cares

*Amelia smiles*

He puts his arms on her waist and she puts her arms around his neck and they dance *

Amelia; you know you look familiar

Dylan: we have art and Spanish together

Amelia: wait really

Dylan: it's cool I'm Dylan

Amelia: Amelia nice to officially meet you.

Dylan smiles*

Her friends finally come out

Emily: where's Amelia

Ashley; guys look

Emily takes a photo they look cute come on let's go get her something to drink and leave them be.

When the song was over Emily had the best time and handed her a drink

Amelia: do you wanna hang out with us I mean only if you want

Dylan: actually yeah let me just tell my friends

Emily; he's cute

Amelia: shh

He comes back and they walk around they get cotton candy

Dylan: so question what's your favorite color

Amelia: blue what about yours

Dylan : green

Amelia: okay what's your favorite subject

Dylan: art

Amelia: interesting

Dylan: what's your favorite ice cream

Amelia: strawberry

Dylan; mine to

they go on some rides she screams and he grabs her hand *

For a few minutes she forgot that she was sick after the ride she starting coughing and throwing up Dylan grabbed her hair as she threw up Emily

Amelia: I'm so embarrassed

Dylan: don't worry about it

Emily; maybe I should take you home

Dylan: actually could I

Emily; can I trust you with her life

Amelia: emily it's fine

Dylan holds her hand as they walk  to his car and he's driving her home

Amelia: We spent a few hours together and you haven't asked me or even mentioned it

Dylan: mentioned what

Amelia: my tubes my throwing up then again the whole school knows

Dylan: I don't really listen to rumors and besides I thought you would just tell me when your ready.

Amelia: so you hanging out with me wasn't pitty

Dylan: of course not I don't usually dance with girls I pity

Amelia laughs; very funny

Dylan; I had a cousin who had cancer and I know what it's like to have everyone stare and I'm not someone who does what everyone else does.

Amelia: good to know

Dylan drops her off and they exchange phone numbers  and helps her walk up the steps and then drives off *

A few mins later

Dylan texts her " Maybe we can have an actual date sometime ;)

Amelia : Is this you asking me out?

Dylan: yes

Amelia: okay then

Dylan: so is that a yes?

Amelia; yes.

He then followed her on Instagram and she followed him back she saw his array photos and liked them

Dylan stalker ;)

Amelia: oh shut up

Amelia had five  photos on her Instagram

" officially a cheerleader

" made the step team bitches

" guys don't forget we're having free smoothie day come and say hi !

"  hospital life thanks Emily for sneaking in my favorite milkshake love you

" two weeks without school tubes more tubes and it's true #cancerisabitch

They saw each other in the hall the next day and waved and smiled Dylan even sat with her and emily at lunch.

That Friday they had their first date and they went to the movies and then after had dinner.

Amelia and Dylan  laughed they took pictures talked learned things about each other she had a good time.

A few days later she had a check up

her doctors didn't think she was taking it serious enough.

Doctor Landry ; look Amelia I get it you want to be that normal teenage girl but your not anymore

Amelia: I already quit my hobbies what do you want me to do

Doctor Landry; you can't do all the things you used to do exercising with a trainer is one thing but your body can't take so much as it used to. Have you been having breathing problems?

Amelia: well yes but I thought that was normal

Doc Landry: the tubes should reduce that but your test show that it shouldn't be this high look for the next few days I want you to rest school and home itleast until this goes down no work no extra walking nothing okay?

Amelia: yes doc

Doc Landry: this is serious and you need to take it seriously

For the next few days her mom takes her to school and picks her up and she back home just laying in bed. Of course emily and Dylan keep her company by texting and face timing her.

2 weeks  later Dylan planned a pinch for them  and they had there second date

Amelia: thank you for all this

Dylan smiles* your welcome

and they were now dating.

They were both sophomores.

It was finally spring break and they spent every second together even when she was at the hospital. He even brought her a stuffed bear to the hospital. One night her parents went out to dinner while they were watching Netflix and she was laying on him with a blanket.
They had been dating 2 weeks now and hadn't kissed.

When Netflix was over he ordered some pizza

Amelia: I totally have the best boyfriend ever

Dylan: well duh

Amelia kisses his cheek and they look at each other and then he kisses her and she kisses him back. And they smile then cuddle up to each other while watching another movie and then the pizza arrives they eat it while finishing the movie and then they fall asleep wrapped up together *

The parents come home

Her Mom; remember when we were that young

Her dad : I don't know what your talking about we still are

Her mom: oh come on old man.

A few days later she wakes up in the middle of the night throwing up and having a fever and they go to the hospital.

She was in the hospital for a week she couldn't talk because of the tubes up her mouth her boyfriend Dylan surprises her one day she smiles

Using the white board she says "don't make me laugh

Dylan: I wouldn't even dare

She hits him with the board

Dylan: hey now you started it

*Amelia smiles*

He sits in a chair holding her hand as they watch teen mom and she falls asleep.

Her mom: hey do you mind staying a little longer I'm gonna stop at McDonald's and get a change of clothes. My husbands still at work

Dylan: it's okay go ahead I'm fine here

Amelia mom goes home takes a hot bath she hadn't actually been in her house alone in a few months.

Amelia is still sleeping; she wakes up not being able to breathe the doctors have him leave the room as they pull the tube out

Doctors: come on sweetie this is gonna hurt they pull the tube out all the spit and everything everywhere the nurse gets a bucket and she throws up )

Doctor pats her on the pack ; it's okay your okay. 

The doctors left the tubes out and just did some more testing. They had already finished round one of chemo a few days ago.

Amelia looks at Dylan ; hey I'm okay

Dylan: god you scared me I thought I was going to loose you

Amelia holds his hand; I'm going to be okay.

Amelia's mom was getting dressed and then drove to Macdonalds to get dinner when she got back and heard what happened her mom rushed in and they ate dinner together as Dylan went to the bathroom and then kicked the trash can.

Amelia has started a blog about her experience and her cancer. She was even drawing artsy things.

A lot of people were really loving it.

Emily came to visit.

After finding out that Amelia had to have surgery because the cancer had spread to her Brain they schuldeled it asap.

Dylan: don't you dare die on me I'll kill you

Amelia: hey I'm gonna be okay look at me your my whole heart (she kisses him )

They all said there goodbyes and waited

Dylan was looking at her Instagram and saw recent posts of them

" One month with this amazing human being my love.

#hosptiallife only my boyfriend would bring me a huge ass bear 😝😍

She was in surgery for hours.

She finally came out of surgery.

The doctors said that she would have to go through another round of chemo just to make sure. So she had to be in the hospital longer.

It was finally summer so she didn't have to worry about school.

Everyday Dylan emily and her parents were there.

Dylan and Emily were there most of the day and her parents and sometimes Dylan at night.

The chemo sucked the most I mean throwing up most of the day and feeling like your whole body was just numb not fun.

Amelia went through chemo for weeks. She was allowed to walk around and went outside but she felt weak most of the time she started a little bit of vlogging

" hey guys so chemo has been a bitch

Emily laughs

" that's my best friend Emily. This is this lovely pain in the ass hospital my boyfriend is suppose to be getting me some food so yeah I was gonna answer some twitter questions that I got emily says I'm twitter famous which is pretty cool so let's try this out

Emily okay so somebody asks " will you start singing on YouTube again

Amelia: oh gosh I haven't done that in years but maybe I'll do one soon after I get out of the hospital. Vlogging is kinda my new thing thanks to emily over here

Emily: your welcome let's see oh Lennythebiggy wants to know what's some advice you would give to people who go through cancer life

Amelia: hi Lenny oh wow that's a good question honestly to have a good support system listen to your doctors eat and just know that your not alone and this battle is something worth fighting and Lenny you got this baby girl.

Dylan walks in " I got chicken nuggets he kisses her

Emily: excuse me we're vlogging

Dylan; I'm sorry and you are

Amelia: be nice

Emily: asshole

Amelia: okay that's enough for today what am I gonna do with these two

She turns off camera

Emily; but seriously these questions all these followers like people love you your like famous

Amelia: I wouldn't go that far now. Babe did you bring the computer

Dylan: yes man

She's eating the chicken nuggets and edits the vlog and puts it up on YouTube and links it to her blog and twitter.

After an hour of it being up it hit 1k likes

Amelia later  reads some of the comments 

"Your so inspiring

" stay strong

" omg thanks for answering my question your my favorite

" your the reason I'm fighting much love babes

Before leaving the hospital Amelia blogs two more times. She's finally able to leave the hospital a few days later.

Amelia sings the cover to Rihanna's stay and everyone loves it  Rihanna sees it and says something on an interview

" honestly this girl who has cancer Amelia I saw that cover and it blew me away such a beautiful voice baby girl I see you keep staying strong I love you.

That's when her phone blows up people want to interview Amelia 2 weeks later she does an radio interview

" ladies and gentlemen we have the one the only Amelia with us if you don't know Amelia her cover song of stay blew up just two weeks ago she's also a blogger vlogger and she's a survivor of cancer how are you today?

Amelia giggles; I'm amazing thank you Ryan for having me here

Ryan ; you look great so tells us how you found out about your cancer and how this all started for you

Amelia: oh gosh I found out about whew about 8 months ago now crazy thing I was actually at school during a pep rally and I was a cheerleader and after doing our routine I phainted and within hours I found out that I had this rare cancer and had to go through one stage of chemo and I was fine for a little bit and then it slowly came back at one point it went to my brain and had surgery but now it's officially gone

Ryan: wow I can't imagine how crazy that must have been. Now how long has it been since you've been cancer free

Amelia: three weeks.

Ryan: so very recently well I'm so happy for you.

Amelia; thank you

Ryan: now we have to ask cause your an amazing singer is that something you want to do

Amelia; oh yes I want to be a singer and I also love photography so I'm very artsy (she laughs )

Ryan: well lets see if we have any questions oh we have a caller

" hi my names Emma I was wondering what the biggest challenge has been for you having cancer

Amelia: I think I would say having a normal life or the life I had having to learn that it's not gonna be the same that was very much difficult for me and I didn't want to accept that I had cancer.

Ryan: we have one more caller. Caller?

" hi my names Ross and I was wondering if there was someone who got you through the hard days

Amelia: yes of course I had my amazing parents ,  my best friend emily and my boyfriend Dylan.

Ryan; boyfriend huh

Amelia smiles* yeah

Ryan: well thank you so much for chatting with us

Amelia: thank you for having me

1 year later she was a famous YouTuber and vlogger she was still with Dylan. She didn't do many interviews but she answered fan questions on social media when she could. She was very private about her relationship.

But things were about to take a turn...

Half way through junior year Amelia found out the cancer was back this time she lost her hair she wore a red wig it was so bad she didn't have to go to chemo which meant they didn't no what more they could do they gave her the I'm so sorry speech  and said she had maybe 4 years of her life left.

Her family still had hope her hope was fading her fans still supported her

she later did best part of me Landon Austin cover and posted it to YouTube.

Dylan and Amelia were hanging out at his house

Dylan: you know I love you right?

Amelia: I love you to

Dylan; I got offered a hockey scholarship program I would finish my senior year here and then go straight there

Amelia; that's amazing news

Dylan: your not upset or mad at me

Amelia: this is your dream babe will work it out

Dylan: I don't want to leave you

Amelia: I'll be fine I'll call you everyday text email whatever

Dylan kisses her ; your amazing

Amelia: right back at ya

Senior year comes around Amelia was now homeschooled and because of her cancer she couldn't go to college

They had been dating three years now

Prom was coming around he asked her through a window holding a boom box up and spelling out prom on her grass she smiled and put her thumbs up

  A few weeks later it was prom night that night her parents and his parents took pictures of them they went in a limbo and they danced on every song they even took some silly pictures they went to after prom and they had sex that night in the limbo they even went to 7 eleven to get her favorite slurpee  and then at 2 am she went home and went to bed. Her parents were already sleep.

One month later he was off packing to college he drunk texted her one night saying stupid shit and then he posted a photo with some girls he tried calling her the next day she ignored him he texted her saying I'm sorry I got wasted please

Amelia: did you cheat on me?

Dylan: no I just hung out with some girls partying I never slept with them

Amelia: I can't do this right now  

Dylan: please talk to me babe

Amelia and Dylan continue fighting for days

Finally Amelia decides they need a break and for him to do what he wanted

They were off an on for two years while he was in college. At the end of the day they were always there for each other and loved each other.

He came home for her birthday and surprised her and they went out to dinner.

Amelia felt like In a way she was holding him back they were fine when he was there but when he left it wasn't.

He came home for spring break for two weeks and spent every moment together

They fought on his last day

Dylan: why are you being like this

Amelia: oh so now it's my fault

Dylan: you keep pushing me away

Amelia: I'm just not happy anymore

Dylan: I love you Amelia and you love me

Amelia: maybe that's just not enough anymore I mean let's be real your there and I'm here and I'm cancer and your normal

Dylan: stop that right now I've been here since day one fuck that cancer bulk shut you can't just tell me to go I'm here and I'm not going anywhere

She runs up the steps closing her room door : just leave me alone Dylan

Dylan puts his hand on the door ; I'll go if that's what you want I love you your  my whole heart. He slides something under her door and then leaves)

Amelia grabs it and sees it's their first date picture

They had been split up for a while and her cancer was getting worst. She felt so much pain.

Amelia felt like the world was crashing down on her....

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