Legend Land: Tale of the Name...

By NoahBarfield

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The sprawling city of Malor is the most technologically advanced city in Legend Land, and is rife with possib... More

Character List
Weapon Guide
Chapter 1.1: Safes are Meant to Be Cracked
Chapter 1.2: Safes are Meant to Be Cracked
Chapter 2.1: Getting Paid, Dodging Rent, and Drinking
Chapter 2.2: Getting Paid, Dodging Rent, and Drinking
Chapter 3.1: A Prodigy and A Warrior
Chapter 3.2: A Prodigy and a Warrior
Chapter 4.1: The Routine
Chapter 4.2: The Routine
Chapter 5.1: Taking Care of Business
Chapter 5.2: Taking Care of Business
Chapter 5.3: Taking Care of Business
Chapter 6.1: Rise and Shine
Chapter 6.2: Rise and Shine
Chapter 7.1: Mercy
Chapter 7.2: Mercy
Chapter 7.3: Mercy
Chapter 8.1: Tight Spaces
Chapter 8.2: Tight Spaces
Chapter 8.3: Tight Spaces
Chapter 9.1: Luz Oscura
Chapter 9.2: Luz Oscura
Chapter 9.3: Luz Oscura
Chapter 10.1: Half Mast
Chapter 10.2: Half Mast
Chapter 10.3: Half Mast
Chapter 11.1: The Brig
Chapter 11.2: The Brig
Chapter 11.3: The Brig
Chapter 12.1: The Last Brigade
Chapter 12.2: The Last Brigade
Chapter 12.3: The Last Brigade
Chapter 13.1: Retribution
Chapter 13.3: Retribution
Chapter 14.1: The Toll
Chapter 14.2: The Toll
Chapter 14.3: The Toll
Chapter 15.1: Ultimatum
Chapter 15.2: Ultimatum
Chapter 15.3: Ultimatum
Chapter 16.1: Cry of Death
Chapter 16.2: Cry of Death
Chapter 16.3: Cry of Death
Chapter 17.1: Under the Table
Chapter 17.2: Under the Table
Chapter 17.3: Under the Table
Chapter 18.1: Crusoe
Chapter 18.2 Crusoe
Chapter 19.1: Ismar Trading Co.
Chapter 19.2: Ismar Trading Co.
Chapter 19.3: Ismar Trading Co.
Chapter 19.4: Ismar Trading Co.
Chapter 20.1: Aftershock
Chapter 20.2: Aftershock
Chapter 20.3: Aftershock
Chapter 21.1: Aftershock β
Chapter 21.2: Aftershock β
Chapter 21.3: Aftershock β
Chapter 22.1: Old Habits
Chapter 22.2: Old Habits
Chapter 23.1: Showtime!
Chapter 23.2: Showtime!
Chapter 23.3: Showtime!

Chapter 13.2: Retribution

13 3 1
By NoahBarfield

Part 1


The Burnt Rice Tavern has barely come in sight, and yet, I feel like I'm already home. I don't know whether it's the smell of vomit, or the mystery reddish-brown stains on the brick, but I just feel safe.

Ghelly and Baer the Muse are being driven by coach to the tavern, but won't arrive until the morning. Apparently there were employee papers that needed to be taken in, but the banks and agencies aren't open until the next day. Icarus has mostly kept to himself on the journey back—he apparently had a very interesting conversation with Vioda. Esilea is still sullen, and will need to be comforted as soon as possible. And Wikolia is...well, probably still following us.

The door to the tavern slowly creaks open, and lights flare on to greet us. I immediately move to draw my kusarigama, and nearly drop Naiomi in the process, though she's already on her feet. She hisses, her hands turning into large furry paws intermixed with scales, claws and spikes sticking out of every inch. Right, I forgot she shape shifts when she's drunk. Oops.

A single chair stands in the middle of the room, with a scarred woman seated there. She has a two handed claymore resting in her lap, looking very eager to use it. The blade is large and flat, easily large enough to sever limbs without a problem. I think I can feel Esilea drooling behind me.

"Who the hell're you?" Naiomi slurs out, gesturing to the dark-skinned woman.

"Names Akugbe. Who the hell're you?" The mysterious woman responds. Great, another smartass. I miss when I used to be the only one.

"Owner and property—"

"Proprietor," Wikolia softly corrects, dropping down from the rafters. How in the seven hells? I swear, I never know what to expect anymore.

"Owner and proprietor of this here establishment is who I am. Your turn Akuuuugbe," Naiomi spits, waving her hands at the intruder. One of her hands turns into a hissing serpent, and I resist the urge to chop it off. Old habits.

"No need for hostilities." Marinette slowly walks down the stairs, sliding her hand down the railing. Not this bitch again.

"Get the hell out," I growl, stepping forward. Akugbe immediately draws her sword, standing to her full height.

"Come now, Namonai. Is that really wise?"

"I said out." I point the blade of my weapon at her.

Immediately, Akugbe moves her claymore in my direction. I sidestep the large blade and wrap the chain of my weapon around it, yanking it away from her. The intruder, grabs my chain with both hands; this isn't good.

She gives a mighty heave and I go flying towards her. She's somehow picked up her weapon in that short time span, and the point gleams, ready to skewer me. I suddenly, I feel something collide with me, sending me crashing down.

Wikolia quickly scrambles off me, swirling her whips in a pattern on the ground, ensnaring Akugbe's feet. She throws her in the air as Esilea tosses a net from her bag, capturing the warrior in mid-air. I grab the other end of the net, wincing at the grinding of my shoulder, and yank it down with Esilea, trapping Akugbe. A small dart whistles from behind and Icarus tucks a blowgun away as Akugbe begins to slow. Finally, her eyes drift closed, and she settles on the ground.

"Good teamwork, guys," I say breathlessly, clapping Wikolia and Esilea on their shoulders.

"You're buying a round of drinks as a reward," Esilea says. Fair enough.

"Bravo," Marinette says, clapping slowly.

"Why'd you have to go and ruin the moment?" I sigh. I grab my kusarigama and sheath it, looking at the alchemist. I should visit Baerus soon and grab a replacement second weapon. Or maybe save up all this money and buy a decent pair that won't break. "What do you want, Marinette?"

"To talk to Naiomi," she replies, smiling at the drunk Kitsune.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I say, stepping towards them. Naiomi raises her hand, which turns back to normal.

"It's fine." She straightens herself, and picks out a bit of candlewax from her hair. "Please, step into my office," she says, gesturing upstairs. Marinette begins to ascend, and Naiomi follows behind, stumbling slightly.

"What now?" Esilea asks, looking at the warrior.

"Tie her up," Icarus says, wheeling past us. "And get some sleep." Esilea starts to follow him, but stops, moving to take care of Akugbe. Wikolia tugs on my shirt and I turn, my heart leaping into my throat.

"You have got to stop doing that!" I say, clutching my chest. Oh gods, everything hurts. The Wyvern shuffles awkwardly, her tail swishing across the floor. "What is it?" I have a feeling I'm going to have to be nice again.

"I...still don't have an apartment. Or a bed." She's part lizard, would a bit of hay in front of the fireplace be fine? No! Idiot! Hay and a pillow.

I rub the sweat off on my pants. "You can take my bed again."

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say looking up at the stairs. The murmur of soft voices trickle down from between the beams of wood. "I don't plan on sleeping much tonight anyway."


"Why are we doing this again?" Esilea looks the drab building over and frowns.

"For money," Wikolia responds. She taps the one story building's walls, and slips around the corner, tapping all the while.

I rub my eyes and yawn, rotating my shoulder. Naiomi refused to tell me what her conversation with Marinette was about, even when I asked nicely. I spent most of the day sleeping, but I never did get the relaxing hot bath I wanted. I rotate my shoulder again, gingerly.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Icarus asks, wheeling up.

"When have I ever let you down?" I ask. I look down at him, but he's too busy scanning our surroundings.

"I've known you four days," he says, scratching his chin.

"Still an impressive track record," I say with a shrug.

"Give it time." He wheels past me, reading the scroll as he goes.

We're supposed to be here at sundown, and wait until the door opens. Then, all we have to do is protect the Last Brigade's lead financial backer from a team of highly trained mercenaries most likely hired by Tomrius and Finn. Easy.

At last, the door swings open and we enter the dim building.    


Inspired by: "Shoot 'Em Up" by Blue Stahli

A bit 'o action for all of you here. What could be awaiting our audacious quartet in the mystery building? Who knows? I do! You, dear reader, can discover that in the next, and final, part of this chapter

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Beta Readers/Editors:

Alyssa Clark

Elizabeth Foran

Mandy Barfield

Jordan Thacker

Raiden Jackson

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