The Friendship Life

By Singing_Lover12

229 6 2

These girls are the bests!! More

The Start
End of Year Text
Testing is Now in Session
Graduation/Pool Party
BFF's and the others
The Imbarising Dream

Meeting the squad

4 0 0
By Singing_Lover12

            Before meeting the girls
                (aka swim party)

Zoe :I am so excited to meet the girls on the team.

Jenna: Me to I can't wait to see them.

Marissa: I wonder how they did the rest of the year

Gracie: Hey Skylar ! Isn't the party at your place.

Skylar: Well it's at my grandparents house you know the one with the slide .

Tayler: Yeah that was fun! I can't wait to be there.

Zoe: I wonder what the others are doing .

Jenna: Oh I got to bed see ya tomorrow . Night!

Zoe :Night! See ya
Tayler:Night girl!
Skylar:Night! Night!
Gracie:Good Night!
Marissa: Night everyone!

                 ....Next Day....

Gracie's pov
Oh there is the place! Wow I am surprised that there were a lot of people there before me. Oh there is Melissa (cheer mom). I need give her five dollars.                     (After getting settled in)

I went down the slide into the pool instead of jumping in and it was a lot better than jumping in.

What everyone was wearing.

Tayler wore a lite orange neon bikini.
Skylar wore a pattern bikini.
Marissa wore a blue bikini.
Zoe wore a black,white,and pink bikini.
Jenna wore a blue,pink,and purple bikini.
Marley wore a navy blue bikini with a gold stripe around the bottom of the top and a gold stripe around the top of bottoms. (Longest explanation ever)
Lana wore a black bikini.
Sailor wore a black and white striped bikini.
Lizzie wore a pink,green,and blue bikini.
Brooklyn wore a turquoise bikini.
Mia wore a black and white tankini.
And last but not least,
Kendall wore a blue bikini with emojis everywhere on it.

Before the party started.....

Skylar's pov
I am so excited to see who is coming and who is on the cheer squad. Let me ask my mom.

Skylar:Hey Mom!
Sky's mom:Hey sweetie!
Skylar:Do you know who is going to be on the cheer squad.
Sky's mom: Oh yes I have the list. Go and check my phone. It's on the table.

On the phone

                 Cheer Team of 2017
                 Marley             Lizzie
                Tayler.             Kendall
                Skylar.             Lana
                Gracie.             Brooklyn
                Sailor.              Mia
                 Marissa.          Zoe
                 Jenna.              Sallie

Skylar: Thanks mom!

Skylar's pov

Wait where is Reagan's name. I thought she was going to be do it this year...... oh I forgot .

To Be Continued........

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