Tom Girl l.s

بواسطة RoniBigStan

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Based on the movie "Tom Boy" ©Ronibigstan ™ All Rights Reserved This book was written and published between... المزيد

♂ ♀

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بواسطة RoniBigStan

So this one-shot idea came from a movie that was the opposite of this. I'm going by that, but I need to change it a lot because, well, it takes a lot to fake being a boy, but to fake being a girl... well, it's hard. OKAY ENJOY ! P.S: Louis(11) and Harry(12) (Including all the other boys, except Liam) are 12-14 and the twins Daisy and Phoebe are 4 .So yeahhh. Louis' father's name is... Kevin. (Hah.. haha)

Edited: (June 2, 2015): Hello, lovely readers. If you're an OG coming back just to randomly re-read this, okay. If you're just someone new reading, welcome. When I wrote this I did not take into account age accuracy. I only wrote how the characters were in the actual movie. The characters were (I can only really guess...honestly) around the age of 11-14. They acted as what you're about to read. I'm sorry if this confused people and makes you believe they are younger, but that's just how this will go. You can suck that shit up and read it or not, I don't know. There ARE innocent 11-14 year olds out there. Not every 11-14 drops the f-bomb every day, okay? Is it SO hard to believe? Just read it and enjoy. It's here for fluff, not for there to be asshole teens. Enjoy guys. Also, I've fixed typos Woo!


Louis sat atop his dad's cart as they moved down the street. The wind moved through his hair that barely went past his petite shoulders. He smiled down at his father who never took his eyes off of the road. Louis made a small noise down at his dad, who smiled slightly, but kept his eyes trained on the road. "Don't fall." Louis snickered and nodded. Louis watched as the trees went by in a blur and they turned a corner down his road, a road he'd soon have to miss. The cart stopped and Louis' father looked up and smiled as he leaned to get out. He stuck his hands up and picked Louis up until his bare feet hit the rocky pavement. Louis pushed his hair from his eyes and smiled up at his dad.

"You think it's time for a hair cut?" Louis' smile wiped off of his face instantly. He really dreaded the thought of getting haircuts; his father always cut too much off. Louis shook his head slowly, letting his face stay blank. Kevin looked down at his son and shrugged. "I won't cut off too much, but it's just getting to the length of your sisters'." Louis could only nod. He loved his pretty caramel hair. It always flowed in the right ways and looked pretty up in a bow. He knew that his father hated his hair long, but he didn't force him to cut it. "We can cut it- just- leave it past my ear- if that- I mean- okay." Louis always became nervous when confronted by anything to do with his appearance. Okay, so maybe he liked wearing girly-ish shoes, maybe he liked long hair and bows, maybe he enjoys princess movies, and maybe he likes the thought of being a princess, but honestly people didn't accept that easily.

Louis' father sighed and rubbed his son's shoulder, "I'll leave it past the ears, love." Instantly Louis felt better. Louis went into the house with his dad following behind. A wave of laughter- young girls and an older woman's- filled the air, making both of the new comers smile. Louis ran into the kitchen, where he found his mother braiding one of his sister's hair. A giggling blonde rammed Louis from behind and wrapped an arm around him. "Le-w! Mummy she- she tolded- Mummy tell Lew!" Louis scrambled through the mess of a sentence his younger sister said and looked over to his mum who smiled politely at him. "Mum?" Louis detached himself from his sister and planted a light kiss on his mother's cheek, which she returned.

"I've been relocated." Relocated. Louis knew they wouldn't be in this house long anyway. His mother's job had them moving around so much, they've all been home schooled since Louis was ten. Louis nodded. He didn't really have many friends except for a few girls down the road and a boy slightly older than Louis named Stan. Louis' mother sighed and finished off her young daughter's hair before going over and running her fingers through her son's. "I know this is hard but-" Louis shook his head and moved toward the drawer where he found the hair cutters. "I'm going to let dad cut my hair today." She sighed and nodded. Of course Louis doesn't talk about the move, it wasn't something he was allowed to complain about. His mother worked hard for them, if she has to move, then that's that.

"That's a nice change." She smiled. Louis nodded.

"It's still below the ears."

"Of course it is."


Louis hated his new home. It technically wasn't a house. If you looked at it from outside it looked like a huge hotel. His mum's work obviously did not out do themselves this time around. They had moved to a small town somewhere not at all close enough to Doncaster. They lived on the fifth floor of their flat building. Their flat consisted of three bedrooms and two baths. Louis sighed from the balcony of his new house. When he looked down there was no yard, only a parking lot some times full of cars and other times not. He pushed his legs through the railing and sat his bum on the edge to catch a glimpse of different things happening below him.

So far there wasn't much going on in their building. He noted the elderly couple that lived right below them- him and his sisters learned to be quiet fairly quickly- the not so happy couple across from them and the college student above them. How on earth was he supposed to have any fun at all in this place. This place where there weren't anyone to see or do anything with. Louis sighed and scanned the pavement. He spotted a head full of brown locks run across the pavement and dodge all of the cars as they either pulled up or left. His laughter was loud, obviously foreign. Louis watched him run behind a bush and stay there as another boy who was slightly taller with a darker skin tone ran up beside the bush, but instead of going behind with the other young boy he looked around and frowned.

Louis heard the strange boy let a name slip from his lips, "Niall!" Louis didn't understand why the boy behind the bush- now Niall- was hiding. Was this a game? Louis lifted a hand and let his fingers move together until a beautiful snap sound left them. The darker toned boy looked up and cocked his head to the side as he spotted Louis. Louis pointed behind the bush, which caused the other boy to look behind it and cheer in triumph. "I FOUND YOU!" Niall grunted and pushed the tanned boy away from him. Louis watched as their mouths moved saying something, then the boy pointed up to Louis. Niall smiled at Louis, waving, then walking away. That, unfortunately, was the highlight of Louis' next two weeks. He helped his family pack, had a few days of home school, then baby sat.


Louis spent a few hours everyday watching his little sisters, giving music lessons, reading them stories, and playing princess. Eventually, he gets bored. Louis pleads and begs his dad, who was typing away at his laptop trying to finish up his manuscript, to let him outside for an hour at the most. Louis' wish is granted, considering Kevin needs a break and what better way than to giggle and play with cute little daughters? Louis throws on a blue shirt, his slip on TOM's and pull his bangs into a pin side-ways behind his ear. At first glance, yes Louis did favor a girl, but he was a boy.

Louis waved his family fare-well set off into the the parking lot that was pretty empty considering it was a work day and no one would be home. Louis might have asked to come outside, but now what? He hadn't even thought that far ahead. Louis looked around at different cars passing by and kicked rocks around with his feet, but eventually he just sat down. What he was doing was boring, but he just wanted fresh air. He was tired of sitting inside constantly and for a split second he missed his old home back in Doncaster ; he only got to live there for a quick six months.

"I told you."

Louis sighed and wiped his forehead from sweat that had built up. It was definable hotter here, where ever here was. He looked around for the source of the voice he heard moments ago, but when he turned his head he had to cover his eyes. The angle of the sun blinded him only for a split second before he caught a glimpse of a long, lean body.

It was a boy. This said boy seemed to be looking at Louis intensely, making Louis flush, but you wouldn't notice considering he was already sweating. Louis noticed there was another body beside him and it happened to be the same brown headed lad from yesterday- Niall. "See, a new comer!" The obvious Irish lad, was loud and this slightly frightened Louis for a second, but he tried to seem completely care free. Like people weren't talking about him right to his face as if he couldn't hear them. "What's your name?" Louis listened to the slow tone and drawl that left the taller boy's mouth. Louis hesitated; he didn't know these people and what would honestly be the point of making friends, he wouldn't be here long enough.

"Maybe she can't talk, or speaks a different language?" The one named Niall started spouting what Louis was silently calling bullshit in his head. It might have been Spanish, which would be odd since, well, what twelve year old knows Spanish unless you grow up around it? In Louis' head his first thought went straight to the 'Spanish' but then he realized a major flaw in the making of the universe, in the making of the human race, and in the eye sight of this poor Irish child.



Louis is very much not a she, but what should he do? Niall and the other boy began making up scenarios as to why Louis hadn't replied yet, completely forgetting he was there. Every time they'd come up with one, a new wound would land into Louis' chest.

"She's deaf?"

"She's mute?"

"She's shy?"

She .

Finally the one with the bouncy curly hair, the creamy white skin, and the emerald green eyes turned to Louis and shot him a grin, that made one single dimple pop into the picture that was already perfect, but now it was just beautiful. "Can you talk?" He asked. Louis nodded eyeing him closely. "M'Harry, come play with us." Louis nodded again and stood up dusting off his back side and his shirt. Niall smiled and grabbed hold of Louis' hand keeping their fingers tangled together and led the way off of the parking lot. Louis didn't want to tell the little bundle of oddness to let go, so he settled on watching the ground as they walked.

"He'll let go," the one now known as Harry pointed out.

Louis nodded.


Louis sat on a rock in the middle of a small wood. He was settled in his spot watching the tanned brunette from yesterday- now Zayn- laugh and joke with Niall. He kept his gaze going back and forth to them and their witty remarks to each other, until the curly lad- now Harry- showed back up with water bottles. Harry sat next to Louis and handed him a bottle, opening his and swigging a few gulps. Zayn smiled at Louis, "yesterday she helped me cheat." There it was again. Was Louis being joked around with? They honestly thought he was a girl. He had no breasts (Though he's not sure when girls grow them), and his hair was cut to the length of his ears.

Niall nodded, "I was so sure I was going to win. Then- boom- she- uh what's- what's your name?" This question hadn't been asked since their meeting in the parking lot, and honestly Louis was glad he had, had time to recollect himself. All eyes were on Louis as he thought about how he should reply to this. Harry watched Louis out of the corner of his eye and nudged his leg, making Louis gasp a little look up. "Uh, Louise- my name- it's Louise, nice to meet you." Louis could feel and hear his voice crack. He hadn't even realized that he hasn't even spoken a word to them since they met either.

Zayn nodded, "pretty."

Niall smiled, "I'll call you lou."

And, Harry sighed, "you talk funny."


A few weeks past and everyday almost, Louis would beg his dad to be able to go outside and gladly his dad had turned in manuscripts and had a lot more time on his hands. Louis would leaned happily wearing a bow in his hair and a smile on his face. Louis' dad did once ask him if he wanted the hair out of his face he could just cut it, but Louis gladly replied with a simple, "no," and that was that.

Louis would wait by the road on the edge of the parking lot for one of his friends to show up. Most of the time it would be Harry, but sometimes it was Niall and sometimes Zayn. This time, it was Harry. Harry waved as he approached Louis and gave him a toothy grin, showing off two beautiful dimples. "Niall says he has a surprise for us." Louis nods and starts for the woods behind the flat house. As they walk Harry slowly grabs Louis' hand and tangles their finger together. Louis doesn't know why, but they all do this to him. Niall and Zayn drop Louis' hand when they get there, but Harry doesn't. Harry continues to hold it until Louis has to literally make him let go. He figures it was just a habit.

As Louis and Harry near their little spot Louis splits up his and Harry's hand, making Harry huff and walk passed Louis. Louis watches him and looks down. He doesn't mean to upset him, but sometimes Harry will get mad at random times. Louis would be talking to Niall, then Harry would come over and make Louis hug him or hold his hand; if he didn't Harry would almost throw a tantrum. Louis bumped into Harry, making him look up from the ground. Louis placed both hands on Harry's shoulders and peered around him to see a very blonde Niall. Louis squeals  quite loudly and pushes past Harry to run his fingers through his new best mate's hair. Niall smiles up at Louis, "do you like it?" Louis nods and keeps his hands going through it. "It's soft and so pretty." Niall sports a small blush, but simply shrugs. "Thank you."

Zayn grins from behind Niall and looks over at Harry, who still stands a good distance away with an annoyed look on his face. "I think it's ugly." Harry's words hit Louis' ears and his hands slide from Niall's hair. Zayn frowns and steps in front of Niall who has already started to sniffle a bit, but didn't start crying- he'd have to be a serious baby to cry. "Harry that wasn't nice," Zayn defends Niall. Harry only shrugs and turns away. All he did was say the truth. If Niall didn't want it, then why did he ask? Louis frowns and leans down to peck Niall on the cheek. The sound from his kiss, makes both Zayn and Harry turn around in time to see a red-faced Niall and a mid leaning back up Louis. "I think it's very cute on you, Ni."

Harry scoffs and walks off leaving the three other boys to look confused and worried. Niall simply shrugs and smiles at Louis, "can I have another kiss?"


By the time Niall and Zayn claim they need to be home, it's already starting to get dark. Louis stumbles from the woods back to the parking lot where he finds Harry sitting on the curb by the road. He has one hand twirling his curls and the other hand playing with rocks. His face is cast down and he looks pretty sad. Louis might be a little confused as to why Harry was mad before, but that didn't stop him from walking up to him and sitting down. Harry jumped and looked over at Louis, only to look away. "Are you mad at me?" For a minute Harry doesn't reply and Louis starts to repeat the question, until Harry stops him by shaking his head.

"Do you- no- I don't care- do you like Niall," For a second Louis wants to say yes. He does like Niall. Everything about Niall screams best mate and lovable. But, Louis stops himself because he feels like that's not what Harry means or really wants to hear, even if it's in a friendly way. Louis shakes his head and watches Harry lean back and smile. Louis smiled back at him. Sometimes Harry looked older; you would forget he was 12 if you weren't careful. Louis watches the curves and bumps of Harry's face, as he makes different expressions and he has to admit, he'd die to look like Harry. Harry was pretty- girly pretty- and Louis loved looking at him.

"I like you, Lou." Louis goes from Harry's lips to his eyes in one beat of his heart, but his expression stays blank and calm. "I like you, Harry." Harry leaned up and smiled at Louis. "Can I have a kiss like Niall?" Louis simply nods and plants a feathery kiss to Harry's cheek. Harry leans up further and watches Louis' lips intently. "Just one more," and of course Louis listens so he leans in to kiss his cheek, but Harry turns and kisses Louis on the lips instead, which makes Louis jump back and cover his mouth. Harry smiles shyly, letting his dimple show, "Oops."

Louis looks at Harry for a minute, then stands up and starts toward his flat building, but is quickly stopped by a hand on his wrist. Louis really doesn't want to turn around, so he doesn't and just lets Harry hold his arm. "Sorry." But, Louis doesn't think he's sorry, so he doesn't say it's okay. "I'll let you kiss me next time." And, Louis isn't stupid and knows that won't fix anything. Louis looks up at his flat room window, down to the ground, then at the stars that are starting to come out. He feels like this is dragging out way too long and he doesn't understand why Harry would put his lips on his when that isn't okay. He doesn't get why he liked it and wants to do it again and that makes him so angry and he just wants to hit Harry. And, Louis does.

Louis turns around and starts smacking Harry everywhere until Harry is on the pavement, laying on his back with Louis straddling him and still swinging his arms. Louis can hear Harry saying his name and telling him to stop, but he knows he isn't hitting him hard and that he doesn't have to stop just because he said so, so he doesn't. After a good five minutes of Harry shouting and Louis hitting, both boys stop and listen to their shallow breaths. Louis looks down at Harry and Harry looks up at Louis. "Did you hate the kiss?"

"Yeah." But, for some reason Louis shakes his head no.


The next day Niall comes to get Louis and they walk back to find Harry and Zayn in nothing but shorts. Niall smiles and talks to Zayn but makes it very obvious he's not talking to Harry at the moment. Louis walks over to Harry and gives him a smile, but Harry isn't having that and wraps his arms around Louis' waist. Zayn and Niall watch them confused. "Hey, Lou." Louis shudders a little and says hi back, wrapping an arm around Harry as well. When they pull apart, Harry smiles brighter than before and Louis looks down , because , okay too bright. "We are going swimming, I'll walk you back home so you can get your swimsuit." Harry says while trying to ruffle his shirt. Louis nods as he watches a shirtless Harry, but soon his mind starts to calculate words again and he feels almost faint. He doesn't want to swim. Swimming means no shirt, no shirt means he won't have those things girls have, that honestly Louis doesn't get the use of.

He doesn't have a swimsuit that isn't trunks. Louis starts breathing a little harder and tries to hide it, but he fails a little because Niall sits down in front of him and places his hands on his chest. "Woah." Now from what Harry can see is that Niall is touching Louis' chest and that in itself not okay, but then he sees that Louis is okay with it and that makes it worse. Zayn watches this all play out, because that's just the best kind of friend he is. "Niall; stop that!" Harry goes over and bops Niall's head, making him fall to the ground. Niall jumps up with his hands raised in a surrendering position, " no- I -she- she's having a- she's breathing hard and," Zayn soothed Niall down and whispered in his ear, but Harry stopped listening somewhere between no and she. Harry leaned down and looked at Louis who kept his gaze to the ground, while his chest rose and fell at a rapid pace.

"Lou-" Louis looks up and his face flushes a red-ish color. "I'm- its hot." Harry nods, but his face is still contorted into confusion. "I need my- and it's at my- oh god- I can't breath."

This scares Harry into jumping up and telling Zayn to watch 'Louise' while he runs to his flat and fetching an inhaler. How Harry knew what he needed, no one knows, but he still managed to figure it out. As Harry made it down to the parking lot he looked at the name plates on the mail boxes. The name Tomlinson read on the mail box 523 which meant that was the door number he needed and he was gone up five flights of stairs.

Harry pounded on the door furiously, not minding that he could be disturbing neighbors. The door opened slowly to little puffs of blonde hair and blue eyes. Harry was taken back, little sisters? One of them with a pink shirt looked Harry up and down and went to slam the door until Harry stuck his foot in it. Yes, it hurt, and he's never doing that again, but he needs Louis' inhaler. "Hi- m'Harry, but that's irrelevant- can I - I mean I'm Louise's friend and I need- just give me her inhaler." Daisy was the first to react, eyeing Harry slowly before nodding and trotting off. Phoebe watched her twin sister leave her alone with this monstrous stranger for some inhaler for a girl they didn't know. This wasn't a good thing and they probably shouldn't be giving something of their brother's to this stranger, but Phoebe was just a bystander. She could always just blame Daisy later. Sisterly love and such.

When Daisy returned, Phoebe noted that she had Louis' inhaler. Harry smiled gratefully and left as quickly as he had come. "Should we tell Daddy?" Phoebe asked. Daisy shrugged and closed the door, "nope."


When Harry came back Louis was laying his head in Niall's lap while Zayn was telling him to simply breath slow. Harry dropped down beside Louis and stuck the inhaler in is mouth, telling him to do the little squirt thing- which he did. Slowly Louis started feeling better, he leaned off of Niall and sighed. "Thank Go- wait did you go to my house- who answered the doo- what did they-oh no-" Harry shushed Louis and told him that his cute little sisters came to the door and fetched him the inhaler. When Louis was told this, he was grateful they didn't say or do anything. Louis had, had enough for today and wanted to go home, so he told the lads this making them protest. "I don't feel well, I'll be back tomorrow." They all said their goodbyes, except for Harry who said he'd walk him home.

When Harry had gotten Louis to his door he stopped and hugged Louis an extra long time, which was odd on his part, but Louis let it slide. "I like you, Lou." Louis nodded and watched Harry's face. "I like you, Harry." Harry leaned in and kissed Louis on the lips lightly, which still made Louis feel odd, but he let it slide, again. "I don't like it when you do that," Louis didn't hate it, but it made his insides burn. Harry sat there for a second with a shocked look on his face, before nodding. "I- uh- I like- I mean I like you so- I just thought-"

Louis watched as Harry mumbled to himself more than actually talking to Louis himself. "It makes me feel weird, inside, I guess. My stomach drops," Louis interrupted. And, okay Louis isn't experienced in any way possible and Harry just realized that. Harry isn't really experienced either, but he has at least had two 'girlfriends' (or girls who he would hold hands with or hug occasionally) before 'Louise'. Harry smiled and pecked Louis again, which still didn't make Louis have any facial expression. "I want you to be my girlfriend," Louis went to shake his head because, I'm not a girl, so no I'm not your girlfriend, but before he could, he heard the door behind him open and watched Harry step a few steps back.

Louis turned to see his dad in the door looking at them. Oh. Well, that isn't okay and Louis felt as though he was going to be sick. "Hey, Lou, what are you doing?" Louis looks from his dad to Harry, then back to his dad. "Harry walked me home." Louis' dad looked at Harry, then smiled and nodded. "Okay, watch the girls, I'll be back." Louis didn't expect that to go so smoothly, but it did and he wasn't pushing his luck right now. Harry looked down and rolled on his feet. "I like you. Are you going to be my girl friends?"

"You already said that"

"I said it again, so?"

Louis looked to his door, then to Harry and decided he'd be nice. He leaned over and pecked Harry's lips, before turning and running inside slamming the door in Harry's face. Louis could hear Harry outside his door saying his name, but he only smiled a little and told him to go away and that he'd see him tomorrow, maybe. So yeah, Louis felt funny kissing Harry, mainly because Harry thought he was a girl, but he also really enjoyed touching Harry in any way possible, so maybe being a girlfriend is okay.


Louis didn't come out to play for two days after that. It really wasn't Louis' choice, because his dad didn't come home. He left home for two whole days and came back with a really bad five O'clock shadow and the smell of alcohol. This didn't happen often, only when his manuscript was rejected. None the less Louis smiled and hugged his dad, while asking nicely if he could go outside to play and Louis' dad said yes, but only if he took the girls. Louis grunted and released his dad with a pout. In Kevin's mind Louis was pouting because, who wants to take little siblings with them, but it wasn't that. Louis was afraid the girls would say something. If his new friends found out he was a boy, what would they do?

What if they were to beat him up? Louis nodded slowly, watching his father retreat to his room with a desk-top. Daisy was the first to fetch her shoes and smile. She had been waiting to meet her big brother's friends, and finally she was getting to. When all of the children of the Tomlinson house hold were by the door Louis stopped them and got down on one knee. He looked from Daisy to Phoebe, then back to the first twin again. "I need a favor." Immediately Daisy shook her head in acceptance, not really knowing- nor caring- what the favor was. But, Phoebe was a little hesitant. "How do I look," a simple question, but this would get their conversation rolling. Daisy smiled and put her small, pale hands on her big brother's tanned cheek. "You're very pretty," which earned an agreeing nod from Phoebe. "Thank you my loves, but I need you to understand, from this point, " Louis pointed from to the door, "I am not Louis, but Louise. You can call me Lou, but please understand I'm not Louis."

Louis didn't know if he was explaining this right, but how else could he get this across to two four year old girls? Daisy nodded. "We won't tell." And, that was that. Louis knew that if Daisy wasn't telling, Phoebe wasn't either. They may be four, but they were surely smart.

Louis motioned the girls out to the parking lot, where a certain head of curls sat flying around in the breeze. He wasn't looking at Louis, but at the passing cars by the curb. Louis had seen Harry waiting for him for the past two days, but hasn't cared to call down to him. If he wanted to wait, why would Louis stop him? "Harry," at the mention of his name Harry looked up and spotted Louis. A dimpled grin split Harry's face so quickly it almost looked painful. "Lou- I thought- are you mad at me?" Okay, so Louis didn't even think about that. He didn't think about if Harry would be worried as to why his girlfriend all of a sudden didn't come outside to greet him everyday. Louis shook his head and motioned to his two twin sisters behind him.

"These are my sister, Daisy and Phoebe." Both girls smiled the same smile and waved at the same time. Harry walked over and patted the first girl on the head winking. "Thanks so much for getting your sister's inhaler for me." At this Louis jumped and so did both little girls. As Louis watched Daisy's mouth open, he could feel bubbles of bile that threatened to hit him- hard. A cold sweat broke out on him as words formed, but finally he relaxed when he heard the words themselves. "How did you know it was me?" At this Harry just shrugged and said he doesn't think they look too much alike, which made both girls flush themselves to the curly teen.

The children made their way into the wood behind the flat building and through their very own made path, until they reached their spot where a blonde Niall sat pulling leaved out of a little boy's head. The little boy had curls flying every which way and dark brown eyes. When Louis and Harry walked up to Niall the little boy squirmed. "Sit still, Liam!" Louis later found out that the little boy was Niall's cousin on his mum's side that he was stuck watching for the day. This played out good for Louis considering Liam was only a year older than the girls and had taken to playing dragons with them.

That day Louis played with Niall, Zayn, and Harry, while his little sisters played with a very smiley, bubbly Liam. It was an okay day.

"You have a cool big sisthter." Little Liam said happily to Phoebe, who shrugged.

And Daisy went on to say that Louise is the most beautiful of any girls Liam would ever meet.

But, Liam secretly disagreed.


That night when Louis and his young sisters got home, their mum had prepared a small dinner in which the whole family would be sitting at the table. Daisy and phoebe talked about their day with Louis' friends and how they absolutely loved Liam. Jay nodded and watched Louis smile and pick at his food, while letting his little sisters finish, "so, when can we meet your friends?" Louis' smile left his face instantly. There was no way his family could meet them. If they did his secret was out. "Umm- well they're busy and- it's just- not a good time right now, Mum." Phoebe poked at her untouched peas before spitting out, "I like Louise the best." Jay stopped and looked at her daughter.

"She has a crush on Louis." Daisy smiled over at Louis, stuffing pieces of meat into her mouth. Louis only nodded, feeling his face heat up. "Oh is that right; she sounds lovely," Jay said.

Both twins shared a look and smiled, "she's like our very own big sisthter."

And, Louis could only smile with them; his sisters were adorable.


Louis sat and watched Liam and Daisy dance to some imaginary beat. He liked being able to have his sisters out here with him. He could be around his new found friends and can at least be a little bit of his real self. His sisters were a part of him so he wasn't completely lying to them.

Harry hadn't come to get Louis that day, instead it was Zayn who did. When Louis asked about Harry, he simply shrugged and said Harry had called him and said to. So they walked to their spot where they are now and Louis simply waited for him. He was kind of talking to Niall and Zayn, but it was always like they were in their own little worlds; too many inside jokes. They had been out there a good hour before Harry did come, with a nice smile on his face. Louis smiled and waved at him, in which Harry waved back until he reached where Louis was and sat down.

When Harry was firmly on his bum he leaned over and pecked Louis on the lips, almost like a bird would it's food. At this action, Daisy- who had been watching- stopped dancing and gasped. She didn't understand. That wasn't okay, she knew boys didn't do that. When Liam saw that Daisy stopped dancing he said, "what?" Daisy was going to answer, but she wanted to know why they did that. "Boys don't kiss." Liam looked at her with a confused expression. "Yes they do," of course they did to Liam. Liam had two dads and they kissed all the time.

Daisy shook her head stubbornly, "no, they don't. It's weird." Liam's face turned a deep color of red, before he pushed Daisy to the ground. Daisy hit her knee harshly on a rock. As tears filled in her eyes a low whine left the back of her throat. She held it in for as long as possible, before tears spilled down her cheeks and a loud scream left her lips.

Louis' head popped up at the sound of his sister's cry, when he saw her bleeding knee he sprang to his feet and ran to her side, at which she clung to him. "What happened?" Louis could feel himself get angry. His voice was demanding, almost boyish- which none of the other boys noticed. Daisy pointed at Liam who was cowering behind his older cousin. " He pushed me!" Another whale left her lips and more tears ran down her face. Louis jumped up and turned to Niall. He pointed to the little boy behind him and growled, "say sorry, now!" Niall threw his hands up with an evil glare towards Louis. "Don't boss him, hag. Maybe it was your sister that did something!"

How could it possibly be his sister? She was an angel, but it wasn't like that mattered. Liam was in fact a boy, which means he hit a girl and that was not okay. Without really thinking Louis let his hand fly up and go back down across Niall's cheek. A loud smack echoed through the trees and all of the boys went silent. Daisy and Phoebe started back on the path without their older brother, they didn't want to stay in that scary place any longer. Harry grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him back, watching as Niall hissed and cursed under his breath. Niall looked up one last time, shooting another pointed look Louis' way before walking away quickly, with Zayn at his heels.

Harry sighed, "Lou... why did you do that?" Louis took in a breath. Was Harry going to defend him? He had hit his little sister, made her cry, and then didn't care to say a simple sorry. "He hit her!" Harry looked down, then back up at Louis. He didn't want to make his girlfriend mad, but honestly did it have to result in fighting? "So it's okay for you to hit because he did?" Now, to Louis, Harry was sounding like a father scolding a child and this just made him even more furious. Louis huffed and turned away from Harry and started to storm off. If Harry didn't want to take his side, what could he do? It's not like he liked Harry all that much anyway, he wasn't even a girl.

"Wait! Lou, please- I didn't mean- I mean c'mon!" Louis didn't even care to turn around, he just kept walking. The last person he wanted to talk to-besides Niall- was now Harry.

"Lou, I like you!"

"Well, I don't like you!"


When Louis got home he was greeted with mad and tear stained faces. His mother sat looking at Daisy's knee who was still slightly crying, and his father sat glaring down at him. Louis didn't know if he should be worried or scared- he's almost positive he was feeling both at once. "Louis William Tomlinson," his father started, "is it true?" Louis watched his father's face closely. Was what true? He really wanted to ask that, but something made him keep that inside. He knew what was going on. "Um- I don't-"

"We're cutting your hair, we're going to that boy's house, and you are grounded." Kevin left at that going to fetch some hair cutters and a kitchen chair. Louis' eyes filled with tears as he looked to his mother for help. She gave him a sad smile and motioned him toward the chair that his father had sat down in front of him. "Sit down." The tears slowly went down Louis' cheeks. He didn't want to cut his pretty hair that stopped at his shoulders. He tried muffling his sniffles as he took a seat.

He watched as piece after piece fell from his head; he could even feel the weight being lifted off, but it wasn't the good kind. After a few more pieces and a few more sniffles, Louis' father let out a satisfied sigh and walked away, leaving Louis to cry even harder once he saw the outcome. His hair didn't sweep down his shoulders, but stopped barely half way down his ears. He no longer had actual bangs, they just went to the side of his face. He hated it.

When Kevin came back, he quickly put his shoes on, kissed the girls and grabbed Louis by the arm leading him outside. "Now, where does this Harry live?" Louis looked up at his dad sadly. He didn't know where he lived, but he was certain his dad didn't want to hear that. "I don't-"


Louis jumped, hearing a slow drawl of a voice go through the hallway. Louis looked over and saw a smiling, dimpled Harry waving and walking over. Louis' cheeks went a deep scarlet as he eyed his father, then went back to looking at Harry who stopped in front of him, "you cut your hair; it's nice." Louis smiled only a tiny bit, then looked down away from Harry. "Young man, do you mind letting Louis and myself meet your parents?" Harry's face changed from cheerful to confused quite quickly. He looked from Kevin's face to Louis'. Harry doesn't know a Louis, Louis thought with a frown.

Harry nodded politely shooting Louis an odd look as he led them to his flat which was oddly at the bottom of the building. Why hadn't Louis even known that? When they made it to the door, Harry went in, and politely motioned Louis and his father in. Louis and his father sat in the living as a beautiful woman, who looked an insanely amount like Harry, walked in. She smiled sweetly and wiped her hands on a hot pink apron before extending it out to Kevin, "can I help you?" Louis' father told him to go into the kitchen with Harry while they talked, so he did. At least he wouldn't have to stand in there while he said it.

Harry smiled at Louis and went to peck him on the lips, but Louis moved away from him. He knew all too well that once Harry received the news, the last thing he'd want to do is kiss him. "You're still mad?" Louis shook his head and kept his eyes to the floor. He wasn't mad, he didn't really have a right to be mad, but Harry would soon. Harry grabbed Louis' hand and frowned. "Niall said he was sorry- I am too- but uh your dad what's he-"

"Harry, come in here for a moment." Harry stopped mid sentence as he heard his mother calling for him. Harry let go of Louis' hand and swiftly gave him a sweet peck before leaving the kitchen. Louis covered his hands with his face, he really wanted to cry just so bad. Louis could hear low murmurs and hushed whispers, before he heard an audible gasp. When Louis peeked into the living area where his father and Harry's mother sat, he saw Harry's fists ball together, before stormed out of the room and into the flat hall way.

Louis walked into the living room with his hands hidden behind his back. He wasn't sure what to do, but look down ashamed. Harry's mother eyed Louis for a moment, before patting her lap and standing up. "Well, it was really nice meeting you Kevin," she turned to Louis with a sad smile, "and you too Louis. Come back any time." And that was that.

Louis and his father left shortly after. When they were home Louis' father gave him a hard pat on the back and left to his study- most likely to work on a manuscript yet again. When Louis was left alone in the living room he began to cry again. So maybe, he did like Harry; he liked him more than he thought he did. He knew he wasn't a girl, but he still liked Harry like a girl would. He wanted Harry to kiss him. Harry hated him and he knew he did, and that made things even worse.


Louis didn't go back outside for the next two weeks. He wasn't exactly avoiding anyone but he was mortified and he was sure Harry had told the others. He never wanted to leave his house again. Louis was actually looking forward to when him and his family would have to move again. A new start would be great right now to Louis.

Later in the afternoon after Louis had went through home school with his dad, he sat on the balcony with his legs between the bars. He smelled the air and looked down at the parking lot. Cars passed slowly that day; they actually did. Louis let his eyes scan the lot over and over until a puff of blonde poked out from behind a tree. He watched as the young boy looked around, then his bright blues looked up to Louis. Louis visibly jumped in his spot and looked down back at Niall who was waving him down with a smile. This confused Louis. Why would they want to talk to him?

Louis stood up and went back into his flat, where he didn't bother asking his dad's permission to go outside and simply did. He walked the hall quietly when he was on Harry's floor- he didn't want an encounter right now. When Louis was at the lot, Niall ran up to him and smiled. Too bright. "Lou, I heard something. You're not a girl." Niall didn't skip a beat, making Louis' heart jump. He nodded soaking in Niall's reaction. Niall nodded slowly with a face splitting grin. "But, you're so pretty." At this Louis laughed a little. Louis nodded, but stopped when he heard leaves crunching. "Niall where did you go-" Harry stopped looking at Niall and Louis.

Louis' heart rose into his throat. God must have been testing Louis, he was sure of it. "Oh, sorry," Niall waved Louis and Harry off as he headed back into the wood. Louis rocked back and fourth on his heels; he wasn't planning on meeting Harry's eyes any time soon. "Lou," Harry started, making Louis look up, "can I see?" Louis' cheeks went red , all heat rushing to them. Harry wanted proof of him being a boy? Should he really have to; even after the embarrassment that happened two weeks ago at Harry's house. Louis shook his head. No, he wouldn't do it.

Harry nodded. Harry slowly moved closer to Louis and stuck his hand out to him, without a smile. "Hi, I'm Harry. What's your name?"

Louis watched Harry's face and slowly took his hand, "Louis." Harry broke out into a dimpled grin. "Louis." Louis listened to the slow drawl of Harry's still maturing voice and maybe he liked the way it sounded from his mouth. "I like you, Harry." Harry stood for a moment, "we kissed, but I didn't- you're a boy- but that's okay- I mean I liked it," Louis finished. Again, Harry stood there listening before smiling slightly. "I like you better as a boy, your hair looks nice." Harry moved forward and pecked Louis on the lips. "I like you, Lou." So, Louis felt a lot better. "I'm a boy."


"Making sure you knew that this time," Louis couldn't help the cheeky grin spread on his face and Harry couldn't help but laugh.


Believe it or not, that's kind of how the ending went... all vague and shit. So if you ever want to watch the movie this was based off of it's called Tom Boy and it's french, but still try watching it. You'll see a lot of qualities and things that I used from the movie in here but there's a whole bunch added because, I just couldn't make it to where it was exactly like it. Hope you enjoyed!


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