Colorful Twists

By SaucyOneCurious

407K 16.1K 790

Seth didn't expect to receive a bundle when he went grocery shopping, but he did. He makes the decision to ta... More

1. The Gain is Greater
2. The Request
3. Blink of an Eye
4. Preparing
5. Introducing
6. Reaction
7. See You Later
8. Settling
9. Initiating
10. A New World
11. Locking
12. Pairing Up Part 1
13. Pairing Up Part 2
14. Bittersweet
15. Sweet Meddling
16. Sweet Flavors
17. Jubilant
18. Breathless
19. Elated
20. Joyful
21. Induction
23. Enticing
24. Nectarous
25. Thunderbolt
26. Swirling
27. Charming
28. Static
Father's Day
29. Tug of War
30. Competitive
31. Twister
32. Anticipation
33. Explosive
34. Fireworks
35. Impasse
36. Definitely
37. Infinity

22. Origins

8.4K 343 11
By SaucyOneCurious

Here's the next chapter! Enjoy! Thanks for reading!


After the meet, Nate sees the emotional toll the meeting took on Seth. He knows Seth still needs to process everything he learned today. He lets Seth choose what music to listen to and think about everything. He drives back home and remembering they still need some last minute things to get for Danny’s party he decides to call Eric to see if he can pick them up, so that he can help Seth relax. Fortunately, Eric answers saying he can. He drives them to Seth’s home.  

Upon seeing they’re heading to his house, Seth says, “aren’t we supposed to be going to pick up the pinata, and the other last minute items for Danny’s party?”

“No, Eric is doing that for us.”

“When did you ask him?”

“On our way here. I think you just need to process what you learned today and relax, so that’s what we’re doing.”

“Wow, you thought of everything.”

“Of course I’m known for being smart.” Nate responds with a wink, “so do you want take out or homemade?”

“We can have takeout.”

During the meal they talk about trivial things. Nate waits until Seth is ready to bring up the meeting.

“So what did you think about my mother?”

“She seems to genuinely care about you and wants to be part of your life.”

“Yes, what did you think about my story?”

“Well, she did give you up in the hopes that you would have a better life, since she couldn’t give you what you needed at the time, so her reasons are valid.”

“Yes, they are. You know I always refrained myself from being really angry with my biological parents. I never allowed myself to make any assumptions. I did ask my adoptive parents if they knew who my parents were and they sustained they didn’t know. They always told me I was adopted, but they loved me, and if I wanted to go look for them I could once I turned eighteen.”

“You’ve never mentioned them before.” Nate comments.

“That’s because they died in a car accident on their way to pick me up from school when I was in high school.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yes, I was left alone and I had already met Karla, so she asked her parents if I could live with them for the remainder of high school. They agreed. I had their trust besides they know I’m gay. They became my foster parents then. I did meet up with Ms. Brown after my eighteenth birthday, but I wasn’t ready to learn about my parents.”

“I’m glad you had caring people looking out for you during that time. And understandable, I can’t even imagine what it feels like to go through losing the only parents you have known at such an age.”

“Thanks and yes, they did their best to help me through my grief. I do miss them a lot. You know I haven’t told you, but it’s something Danny and I have in common--we’re both adopted.”

He is? How did he come to adopt him at such a young age and still in college?

“The difference is that I have no idea who his parents are. I have told him he’s adopted, but that it doesn’t change things. He’ll always be my son. ”

“You have told him you’re adopted too?”

“Yes, he asked who his grandparents are, so I had to explain. Although, Kara’s parents are his adopted grandparents. You should see how they spoil him when we get together.”

“He is a very likable kid and I’ve seen his puppy-eyes.” Nate states.

“Yes, he is.” Seth says with a smile.

“Hmm, wonder who taught him the puppy-eyes.” Nate wonders aloud.

“Yes, I do too.” Seth smiles.

“Do you, Mr. Mendoza, use the puppy-eyes too?”

“Of course not, why would I?” Seth asks innocently.

“Oh, I don’t know to get what you want.”

“Nope, I don’t have to use them.” Seth replies with a smirk.

“Why not?”

“Because I can get what I want.” Seth replies giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hmm, we’ll see about that.”

The next day everyone arrives for Danny’s sixth birthday party, kids from the soccer team and from school make it along with their parents. The kids spend the time playing in the backyard while the adults are either in the living room or keeping watch over them in the yard.

“It’s time for the piñatakids!” Robert announces going to the tree to tie it up and handing Eric the bat and blindfold. “Gather around to hit the piñata for the candy inside.”

The piñata is shaped as a soccer ball.

“Who is going first?” Eric asks.

Several me’s are heard. “Line-up and that’s the order you’ll go in!”

The kids form a line. Ivan is up first. Eric blindfolds Ivan and then spins him around counting until five. He throws a few strikes, but only hits it once, next is Caleb the process is repeated, but hits it twice. Next, comes Ken and Danny.

“Go Danny! You can--hit to the right!” Caleb yells.

“No, a little bit to the left!” Rue yells.

“YES!” is heard when Danny strikes the piñata making a dent.

The excitement is felt all around even the adults are attentive. Next it’s Violet, Rue, Carlos, Luis, Meg, and Liz. They strike the piñata a couple of times and it no longer maintains the round shape of a soccer ball.  All the kids continue taking turns until all have gone. Now there’s a definite dent, but now they take turns again, but without the blindfold. Rue gives the blow that frees all the candy. At the sight, all the kids rush to pick up the candy that is falling from the piñata. They compare to see who caught the most while Sandra passes out candy bags for them to place their candy in it. They go back to playing games filling themselves with candy.

“Kids, let’s go inside for cake.” Seth calls their attention.

The kids file into the house talking animatedly. No one has seen the cake. It has been kept a surprise from Danny. Seth brings the cake with the candles lit. He places it on the table.

“That’s the best cake ever, dad!” Danny says excitedly.

It is a rectangular cake with a soccer field drawn on it and monkeys playing soccer. Seth smiles and hugs Danny.

“Time to sing!” Robert yells and leads everyone.

“Happy sixth birthday, Danny!” everyone finishes singing.

“Make a wish and blow out the candles before they melt.” Seth adds.

Danny blows out the candles and is guided by Seth into cutting the first piece of cake. Then, Seth takes over and with help cake pieces are distributed. The children once again start playing as they finish eating the cake and the parents continue to chat. A bit after people start leaving and only Seth’s friends stay. They help with the cleaning and stay a bit longer. Right after dinner time, Seth, Nate, and Danny are sitting in the living room waiting for Karla’s call. This time she wasn't able to make it, but she isn’t going to let the day go without seeing and wishing Danny a happy birthday.

At the ring of the call, Seth answers it. The view they got were balloons on them written “happy birthday Danny!” and a singing Karla.

“Thank you, aunt Karla!” Danny responds with a grin.

“How did the party go Danny?”

“It was fun. My dad got me a soccer ball cake with monkey’s playing the game. And I had a soccer ball pinata.”

“Did you break it?”

“No, Rue did.”

“Aww, but you did get some candy?”

“Yes and it was fun hitting and seeing others hit the pinata.”

“Yes, that’s always the fun part.”

“How about you, Seth and Nate, did you both enjoy the party?” She asks with a wink.

“Karla behave and yes, you missed Robert being Robert. He was all the entertainment needed.” Seth responds.

“And I got to steal Seth away for a few minutes.” Nate responds playing along earning a punch from Seth.

“Stop encouraging her.”

“What? I meant I stole you away for a few minutes to relax in the porch.”

“Okay, so Danny, I am sorry I couldn’t make it, but I’m working on visiting you all as soon as I may. When I may we can spend the day just the two of us. How does it sound?”

“It’s all right, aunt Karla, I understand and we can still talk and yes.” Danny responds with a smile.

“How is Caleb?”

“He’s good and he’s getting so much better in soccer!”

“You’re a good teacher, Danny.” Karla responds. “Well, I should let you go, so that you may go to bed Danny. It is getting late.”

“Okay, goodnight aunt Karla.”

“Goodnight, Danny and I love you.”

“Love you too, aunt Karla.”

“Dad can you come with me?”

“Yes, Danny right behind you. Karla, I’ll be back.” Seth responds getting up.

“Hey Nate, now that we’re alone, how’s it going?”

“It’s good. Things are good.”

“How did the meeting go with his mother? How is he taking it?”

“It went well. It was emotional for him to learn why he was given up, but he’s well. I think it’s still sinking in and he wants her in his and Danny’s life.”

“Yeah, it would seem surreal. I remember when he turned eighteen and went to ask, but he backed out because he wasn’t ready.”

“He could also meet his dad. I’ll let him tell you more about it.”

“He could? I never imagined he would find both of his parents. It must really be overwhelming then and all of it happening during this weekend.”

“Yes, but we are here for him and I’m keeping a close watch.”

“Yes, thanks. I wished I could have made it.”

“No need to thank me. He knows that and before he comes back do you think you’ll be able to come for Seth’s birthday?”

“Yes, that’s the goal and I already told my boss that I need that weekend? Why?”

“I need your help.”

Returning to the living room, Seth asks, “hey, what are ya’ll talking about?”

“Nothing important. Just our favorite dessert.” Karla responds.

“Okay, well Danny fell asleep very quickly today.”

“It was a lot of active exercise he got today.” Nate comments.

“Hey, Karla I’m sure you want to know how yesterday went?”

“Yes, you know I do. Was it what you expected?”

“It feels surreal. I can even meet my father. I always hoped I could meet both of them. They’re actually married, but have no children. I want to tell you the rest in person though.”

“Understood. I am sorry I wasn’t able to make this weekend. Are you planning on meeting him?”

“Yes, I just don’t know when. I want to establish a relationship with my mother first.”


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