Romeo and Juliet (Book 1) - S...

By Semantrick

431K 13.8K 11.1K

*Featured in Wattpad @Fanfic Recommendations* Severus Snape could not possibly be more focused on his tasks n... More

Prologue / Chapter 1 - Leaving The Past
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Hogwarts
Chapter 3 - First Day Counts
Chapter 4 - Triwizard Heat
Chapter 5 - Coffee For The Sleepy
Chapter 6 - Saved By The Snape
Chapter 7 - Exploding Bonbon
Chapter 8 - A Muggle Love Story
Chapter 9 - Ups And Downs
Chapter 10 - The Last Dance
Chapter 11 - What Is Yet To Come
Chapter 12 - Reveal and Forgive
Chapter 13 - Special Guests
announcement! lol
Chapter 17 - Abduction By Waters
Chapter 18 - Confessions and Confusion
Chapter 19 - Considerable Thoughts
Chapter 20 - Of All People
Chapter 21 - Clarice
Chapter 22 - The Same Mistake
Chapter 23 - Tortured Hearts
Chapter 24 - Apples And Acromantulitis
Chapter 25 - Obstinate Recovery
Chapter 26 - All for you
Chapter 27 - To Love And Linger
Chapter 28 - The Heiress Of Slytherin
Chapter 29 - Do Not Fear

Chapter 16 - Black Forest

13.7K 462 383
By Semantrick

"Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. Then your love would also change." -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet


CHAPTER 16 - Black Forest

~ S ~


The last thing a man like Severus Snape needed at the moment was a diversion, as far as he's concerned. He felt marginally weak for letting a girl named Renee Capulet cloud what's left of his rational mind, yet he wondered if weakness was in the equation since all he could feel whenever he would see her was an unyielding dauntlessness.

Severus could not figure out how the girl was somehow able to squeeze her way into his shielded world and affecting the most sensitive spots that no one has ever made an effort to find. Cavorting with a student was out of the question but he found Renee just so damn hard to resist.

Awarding came quickly and lunch was shared amongst the Hogwarts team. Renee sat beside Severus all the time, and he found it worrying that he didn't mind and he actually longed for her presence.
They came back to Hogwarts hand in hand, and he felt dreadful that the short vacation of being the diabolical spy that he is has ended, and he would have to go back to being Renee's professor.


~ R ~

After going back to castle, Renee immediately went to her dormitory, aching to get some proper sleep or at least a nice nap after the excruciatingly triumphant event. Classes would resume the next day, so she took advantage of the remaining hours she had left. It was late afternoon when she finally had the willpower to separate herself from the comforts of her four-poster, and she suddenly realized that there was still a matter that was left unsettled: Fred.

Renee recalled the mess she had left her best friend in and felt guilty for leaving him in such a state. She knew Fred had the best intentions at heart and meant no harm, but it was distressing to be in a situation where both him and Severus are involved-- it was too troublesome for her little heart to handle. Remembering that she vowed to fix things as soon as she returned, she went out of the dungeons to look for George's twin brother.

With the very little time that they had spent in America, Renee was able to weed out her true feelings; there was only one name her heart was screaming and it wasn't Fred. She loved the Gryffindor for sure, but her love for him was directed towards a more brotherly sense. She couldn't live without him, but she didn't want to be with him, because a certain black-haired wizard had unintentionally made his way into her life, and her situation with that man was complicated enough as it is. Regardless of who is in possession of her heart and the pain it may cause to whoever, she knew that Fred deserved to know the truth.

Spotting Harry and Ron down the hall, she stumblingly ran to catch up with the pair.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Renee breathlessly called the two.

"Renee! Congratulations, we've heard about the competition." Harry greeted happily.

"Thank you! Have you guys seen Fred? Or even George?" Renee asked.

Ron's ears suddenly turned red, his face revealing a reminder. "Oh right, I forgot, those lot are looking all over for you since you came back. They've told me to tell you to come to the, uh..."

"The area between Hagrid's squash garden and the Forbidden Forest," Harry elbowed Ron.

"Yeah, there," the redhead blushed. "Sorry."

"Right. Okay." Renee exhaled. "Thanks, Ron! See you, Harry!"

"No problem," she vaguely heard the boys say.

Exiting the castle and trampling along the hilly path towards Hagrid's hut, Renee wondered why would they be there of all places. But then again, when it comes to the Weasley twins, what may be peculiar to someone was probably a norm to them.

The hut itself was blocking the area that Harry was talking about, so Renee couldn't see if the twins were really there. As soon as she reached the place, what she saw was a mesmerizingly jaw-dropping sight.

There were levitated lanterns that traced the pathway, illuminating the hidden region. Fred was standing at the center with a shy smile on his face, holding a bouquet of roses. George was on the left corner, cheekily grinning while carrying a basket, and Jamila was on the right corner, smirking with a picnic cloth of some sort clutched in her hand.

"Fred-- what is this?" Renee asked in disbelief.

George let out a teasing giggle. "Good grief, Renee, we were beginning to think you'd never come, we're just about to pack up--"

"Hush, George! For Merlin's sake, let them have their moment!" Jamila admonished, making Renee stifle a laugh.

"Renee," Fred began, catching the Slytherin's full attention. "I just want to tell you I'm sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have rushed you. But I want to let you know that nothing has changed. I still feel strongly for you and I'm going to wait as long as it takes."

That rendered Renee speechless as she had not been expecting such a scenario. There she was, about to tell her best friend that she felt nothing for him, then this. Decision-making was one of her weak points; she did not know what to do. She wanted to vanish, praying to the heavens that they sent a hippogriff in flight to snatch her away from the ground.

"Renee?" Fred said softly after she hadn't said anything. "Will you forgive me?"

"Yes of course, but..." Renee trailed off.

"Did I get you into trouble?" he worriedly asked.

By trouble, do you mean Severus getting upset and treating me like thin air? Then yes. "No," Renee answered. "I, um, I'm really sorry as well, you know, for leaving like that."

"That's quite alright," Fred lit up. "I missed you so much."

Renee was glad that they were no longer on the prospect of who fancies who, at least for now. "I missed you too. And sorry, Will Smith wasn't in the vicinity of our site. I don't think there were even any muggles. I got you this instead," she smiled, getting the Will Smith figurine out of her pocket.

"Why thank you, Renee, this is more than enough. I love it," Fred said. "Oh bollocks, why am I still holding your flowers-- here you go."

"Thanks," Renee laughed and gleefully accepted the bouquet.

"Such smoothness, brother," George taunted. "I hate to break the moment, but it's getting rather late and I heard McGonagall is on patrol tonight."

"Mr. George Weasley is quite right," said a voice that Renee was sure belonged to the deputy headmistress. All four students froze, waiting for the worst possible punishment for sneaking out. "Ten points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. Back to your dormitories now." Professor McGonagall authoritatively commanded, making the four run off quickly.

"What's in the basket?" Renee asked amusedly as she skipped off to the castle, thankful that they weren't given detention and that it wasn't Severus who caught them.

"Just some sandwiches and cakes. We were supposed to have a picnic but you came so late." Fred winked, running clumsily.

"Sorry! I fell asleep," Renee blushed.

"It's fine, let's just consume this in the Great Hall," Fred grinned.


Reality hit Renee in the face as soon as she went back to doing the truckload of schoolworks in queue. Things were going well with Fred; they haven't done anything to complicate their friendship, although she didn't know how long they could pull off their "just-friends-but-not-really" status. As for Severus, there wasn't much progress; they were too busy preparing for the second Triwizard task to mock about. So as usual, Renee's heart constantly gets torn into pieces whenever she sees Severus and realizes the one-sided love that lonesomely existed, as far as she knew.

Renee just got out of Severus' office and was headed to the library to return some tomes when she overheard Professors Vector and Flitwick chatting behind her, talking about something that made her heart race.

"So apparently, it's Mr. Sourpants' birthday tomorrow. Are you going to get him anything?" Professor Vector asked.

"You taunt as if you aren't still used to him, Septima. The usual probably, some Firewhiskey to liven up his life," Professor Flitwick said.

"Perhaps you mean to knock him off," the Arithmancy professor joked. "Maybe if Snape would stop being so bloody cold, I'd bother to get him something."

Merlin's saggy balls.

The professors turned to the other direction, no longer trailing behind Renee. She was surprised, excited and anxious at the same time about what she'd just heard, still figuring out what exactly was the date tomorrow.

January ninth.

Renee made sure to never ever forget that date from that time on. She wanted to slap herself for not directly asking Severus if he even had a birthday, but then again he wasn't the type of person to share information like that. She had few hours to prepare, and she couldn't think of anything that's isn't lamer than knitted socks as a gift. The best thing she could come up with was a birthday cake, and there was no other way to conjure one but to team up with Hogwarts' house-elves.

Hurriedly returning the books to the library, Renee ran straight to the kitchens, not minding the time. She's never been there before; all she knew was that it was below the Great Hall and beside the Hufflepuff basement. Thanks to her highly adventurous best friends, Fred and George taught her how to enter the said place. She tickled the pear, and it turned into a green doorknob, which she quickly opened.

The place was an enormous, high-ceilinged room with five tables similar to the Great Hall just above. House-elves were busy cooking, banging and cleaning, making no acknowledgement of her presence. Flying pots and pans were everywhere, and there was a huge brick fireplace at the end of the hall.

"Hello there, Miss... uh-oh, a Slytherin," a frightened house-elf said before hiding behind a giant pot.

"Hey! No it's okay, I won't bite," Renee smiled. "May I ask you something?"

The house-elf hesitantly revealed himself again. "Certainly, miss!"

"What's your name?" Renee patiently asked.

"Dobby, a free elf, at your service!" he said.

"Hi, Dobby. I'm Renee, and I need your help," she asked nicely.

"What can Dobby do for Ms. Renee?" he asked, seeming to like her better.

"Well, do you know that it's Professor Snape's birthday tomorrow? Do you usually give him anything?" Renee asked.

Dobby thought for a moment. "Oh yes, Headmaster Dumbledore asked Dobby to deliver some Firewhiskey tomorrow for Professor Severus Snape."

Poor Severus, Renee thought. The few people who would actually care to give him something were planning to give him throat-burning alcohol, thinking that he must be some soulless drunkard on his own birthday. Renee knew that the man was something else, cold and harsh on the exterior but definitely he was just a human being like everyone else, with certain wants, needs, whims and trials-- and she would either be branded a fool or a genius for thinking that she could potentially be the one to help him with those.

"I see." Renee responded. "Well I'm his assistant, and I was wondering if you could help me bake him a birthday cake."

"For Professor Severus Snape? Are you well, Ms. Renee?" Dobby asked incredulously.

"Yes I am. I just thought it'd be a nice gesture," Renee shrugged pleadingly.

The house-elf happily relented. "Okay, Ms. Renee, leave it to Dobby. What kind of cake would you like Dobby to make and when would Dobby deliver it to Professor Severus Snape?"

After explicitly telling Dobby all the needed details for the next day and thanking him for his kindness and agreeableness, Renee went back to Slytherin house with a skip on her step, happy that her last-minute plans were going well so far. She knew that Severus would appreciate even just a bit of her efforts though she was a hundred percent sure that he would not show it, which was okay to her.

Morning came quickly, with Renee barely being able to sleep from excitement. The last time she and Severus talked about anything that was non-academic was in the competition so she really looked forward to later. Before going to her classes, Renee went back to the kitchen, checking to see Dobby's work. The cake was nice and puffy but there wasn't any icing yet so she made it herself, carefully covering the cake. Telling the house-elf to put her creation in a safe place where it could be kept cool, she left it to attend her classes.

Renee tried her best to keep her excitement to a minimum, especially at Potions class. As they were discussing antidotes for doxy bites, even Severus seemed to have noticed that her eyes were sparkling, so he unexpectedly asked her a question that wasn't related to the lesson just to wake her up, which she thankfully had answered correctly.

After finishing her last period, Renee went straight to the kitchens to add the finishing touches and remind Dobby of his assigned tasks. The house-elf obediently swore to his role, giving her a sense of security. Finally, it was time for Alchemy, and the moment she was waiting for at the same time dreading was finally there.

"Good evening, Severus." Renee entered his office.

Severus was standing, stirring the solution that they had been making for how many days now. He eyed her viciously, looking up at her with suspicion.

"You are acting strange today. What have you done this time?" Severus asked equivocally.

"What? I haven't done anything," Renee countered, refusing to believe she was that obvious.

Severus huffed in annoyance but proceeded with their lesson concisely. They finished early, needing the extra time to complete the safety brews for the four 'hostages' of the second task the next day.

"You are the only one who has got an access to the stock room. Have you been stealing Polyjuice Potion ingredients?" Severus asked while levitating a vial above the fire.

"What the hell will I do with boomslang skin and lacewing flies? Of course not!" Renee said defensively, her stirring becoming more aggressive.

"Careful there. Knowing you and your previous little water adventures, it isn't impossible. But if it's not you, then it must be Potter. That bloody chit," Severus accused.

"Damn right it's not me," Renee testified. "Severus."

The professor looked at Renee without a clue as to why she was so agitated if she didn't steal his gillyweed.

"Yes?" he raised an eyebrow.

Renee sighed. "Are we nearly done yet?"

"You're not complaining about your workload, are you? Because if you are, there's the door, you're free to leave." Severus said.

Wow, he's extra touchy on his birthday, Renee thought. "No, I'm happy working with you, I was just wondering when we'd finish."


~ S ~

"No, I'm happy working with you, I was just wondering when we'd finish."

Severus wasn't daft. He knew a person had to be out of sorts to say that they were 'happy' working with him. But then again it was Renee Capulet; she was different, and he knew he could let his guard down with her. He felt a bit bad for his typical not-so-kind remark.

"We're actually done. Why do you ask?"

"Because..." Renee mumbled, wriggling her fingers. Severus was waiting for her to finish when she clapped twice, making his eyebrows furrow in confusion. What the hell--

"Dobby," Renee whispered. "Now,"

Just then, two house-elves apparated out of thin air, and one was carrying a brown lump mashed with dripping white frost. Severus looked at Renee for some answers, but found her looking mortified.

"Ms. Renee! Dobby is sorry but Winky messed up Ms. Renee's cake! Dobby was trying to protect it but Winky tripped Dobby and Dobby smushed the cake!" Dobby apologetically explained.

"Cake, cake, gimme some cake!" Winky blurbed, looking drunk.

The two house-elves tried to get a hold of the lump that was supposed to be a cake, and ended up falling down, with the cake laying splattered onto the floor. Winky dizzily apparated, and Dobby remorsefully swept the fluffy pieces, messily put them back on the plate and laid it on the table. The two humans looked at him, one with shock and one with sadness.

"Sorry, Ms. Renee," Dobby slapped himself, then apparated away.

Severus glanced at Renee, and the sparkle that once inhibited her eyes were no longer there. She looked forlorn, disappointed, embarrassed-- who knows what else. He knew exactly what she intended to do, and felt amused and grateful at her efforts. The thought was endearing to him even though he knew it didn't go exactly as she had planned. No one has ever made such an effort for his birthday-- if his colleagues didn't give him Firewhiskey he'd totally forget what day was it today. Renee Capulet was most definitely an exception.

"Do I even want to hear the explanation for this?" Severus gently asked.

Renee was looking down with an explicable sadness in her face that made his heart clench. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." Severus said, deciding to have manners solely for her. Renee didn't say anything after that, and she was refusing to look at him, even though he was staring down at her beautiful form.

"Did you create this?"


"What is it exactly?"

Renee let out a disappointed sigh she was holding. "Black Forest. I figured you weren't into pink fondants so I went with the classic."

"Well, it definitely looks like a jungle to me," Severus joked, offering one of his rare half-smiles, which made Renee grin for a second, but then she looked crestfallen again.

Severus didn't know where the urge to console Renee came from but he sat beside her, and held her hand, which he found to feel so damn good. She looked at their clasped hands, then finally at him, and laced her fingers with his.

"How did you know?"

"Overheard Professors Flitwick and Vector."

"I appreciate it, Renee." Severus assured.

"I wish I can make it up to you," Renee prodded.

"You don't have to. But as a substitute for this monstrosity, Minerva decided to become hospitable and gave me some apple pie for a change. At least one of them doesn't think I'm a drunkard." Severus said, getting up to retrieve some forks and plates. "I'm afraid it's all I have besides Firewhiskey, but I'll have to be shot dead before I give some repulsive alcohol to you."

Renee laughed, forgetting about the Godforsaken cake. "That's okay, Severus, tea will do."

Both of them ate the pie in a much lighter mood, realizing that there was no reason to be tense. It was like being back at the competition, with no tasks and schoolworks to think about, just survival and wit, which they both need to engage in a lighthearted conversation.

"It's getting late. You better go back to your dormitory." he reminded, standing up to lead her to the door.

Severus wondered why Renee would always look dreadful before leaving his office. It's not like it was a desirable place to be in, so it confused him to no end.

"Thank you for the pie. I'm so sorry for the cake." Renee apologized. "May I ask, how old are you?"

"Questions like that should be forbidden," Severus miffed. "Anyway, this old man is now thirty bloody five."

"That's not so old!" Renee smiled, holding onto his arm.

"You must be joking." he scuffed.

"It's not one-hundred forty Dumbledore old," Renee insisted.

"If you say so," Severus conceded. "Well, time to sleep, baker lady."

"Happy birthday again, Severus." Renee greeted. Severus looked at her innocent face, and wanted nothing at the moment but to kiss her. For some unwanted reason he couldn't resist holding onto her face. It didn't help that she held his waist, urging him to come closer.

His rational mind, however, overpowered the nagging pulse in his chest and groin. "You should go now, Renee." he said, turning his back on her and not seeing the apparent dismay in her teary eyes.


Here you are! As promised :)

Sorry for the super delay. Second semester has not treated me kindly. I've had measles, failed some of my tests due to UNJUST compensation. Our professors are worse than Bellatrix on her period! But it's over now so yeaaaaah :)

You might think that this story is too shallow now, but I'm telling you, the story hasn't even begun! So I'm going to write like mad this vacation for you guys to be able to least catch a glimpse of what this story is all about asap. (see prologue for some tickles)

I really really need to finish editing all chapters, so God help me lol... But yes I can't wait for this story to unfold :D

Chapters 1-4 are all edited, so check 'em out ;) I promise to edit 7x faster lol.... and I also promise to update more often this vacation. :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH to you guys especially those who keep on commenting, I love you so much you don't even know :) hugs and kisses! 'Til the next one!

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