{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me F...

By emeraldrose187

22.5K 422 119

Andrea and Jimmy Jr. have been joined by a younger brother Dakota. To those outside and even most inside the... More

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2}
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [2]
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{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [4]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [5]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [6]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [7]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [8]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [9]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [10]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [11]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [12]
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{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [15]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [16]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book2} [17]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [18]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [19]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [20]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [21]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [22]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [23]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [24]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [25]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [26]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [27]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [29]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [30]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [31]
{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [32]

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [28]

293 12 3
By emeraldrose187

My face was consumed with my grin. I'm really, honestly sure it stretched from one ear to the other as I parked Dan's car in the driveway. Matt parked right beside me and we all filed out. I handed Dan back his keys reluctantly.

"I so love your car," I half whined as I stared at it in appreciation. 

"Well if you behave yourself on tour I might let you drive it when we get home."

"You don't have to," I said blushing.

"No, no...let's consider it extra incentive for you to behave."

Dan put his arm around my shoulders and guided me across the porch. Matt opened the door and nodded at him as he disappeared into the kitchen with my mom. Jr and Dakota were playing catch as Dan guided me into the living room. We sat down on the couch and I felt my stomach do a funny little flip.

"Andy, I know we've talked to you guys about tour before but I think we need to have a more in depth talk now that you're older and," Dan's eyes slid up and down my form, "more mature."

"I know that I disappointed everyone before but I won't do it again. I will stick to the rules. I won't leave the bus without someone and I won't...."

"Without me," Dan interrupted.


"You aren't permitted to leave the bus or the venue without me or Matt."



"Why? I promise I'll be good."

"Andy....we aren't punishing you. We're protecting you. Brian may have been acting like a..duc..ahem...an idiot earlier..."

I giggled and Dan grinned.

"He had a valid point Andy. You've grown up and you aren't a little girl anymore. When you dress like a girl instead of wearing Jr's clothes it's noticeable to all the guys that you're very much a young woman now and that can bring you more trouble than you think."

"I'm still me though. Just cause I'm wearing a skirt doesn't mean I've changed."

Dan smiled at me. "I know Andy and that's part of the problem. You're still way to naive about guys your age."

"Uh Dan, I have a twin my age remember? I'm not naive I just choose to ignore them."

"Well if you keep wearing outfits like that they aren't going to choose to ignore you."

"I thought you liked it?"

"I do like it. You look..."


"Pretty, is what I was going to say," he said frowning. He ruffled my short bob. "I really like this hair kiddo. It's so you."

"Thanks," I murmured running my fingers through the same place he'd just ruffled as my stomach flipped again.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I think I'm just nervous about tour."

"You don't have to be nervous. Matt and I will make sure you are safe."

I smiled at him mischievously. "From the press or boys?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Both but I thought you weren't interested in boys?"

"I'm not. I thought you just said they would be interested in me?" I asked with wide eyed innocence.

"I think they are."


"Yeah...who is he?"

"What?" I asked totally confused.

"You can tell me Andy. I won't tell Matt unless he's dangerous to you."

"Uh...thanks but I'm really not interested in boys."

"Andy," He said lowly as he stared directly in my eyes.

I felt my stomach start flipping and it didn't seem like it was going to stop.

"I'm not interested in boys. They are all so immature."

"So the change in style?"

"I'm tired of being the Sullivan twins, Jr's sister, the other half. I wanna be me, Andy," I said looking down and kicking the carpet.

"Alright, but Andy," he lifted my chin and waited until my gaze met his. "I meant what I said. You can confide in me. I won't tell Matt unless it's something he absolutely needs to know. Consider me your tour best friend as well as your personal bodyguard."

My heart thudded loudly in my chest as my stomach flipped.

"Thanks Dan."

"No problem kiddo. I gotta get going. All the last minute details you know?"


He tugged on the blue piece of hair framing the right side of my face. "Be good ok?"

"Always," I said with a smile.

I watched him leave from the living room doorway. As the front door clicked shut Matt opened the door to the kitchen.

I arched an eyebrow at him and bit my lip to keep from laughing.

Matt raised his hands. "Not my fault. He wanted to do it."

"It's fine. Is mom feeling alright?"

"Yes sweetie, I'm right here why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping?"

"For clothes?" She smiled as her eyes lit up.

I smiled at her feeling a little guilty that I hadn't gotten into this girl stuff before.

"Yeah, I thought I could pick up some stuff for tour."

"If you pick up skirts you might want to get those kind with the shorts under them," Matt warned.

"Why?" I asked.

"I remember someone saying something about drumming lessons. Can't do those in a regular skirt."

"Oh yeah..." I bit my lip torn. I wanted to learn to play better and tour was a good chance but I was also gonna be around Dan a lot.

"I'm sure we can find some of both. It's not like you are going to have lessons all day every day," Mom said with a smile.

Matt looked defeated.

He pulled me into a tight hug. "Have fun kiddo."

Mom grabbed her purse and we headed out to the car.

"Why don't you drive Andy?"

"Yes!" I took her keys and started the car. "Mom, is Matt upset with me?"

"Why would Matt be upset?"

I reversed out of the drive watching the gates click closed in front before backing out into the road.

"Because I'm behaving like a girl now?"

"Oh, honey no. Matt's not upset. He's just...well he's realizing I think how much he's missed out on with the constant touring over the last few years. I mean the last time he took time off you guys were 8 and Dakota was just born. You aren't a little girl anymore you're a young woman and I think it's just coming to his attention that he's going to have boys knocking on the door soon."

"Mooom. Boys aren't going to knock on the door. They are still afraid of Jr. and I'm not interested."

"Not at all?"

"Not right now. The guys at school are all so immature still."

"So there is someone more mature you are interested in?"

"No, it's just spending all this time with Matt and the guys kind of makes me want to wait until I'm older to date. You know when guys are actually guys and not just 'walking hormones' as Uncle Johnny says."

She laughed as I turned into the parking lot of our local mall.

"Well that's going to be a relief to Matt. I told Chelle and Lindsay we'd meet them by the food court."

"Food court it is," I said and parked near the closest door to the food court. We headed into the mall and began searching the food court.

"Over here!" I heard Delilah yell. I turned to see her waving her arms from a table in front of a subway. We made our way over to find our food already waiting for us. We sat down and I found myself staring at my sandwich.

"So Andy a skirt?" De asked with a smirk. "Who is he?"

"I'm not interested in anyone."

"Uh, huh, sure...we all believe that one." De said shaking her head. I glanced at Ash who was studying me.

"Well whoever he is I hope he understands how wonderful you are," Chelle said.

"There isn't anyone. I just wanted to be a girl. Be myself and not just Jr's twin for once."

"Oh honey, we don't see you that way. We've always seen you as individuals," Lindsay said laying a hand on my arm.

"I know you guys do but people at school...I don't think they really do."

"Well, you are your own person and this new look really shows it."

"Absolutely, I love the new hair," Chelle said.

"Thanks guys!"

We finished our sandwiches while chatting about the last minute details that always seem to pile up before a tour. Once finished we all made our way to our favorite botique on the second floor. The shop was run by a designer that went to school with my mom and aunts. We walked in the door and the little bell chimed. I glanced around and smiled. This was so going to be fun.

"Well if it isn't my favorite ladies and who's this? Little Andy in a skirt?"

"Yep! I'm hoping you'll have some more for me Trish!" The five foot nine inch brunette walked over to me in her three inch heels and pulled me into a tight hug. I always loved Trish because she wasn't the five nine one hundred pound simperin princess most models were. She was five nine but she was a curvy one thirty five and she was happy with it.

"I have been waiting for this day for nearly sixteen years! So what exactly are you looking for?"

"I don't know? I need some stuff I can wear even if I'm helping move stuff on stage or drumming but then I want some just girly stuff..." I turned to my mom and sighed. "Mooomm, please don't cry."

"I can't help it. For the last fifteen years I've felt I had all boys and now...I just wish your dad was here to see how beautiful you are."

Lindsay laid her hand on my mom's arm and guided her to Trish's office as I stood there biting my lip. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea," I muttered.

"No, you are right," Chelle said taking my arm and guiding me towards the racks. "It's just going to take some time for everyone to adjust. Do you know who's been assigned to you for tour?"

"Dan, and he already laid out my rules."

"Good, I'm glad it's Dan. Now let's see what Trish has in stock for us."

I smiled and started going  through the racks with Chelle, Ash and De. Ash and De occassionally showed me a piece they felt would be right for me as we searched. Once all three of us girls were loaded down with armfuls of clothes to try we headed to the dressing rooms while our mother's sat in Trish's office and had coffee. Reaching the changing cubicles De and Ash darted forward taking the ones on the end leaving me the one in the middle.

"Oh yay, interrogate Andy time," I muttered as I shut myself into the middle stall.

"Your fault for not sharing earlier," De said.

"I'm guessing it's Gavin." Ash said.

I sighed and started working through my pile of clothes.

"Really Gavin? I mean I guess Matt might be upset about the party thing but overall he'll probably approve," De said as she zipped something. "Mmm...no I don't like this sillouette."

I rolled my eyes and studied my reflection in the mirror.

"Not Gavin," I said quietly. I decided to keep this outfit and moved on to the next.

"James?" De suggested.

"Ethan?" Ash queried.

"No," I said as I rejected the current outfit and moved to the next.

"To which one?" Ash asked.

"To both."

De an Ash's heads popped over the top of the cubicles. "Ok," De said, "since there are like over a thousand guys at our school let's play hot or cold..."


"We haven't said a name yet."

"He doesn't go to our school."

"Oh," they both said and dropped back into their cubicles.

"Ok...so did you meet him down in L.A.?" De asked.

"No," I added this outfit to the keep pile.

"Do we know him?" Ash asked.

I added two more outfits to the keep pile.

"Andy?" De questioned. "If you don't answer in the next thirty seconds we are going to think we know him."

"You guys can't say anything."

"So we do know him?" De asked.

"Yes, but if I tell you guys you have to take it to your grave."

"Andy, it's not that big of a deal. I mean my dad has hated some of my boyfriends but they are all still alive and let's face it my dad isn't exactly the most level headed. Not like Matt," De said.

"De, think about it. If he doesn't got to our school, she didn't meet him in L.A. and we all know him, who does that leave?" Ash prodded her.

"Someone from one of the northern schools." De said.

Ash made an exasperated sound as I added my last outfit to the keep pile. I stared at myself in the mirror before dressing in my own clothes again.

"He's not in school at all De. He's....older."

"A crew member?" De gasp loudly.

"De!" We both scolded.

"Sorry! Who knew little Andy would be such a rebel. Who is it?" De asked as we all three walked out carrying our keep piles.

"You guys promise to take it to the grave?"

"Yes!" They both exclaimed in excitement.

"Dan," I said softly.

"Dan?" The girls echoed in surprise.

"Yes, that's right girls. Dan is going to be Andy's personal bodyguard. Yours will be meeting with you tonight as well. Are we all ready to go?" Mom asked.

"Um yes, but Mom?"

"Yes Honey?"

"I know we are really pressed for time with us leaving early and I know we still have to pack but I was wondering if we could stop by another store?"

"Of course sweetie. Let's go."

"You know Kathy. She reminds me of Gena needing to stop by Victoria's Secret before tour."

"Yes but at least we know she won't be putting it to the same use."

"Ewww uncle Zacky and Gena would do that on the bus?" De said.

Mom, Lindsay, and Chelle all laughed as we entered the store. We darted around picking up the essentials and heading back to our cars.

"See you in the morning!" We all called to each other as we parted. The drive home was rather quiet. I parked in the garage stall Matt had left open for me and gave mom her keys back.

"Andy, I know there is still a lot to do but I want to speak with everyone tonight."


"Don't worry," she said ruffling my hair. "You always worry to much about me. You are the daughter." She said as we walked to the porch.


"No buts, it's my job to worry not yours." She opened the door and I carried my bags in the house. Jr paused as he neared the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok..." I said to mom.

"Please tell me there aren't more of those things in there," Jr said eyeing the bags.

"They are called skirts Jr and if your sister wants to wear them she can," Matt said.

"Thanks Dad."

Jr opened his mouth to speak and Matt added, "without you giving her issues."

Jr's mouth closed and he looked at the bags with disgust. "At least whoever he is will be at home. So what's the meeting about. I already met with Jake."

"Well," Mom said, "we wanted to let you know that I will not be leaving with you tomorrow. Instead I'll be joining you later."

"What?" Jr shouted at the same time as my "Why?"

"Guys, I've never really left Dakota like this before and not for this long. I want to make sure he's settled before I go that's all. It'll only be like a week or so. I'll catch up to you guys before you leave the west coast."

"Mom," I said.

"My mind is made up. You are both old enough to do this with Matt without me."

"Yes Ma'am," we both said staring at the floor.

"Ok, now I'm sure you girls ate at the mall but I ordered in Pizza because I'm betting no one has packed yet," Matt said.

Jr and I groaned.

"Alright you two. Go get started and I'll bring pizza up," Matt said.

"You are going to let us eat in our rooms when we aren't sick?"

"Special circumstances," Matt replied.

"Alright!" Jr said turning and running up the steps.

"I had better see packing being done!" Matt yelled after him.

I picked up my bags and headed upstairs. I hadn't really found anything I could drum in but I still had all my old faithfuls. I put my bags down by the door and saw Matt had set my suitcases next to my door. I put them on the bed and went to my closet to rummage. I found my favorite cargo pants and another similar pair as well as some jeans. I put them on the bed along with some of my favorite band tees and gathered my new bags up dumping them out on the bed. I began tucking the new things first in the suitcase and quickly realized the new stuff would take up most of my wardrobe. Since I would be teching Matt as part of my daily duties I really couldn't afford to pack so much girly stuff. I took everything out and reanalyzed what I had bought. After an agonizing ten minutes I decided to only take three skirts and dress with me. I could always argue them for days off. I packed the jeans and cargo pants I had pulled out earlier and then went next door to grab my stick bag. I paused in the doorway to my room on my way back in. Matt was standing in the middle of the floor staring at my suitcase.

"Pizza?" I asked as I strolled in.

"Yeah," Matt muttered holding the plate. "It's good to see one of you can follow instructions."

"Don't worry. I'll pack Jr when I'm done."

"Already did," Matt said with a smile.

I laughed and sat on the edge of my bed feeling the victoria's secret bag brush against my bare leg.

"You need any help packing?"

"Uh...no I got it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. I'm almost done."

"Ok I'll leave you to it then," Matt said as he turned and started to leave the room.

"Uh Matt?"

"Yeah?" He said pausing in the doorway.

"I'm not really hungry since we just ate. Want to share a piece of this pizza?"

"Sure," he said turning around. He came over and I patted the bed next to me. Matt slowly lowered himself down and took the plate I passed back to him minus one of the two pieces of pizza on it.

"So kiddo," Matt took a bite. "What's on your mind?" He asked after swallowing.

"Jr seems upset with me..."

"He'll come around. It's just a change for him. You made his life easy dressing like a tomboy for the last few years. Now he know's he's going to be fighting guys off you."

"No he won't. I'm really not interested in boys."

"Andy," Matt said before taking another bite.

"No, I mean it. They are all really...well...immature."

"Really? Even Gavin?"

"Well Gavin's not as immature as some but yeah..."

"Well that's good to hear. If these boys are anything like we were they won't mature until you're thirty," Matt said flashing a dimpled grin before finishing his slice of pizza. He got up and touched my head lightly.

"I do like the new look Andy."

I smiled as he walked out of my room. "Globe and shovels," I whispered to myself as I finished packing. I carried my bags downstairs and placed them by the door. I carefully tucked my stick bag in between my suitcases.


"Dakota? What are you still doing up?"

"I can't sleep. Can I sleep in your room tonight?"


He tucked his hand in mine and we walked back up the steps. I tucked him in my bed and set my alarm before crawling into my bed.



"I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but you know what? It's not even like when we were younger. You'll talk to us on Skype just like we always talk to Dad and there will be phone calls. We got facebook and twitter too."

"Grandma and Grandpa don't have a computer."

"Wanna know a secret?"


"You have to act surprised later though ok?"


"MB and Jason set up laptops at both grandparents house's for you to use."



"Good night Andy."

"Night Dakota."

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