Forsaken Chronicles 1: The Aw...

By JamesAbidi

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Forsaken Chronicles 1: The Awakening

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By JamesAbidi

Chapter 1


What if you knew how your life is supposed to be? And it is not what you had envisioned. Do you rebel or do you submit?

Alexianna knew it was the right time. The girl was fast asleep and if she so chooses, she could end the forth coming battle. The last war.  So what was keeping her still? There was far too much about this one, girl…Which did not make sense. The wind has picked up and the sky was changing color from navy blue, an indication the sun was rising, this was her cue to make her exit from the 3rd story window she had been peering through to the sleeping girl for better part of the last five hours. Her green cape swayed in the wind as she took one swift move and landed on her feet. This was wrong. There was no mention of her return. Not after the last battle. She was no supposed to return. Ever! I must revert back and seek council. Firm in her resolve Alexianna steps quickened as she took out a sword made of silver dragon’s scales (standard issue for 1st grade commanders) she sliced the air and a portal illuminated with dim blue light opened and just like that, she was out of sight.

Charlee Keys

The alarm clock starting its annoying buzzing sound at exactly 7 am. I (Charlee Keys) woke up with a start. It couldn’t be 7 am so soon! I just fell asleep. However, the alarm clock said otherwise. I was having the same dream again (more like nightmare) and for some reason or whatever I couldn’t get past one crucial junction in it. Therapy hasn’t work. The pain killers stopped working months ago. Nothing could unlock or remove my terror-mare out of my subconscious. I lay in the bed for another 10 minutes or so before finally deciding to get up and start the day. The window showed that it was another gloomy day in Angels Hollow. 

The sun was hiding its glow behind dark grey clouds, a sure sign of the impending rainfall. It was the beginning of October and the weather was surly going to get gloomier and gloomier. I could feel the cold, chilling my bones as I grabbed the sweater lying on the chair near my study and pulled it over my head. After a warm shower I took out a pair of dark blue jeans, a white tee with navy blue stripes on it and a black blazer. I took one last look in the mirror examining myself in the reflex. The girl staring back at me from the mirror had an oval/heart shape face, olive skin with huge black eyes and reddish hair falling just above the tiny waist complemented the 5 feet 6 inches slender frame with slight curves. I brushed my hair and tied them in a pony tail. I would never call myself beautiful! No! I am not delusional. Please. I am extremely cute though. Borderline hot or pretty. I guess I never really critiqued myself in dept before and this was as good as I was going to get. I applied my cherry gloss, picked up my umbrella next to the door and swung the black Jansport bag over my right shoulder and made my way downstairs out of the small apartment I rented close to the university. 

 I had never lived in a small community before, but Angels Hollow was a haven compared to the rush of New York. I had relished the scenic town over the bustling streets I had grown up with. I had traded NYU for University of St. Judes majoring in history rather than business! Yeah! That was a big led down for my parents but they didn’t say much after what I had been through… Whatever, the reasons I was here. I was ready to start a new. Away from my past.

 Angels Hollow is a small town comprised of university students and families that date back to its inception. Situated under 50 miles north of Burlington in the state of Vermont in the New England region and the shire town (county seat) of Chittenden County, Angels Hollow lies 30 miles south of the U.S.-Canadian (Vermont-Quebec) border and some 80 miles south of Montreal. It’s a small town compared to its neighboring cities and towns; however, it provided a great civil war history and had an excellent library as I had found out before making the decision to enroll at the university. The people were not so bad either. Everyone knew each other and they had town meetings. TOWN MEETING! I mean I had only ever read about them in books or seen them on the T.V!  A month in this town and I was already feeling better. I had made an affirmation out of this. I am feeling great! I will have a great day! I will not dwell on the past! I will be happy today! I will find a reason to smile, a genuine smile…

I smiled, sure… I had yet to smile a genuine smile though.


There was no reason to alarm the elders. I soothed my fears to no avail. I had come back to the house of histories, thank the gods there was no one in sight to question me. What could I say that wouldn’t discriminate me or worst condemn me to the holes! I had taken a huge risk with my own life when I decided to let her live, the damned one. 

I could always go back and end her existence while she is still a mortal ignorant human. I knew this was not to be as soon as I though it. Never was I more conflicted then now… she was not meant to be reincarnated. Her soul had died along with the terror of her reign. The elders had bound her soul to the darkworld and that is where she remained. There was no way in alluas that she could have escaped! The chaos when she went on rampaging and destroying worlds was the worst time in our histories! Just thinking back to those days made my spine shiver. There was no way that could be allowed to take place again. But her memories had not returned this time. She had no idea what her powers are or what she is… Something had gone wrong. There were changes in this timeline that didn’t exist in the parallel ones. What could the elders do? There was nothing the keepers of the histories could tell me that I didn’t already know. There was only one way to resolve this.

I have the wake the oracle 

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