Whispers of the Heart (Englan...

By Kibbyte

14.3K 597 656

Rain. Nothing but rain fell around outside, pounding against the pavement, splashing up dirt, washing away ev... More

Act II (England X Reader)
Act III (England X Reader)

Act I (England X Reader)

7.2K 208 237
By Kibbyte

Whispers of the Heart: Act 1 (England X Reader)

A/N: Hey guys!! I just have to say I couldn't help myself but to write this!! In fact, this was actually a dream that I had XD and I just couldn't help but to make it into a small three part story!! So with this being my first Reader-Chan Fan fiction I would hope you will enjoy this!! Thank yous!! ^w^

[f/n] - First Name of reader

[l/n] - Last name of reader


"Hey, [f/n]!? Pay attention!!" You heard your best friend snap her fingers in front of your face. In the distance you can hear the familiar pit pat of the rain as it pounded against the pavement and windows outside. You quickly noticed your clothes were drenching wet, dripping down onto the carpeted floor forming a small puddle. Sighing with relief for being out of the rain you looked over to the window and read its painted letters on the paned glass.

"Strong Bindings??" You whispered to yourself. "What is that??"

Your answer was quickly answered as your gaze flickered across the millions of shelves of books that were located in behind you.

"It's a bookstore, duh," Your friend, Elizabeth, rolled her eyes. "Now come on, [f/n]. Let's go dry off in the back...I'm tired of standing around..." You watched her walk into one of the isles between the papered books towards the back; she wasn't even a few meters away when you hear her mutter under her breath. "Stupid London weather..."

You felt your lips perk up a bit at the comment since it was entirely true. In fact, you and her family had just arrived in London two days ago and today you were supposed to go around sightseeing but once the rain came along that had ruined all of your plans for today. So now you're stuck in a small bookstore with a grumpy friend and were drenched from head to toe. Walking after her your shoes squished around until you finally stopped by a couple of tables with chairs where her sitting with a slight frown.

"You know, I was really looking forward to today and then, this..." She gestured to herself. "Happens..."

"It's just water," You shrugged your shoulders, making your way over to her.

"Yeah, it's still a pain in my butt though," She grumbled. You couldn't help but to laugh at her grumbles only to cause her to shoot you a glare of annoyance. She stayed like that until we both heard a few other footsteps coming our way, looking to my right I saw two other boys who smiled at us and walked over. I saw Elizabeth smile sweetly putting on her flirty mood. Groaning inwardly I stepped away while nervously pulling at my long sleeve shirt. Its not that you were cold or anything but what most people didn't know about you, you were from an abusive family. Whenever you went home, you always found yourself being beaten down by your father while your mother just stood there and watched with fear in her eyes. Sometimes she even joined in with your father but she didn't put your down physically it was more verbally than anything which stung even worse than your fathers blows.

Shuddering at the memories, you quickly ducked in between the isles hoping not to be seen by the oncoming men. As your clothes slowly dried off, you looked around admiring the aged and newer books that were surrounding you. You were just about to turn back when you saw something falling from the top shelve, panicking you quickly dove forward hoping to catch the object from hitting the floor. Feeling the object fall into your hands you sigh with relief only to slowly sit up with curious eyes. Before you knew it you had a little pair of bright blue eyes looking up at you. With wide eyes you quickly shut your mouth not wanting to draw your attention to yourself even though you wanted to scream your head off.

"A-A F-FAIRY!!?" You thought. "H-How in the world!? They don't even exist!!"

"B-B-But..." You trailed off as your mind couldn't comprehend what your eyes were seeing. As the fairy watched you, it tried to stand up only to fall back down in your palms wincing in pain. Now that definitely got your attention. Finally calming down, you slowly brought her up towards your face hoping to get a better look. That's when you saw her wing; it was bent in an awkward position. Frowning at the small discovery you quickly looked around hoping to find a secluded place. Your frown deepened noticing that there wasn't a spot where there weren't at least two people already there. Sighing, you slowly stand up and make your way back towards where your friend was, keeping the fairy hidden and close to your chest.

"Elizabeth!! Hey, I need to ask you a favor..." You trailed off on seeing her being wooed by one of the boys. Scowling at the sight, you slowly but surely walk up to them hoping to break their little shell of romance. "Hey, Liz??"

"What do you want [f/n]??" She groaned and glared at you for interrupting her fun.

"I need to show you something important," You side glanced the men. "Alone..."

"Fine..." She huffed. You smiled in victory as you walked away towards a pair of stairs that went up to the second story of the store. You were about to take a step up only to feel Elizabeth's hand stop you by putting it on your shoulder and quickly turned you around. "Now what is it that you want??" She frowned.

"I-I wanted to show you this..." You slowly opened your hands revealing the small blue fairy. You friend looked down at your hands only to furrow her eyebrows together in confusion.

"What are you talking about??" She asked flickering her gaze back up at you. "I don't see anything..."

"Y-You don't??" Your eyes widened. Looking down you saw the fairy gently stroking its wing trying to straighten it out a bit. Confused, you looked back up at your friend only to find her glaring at you with her arms crossed.

"Stop messing around, [f/n]." She growled. "This isn't funny."

"W-What are you talking about!?" You gasped. "I swear there is a fairy right here-"

"A fairy!?" She tiled her head back only to laugh at the crazy idea. "Now I definitely know you pulling my chain!! There are no such things as fairies, [f/n]!! And they're never will be!!"

"B-But-" You trailed off at seeing her glare at you again. You look down again at your palms feeling ashamed for tricking your friend but the thing was you weren't. So putting on a brave face you looked back up and frowned at her. She raised her eyebrows at your sudden change in mood. "Liz, I'm telling the truth!! I swear there is a blue fairy right here, in the palm of my hands!!"

"Just shut up already," She snarled. Ouch, that was cold.

"W-What??" You leaned back with shock. She has never told you that before in fact she was never this heartless to you.

"No one wants to hear about your fantasies," She continued putting you down with a glare. "So just shut your mouth and leave me alone."

"..." You watched her with wide eyes only to blink as a few tears sprung up in them. Dropping your head forward hoping to hide your tears you frowned and stammered. "F-Fine, if that's what you want then I'll leave you be..."

She huffed in response only to turn away leaving you sniffling by the stairs. This has got to be the worst day in your life. Not even your friend wants to hang around you anymore she just wants to hang around those boys. You suddenly snarl at the thought only to quickly turn on your heels and bolted up the steps with a blurry vision.

"Stupid Elizabeth!!" You thought bitterly. "She didn't even act like she cared!! Why does everyone just love to see me suffer...?? I'm human to..."

With that circling in your head, you slowly walked over to the hidden corner in the back of the room that was filled with more book shelves. Stifling a cry you slowly sat down curling into the corner behind you feeling like nothing but useless trash right now. That's when you felt a small tap on your fingers, sniffling you look down at your hands again only to find the small blue fairy smiling gently up at you with concern in her eyes. Putting on a fake smile, you slowly crossed your legs and gently set the small creature down on the floor, forgetting about your emotions for a minute. She slowly got to her feet and quickly dust off her small blue green dress that went down to her knees with her hands, not even seconds later she was looking up at me with another sweet smile until she finally turned away and pointed at one of the many books.

Confused, you looked in the direction she was pointing only to find a book laying on its side on top of the other books. Curiosity taking over you slowly got to your feet and made your way over to it. You smile at seeing the title and picked it up only to feel its rough binding rub against your skin.

"The Sword in the Stone?? What's an American book doing here??" You smiled at the strange idea. The fairy tried to fly up to you only to fall back down on the ground with a small pained expression. Not liking the sight you quickly walked over to her and gently picked her up back into you hand. She smiled gratefully up at you only to point at the book once more. You slightly getting the idea opened the book to the first page revealing the main character of the story. The small fairy immediately jumped up and down clapping her hands together trying to tell me something. "What?? Is he your favorite character or something??"

She quickly shook her head in disappointment only to point at the name of the small boy. Arthur. She quickly got out of your hand and jumped onto the book only to tap on the paper by the name again trying to get her point across.

"A-Arthur??" You furrowed your eyebrows together. "Is that someone you know??"

She immediately shook her head up and down with excitement only to scramble around on the book until she stopped by two words. Looking for.

"Oh, I get it," You smiled. "You're looking for a guy named Arthur, aren't you??"

With those words in the air, she nodded her head again with more victory. Smiling, you slowly held out your hand only for her to scramble on top of it so that you could put the book away. You were about to turn around when you heard Elizabeth's laugh reach your ears. With your feelings return, you frown at this only to feel more tears spring up from remembering the argument you just had moments ago. You annoyingly wipe away your tears only to hear a small yawn and a flip of pages towards your left.

Jerking in surprise you turn you head over only to find a young man with shaggy blond hair wearing a long white collared shirt that was left open revealing another white t-shirt that was loosely tucked in along with a pair of black skinny jeans and black shoes. He also was wearing a brown belt that fitted his waist along with a black band that wrapped around his right bicep. His sleeves were rolled up revealing the muscle tone underneath his skin making him look in shape but not overly buff like other guys. You couldn't help but to notice his eyebrows, they were larger than most people's but for some reason it suited him. Sighing with relief thanking god that it wasn't Elizabeth, you suddenly noticed that the fairy was no longer in your grasp but instead was on your left shoulder waving widely at the other man.

Flustered you quickly but gently grab her just as the young man looked over with a raised eyebrow. You were about to wave nervously at him when he slowly closed his book with a small thump, returning it back to its place only to turn towards you and walked over. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he smiled over at you, making his way over until he stopped just about a foot in front of you.

"Excuse me, Miss??" His British accent heavily thick as he eyed your hands that were now hidden behind your back. You couldn't help but to admire his emerald colored eyes, they were just so memorizing that you couldn't look away. But that was set aside when his gaze flickered back to yours. "But may I ask you a question??"

"U-Uh," You stammered, but then slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah, sure..."

"You're the one who found her, weren't you??" He asked with no hesitation what so ever.

"W-What??" Your eyes widened at the question, leaving you partly confused and quite frankly scared.

"Charlotte, the pixie fairy you're hiding behind you." He pointed at your hands that were now sweaty with nervousness.

"I-I..." You trailed off until you sighed and slowly brought her out from your hiding spot only to find her sitting indian style, patiently that is until she saw the guy. That's when she jumped to her feet only to wince in pain from wrenching her wing too far. That's when you saw his eyebrows draw together in concern. "S-So you can see her??" You asked scared of what he might say.

"Yeah, in fact, she's my friend," He raised an eyebrow. "I'm actually surprised that you can as well, most people can't these days..."

"Friend??" You thought until it clicked in your head. "So does that mean he's Arthur?? It would make sense why she was acting so familiar with him earlier..."

"U-Um, yeah," You smiled shyly. "I saw her falling from one of the bookshelves downstairs so I caught her only to find that one of her wings is hurt..." You pointed at her fragile state. "I was hoping to help her that is until I got into an argument with my friend..." You voice faltered at the mention of your friend, you couldn't help but to feel the dread that you were so desperately trying to forget. You avoided his gaze until you heard him clear his throat a little to get your attention once more and it obviously worked since you were now gazing back into his shimmering emerald eyes.

"Is that so," He muttered, until he slowly turned his small frown into a small smile. "Well then, would you like to accompany me to the cafe across the street?? I wouldn't mind the nice company."

You felt your cheeks heat up at the question. Never in your life has a guy ever asked you to join them to lunch or anything like that at all!! In fact, most of the guys you knew just plain out hated you or just picked on you like every other person you knew.

"U-Umm..." You faltered. Is this a really good idea?? You mean, you just literally met the guy and he wants you to join him for some tea?? That's when you heard your so called friend, Elizabeth, laugh echoed up to you again. Frowning at the sound you quickly huffed and looked back up into his eyes which were filled with concern for your sudden quietness. "You know what?? Yeah, that sounds lovely." You smiled at the idea. It was nice to have someone ask you this for a change. Maybe, things will get better today, after all the rain has stopped and the sun has started to shine through the dark clouds.

"It's about time I had some adventure," You thought. "Maybe I can find a new hope in this country..."

-------- (Le Time Skip brought to you by the flying mint bunny X3) --------

"A-Are you sure you want to pay for it??" You asked with your face scrunched up feeling a little bit guilty for leaving your wallet back at your house.

"Yeah, don't worry about it love," He smiled taking out some money to pay for our drinks. We both got the same thing well it's more like you got what he was getting since after all you had never had Earl Grey tea before and you were dying to know what it tasted like.

"O-Okay," You sighed a little still feeling a bit guilty. That's when you noticed what he has just said. He called you love!! But, why?? Maybe he was just being nice, or maybe it's something they say over here that isn't said over in America. Yeah, that's it. But your cheeks were already burning with embarrassment even though you were convinced he was just being polite. "T-Thanks..."

"Don't mention it," He smiled again only to quickly swivel his head around looking for an empty table. You saw his eyes lit up as he saw one outside near the road that soon dropped off into a small river. He looked back at you only to quickly grab your hand in his making your blush redden up even more. "Now, come on, I'm sure you're tired of standing around. So let's go sit down out there..."

You both had finally made it to the table only to finally sit down as your blush had slowly decreased to just a red tint. A small silence had draped itself over the two of you until he broke it once more with a small gasp.

"Good lord, forgive my manners but I'm Arthur, Arthur Kirkland," He smiled, from hearing this your eyes widened at the discovery only to receive a small frown from him. "Are you alright, love??"

"O-Oh, yeah!!" You smiled nervously. "I just was thinking about random things..." You trailed off feeling venerable now that is until he spoke up once more.

"Do you mind telling me your name??" He asked looked down into his tea that the waitress has just brought out for us. Immediately you blushed feeling stupid for not mentioning your name before.

"Y-Yeah, my name is [f/n] [l/n]," You smiled. "It's nice to meet you..."

"Likewise," He smiled sweetly while stirring his tea little only to take out his spoon and gently laid it on his napkin. "And Miss [l/n], thank you for saving Charlotte back there..."

"Huh??" You blinked a few times until you smiled while fanning your hand in front of your face in embarrassment. Now that you think about where is that fairy?? That's when you saw her on the table walking around until she finally picked up a small sugar cube that was about half the size she was. "Ah, it's not biggy, I just couldn't leave her be, you know..." You trailed off once again remembering your friend's words once more about the fairy. Frowning at the thought you quickly shook your head not wanting to think of such foul things especially in front of Arthur. But being the gentleman he was, he seemed to notice your sudden change in mood.

"Are you sure you're alright??" He asked once again, this time his eyebrows were knitted together while his eyes carried a huge amount of worry for you.

"Y-Yeah, just peachy," You sighed slightly tugging at the edges of your sleeves again hiding your scars.

"I think I detected some foulness in that tone of yours," He gently set his cup down after taking a small drink. You looked down at your untouched tea in defeat not liking where this conversation was heading. You faintly saw him set his hands on the table before continuing on. "Do you mind me asking what's on your mind??"


"Miss [l/n]," He leaned a little closer. "Please do tell me what's wrong; I don't like seeing you this way..."

"[f/n]," You said your first name quietly while slowly squeezing you're hands shut in your lap.

"What??" He raised his eyebrows at you.

"You can call me, [f/n]," You smiled small relaxing a bit, if you were going to tell him your troubles you might as well be on a first name basis.

"A-Alright," You saw him avoid your gaze for a split second, you even thought you could see some color rise up in his cheeks but maybe you were imagining things because now he was smiling at you. "If that's what you want, [f/n]..."

"O-Okay," You smiled with slightly tinted cheeks. You couldn't help but to feel flustered from hearing your name roll off of his lips. You actually felt happy that is until you sighed thinking about your friend again. "A-And..." You bite your lip, debating whether you should tell him or not. That's when you looked up and saw him waiting patiently with a slight encouraging smile on his face, instantly you knew this was the right choice. And someone is going to find out sooner or later so why not now?? "If you want to know, like I said before in the bookstore I had a small fight with my friend but that's not what's really bothering me..." You stopped for a small breath. "I-It's just that she ended up calling me a freak even though she knew I was trying to be serious... And now she's probably hanging out with those two guys somewhere having the time of her life, without me..."

"..." You didn't hear anything coming from him. So naturally you sighed again not liking the awkward situation you were in now. But to your surprise he opened his mouth but this time he sounded a little harsher than before. "Then, she really isn't your friend now is she??"

"What??" You quickly look up with shock only to find him looking at you with serious eyes.

"A true friend won't put you down like that," He continued. "So-" That's when you looked at him with shock only to interrupt him.

"H-How could you say that!? She's been with me for my entire life!!" You argued. "Yeah, she put me down a few times but she's the one who helps me get through my life!! In fact, she's the only one who knows about my abusive father!!" Immediately you stopped yelling from seeing his shocked expression and leaned back feeling ashamed for telling your darkest secret to a man who you just met two hours ago. So you did what every girl did, you buried your head into the folds of your arms on the table hiding the fact that you were now crying. Moments went by as the silence dragged on only leaving you sobbing like a fool. That is until you felt his gentle touch on your arm.

Jerking up with a streaked face, you find him looking at the ugly scars left on your arms that your father had put there years ago. There were even a few fresh ones leaving you embarrassed and scared by the fact you were being exposed with them. You couldn't help to look up at him, scared on what you would find. Disbelief, horror, terror, sympathy, or something that you hated the most pity. But none of those were there in fact he was looking at you with concern and worry. You sat there in shock mainly because you have never seen someone look at you like that before not even Elizabeth did when she found out about this.

"I can't believe someone would do such a thing to their own family..." He whispered, not looking you in the eye. He slowly removed his hand from you not bringing his attention back to you until you sighed and mumbled.

"S-Sorry, I shouldn't have told y-" Now it was his turn to interrupt.

"Sorry!? For what??" He raised his eyebrows, only to lean forward towards you. "You don't need to be sorry; you haven't done anything wrong love..."

"I-I know," You stammered feeling the tears return. "B-But..." You trailed off, as the tears spilled over your eyes and rolled down your already stained cheeks. "I'm still sorry for dragging you into my dark, cruel world...it's something that you don't deserve..." You cried burying your head into the palms of your hands.

"And neither do you," He told you with a gentle voice. That's when you stopped crying and slowly looked up with surprise only to find him watching you with worry once more.

"W-What??" You whispered. Still confused by his comment, you quickly forgot about that as he stood from his seat, walked over to you only to gentle grab your hand before pulling you to your feet and dragging you out of the café and down the street. You stumbled along after him still confused on what he was doing. "H-Hey!! Where are you taking me!?"

"Around London," He responded back.

"B-But, why!?" Your eyes widened. Why was he being so nice to you??

"Because I want to make sure you won't have to return back to your so called parents until it's absolutely necessary so..." He looked over his shoulder at you with a small smile. "I'll be guiding you around London for today..."

"What!? Seriously!?" Your blush returned making you forget about your pain for a moment. You even saw the fairy floating around you two as you continued to walk around not having a clue on where he was taking you. You just couldn't believe that he was doing this!! It's definitely something you won't see in America unless you're getting kidnapped but judging by his expression he has no intentions for that. So feeling a little better now you slowly felt your lips perk up at the idea and smiled. "O-Okay, I'd love to do that with you Arthur..."


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