Sinner's Club: Dark Romance O...

By HinataDate

55K 174 8

A collection of dark romantic one-shots that range through many genres. There will be erotic and regular one... More


The Mobster's Bride

25.4K 96 8
By HinataDate

April 20th 1924

The train ride to Chicago had been a long one and Anna knew that she would collapse as soon as she got to her aunt Rose's house. This morning had been a tiresome one for Anna with her father and the maid's rushing her to wake up so that she could catch her bus at the local train station

Hell, she didn't even get a chance to eat anything for breakfast and now she was paying the price for it because she could feel the normal weak sensation that her body gave her whenever she didn't eat like she was supposed to. As Anna sat there waiting for her Aunt Rose's butler to pick her up, she got tired of feeling miserable and started digging through her black suede purse, trying to see if she had any of those strawberry hard candies that she had stowed away in her purse when her mother had forced her to attend one of those snooty tea parties that her mother so loved to attend.

However, the more that she continued to search, the more that she realized that either she must have already eaten them or her younger sister, Mary. Must have stolen them at some point. Breathing a sigh of annoyance, Anna leaned back against the hardwood seat in the train station and started waiting on her ride. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours and Anna started having a feeling that her aunt's butler wasn't coming.

As Anna stood from seat with her purse and went to grab her suitcase, she didn't hear the sound of a set of men's shoes stop directly behind her. With her back still turned to the man, she heard the something that sound like someone clearing their throat behind her. The sound was rough and deep, and she felt curious about who was making that noise, so she turned around.

She was expecting it to be her aunt's normal elderly butler, however, she was shocked to see a young man with brown curly hair standing directly behind her eyeing her as if he was trying to figure something out. Anna figured that the man was a new person that her aunt had hired a couple of days ago. So, she didn't really think much about it. However, as she waited several minutes on the man to speak she decided that she would speak instead. "What took you so long? I've been waiting here for several hours on you to show up and you never came. You'll be expecting a talk from Aunt Rose, when we get back to her house."

Anna waited on the man to say something back to her but instead all she received she utter silence from him. Feeling irritated by the man, Anna walked up to him and stopped right in front of him and stared right at his face. And then said angrily. "Are you going to say something to me or not?"

Still there was no reply from him and she started to turn and walk away from him. But, when she did she felt a warm tight grip, latch around her right wrist. Anna tried to turn and say something to him. But, as she did she felt the man jerk her wrist and pulled her down the hallway of the train station. The tight grip on her wrist burned and hurt as he continued to tug on it. She wanted to scream at him to stop but her conscious was telling her to shut up. So, she did.

Once the man had finally dragged her out of the train station and through the huge crowd of people that were in there, he brought her over to a Chrysler Model B-70. The sun shone brightly against the black paint on the car and Anna knew that her aunt didn't own something like this. The man released his hold of her wrist and opened the door to the backseat of the car and then pointed at Anna to get inside which she did rather quickly.

With her now inside the car, the man shut the back door and the opened the front and got inside, slamming his door closed behind him. Anna watched from her seat as the man start up the car and then started driving through Chicago. She tried several times to get the man to say something to her but instead all she got was more silence.

The car ride was a long one and Anna noticed that she didn't recognize where she was at all. Nowhere, did she see anything that looked remotely similar to the location of her aunt's two-story home at all, and she was starting to get scared. And she started to think that maybe this man wasn't her aunt's butler after all. Fear coursed throughout her body and she could see goosebumps starting to appear on her arms.

She wanted to jump out and run for safety somewhere, but, she knew that she would be injured if she did that. So, she stayed where she was. However, the car ride didn't last for that much longer because the next thing that she knew the man was turning into this long dirt driveway. The driveway was bumpy, and Anna was jostled as the car hit each bump in the road. She grabbed onto the seat of the car, trying to keep herself steady but to no avail.

But, as soon as the trip down the driveway had started it had quickly stopped and Anna looked over to her left to see a large stone mansion sitting there. She knew that she didn't recognize the mansion at all. In fact, she never seen it before in her life. However, as she continued to stare at the sprawling mansion she didn't notice that the man in driver's seat had gotten out and was now standing at her door.

Hearing a click sound, Anna turned and looked to see the man standing there staring at her once again. She thought it was very rude that he kept staring at her and went to say something to him about it. But, when she went to speak the man opened her door and then said with gravely voice. "Get out of the car, Miss Vincent."

"That is not my last name you idiot. And NO, I'm not getting out of this car. I don't know who you are, and I don't know where I'm at. Now, if you don't tell me where I'm at right this instant then I'm not leaving!" Anna yelled.

The man grunted a bit and then with all of one motion he swiftly reached into the car and grabbed Anna by her arm and then yanked her out onto the grass that was beside the car. The motion of him yanking her out of the car had left her feeling a bit dizzy and she sat there quietly for a few minutes trying to ease herself. As she did though the man reached back into the car and pulled out Anna's purse and her suitcase and the threw them down beside her.

She looked up at the man's back as he then slammed the car door shut and then reached down and said. "Grab your bags and come with me."

Worried about what the man would do if she didn't listen to him, Anna quickly grabbed her bags and then followed the man up the steps to the front door of the mansion and waited behind him. While she waited the man opened the door and then turned around to where she was standing and pushed her inside and then closed the door behind them.

Once inside the mansion, the man pointed to a dark wing-back chair and said. "Sit there and wait. I must go and announce to the boss of your arrival." He said as she sat down and then left her there alone in the quiet main entranceway.

Anna sat there for quite a few minutes and looked around the room, she noticed the dark green wallpaper that was on the walls. The color alone made her want to puke and that she really meant. The hardwood flooring was dark, and she could tell that it had glossy finish to it. The room looked neat and tidy. In fact, she didn't see one once of dust or dirt anywhere. But, as she continued her inspection of the place, she didn't notice that the man who taken her earlier had come back, now with another man.

Hearing a tapping noise on the floor, Anna turned her head to the source of the sound and saw a red-haired man standing there staring at her with an angry look on his gorgeous face. And she could tell by the way that his suit fit against his body that he was ripped. Anna went to stand. But, then remembered to stay put. So, she did. The next thing she knew the red-haired man shifted his stance and then said. "Well, Miss Vincent. I see you have finally decided to grace me with your presence. Where the hell have you been?"

Anna thought about it for a few minutes before responding, and then said. "Well, for starters. My last name is not Vincent, it's West. And to answer your question about where I've been, well let's just say that I've been waiting around." She replied sarcastically.

She could tell by the look on the man's face that he wasn't amused with her at all and knew that she needed to keep her mouth shut. The next thing that she knew the man had moved from where he was standing and walked over to where she was sitting at and took her by the hand and said as he helped her stand from her chair. "Stop playing games, Helen. And come with me." He said sternly.

Anna breathed a sigh of annoyance but as they started walking off together, Anna turned her head to tall man and said. "Fine. I'll go with you. But. I'll have you know that my name is not Helen. So, please don't call me that."

The man shook his head at her and then silently walked her through a doorway and down a long hall, leaving Anna's bags behind. The entire walk down the hallway was annoying the crap out of her. She hated the silence, and she desperately wanted to know where she was and who he was especially. But, as she went to say something to him the man stopped them in front of a wooden door and then opened it. And said. "This is your room, Helen. You will be staying here until our wedding tomorrow and then you will move into the master suite with me. Enjoy your singlehood while you still have it." He said with a smirk which slightly showed some of his pearly white teeth.

The man walked away, leaving her standing there at the doorway with the word, 'marriage' running through her head. When everything that the man had said finally registered into her brain, she screamed and ran into the bedroom, slamming the door closed behind her.

As soon as she was in the room, she threw herself onto the nearby bed and screamed into a pillow. She wanted to run away and most of all, she wanted this man to realize once and for all that her name was Anna and not this damn Helen that he keeps calling her. She cried a bit into the pillow and wallowed there for a while with the emotions of rage and sadness flowing through her. As she laid there the hours ticked by slowly and then she passed out from all the tiredness that she had from the events that day.

When she woke up, she noticed that the room was dark, so she figured that it was already nighttime outside. She gently moved herself off the bed and then slowly walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. When she opened it, the door made a loud creaking sound and it made her nervously jump back a bit.

She shook the nervousness from her body because she knew that if she wanted any answers then being nervous wasn't going to help anything. Walking away from her bedroom door she walked down the dimly lit hallway until she noticed a staircase and decided that she would go up there and see if there was anyone who could give her the answers that she wanted.

Once she had got to the top of the staircase, she noticed a light coming from one of the rooms, she figured that was the best place to start looking, and gently walked over to the open doorway and then stop beside it as soon as she heard the red-haired from before talking. But, as she looked inside the room she noticed that he was the only one in there and she also noticed that the man was talking to something that was hanging on the wall.

Quietly, she walked into the room, trying to make as little noise as she possibly could as she was curious as to what he was talking to. But, as soon as she got into the room and looked at what the man was speaking to and she was shocked by what she was seeing. In front of her was the picture of a woman that looked like her mirror image. They had the same heart-shaped face, the same blue eyes, and the same long black hair. Hell, they even had the same lip shape.

However, thinking that she had been quiet in her state of shock which she hadn't. She watched as the red-haired man turned from the portrait and looked at her and said. "Well, Helen. It looks like you've made it to my office after all. I was wondering when you would show up. Considering that you've have always been a curious person." He said and walked over to her with something that resembled a smile on his face.

Instantly, Anna took several steps back from the approaching man, until she bumped into a chair that was behind her and then collapsed in it. She could feel the anger bubbling up inside and finally yelled out. "DAMNIT I'M NOT HELEN! SO, STOP CALLING ME THAT. MY NAME IS ANNA GET IT RIGHT!"

The man stopped in front of her and replied. "Oh, Helen. Calm down." He said as he gently grabbed her by the hand and helped her stand by the chair and hugged her against him.

Anna squirmed against him and tried to break free from him. But, the man's grip was too tight on her. So, she gave up after a few minutes of fighting him. As the man continued to hug her she heard the sound of a phone ring and the man let her go and went to answer it. When he put his hand onto the receiver he pointed at Anna and said. "Stay right there, Helen. Don't leave."

She didn't and sat down in the chair that she had been originally sitting in and watched as the man answered the phone call. And all the while she listened in on his call.

"Hello, Mr. Vincent. How have you been? That's good to hear. Listen, thank you for sending Helen to me for our wedding." The man said, and Anna could see the man's calm nature.

However, his calm voice didn't last long because the next minute she noticed the man's temperament change as he said. "What do you mean the wedding is canceled. And what the hell are you talking about that Helen got cold feet and ran away. She's sitting right here in front of me. I can clearly see her."

Anna breathed a sigh of relief as the man finally realized that she wasn't his Helen. Though she was kind of scared about what was going to happen to her as soon as he hung up that phone. She sat there and waited on the man for a few minutes and listened as the man told the person on the other end goodbye and then hung up the phone, and then looked over to Anna with a pitiful look on his face.

The man took Anna by the hand and then said. "I'm sorry, Anna. Apparently, I got you confused with my former fiancée Helen. But, damnit you two look so much alike that it isn't even funny. Can you ever forgive me?"

Anna thought about it for a few seconds and felt sorry for the man considering that he had just lost his fiancée and said to him. "Yes. I think I can forgive you. But, only if you tell me your name and who you are."

The man nodded and then replied. "My name is Bruce Callahan. I'm the don of the Callahan Irish mafia."

Anna was a bit shocked when she heard him say that, but she knew that brutish behavior kind of fit that of a mafia don. She smiled at him and said. "Yeah, now that I look at you, you do kind of look like a don." She laughed.

She watched as the man smiled at her and then said. "Well, thank you, Anna. I appreciate that I think. Is there anything that I can do for you?" He asked.

"Hm. Yeah, I think there is you can tell me a bit more about yourself, that is if you don't mind?" She asked.

Bruce nodded his head at her happily and said. "I think I can do that. But, first tell me about you. What brought you here to Chicago?"

"Well, I originally was sent here by my parents to stay with my Aunt Rose. So that she could correct my behavior. Apparently, friends with some people back in my hometown that my parents thought were unsavory." She said.

"Well then I guess your parents would hate me then." He joked.

"Yeah, they probably would. But, I really don't care what they have to say. Their opinions don't really matter to me all that much." Anna replied, and moved her chair closer to Bruce until their legs were touching one another.

They talked for hours on end, like two lost souls that were finally reconnected after many years apart. And at some point, during their conversation, Bruce pulled Anna close to him and gave her a passionate kiss. The kiss itself made her heart flutter and once they parted they lovingly stared at one another for a while.

Bruce stroked his hand against Anna's check in a gentle manner and then they kissed once more. But, this time Anna unbuttoned Bruce's shirt and then threw it onto the floor near them and then Bruce quickly removed the dress that Anna had been wearing and threw it down where his shirt had landed only a mere moment ago. Then, the next thing that Anna knew, Bruce lifted Anna off her feet and carried her bridal style down the hallway until they reached the master suite and opened the door and closed it behind them.

Once inside the master suite, Bruce set Anna down onto the bed and then turned the lamp that was beside his bed on. His lips traveled down Anna's neck and to her chest where he promptly and gently lifted her up from the bed for a bit and then removed the slip that she was wearing and threw it down on the floor beside the bed. Once her body was semi exposed to him, he began kissing and feeling his way down her body until he could no longer take it any longer and unbuttoned his trousers and threw them where Anna's slip had landed.

The feeling of the kisses that Bruce had placed onto her body felt like pure ecstasy to her and she knew that this was going to be a wonderful first time for her. She looked down to where Bruce was still above her and noticed the large bulge that was jutting out a bit from his boxers. She was scared a little bit, but she just knew that Bruce wouldn't do anything bad to her, so, she relaxed herself a bit.

She watched as Bruce moved his hands underneath her back and unhooked her bra and set it aside, and then maneuvered his hands down to her underwear and then removed them from her body. And she knew then that she was fully exposed to him. But, she didn't care.

He grabbed one of her breasts and massaged it with one of his hands and then gently grabbed the other with his free hand. She moaned as the feeling overtook her body and she could see the smile that it brought to his face. She placed her finger underneath his stubbled chin and brought his face down to hers and then placed her tongue inside his mouth and twirled it around his for a short time.

Once they had parted from their kiss, Anna moaned again as she felt Bruce kiss his way down her neck, chest and her flat stomach until he reached her pussy. She shivered at the sensation of his warm breath against it. Then the next thing that she knew she felt his lips connect with her core. His tongue glided in and out of her lower lips, He had never tasted anything so sweet.

The feeling from the feeling that she had down there made her clutch onto his shoulders and dug her nails into them. She moaned once more and then felt him plunge one of his large fingers inside her. She cringed a bit at this feeling considering that it still all new to her. But, she relaxed when he started rubbing her clit with his thumb.

Noticing that she had cringed a little when he stuck his finger inside her, he slowly moved it in back and forth and when he felt her relax and unclench he placed another finger inside and slowly but steadily moved them. Her eyes watered from the intoxicating experience. She moaned again and then begged. "Bruce, please stop teasing me."

She saw him smile at that and then began moving his fingers faster this time and rubbed her clit a bit harder. Until she clenched around him and then cried out loudly, and her juices dripped onto the bed as he pulled his fingers out of her. And that was when she knew that she had just had her first orgasm.

When she came, Bruce looked up at her and asked. "Did you have a wonderful first orgasm my dear?"

"Yes. It was. I loved it." She panted.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that because the fun is just beginning." He replied. And Anna wondered what wonderful things that he was going to do to her next.

The next thing she saw was him rising from where he was positioned at between her thighs, and then removed his boxers from his waist. As soon as she saw his manhood she gasped at the size of it. She couldn't believe that something that large was going to be inside her, and it did scare her a bit. She felt as he positioned his manhood between her thighs and then asked. "My love are you ready?"

She nodded and replied. "Yes. I'm ready." And then relaxed her body as she felt his position himself at her pussy and then leaned over the top of her and kissed her lovingly as he gently began to push his manhood inside her. The feeling was still a bit tight around the head of his manhood, he knew that he didn't want to just plunge right on in considering that he wanted her wanted her first time to be a memorable one.

Bruce pushed himself in a couple more inches and this time he heard a faint cry leave her sweet lips. He stroked himself inside her gently, letting her get used to everything that was going on. And then whispered her soothingly. "You're doing great, sweetheart. Keep it up."

He remained inside her and control himself with all his might. He groaned a bit at the feeling that her tight walls were doing to his manhood. He heard her whimper a bit as he tightened his grip a little on her hips. He figured that he was hurting her, so he relaxed a bit.

She felt the soreness wear off a bit and then said. "It's okay, Bruce. Please take me. I can't stand it any longer."

As soon as he heard that he immediately plunged into her core. Anna felt a slight stinging pain but, it soon wore off and pleasure buzzed her body. Her moans filled the room as that they were in and the sound alone brought pure joy to Bruce's heart, happy that he could bring such a tiny woman so much pleasure.

His assault on her pussy quickened and he didn't let up, as he groaned against her. She could feel his balls smacking against her ass with every stroke that he made.

"Oh my god, Bruce. It feels so good!!!" She screamed in pleasure as he tightened his hands around her hips once more.

He could feel that he was almost at his limit and then pulled her up by her waist and then stepped off the bed with her tight in his grasp. And he felt as Anna wrapped her arms around his neck and then locked her legs around his waist. His balls smacked against her ass several times and she moved up and down against him. And he could feel that she was almost at her limit too.

Her moans deepened and cried out in pleasure more and more against him. Her face glowed from the pleasure alone that she was receiving from him. He looked her straight in the eye and said. "Sweetheart, if your ready then cum for me damnit!"

She screamed loudly and clenched tightly around him and locking them in place together. Her juices coated his manhood, her body tingled a bit as she came, and she began milking Bruce as he filled her with his seed.

Bruce moved her back over to the bed and laid Anna down, and slowly pulled himself out of her and then laid down beside her, pulling her close to him and locking her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, and then asked. "So, how was it, sweetheart?"

"It was wonderful, Bruce. Thank you so much for giving me the best first time." She breathed as she calmed herself a bit.

Bruce huskily huffed when she said that and then replied. "It was no problem my dear. And I'll give it to you no matter how many times you want as long as you will be mine forever?"

"Bruce are you asking me what I think you're asking?" She blushed.

"If you're thinking that I'm asking you to marry me then the question is yes. Anna, my love will you marry me?"

Anna wrapped her arms around his neck and looked him straight in the eyes and replied. "Yes, yes. A thousand times yes. Bruce, I will marry you."

Bruce smiled a huge smile and then kiss Anna multiple times and then hugged against one another until they both fell asleep. The next morning, Anna woke up to see that Bruce was gone and in his place was a gorgeous wedding gown with a note sitting on top of it. She opened it and read.

"My dear, sweet Anna. Words cannot describe how happy I am that you came into my life and I can't wait until we finally are together forever. I love you my sweet."

Anna cried a bit when she read that she never knew that a man like Bruce could be so gentle and sweet. She brushed a lone tear from her eye and then as she placed the note back on the bed she heard the sound of someone knocking on the door. She didn't want to get out from underneath the cover considering that she was still nude, so she called out. "Who is it?"

"I was sent here by Mr. Callahan to do your makeup and hair for your wedding." A feminine voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Oh, well then please do come in. Just give me one second." Anna said as she quickly stood from the bed and grabbed one of Bruce's shirt from the closet and put it on. And then went over to the door and let the woman inside the room. Quickly, the woman ushered Anna into the bathroom where she quickly bathed in the clawfoot bathtub and then dried off and then walked over to the dressing partition which was in the bedroom and quickly changed into her wedding dress.

The dress glittered in the light of the room and all that Anna could do was awe at its beauty. As she continued to do so the woman came behind her and helped zip her into the dress and get into her heels. Once she was done the woman walked her over to a chair and quickly dried Anna's hair and then curled it up, giving her long black hair little ringlets. And then quickly did her makeup and put on her veil.

Once finished, Anna left the room and walked down the stairs, lifting her dress so that it wouldn't be torn as she went down. Stepping foot downstairs, Anna was handed a bouquet of flowers and then quickly ushered by the same man who had brought her yesterday, out the door and into the car and left the beautiful mansion.

When they arrived at the church the brown-haired man opened her door and helped her out of the car and walked her into the church. And stopped in front of a set of double wooden doors. The man took Anna by the arm and then asked her. "Are you ready?"

Anna nodded, 'yes,' and watched as the doors opened and saw a large crowd of people stand as she walked down the aisle to where Bruce was standing there waiting on her.

Once she was down the aisle the pastor asked. "Who gives this woman to be with this man?"

"I do." The brown-haired man answered and then passed Anna off to Bruce who gave her the biggest and brightest smile.

Right before the pastor began the service, Bruce looked to Anna and asked. "Are you ready to be a mobster's bride?"

Anna smiled and replied. "Oh, you bet I am."

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