The Perilous Nature of Lust...

By CharlieWritess

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Louis Tomlinson is an English born detective with a hate for crime and a passion for justice. Even though lif... More

The Perilous Nature Of Lust - Prelude


458 31 65
By CharlieWritess

This was stressful 😂 Please share, comment, and like...if you enjoyed it. Or if you don't, it's all good.


“Well there's our first witness. Miss. Pletnyova, the Boswell’s neighbour.” Louis said looking through the one-way window of the interrogation room. The woman sat at the table patiently with her arms folded over her chest. She was gord shaped, with wrinkles all over her face and a bleached blonde pixie cut.”

“She looks...vicious.” Liam remarked.

“Maybe it's because she's Russian.” A detective named Jim said.

“Don’t generalize, not all Russians look like furious little hefty Billy Idols.” Liam snorted.

“Just going based off of what I’ve seen. You guys have fun with that, she was a bit of a snob earlier when she came in. There's no doubt she's still pissed.”

Louis swayed his wrist “We'll be fine. You just watch and we'll see what we can get from her.”

“Sir, yes, sir.” He retorted.

“Alright Liam, I'll do the talking. You jump in and observe when you need to.”

“Sure thing Tommo.” He grabbed the case file and the both of them walked in the room, Liam trailing behind Louis.

“Goodmorning Ms. Pletnyova I'm Detective Louis Tomlinson this is my comrade Detective Liam Payne. How are you today ma’am?”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I would be better if you two were on time.”

“You'll have to excuse us Ms. Pletnyova, we had transportation troubles.”

“No thank you, and please just call me Sabina. You're completely pronouncing my name wrong.”

He wanted to argue with the woman but of course decided against it. He gave her a tight smile. “My apologies. Well Detective Payne and I are going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer truthfully with as much detail as possible. While we're at it that video camera  here is going to tape all of it. Are you aware of your rights and in need of an attorney?”

“Yes and if I did he'd be here.”

“It's my job to ask ma’am and if you keep making smart remarks like that we can choose to pardon anything you have to say about this case. Would you want that?”

Sabina rolled her eyes “Let's just get on with it.”

“Okay, then.” he looked at Liam to see check if he was ready to start questioning her and he nodded the okay to Louis.

“First off, what were you doing at the time of the murder?”

“I was at home in my backyard tanning.”

“You were by yourself?”

“Yes. Well no. I was with my cat, Paskha.”

“Ma’am, that doesn't count. Your cats an animal.” Louis retorted.

“You're the one who's an animal you filthy fa-”

Liam interrupted. “No need to insult him Sabina. Louis if her cat was with her than her cat was with her. Let's carry on with the next question.”

Louis swore the woman almost called him a homophobic slur but he couldn't tell because Liam cut her off. He ignored it and carried on with the question. He wanted this over as soon as possible.

“Okay, you claimed you heard noises around the time Mr. Boswell was murdered. Could you describe those to me?”

“It sound like yelling, then bangs, possibly an alarm. It was faint but I could hear it.”

“Why'd you choose to confront it yourself?” Louis eyeballed her she could potentially crack at this point if she was hiding something.

“I didn't suspect the noises were gunshots. I assumed the were still celebrating from the party they had the night before.”

He looked over to Liam who was vigorously writing something down on the case paper, then back to Ms. Pletnyova. “When you went to the Boswell’s residence, exactly how was Harry Boswell acting?”

“He answered the door as if he were annoyed to see me. He said ‘what do you want?’  then I told him to keep it down and control his guest. I wasn't aware they had none.”

“How did he respond to that?”

“He said go home and get a new hearing aid because no one was making any noise”

Liam snorted and attempted to cover his mouth.

“What's so funny?” she pushed.

“Nothing ma’am.” He slammed his foot on Liam's and he jerked in pain.

“Sorry” Liam mumbled.

“Okay so after he told you to go home what did you do?”

“Well I left. I didn't want to be on that things yard any longer. The rude pedik”  

“Why didn't you expect anything after that?”

“In my mind there could've been anything going on with those two. I just got over it and went back to my peaceful tan.”

“So you didn't care if the noise meant that they were being threatened?”

“Why should I? They are disgraceful people.”

“Disgraceful, huh.” Louis whispered to himself. She clearly didn't like them which means she could be an unworthy witness. Then again she seemed to be telling the truth.

He whispered to Liam. “Are you getting anything from this?”

He  whispered “Other than these neighbour's didn't like each other, not much. I think we should let her go now.”

“Yeah, same.” Louis stood up from his chair with the file in hand. “Okay ma’am you're free to go. Just check out with the lady at the front and you're good.”

“Perfect, goodbye.” she stood up fast and left while another detective was already at the door holding it open.

“Have a nice day, miss!” Liam called out.

Louis rolled his eyes and noticed his fellow detective at the door eyeballing the woman with disgust as she walked away. “Need anything, Lautner?”

“Oh, um, yeah. Mr. Styles is on his way but his lawyer is here and wants to speak with you.”

“Alright, give us a second. We'll be right out.” Detective Lautner left and Louis turned to Liam.

“What?” Liam asked.

“You figured out what you want to ask him?”

“Why me?”

“Well cause I just interviewed Ms. Grouchy Russian lady and you have all the notes.”

“That doesn't mean anything but fine I'll question mister pretty boy. Just try not to stare at him too much and get distracted.” Liam smirked, got up then walked out the room.

Louis huffed and got up as well. “Oh please, Liam. I'm not going to stare at him. He's not even that good looking- not to mention, a widow.”

“Yeah right, that won't phase you.”

“You know what Liam I'm gonna kick your-”

“Um, Detective Tomlinson I was told you'd be over here. I'm attorney Niall Horan; I'll be representing Harry Styles-Boswell in the investigation.”

Louis turned to the perky brunette lawyer who had his hand out for him to shake. Liam shook it instead.

“Detective Payne, his partner, where's your client?”

He looked at his watch for the time. “He should be here any moment. He would've been here sooner but he was only recently checked out of the hospital. The boys had no time to mourn.”

“Doesn't take much to be mournful over your spouse dying Mr. Horan.”

“Please, call me Niall. Yes, I know, I mean, he's been nothing but bothered with this whole ordeal since his husbands death. He was comatose after fainting that day and ever since he woke up, it's just been questions and answers. He can't even arrange a funeral because John Boswell’s family don't want him involved. They claim he did it.”

“So everyone's after him, huh?”

“Pretty much, me on the other hand. I have faith in my client. He's as innocent as a newborn baby.”

“Might not want to vindicate for him so fast. He's still under suspicion.”

“Well from what I've heard from him he sounds harmless.”

“Okay then, is that all you want to tell us?”

“That's about it. I guess I'm just saying be careful when talking to him about the murder. He's already broken down in front of other officers. He's young and still very traumatised.”

Louis spoke. “We’ll try our best but just let us do job and you do yours. That client of yours is a potential murderer and us detectives have no sympathy for those people. If he doesn't want to answer questions he doesn't have to speak. Everything we do is to serve the purpose of solving the case. You understand?”

Niall nodded. “Y-yeah, I understand.”

“Okay now let's wait for your client.”

All of a sudden, Max, the secretary from earlier, came in panting as if he just ran a marathon.

“You okay, Max?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, I'm alright.” he panted. “Just ran up three flights of stairs to get to you as fast as I could. Your suspect Mr. Styles-Boswell just arrived. Well he's still in his car. We have to get the crowd clear. It's not safe for him to come out, yet..”

“Okay, we'll be down there.” Max nodded and walked away with perk in his step.

“Well then, let's go meet with him.” said Liam as he pat Niall on the back and walked away.


Liam, Louis, and Niall watched outside the police station while a group of security guards and cops pushed a crowd of people out the way. Threatening to arrest people if they didn't leave. Not many people resisted and they started to clear away with time. They needed all of them to be gone in order to let him out. But the ones that claimed to be fans tried to stay not wanting to be denied their idol.

“They sure are persistent.” Liam said.

“Yeah well that's teenagers for you.” Louis replied.

“I didn't think modelling would gather such a hardcore following.” Niall mumbled.

“Yeah it's not really a talent.” replied Liam. He squinted to see if he could spot Harry's face through the car window.

“People just like other pretty people I guess.” Niall regarded.

Louis sighed. “Modeling actually does requires a bit of talent, not everyone fits the part.”

Liam stopped glancing outside and looked over to Louis. “How so?”

“Well first there's the whole walking in heels thing, that's pretty difficult. Then you have to know how to strike an appropriate pose for the occasion. You have to have a certain walk if you're doing runways, not to mention stay in shape-”

“There he is, he's getting out of the car!” Niall interrupted. Louis didn't care though, his rant wasn't even remotely necessary.

He looked out the window with Liam and Niall. He couldn't see well because guards were blocking his view.

He was about to walk away when one of the guards moved over and he soon had a clear view of the boy coming out of the car.

The moment happened as if it were in slow motion.

He was beautiful.

It wasn't as if it were Louis’ first time seeing him, though prior to this moment he had only seen him in photographs while he was dressed up and enhanced for media. Not in his natural state.

Harry wore a long sleeved white tunic shirt that compliments his smooth pale skin, black leggings that enhanced the plumpness of his thighs, and a pair of black heeled boots that went well with his very distinguishable pigeon-toe.

Louis wasn't so close up to his face but from where he could tell he had a gorgeous bone structure along with rose tinted lips and deep green doe eyes. He didn't realize he was staring until Liam nudged him.

“Told you you'd stare.” he whispered.

He snapped out of it. “Are you kidding me Liam? I wasn't staring, I was doing exactly what you're doing and just watched him leave the car.”

“You looked in the same spot even after he left. You were in a trance, man. It’s okay, we get it. He's very pretty.”

Louis rolled his eyes. “Fuck off Liam.”

“There he is over there!”

Louis turned his head so fast he nearly got whiplash. Harry was over by the metal detectors being searched thoroughly by the guards. His hair looked so luscious, like a waterfall of chocolate swirls laying gently over his dainty shoulders.

His ass was like a mound; big and round. So thick he wanted to grasp it with both hands and squeeze it as if it were a giant stress ball.

“Keep it in your pants Tommo. He's about to walk over here.”

Louis looked the other away from his direction while preparing to speak and calming himself down from his odd sexual trance.

He looked at Harry and felt himself falling right back into a trance.

He was even prettier up close.

They made eye contact and it was as if he was staring at the world from space; green orbs with flecks of vibrant blue.

Louis didn't even notice how Harry stared directly back at him. Though instead of admiration there was confusion along with the slightest hint of attraction.

“Good afternoon Mr. Styles, how are you?” Liam asked holding his hand out for Harry to shake.

Harry took his hand in his and shook it briefly. “I'm fine and my names Mr. Boswell. Though, you could call me Harry.” He looked over to Niall. “I assume you've spoken to my lawyer?” His voice was calm, sweet, and mellow. It was quite deep but not heavily. His accent was also flamboyant and slightly midwestern. Louis wondered where he’s from because he could tell right off the bat that he wasn't Californian.

“Yes, we have. It's all under control. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Detective Liam Payne and this here is my partner Detective Louis Tomlinson.”

Harry reached out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Tomlinson.”

His tone sent shivers down Louis’ spine it was kind of seductive; the kind of voice you'd hear on those raunchy phone-sex chats.

“You too, Harry.” He looked at him as stern as possible, attempting to hide the fact he was aroused by the contact of their skin.

Liam butted in “Okay well my partner and I are going to-”

“Partners as in colleagues not partners as in partner partners like spouses, we’re not together he's married and I'm single, not mention he's straight as a pole, I'm gay very gay and single with an interest in guys. Did I tell you I'm a detective?”

Liam nudged him in the side. “You sure aren't acting like one.” He whispered.

Harry tilted his head in confusion. “Yes... I understand that…”

“I'm sorry, ignore him. He hasn't taken his ADD medication.” Liam begged. “Why don't you and Mr. Horan go over there to the secretary's office and fill out some paperwork while me and my colleague get ready for your interrogation.”

“Okay then, thank you.” Then he just walk away with a guard and Mr. Horan right by his side.

Liam turned around right after Harry left and pulled Louis by his bicep over to more deserted area.

“What the fuck, Liam?”

“Don't ‘What the fuck, Liam?’ me. What the hell was that Tommo? Were you checking out our suspect?”

“No I wasn't. I was only observing his body language.”

“His body language alright. You mean the way his hand moves delicately when he sways and how his eyelashes flutter like a thousand butterflies dancing on roses.” He said sarcastically.

“You noticed that, too? I mean- if he looks...guilty or not. I was observing if his demeanor was too bold or anxious. It could mean he's guilty or he feels no remorse for committing the crime.”

“Yeah right, Louis. You know we can't afford to get like that with suspects. You could ruin it for both of you. Even if he's guilty or not, a dalliance between a suspect murderer and a detective is highly forbidden. You know this Louis.”

“I know, I know. It's not like I can't just admire the way he looks. Of course I won't try anything. You think I'm dumb enough to ruin this for myself?”

“I don't know, man. I've never seen you get like that before. I just want you to make good decisions.” They began walking back up to the interrogation area.

“I will, Liam. You have nothing to worry about. He's not even my type.”

“Yeah but you don't know him yet. Just don't let him fool you if he tries to make a move. Not saying he will but it could happen.”

“Yeah, I won't. Besides I'm in no shape for relationships anyway. Especially not with young famous model boys.”

Liam stopped and turned Louis around by putting his hands on his shoulders. “I’m trusting you with this one, Tomlinson. Just don't screw it up.”

“Yeah... I won't.”

At least I'll try


Louis, Liam, and another group of detectives peered through the glass of the one-way window of the interrogation room.

Harry and Niall sat there quietly, patiently waiting for the detectives to come in.

Jim, their co-worker spoke up. “So why wasn't he put into custody if he's so highly suspected of the murder?”

“Insufficient evidence that he shot him. Not to mention he fainted and briefly went comatose after he saw his dead body.” answered Liam.

Detective Taylor Lautner spoke. “When we investigated the scene we couldn't find a single gun, the one we did find later was John Boswell’s and it didn't match murderers bullets.”

“ John Boswell Sr. his dad, claims Harry hired someone to do it.” Jim mentioned

“That’s a rather bold claim, from someone with no evidence.” Louis retorted.

“He must not like him I guess.”

“I wonder why.”

“Let's not think about that now. Liam and I have to get in there and interrogate this man.”

“You two have fun with that, we'll be over here watching.”

Chief Corden walked in before they could leave. “Payne, Tomlinson, hold on. I’ve got something to say to you before you go in.”

“Yes chief? They said in unison.

“Okay so you two know why I've chosen you for this case right?”

“Because it's a big deal to Hollywood and you want your most attractive detectives featured in the press?”

“Shut up Tomlinson. Of course not. And It’s not because you're my only openly gay employee either so expel yourself from even mentioning that.” Louis shut his mouth close. “Do you know Payne?”

“No clue to be honest. I mean we weren't even there upon crime scene arrival.”

“Yes but you're better than any of my other men for this case and that's because you guys are serious emotional manipulators. I've seen how you guys work in the past. You solved that case last year that nobody was able to figure out for years. And I could tell already by the statements from the witnesses and suspects that this here is a tough case to crack and tons of digging will be needed in order to solve this. Mostly through the emotions of the people involved. I need you guys to give it your best shot when trying to figure out the true nature of these people. They may seem like that are one way but they can be a completely different person inside. Most of  these people are famous and their reputation from the media is always on their back, but don't use that to judge who they are in reality, you understand?”

Liam thought, Not really. But he nodded anyway.

Louis sort of understood though. Okay so, don't judge a book by it's cover and emotionally drive these people into doing things.

“I understand, sir.”

“Good, you two can go now. Good luck.”

“Thanks Mr. Corden.” James nodded and walked in front of the interrogation room window.

“Let's do this.” Liam and Louis walked inside the room and automatically felt the tension.

Niall looked at them and Harry just stared right ahead with the same emotionless expression he arrived with. Both detectives sat down, Louis in front of Niall and Liam in front Harry.

“Good afternoon gentlemen, I assume we don't need to restate our introduction. Shall we move on to your rights, Mr. Boswell?”

“Mr. Horan and I went through them.” he mumbled, almost inaudible.

“Okay.” This time Liam was to answer the question while taking notes since writing things down were his forte. He looked at Louis for confirmation and he just glanced at him quickly basically to telling him to get on with it.

“Alright, first, what were you doing at the time of your husbands death?”

“I was upstairs in my garden, taking a nap.”

“You were napping in your garden?” Louis asked. That's some princess Disney shit right there.

“Y-yeah. My husband and I got into an argument early that day. I go up there to compensate. I ended up crying myself to sleep.”

Louis kind of felt sad for him. Though he honestly couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

“And you couldn't hear the gunshots because?”

“The glass is soundproof, not to mention all the way at the end of our east wing. My husband was killed in the west wing.”

Niall jumped in. “My client was asleep as well.”

“That's understandable, but when your neighbour came to your house. Why did you act the way you did, aggressively kicking her out and all.”

“I wouldn't say aggressive.” Harry held his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “I didn't want her there because she only asks for trouble. That woman is extremely homophobic.”

Louis looked at him in surprise yet in realization. I guess that means she was actually calling me a homophobic slur.

“She did mention the noise. After she left you didn't bother to check out what she was on about?”

“No, I thought something was wrong with her hearing aid and ignored it. It's not the first time that happened.”

Louis stood up, slamming on the table. “How do we know you're not lying Mr. Boswell?” He was beginning to play bad cop. Harry flinched a little slightly frightened.

Niall interjected. “Mr.Tomlinson my-”

Harry shushed him. “It's okay, Niall.” He turned over to Louis and looked him right in the eye. “You would know Mr. Tomlinson. That's your speciality, right?”

Louis saw something in his eye he hadn’t noticed before since he was too busy admiring him.

Harry stood there with an expression as if he he felt nothing.

Louis felt he had seen that glint in someone's eyes before. He didn't know why it was familiar but he could sense something that was far beyond pain and melancholy. He seemed...lost.

Liam pulled Louis down in his chair and whispered to him. “Are you alright, Louis?”

“I'm just doing my job, don't worry about me. Next question.”

“Okay then...Mr. Boswell can you explain the relationship between you and your husband.”

It took moment before answering the question. “Normal. Why had our ups and downs like any couple but we love each other very much.”

“You say normal as in boring?”

“No just nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Why'd you marry him?” Louis cut in.

“Because we were in love.”

Liam whispered to Louis. “What did you expect?”

His whisper wasn't so quiet because Harry heard him.

“He took care of me from the start.” He folded his arms over his lap. “I was only eighteen when we met. I had no knowledge of the real world and he just showed me the ropes.”

“You mean he hired you to model for him and you instantly became his sugarbaby.” Louis replied harshly.

“I wasn't his sugarbaby. We were actually dating and he wanted to gift me nice things. Court me, you could say. I really meant that he showed me the ropes because believe it or not the man taught me things about the economy, society, and scientific phenomenons. He was very scholarly. He’d go on these big rants about a certain topic I could never understand but I’d always listen because I loved seeing him get excited by those things.” He had the slightest smile on his face it wasn't enough to show his dimple though.

“So you loved him because he made you feel dumb?” Louis asked. He wanted to see if Harry would get angry by the question.

“Dumb? Maybe… Not really. I never felt dumb just not as intelligent as he was.” He shrugged. “Just another reason why I love him.”

Love not loved. He talks as if he's still alive. That's usually as sign he isn't guilty. Though you can't be so sure.

“Did you really love your husband, Harry?” Liam asked staring at him intensively.

Harry didn't hesitate. “Yes.” Then a line of tears fell down his cheek.

“Do you regret anything?”

“Yes” he replied, his voice was so quiet like a herd of butterflies.

“What do you regret?” Louis hesitantly asked.

Harry wipes his tears with a handkerchief Niall gave him and breath shakily. He took a moment and then spoke.

“I regret not saying it….but now he's gone and there's nothing I can do about it.”


The feels

What are they on to?


Do you guys think Harry did it?

Next chapter is an emotional one. I cried planning it.

Do you like the new cover? A really nice lady on my instagram @ hellomallun made it for me

idk her wattpad username yet but she's really nice. thanks id you're reading hun ♥

comment, share, like

~Charlie ♡

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