Took Too Long

By blackmoonrainbow1237

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my brother although my told how he will always protect me I just didn't realize it would take 6 years of a lo... More

The stuff I guess you need to know before the good stuff

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By blackmoonrainbow1237

I could start this weird sad sob story I call my life at the point when a bullet went right through my eye or the many times my dad shipped me off to other peoples homes to be used as a spy or the points I remember right before I passed out while being picked apart by wolves, but...I like this part the most but don't worry ill fill you in as I continue. "I LOVE YOU"..., shit I just realized I suck at telling stories and cant just jump too the good parts. Fine, this is all you need to know that happened before my favorite part. My dad was a dick who loved my older brother more my mom was absent all but the parts when I was coming out of her parts but maybe that's cause she died right after child birth so I wont hold it agents her, too much. I'm told my job is to but my life up for a bunch of ungrateful ignorant people that 2/3 of don't contribute anything to the well being of earth, ok I need to chill or ill never stop, we call those people normal. Just because my blood is black I'm called a bellum which would be fuckin amazing if our people weren't in war with each other for two different ideas of how we should do our job and of course the war started the year I was born on too maybe it a sign I'm satin or just two random things happening on the same year which seems more logical. Our job is to fight and kill if we have to protect the normal from gold bloods, things that differ with powers and looks. Well that's the side I was born too fight for. My side were more of the "bad guys" but the bad side only depends on which side your on to view it we were the rebels on the revolution and my dad was a big part to starting the war so his kids were to be big part in fighting in the war so at age 1-3 we had mics and wires placed in are blankets that were in a basket rapped around us and we would be placed on steps of important powerful people door steps so hopefully we would be able to recorded important info. and most families loved their kids enough to figured a way to get the kid back but my dad figured my older brother would figured a way to get me back. My brother the favorite of us all cause of his penis named Mars named after the god of war also the best fighter along with the sons of my dads best friend Mr. Moonrain kids named North South East and West all were quadruplets and the other one my brother's best friend Fall. When I was born my brother was 5 the quadruplets were 5 to 20 minutes older and Fall was 3. North, South .East and West being boys never had to be spies and in fact were just thrown into shooting people which is where the 6 of them became best friends...well they also got to bond when they were tying to save me from the places I was shipped to. my brother always told me it was his job to save me and I love all 6 of them I always got a warm feeling when I was with them. On my 4th birthday i was handed a gun and told not to shoot our people the same day the other side boomed us and East was killed most people would think we all took it really had and the other three had a hard time cooping and yes it did hurt we all question why we were 4-9 years old putting our lives on the line for this shit but we did not have time to mourn it was war after all. a half a year passed when people realized I was almost 5 mins. younger then East and looked a lot like the now triplets and made me fill in the place of the 4th spot and North, South ,West seemed to like the idea so I was always called the 4th part of the quadruplets which made me feel happy when we all turned 5 we almost didn't realize because of another attack and 3 weeks later my dad died and every kid 10 and under were taken out and some lady adopted my brother and me they were a higher ranked family so the two kids did not have to fight a girl a year older ,Raina, and a boy the same age of my brother Neptune who after 3 years became really close too and we were all taught to fight and trust each other. When I turned 8 we went hunting and my brothers took me they were both 13 at the time and I trusted them with my life so when they told me to run from the big gross growling dogs I did just what they told me to. and just like every girl on every corney horror movie we all yell at I fell down a huge hill and I hit my head on a rock and blacked out to wake up with a burning piercing and worst feeling I have ever felt. It was too wild dog aka wolves tearing at me they got my arm and fucked up my eye but by that time I passed out. last I knew I was floating when I heard "This is what happens too a person who spent half of their life in the war...well you cant die now we need to talk and I felt so safe and worm enough to pass out.

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