When Roses Collide

By kraftygal

1M 65.8K 5.7K

Steamy hot cowboys rule the Montana plains, in their molded to perfection jeans and scuffed up boots. Or so t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Sixty-One

8.9K 617 65
By kraftygal

Harley led a restless and energetic Odin down the ramp of her horse trailer. Once out, he pawed the gravel and tossed his head, throwing his heavy mane as he gave a little buck of excitement to be out of the confines of the trailer. His thick, corded muscles bunched and twitched with nervous energy as he whinnied loudly, adding his voice to the cadence of the other livestock. Giving his lead rope a sharp tug to bring Odin's attention back to her, she swiftly led him to the side of the trailer and tied him next to his feedbag. With one more anxious snort at his surroundings, he plunged his nose into the sweet-smelling alfa and started munching away as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"You always were more obsessed with your stomach than anything else," Harley said, giving the big brute a sound pat on his gleaming neck. Turning away to continue fetching her gear, she took in the flat parking lot and the rodeo grounds around her. A feeling as if she had just dropped headfirst into her past snuck up and slapped Harley silly.

Only this one was a little different than the last rodeo she'd attended. A small shudder of memory ran down her spine, and she brushed it aside. The Wolf Springs rodeo arena seemed to be plopped in the middle of a field near the vicinity of nowhere and the boondocks. The only thing discerning it as an actual arena was the haphazard wooden bleachers looking as if they were built from scrap pieces of lumber leftover from other projects. But, though the stadium looked worn down and slapdashed, the rest of the grounds were somewhat respectable. There was plenty of fenced and piped corrals for livestock, a well-built announcer's booth sitting on high stilts with a good view of the showgrounds, and, of course, an abundant amount of carnival attractions encompassing the whole rodeo grounds.

Already the air was filled with the smell of popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs and funnel cakes coming from food trailers parked sporadically through the grounds vying for customers amongst the rickety rides. Carnies were plying their trade trying to coax unsuspecting people to cough up their money to win a prize by tossing a ring or throwing a ball. The beer tent on the far side of the grounds seemed to have a good flow of customers, and several enterprising folks had set up booths and tables in the parking lot to sell jewelry, t-shirts, baked goods and other kitschy paraphernalia.

Harley took a steadying inhale of air and breathed it all in. The moment of trepidation had passed, and a smile spread across her lips. She always did like the atmosphere of small town rodeos as opposed to the fancier sponsored spectacles. Big time rodeos lacked the personal feeling the smaller ones offered. Here, the spectators could be a part of the action. The fans could almost put themselves in the saddle or strap themselves to that bull and experience the thrill first hand.

They were a part of every ride just watching from the stands, and as a participant, their excitement adds to the exhilaration a rider feels at the end of a good run. Whereas in the big city, it's such a culture shock for people seeing the sights, sounds, and animals, they have a tendency to miss the special nuance that makes a rodeo.

A group of noisy giggling girls dressed in sparkling rhinestone rodeo attire and tiaras pulled Harley from her thoughts. They rode dudded up horses, groomed to perfection towards the arena. Harley watched as they passed through the gate and started warming up their mounts in a slow lope a few times around the ring before they lined up to run through their synchronized drill team patterns. After watching the twittering riders run through a classic interlocking circles pattern, Harley turned her attention to the other participants gathering around the grounds. Cowboys lounged carelessly on their truck tailgates talking and discussing their game plans while others hoisted chapped covered legs up on pipe corals, pretending not to watch the cowgirls from under the brim of their hats as they walked by.

"Some things never change," Bo said, stepping up next to her. "Whether it be a small town or a big city, some girl is going to put glitter on her horse's ass."

Harley snorted a laugh as a group of buckle bunnies tottered by them in high boots made for fashion and not functionality. Each wore tight shirts cut low enough to show plenty of cleavage yet still be short enough to allow their belly button rings to flash in the sun.

"Hey, cowboy." A bleach bottle blond pulled down her sunglasses and gave Bo a flirtatious wink and a light wiggle of fingers as they walked by. The extra sashay of her hips in jeans so tight you could read her daddy's Visa card numbers through her back pocket didn't escape Harley's attention.

Nor did it seem to escape Bo's.

But, Harley gave him credit. He didn't say a word, just gave the girl a polite nod before turning to fidget with his lariat rope, but Harley could see his eyes following that ass as it wriggled out of sight.

Laughing, Harley shook her head and put her hands on her hips, arching an accusing brow at Bo. "Nope. Nothing ever changes," she teased.

"What?" he grumbled, suddenly very interested in looping his rope.

"You might want to go chase her down and remove your eyeballs from being plastered to her backside. Or were you just checking for more glitter?"

"Cojeme!" Diego whooped with a wide grin, nodding his Stetson towards the departed girls. "There was a mucho beautiful view." He gave Bo a quick elbow in the ribs as he walked by to heft Harley's saddle up on the pullout saddle rack on the side of the trailer. "Did you see those chicas, amigo?"

Bo snorted. "I'm old, but I ain't blind," he muttered under his breath.

Diego threw his head back and barked a laugh. "This is not what it looked like to me yesterday when you couldn't toss that rope of yours around a steer to save your life during practice, si?" Throwing Bo a smirk over his shoulder, he started checking every strap, buckle and tie on the saddle.

"Listen you Frito Bandito..." Bo's retort was cut off when a red dually pulling a sleek horse trailer pulled up next to them. "Oh fucking wonderful. What the hell is lover boy doing here?" he mumbled under his breath.

"Bo! Be nice,' Harley hissed at him.

Travis backed his trailer skillfully into the tight spot next to hers. Though her heart did a happy little skip at seeing him again, she was also surprised. According to the parking lot map and assigned spaces, the spot allocated next to them was for the Golden Creek Ranch. The Dusty Rose was supposed to be parked clear across on the other side of the arena. Harley narrowed her eyes at the dually. What the hell was he up to?

Curious, she walked around her rig in time to see Brady stepping out.

"Hey, Miss Harley!" With only a few quick strides of his long legs, Brady caught her up in a bear hug that lifted her boots clean off the ground. "I haven't seen you in ages," he proclaimed, spinning her in a tight circle.

"It's good to see you too, Brady," Harley said, returning his enthusiastic embrace with one of her own. He'd come a long way from the guy who used to shy away from hugs.

"When you're done manhandling my woman, would you mind making yourself useful and unload the horses?"

The sound of Travis's deep growl had a flush spreading under Harley's skin as Brady finally set her boots back on the ground with a little thump.

"Yes, sir, boss." Brady chuckled giving him a slight eye roll only Harley witnessed. "I'll see you around." With a tip of his hat and light tap on her nose, he sauntered off to the back of the horse trailer to do his boss's bidding.

"Now, how about you show me some of that lovin'?" Travis ambled up to her and opened his arms wide. He was dressed in a pair of well-worn blue jeans and a light blue denim shirt, tucked behind his DR belt buckle. The color heightened the cobalt sparkle in his eyes gleaming out from under his ever present black felt hat pulled low over his brow.

Her body responded on autopilot, and without a second thought, she stepped into his solid embrace. His strong arms wrapping around her, and cradling her close to his chest was the nearest thing to heaven she'd ever been. "What are you doing here?" she said on a breathy sigh as she looked up at him.

"You know, sunshine, you ask me that question an awful lot," he said, chuckling. "It's the Rancher's Rodeo. Where did you think I'd be?"

With a playful slap, she managed to push herself away from him, even though she wanted nothing more than to let her hands roam all over him like she was searching for hidden treasure. "You know what I mean. The parking map said your spot was on the other side of the grounds." Harley pointed across the arena just to give her finger's something else to do rather than play with his hair tied at the nape of his neck.

"So it did."

"Then why are you here when you should be over there?"

Travis shrugged a massive shoulder and gave Harley a sheepish grin. The one that never failed to make her heart flutter in her chest. "The Golden Creek boys needed the bigger parking spot, so I swapped with them."

Something about his body language told Harley he wasn't exactly being completely honest.

"You might as well pack those old nags you call horses back up in your trailer, Princess," Cade drawled before Harley got the chance to question him further.

He and Tanner moseyed up to join them, both cowboys looking like trouble with a capital T and Harley fidgeted. The last thing she needed right now was for those two to start stirring up trouble with their competitive nonsense.

"That's right. Ain't no sense in you wasting your time unloading and getting all unpacked. It'll save you the embarrassment of having your ass handed over to you later." Tanner leaned one boot up against the wheel well of Travis's truck. Crossing his arms over his chest, he tossed Travis an arrogant smile. "The Dusty Rose is going down."

"Maybe in the history books for how many times my ranch has won this thing," Travis quipped back, throwing an arm over Harley's shoulders and keeping her at his side before she could make an escape. "What's your game, Tanner? Did Bo sign your permission slip for the mutton busting?"

Tanner snorted out a dry laugh, and slapped a hand on his thigh, sending a little cloud of dust up from his chaps. "You're funny, old man. It just so happens I'm the bareback champ, gramps." He puffed out his chest and eased himself away from the truck. "There hasn't been a horse born yet that can unseat me."

"Is that right?" Travis drawled, looking anything but impressed. "We raise some pretty tough roughstock around here, which horse did you draw?"

"Razzle Dazzle."

Travis made a low, gravely hum of pity in the back of his throat. "That sucks man." Reaching out, he gave Tanner's shoulder a sympathetic pat. "Maybe you'll get a better draw next year."

Harley jerked her head up to Travis's gaze hoping to see a sign that he was joking. But, to her dismay, he looked completely serious.

"Why? What's wrong with Razzle Dazzle?" Tanner asked, some of his earlier cockiness disappearing as his self-satisfied grin waned.

"Nothing." Travis shrugged, his face a blank slate. "He's one of the top bucking broncs in these parts. That horse can guarantee a cowboy a solid top score and possibly the win."

Harley breathed a sigh of relief. Granted, she had every faith in the world in Tanner's ability, but since she had retired from the rodeo scene, the only bucking broncs Tanner had been on lately were the ones he was breaking from their herd. Hardly the feral, spirited rodeo stock it seemed Wolf Springs dealt in.

Tanner's smile grew wide once more. "Hot damn!" He clapped his hands together and rubbed them greedily. "Y'all can start engraving my name on that trophy."

"That's true. The trophy could be yours," Travis narrowed his gaze at Tanner, "if you can ride him. There hasn't been a cowboy yet who has lasted all eight seconds. There's no horse meaner or more murderous than Razzle Dazzle. He has a notorious reputation for taking a victory buck around each fallen would-be conqueror before heading to the exit gate. Some say it's because he loves nothing more than making a cowboy kiss the dirt. Others say he's got a touch of devil's blood in him and he's keeping the EMTs from doing their job."

"EMTs?" Tanner asked. His Adam's apple bobbed in this throat, and he swallowed so hard, it was audible.

"Travis is just messing with you." Harley yanked herself away from her idiot boyfriend's grasp and gave him a quelling look over her shoulder as she walked over to try and calm Tanner.

"That's right man. Don't let the old geezer get under your skin," Cade piped up, sending Travis a scowl of his own as he stepped menacingly towards him. "What did you do, Montgomery? Rig the draw?"

"I don't need to cheat. This is Montana, Cade. We men ride real livestock out here, not that pony show shit you're used to."

"Would you all just stop it!" Harley shouted. "Might I remind you this is for charity?"

"Charity schmarity," Cade grumbled. "You're going down, Princess."

"Bring it...pup," Travis answered with a growl of his own, standing toe to toe with Cade.

Harley blew out a frustrated breath. Hellfire and damnation. What was it with men and their silly need to outdo each other? Her mouth dropped open to tell them all to grow up when the speaker above their heads crackled to life.

"Howdy, everybody! Welcome to the Wolf Springs Fairgrounds, home of the Rancher's Rodeo," the announcer boomed. "Hey! It has all come down to this. The finale of the entire season. We are going to see some serious talent ratcheted up a whole bunch! Championships will be made and broke here today, but one thing is for certain, whichever ranch pulls out the win, will bring home the big pot for their charity of choice and will earn the bragging rights for the whole year." The crowd in the stands went wild, plenty of hooting and hollering mixed in with the deafening applause.

"Everything these cowboys and cowgirls have done in their regular life as a rancher has earned them an opened door to win the championship," the announcer continued once the crowd simmered down. "Today it's important for them to go through that door, showcase their talents, and then slam it closed behind them when they leave. Because, if they don't, there's a whole group just itchin' at getting a chance to take the trophy." More whistling and whooping followed his speech, most of it coming from the ranchers surrounding the arena.

"We have 12 competing ranchers this year. We know we have some on the top. And we know we've got at least five of those who could seal a win, but you know...we've got some chomping at the bit waiting in the wings, and they could take it all in a surprise landslide. I don't know how it's all gonna turn out, folks, but I know it's going to be absolutely outstanding to watch! So kick your boots up, and hold on tight, because here we go with the Wolf Spring's high school drill team and their presentation of the flags."

The noise from the crowd was drowned out by Lee Greenwood's God Bless America pumping through the tinny speakers mounted high on a light pole. Shifting from one foot to the other, Harley tried to calm her racing heart. As much as she wanted to be the bored cowgirl who had done this a million times, she could feel more than excitement skittering down her nerves. This was it, make or break time.

Everything hung in the balance. Her very future depend on the outcome of today's event, and she was as nervous as a bumblebee in a bug zapper. Harley's stomach gave an uncomfortable roll, and she had to suck in a deep inhale of air through her nose. The smell of the greasy foods which had given her so much pleasure a few minutes ago, now made her queasy.

Harley tried to ease her nervous stomach by reminding herself that there had been plenty of times she'd been anxious when she'd been professionally competing, but no matter what she told herself, she knew deep in her bones this time was different. Her whole future relied on her securing a win today. If she didn't, Rafferty would have more ammunition to use against Harley and her family. The asshole would personally see to it that nobody in this damn town took her seriously which could financially hurt the Gypsy Rose and ultimately...she'd be letting down the one man who had had so much faith in her...her dad.

She swatted at a stray tear that escaped with the back of her hand.

On top of every other worry, if she didn't win, she would remain in Travis's shadow. Her eyes skirted over to him. Harley needed to prove she had what it took in this business on her own. As much as she loved Travis, Cade and Tanner were right. He had to go down.

Author's Note:

Hello y'all!

Woo-hoo! We actually got this one up and posted on schedule. No small feat! It took a lot of thinking on my part on exactly how I wanted to do this. Did I want to just make the rodeo a quick fly-by event, or did I want to grab the bull by the horns and make it a real spectacle?

Eventually, I decided to write it the way I had originally envisioned it. So I hope you enjoyed this latest installment of When Roses Collide, and if you liked it, you will consider giving it a vote.

This is only the beginning! So hold on to your hats, there's much more to come and it's going to be a wild ride. (I hope O_o)



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