The Show Must Go On

By queenslittleprincess

29.1K 698 40

i got this idea to make the late Freddie Mercury a father, it kind of made me sad to know that he didn't have... More

White Queen (as it began)
Let Me in your Heart Again
Fun It
Lily of the Valley
Dragon Attack
Cool Cat
Hammer to Fall
Love of My Life
It's a Hard Life
Let Me Entertain You
I Want it All
Mr. Bad Guy
Some Day One Day
Put Out the Fire
Somebody To Love
Made In Heaven
Bohemian Rhapsody
My Fairy King
You Dont Fool Me
Spread Your Wings
In the Lap of the Gods
Save Me
Death on Two Legs
The Miracle
One Year of Love
Ogre Battle
When the Night Comes
Keep Yourself Alive
Get Down, Make Love
Mother Love
Vogue Interview
Life is Real (Song For Daddy)
I Want To Break Free
You're My Best Friend
No-One But You(OTGDY)

Sweet Lady

1.3K 30 7
By queenslittleprincess

November 1978

"thats enough for today, Vanessa your fingers are going to fall off" she giggled while putting away the glasses of milk we drank while learning piano.
"Thats the least of my problems Mrs. Beth" i snared she looked at me and asked "i know how your feeling Vanessa it's been a difficult summer for you, but who knows maybe your father will call and ask to speak to you, I mean he does call on the first of every month dosent he?" I stood up and said "You're right I totally forgot!!" I packed my things and asked Mrs. Beth if she needed anything before I left she said "no honey, I'll see you later" we hugged and I rushed home, good thing I just life two streets over.
I rushed home, to a car in my driveway, I looked into the car, and no one was in it, that was strange. I walked in and took off my shoes and backpack, "mom, I'm home, has anyone called for me..." i heard company but didn't bother but I didn't hear my mother respond back but I heard a cough, "mom?" As I walked into the living room I looked eyes with my mom who was on the couch and had a glass of champagne in one hand and a cigarette in the other, and a man who had his back tuned to me and she smiled and said "Vanessa, you have someone who wants to finally meet you..."

Immediately I stood there looking at him for a minute, in total shock, "hi my darling..." at this point I didn't look at Freddie Mercury as 'Freddie Mercury' anymore I looked at him as my father that I've been searching and looking for answers about him, he was attractive in my eyes before all of this but now that would be just weird. " came" i ran and gave him a huge hug I squeezed him tightly I didn't want to let go, he whispered "you remind me of your mother so much" i let go and laughed and looked at him he had a smile that was not the same as everyone else had, his voice was soft and clean, very British, we locked eyes I could tell I got him eyes and his charm was very posh, and classy. He was the same age as my mother at the peak of 32, "i can't believe you are here right in front of me, I dreamed this in my heard more than a million times" he laugh and so did my mother.
we all sat down and talked about me and what I was into these days, what music I'm into of course and about the day they meet, there first date, what made him take a chance to form a band, why did he want to pick up a mic and start using his voice for stage.
I asked him the most important question I've been wondering if looked at my mom and than at him "so what made you leave us?" his smile turned upside down, his body language changed he shifted his body, "well you are old enough to know so when I was a child, I loved playing the piano so much, I self taught myself every time I was in front of a piano I was drawn to it, I started writing music since I started college but before that it was nothing but piano, before I meet your mother I'd dream of being in a band it was the latest fab you have to understand darling. Even after meeting your mother I decided that was my goal and I mean I was in a nutshell I was over the top shy, and being in a band I noticed I wasn't the same person as I was before so I went with it when your mother decide to leave to the states after she had you, I decided I'd stay behind and make a better option but we decided wed both move on but the love I have for your mother is different than what I have with anyone else. And that's the truth, you are my first priority this is all for you, without any harm".

I fully understood why my dad did this for me, it made sense. My mom turned to my dad and asked "how is the album going?" He smiled at her and I and said "wonderful, we drop 'Jazz' in 10 days! We couldn't be so happier" he never stopped smiling.

"I want to take Vanessa on tour with me Rebecca" he and my mother were in the kitchen drinking tea, while I was in my room, looking for a picture of myself to give to my dad to keep .
"Do you realize that she just can't join you on tour like that Fred!?"my mother was overlying protected of me being a single parent, "i want our daughter to spend time with me too Rebecca, she's old enough and it's the summer, let her have some fun" she snapped "and touring is fun to you, drugs, girls, parties?? Don't think I don't read about rock and roll" she was serious
"It's not like that with us, Roger and Brian and John are father's also and they all have loyal marriages so I don't get why I can't have my daughter on tour with me.." my mom whispered "okay I need you to promise me something" she said "anything" she continued by saying "i don't want the public knowing just close people please Freddie.." i walked out of my room and he said "i promise you with my life our daughter would be protected."

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