The Heiress (UNDER REVISION U...

By Kawaiisama

70.6K 2.7K 642

Currently under revision :)) More

I. The Heir
II. The Spare
III. Jounin
V. Better Days
VI. Nee - chan
VII. Protector
Nightmares and Daydreams
Red Dawn

IV. Push

5.1K 210 32
By Kawaiisama


3 weeks later | Kanabi Bridge

"Sakura-chan," Ryuu called out as the trio regrouped at an open clearing. "You should rest your eyes." He said.

Takeshi turned to the pinkette, "You're overworking your sharingan again, Sakura-chan."

Sakura shook her head, "I'm fine." 'Plus Obito would get mad again.' She thought with a sigh. Obito always glared at her whenever she didn't use her sharingan for 'the sake of the team'.

"Are you sure?" Takeshi asked; his brown eyes looked at the obviously tired pinkette. "You've been rubbing your eyes since yesterday."

"I'm fine." She insisted.

"Sakura-chan, we can handle things just fine. Just rest your eyes for a couple while." Ryuu said as he crossed his arms.

Sakura rolled her eyes, "Hn." She reluctantly turned her sharingan off.

"That's better." Ryuu grinned at the sight of her emerald eyes.

"Come on, we got to find Kakashi and the rest." Takeshi said.

"It's been 29 hours since we last saw them." Ryuu stated as he narrowed his eyes, "What happened to them anyway?"

"They didn't show up at the meeting place yesterday or last night." Sakura frowned.

"This is bad," the redhead said, "Minato-sensei and Shikaku-sensei isn't here and the other trio is missing."

"This is turning for the worst." Takeshi groaned. "Plus, the bridge should be destroyed by now."

Ryuu frowned, "Team Kakashi's mission was to destroy the bridge, right? If the bridge isn't destroyed yet, then something must have happened."

The pinkette shook her head, "Our mission is to defend Team Kakashi while they do their mission." She said. "If anything happens to them, it's our responsibility. Let's go look for them."


"Kakashi! Obito!" Ryuu yelled as soon as they found the duo, "Where's Rin?" he asked as soon as he realized the missing girl.

Sakura and Takeshi just stayed on the tree branches near him.

"Rin's gone." Kakashi told the newly arrived group.

Team Shikaku's eyes widened, "What do you mean 'gone'?" Sakura asked as she narrowed her emerald eyes at him.

"Rin's been kidnapped," Obito cleared out, "And this guy won't even save her!" he pointed to Kakashi.

"Obito, the mission goes first."

"So what? You're abandoning Rin for the sake of a mission?!" Obito growled, "Listen to what you just said, teme!"

"Obito, the bridge." Ryuu reminded him, "Hokage-sama is counting on your team."

"But Rin has been-!"

"Kidnapped, yes we know." Takeshi nodded. "But the mission..." he trailed off as he looked at Sakura.

"Obito, I don't mean to make you angry, but the mission goes first." The pinkette told him. 'I can kiss my chances of being friends with him goodbye...'

"Rin's counting on us!"

"Obito, we'll rescue Rin later." Sakura and Takeshi said.

"Rin can take care of herself. She's not helpless, Obito." The pinkette told him.

Clenching his fists, he snapped at her, "All this time...I thought that you had at least softened up!" Sakura's eyes widened, "You may have the sharingan but you'll never, ever have my respect!"

"Obito!" Kakashi yelled out as he watched Obito run and disappear.


Uchiha Obito was a happy-go-lucky child; A trait which he fortunately passed down to his younger brother, Shisui. Obito was also a very stubborn. He clings and believes on his ninja way and beliefs, especially if it was for his family and friends.

But some people might say he was harsh to Uchiha Sakura, which was true. It's because she was like his teammate in more ways than one; cold, strong, obedient, introvert, young, alone. He saw how Kakashi became a very independent person, independent to the point that going to the hospital for a flesh wound was 'not necessary'. And he didn't want that to happen to Sakura, one who he actually looks up to.

He believed that Sakura loves her family just as much as he does, but wasn't very vocal about it. But he was sure that all she needed was a little push. Actually, both Kakashi and Sakura do.

And that's why, push them he did.

"OBITO!" He heard them shout, but all Obito could hear was the pain ringing in ears.

For him, the world suddenly weighed him down, and no matter how hard he tried to move, he couldn't.

"Obito-kun!" Rin yelled as she kneeled down beside him.

"R-Rin?" He looked at her, "I...I can't move."

"Obito!!" Obito watched as Sakura stood behind Rin, her eyes brimming with tears. But her eyes weren't looking at him, but on what was on him. "Ryuu, you think we can remove it?" She asked the redhead beside her.

"The boulder's too big..." Ryuu frowned before looking at Takeshi, "What do you think?"

Takeshi narrowed his eyes, "Nothing I can do."

"Damn it!" Kakashi cursed as he slammed his fists on the ground, "This is all my fault!" he cried out.

'A boulder? Maybe that's why I can't feel anything...' Obito chuckled which made them look at him.



"Hold on, we're gonna get you back to the village." Sakura said as she tried to look for a way out.

"No use." He said, "You did good, shrimp."

"Good...?" The pinkette muttered, "What part of this is good?" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, maybe not all of it. But at least you came to help." Obito said before looking at Kakashi. "I never got you a present for making Jounin. To be honest, I didn't know what to give you. But, I do now."

"Obito..." Kakashi trailed off as he and Rin exchanged glances.

"Rin, my eye." Emerald eyes widened, "Give Kakashi my eye..."

Sakura frowned, "Obito! The sharingan-!"

"Grant my wish, Sakura-chan. I...I want to see the world with Kakashi." Obito said as he watched the crying boy. "Plus, it's rude to deny a present."

"Obito, you can't!" Kakashi protested.

"Just promise me one thing. Protect Rin for me." He said.

"...Sakura-chan?" Rin looked at the heiress.

Sakura looked at Obito with her own sharingan before turning to Rin, "Do it." She said. 'How can I possibly say no to a dying person?' she thought before she looked at Ryuu and Takeshi, "We're surrounded."

The duo nodded, "We got this." Ryuu said.

"Stay here, Sakura-chan." Takeshi gave her a pointed look before leaving.


Sakura sighed as she watched Kakashi leap into the battle, leaving her and Rin to stay with Obito.

"Sakura-chan," Obito started, "No matter what anyone says, you're gonna be a great leader someday." He said.

Rin stayed silent as she held Obito's left hand, "Obito-kun..." she whispered.

"How can I lead a clan if I already let one, you, down?" Sakura said as she rubbed her eyes, to which she thinks is burning.

Curious by the pinkette's irritation, Rin looked at her, "S-Sakura-chan! Your eyes!!" she gasped.

"Huh?" 'My eyes?'

Sensing the pinkette's confusion, Obito chuckled, "You must have the Mangekyou." He said. "I heard you can only achieve Mangekyou when someone close to you dies, I'm flattered that you think of me as a close one, Sakura-chan~" He teased.

"Idiot." The pinkette muttered.

Sakura frowned as she looked at her hands, "Oi, at least humor me on what it feels like." Obito said.

"I don't feel different."

"Seriously?" Obito gave out a low chuckle, "And here I thought you would feel amazing and all. Maybe even charge to battle while yelling 'For Obito!' or something like that." He teased.

Sakura smirked, "I'm sorry for not passing your expectations, but I have to be at least in your final moments." She said, 'That's the least I could do after all.'

"Mangekyou, huh?" Never in her life had she thought about achieving it, "The elders are going to have a field day." She mused.

"Don't always use that. You might damage your eyes." Obito said.

Sakura nodded just as the ground shook.

"Time's up." They heard Obito mutter.

Sakura frowned as she watched boulders move and ultimately end up on the ground, 'We have to move!' she thought.

"Rin! We have to go!" she told the older brunette.

"B-but Obito-kun!" Rin protested.

"Go." He said.

"We have to go, Rin." Sakura said as she dodged a small boulder.

"Rin!" Kakashi yelled as he stretched out his arm from above, "Grab on!"

"Sakura-chan!" Ryuu yelled, "The place won't hold any longer!"

"Rin, grab on to Kakashi!"

"Sakura-chan, take my hand!"

"Pull up!"



"Move, Rin!"



"Looks like you guys had a rough day." Shikaku told his team.

"You tell me, sensei." Takeshi groaned out as he lay on the grass.

"Well, at least the bridge is destroyed." Ryuu said.

"Courtesy of Sakura-chan, we weren't able to help at all." Takeshi mumbled.

"You guys did enough. The bridge was easy to take care of anyway." Sakura said as she rolled to her side.

"Sakura-chan," Shikaku drawled out, "How are you going to explain about the eye?" he asked which caught the team's attention.

"Yeah, Sakura-chan. Isn't there a rule or something?" Ryuu asked.

"Not that I know of. It's more like a silent agreement that no outsider should possess a clan's dojutsu." She said, "I'll talk to elders as soon as we get back."

"You won't get in trouble, right?" Takeshi asked her.

"Maybe a lecture or two."

Shikaku tilted his head to Team Minato's direction, "What a drag." They lost Obito, and they didn't even have a body to bury.

"Indeed, sensei." Ryuu agreed as he shut his eyes.

"I'm beat." The brunette groaned.

"I could go for some ice cream." Sakura absent-mindedly said.

"Wanna go out for some barbeque?" Shikaku chuckled as he asked his tired team.








"As long as you're paying, sensei."



This chapter must suck :( wellllp, I did try my best so... XD And yes, I made Shisui and Obito siblings in this timeline (Sorry if you don't like it :( )

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