The Emo Home (Louis Tomlinson...

By constrained

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Hi! My name's Lemon Elizabeth Crusader. My favorite color is black but I'm also a fan of light pink. I'm an o... More

The Emo Home (Louis Tomlinson FF)
Chapter Two: Moving in
Chapter Three: Shopping
Chapter Four: Dreams
Chapter Five: A No-Show Christmas
Chapter Six: Holmes Chapel

Chapter Seven: Problems

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By constrained


I couldn't ignore the throbbing ache in my sides, but nor could I ignore the pounding of my heart in my ears and the bass dropping repeatedly. Rubbing the tiredness from my eyes, and swallowing the enlarging lump in my throat. I was clammy, and the beads of sweat the dribbled down my skin mixed with the chilling AC made me freeze down to the bone. Slowly standing up, my surroundings slightly hazing as I did so, I glanced around me.

A bathroom?

I looked at all the empty stalls, but the thing that caught my eyes the most was the boy that laid on the floor; shirtless, on in his boxers, with curls strewn across his forehead. My breath caught in my throat as I looked down at myself. My top was no wear to be seen, and my shorts were unbuttoned.

What in the world have I done...

Rushing around the bathroom, flinging the door of every stall open, I snatched my long sleeve from the last stall and zipped up and buttoned my shorts. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes as I ran from the bathroom and through the sweaty mess of bodies. Once I got to the front doors, I bolted to my car and started the engine, then pulled out and drove off.

The care ride there was dead silent, just the soft whisper of the AC vents blowing out air into my car. My hands shook as I continued down the silent early morning streets. No one really drove around at this time, but that was okay with me. The more seclusion I have at the moment is better.

One day.

I lasted in Holmes Chapel one day!

I sighed, shaking my head softly, rolling my eyes at my stupidity. I went there to see my best friend and then I end up leaving him stranded at half naked at the club. He'll be absolutely pissed when he wakes up. Silently pulling into the parking lot, I killed the engine, and gradually stepped out of the car. My footsteps were slow, very extremely slow as I made my way through the front doors, and into the lobby. My nerves got the best of me so I rushed over to the women's extra clothing and the such and pulled out a feminine product. Shoving the small product up my sleeve, I started down the hall. With each stride I took the more anger pulsed through my veins.

"Lemon?!" A voice called from behind me.

It was obvious who it was.

It was Louis, and at the moment, him and Harry were tied with the spot of people I least wanted to see.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I hollered back, shoving our dorm open to see Ms. Curly haired brunette herself.

"Lemon! What happened to you? Why did you leave? Lemon we're trying to help you here, as your friends." The girl I've known for forever says.

"You know what El? I don't need you, or Louis, or Harry, or anyone! It's just fucking me and I realize that now, so just do yourself a favor, all of you, and fucking forget I exist." I spat, the venom rolling off my tongue. Dealing with any of them was the least of my worries as I dashed for the bathroom and locked the door. Pulling the product from my sleeve, I sighed as I stared at it. Who knew that I'd be using a pregnancy test this early in my life. I sighed, doing what I remember it said on the box, and placing it in the sink. I sat there for 5 minutes, biting my nails, drumming my fingers on the counter, biting my lips until it bleeds, and then finally the answer came upon the piece of plastic. Positive.

My heart fell to my feet as tears slipped down my cheeks and boisterous sobs racked my body, echoing off the walls of the bathroom.

How would I tell him?

Maybe I just wouldn't....maybe when he sees it he'll just think it's a coincidence how it looks just like him; how it had the same green piercing eyes or curly brunette locks.

I inhaled a shaky breath, wiped at my tears, and picked up the product, tossing it into the trash. Hesitantly unlocking the door, I walked into the room to see Louis and Eleanor staring at me with concerned faces.

"Stop staring at me like that!" I yelled.

"It's already enough I have to tell him, but I need you to stop staring at me like I'm wounded because I'm just going to get rid of it anyway," I explained, but continued,"I left him there and I'm sure he's going to be pissed when he wakes up but I don't care because I had to leave to check and when it came out yes I just....I didn't think it would com out yes. I just didn't."

"What are you talking about, Lem?" Louis asked, one of his brows quirked up in confusion.

"Go check the bathroom trash." I told them, rolling myself into my blankets as more tears slipped down my tired cheeks. My body quaked softly as I heard simultaneous gasps and inaudible whispers echo softly.

I go away to forget, only to be reminded.

Peaking over the duvet, I watched as they both walked over to me, with fallen faces.

"Who was it?" Louis croaked, he looked a bit pained asking the question and I shook my head, sitting myself up.

"Forget this, I'm going to call him and tell him." My voice shook like crazy, as I took my phone from my pocket, and speed dialed his number.

The phone rang, and rang, and rang, and just when I was about to hang up, I heard his voice speak.

"Lemon where the hell did you go?!" He sounded absolutely pissed.

"I'm umm....back at the center, I'm okay, and uh....I'm sorry for leaving you there, stranded. I pannicked." I stared blankly at the wall before me as I felt Louis and Eleanor's eyes burn into me.

"Why? What was there to pannic about, Lem?" He sighed, and I could almost see him run a hand through his curls.

"Well.....ummmm, we went to the club, and I got high....I remember that, and you were drunk out of your shit and well...I took a p test and it came positive." I sighed, picking at my nails.

"Lemon please don't tell me you're kidding because that shit is not funny!" I could sense how worked up he was.

"No, I'm not kidding with you....I left the club, came back to the center and checked and it's a positive." I reassured him and sighed.

"What do I even do with it?" I whispered, and he stayed silent for a moment.

"You're the one carrying it, do what you will." That was the simple reply I got before the call ended. I grunted and threw the phone at the wall.

"Fucking douche bag! Ugh! I don't can someone....UGH!" I threw punches at the wall and watched as my hands bled and the wall cracked quite a bit.

"Lemon, STOP!" Eleanor shouted, and I bit my lip harshly.

This was all her fucking fault.

Everything as of right now was her fault.

"Why even should I?! You know what?! If Harry doesn't want it, I don't fucking want it either!" I grabbed my shattered phone and began stalking out of the room. You could hear the thudding of my boots as I went along.

"WAIT! LEMON!" I stopped in my tracks, turning harshly on my heel.

"WHAT?!" I hollered, and she walked up to me, her face very pale.

"Do you mean my Harry?" Her voice was very fragile and I could only smirk and nod.

"He was depressed about you and I was about another so....we went to the club got drunk and had sex." I spared her no feelings, I told her the truth.

"How could you?!" She squealed at me, her face turning red, and her hands balling into fists.

"No, Eleanor, how could you! How could you think that you could get away with dating Louis when Harry had you first and you knew that Harry always finds out stuff like that! How could you possibly yell at me for doing something stupid while I was intoxicated while you did something stupid with an open mind, like everything was okay." I rolled my eyes, until I glanced over and noticed the shocked, pained face of Louis.

"Eleanor why didn't you tell me?" He spoke up and she turned around, eyes wide.

"She's just lying! I would never!" Eleanor shot me a glare and ran over to hug Louis.

"But Lemon why would you lie like that when I was right here? Are you even pregnant or is that a lie too?" His face became hard, and cold.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes as tears welled in my eyes.

"Eleanor, you are a lying, backstabbing bitch and I hope Karma comes back around and I just happen to be there to see it." I spat, turning back on my heel and heading out the door.

I am truly sorry for the excessive cursing in the chapter.....I don't know what got into me, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Thanks for reading and the next chapter should be up soon!

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