I'll get you through it (A Jo...

By JLawKatniss16

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Jennifer Lawerence and Josh Hutcherson have been dating for a year now. Everything has been going fine, until... More

Chapter 1- The beginning
Chapter 2- It gets worse/ Australia
Chapter 3- Disaster Strikes
Chapter 4- The coma
Chapter 5- Cancer?!?!?
Chapter 6- Jen's life is ruined
Chapter 7- Remembering and goodbyes??
Chapter 8- Finally something good
Chapter 9- Surgery
Chapter 10- A baby?!
Chapter 11- The baby's gone
Chapter 12- Grieving
Chapter 13- Babies again...and it's twins?!?
Chapter 14- Nicholas comes around
Chapter 16- The Ellen Show

Chapter 15- Josh saves Jen

747 15 5
By JLawKatniss16

I'm freaking out. Jen left to go to the store and still hasn't come back yet. That was three days ago. Where could she be? I already filed a missing persons report with the police.

My thoughts are interrupted by my cell phone ringing with a random number I don't recognize. I pick up. "Umm....hello?"

"Josh! Please help me! Nick has had me locked up in an old abandoned house and has been beating me and nearly r-r-raped me for three days now! Please help!" Then I hear someone who I recognize as Nick in the background shouting "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

I start freaking out even more. "Jen? JEN! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"

Then I hear Jen screaming and a loud thud like someone fell. "I'm sorry Josh. Sorry my babies. I promised I'd stay with you. But I couldn't keep that promise. I guess it's time for me to go. I..love...you," Jen says before bursting into tears. All of a sudden the crying stops and I don't hear anything.

I dart out the door and to my car. I quickly speed off to the police station. When I get there I run through the door and to the lady at the desk. "I need to speak to the chief. I have new info involving Jennifer Lawrence being missing. Her life is at stake." She leads me to a locked office door and let's me in.

I explain the phone call to the chief and when he asks to see my phone I hand it over. He goes through my caller ID and finds the number. He looks up the number on his computer and taps into its call history. Then he finds the call from ten minutes ago and plays it.

Having to hear it all again just pains me so much, especially the end. I start crying a bit. I try to hold it in, but the chief notices. "It's ok son. We'll find her," he says as he hands me a tissue.

We go out to his squad car and drive off. He explains how Nick owns a house in the outskirts of L.A. that has been unoccupied for six years. After about ten minutes we get to the rundown house. I hear what sounds like faint sobbing coming from inside.

We go up to the door and I try the handle. It's locked so the chief has to kick the door in. When it's open I'm absolutely horrified by what I see. Jen is curled up in the corner with a knife in her stomach. There's blood everywhere. Her face is bruised, battered, and scarred. Nick is standing next to her.

The chief cuffs Nick to a chair that's in the room. I kneel down next to Jen and take her hands in mine. "It's ok Jen. Everything's going to be fine," I say as I give her a big hug. She nuzzles into me with her head on my chest and just sits there, sobbing.

After about three minutes an ambulance gets here. They load Jen onto the stretcher and take her into it. I ride with her, of course. The chief takes Nick away in the squad car and the ambulance speeds off to the hospital. While we're in the ambulance they take the knife out of Jen and bandage her up.

Ten minutes later we arrive at the hospital. They take Jen on the stretcher into the ER and to a hospital room. The doctors come in and get to work. They bandage her torn up wrists, stitch up her stomach, take care of her face, and bandage her head. Apparently she got a concussion when she fell on the floor.

Thankfully the babies are ok. The knife just missed them. Jen will be in the hospital for a while. But, she should be fine. "Josh? JOSH!!"

"Huh? What is it Jen?"

"You were totally zoned out! Is everything ok?"

"No. Of course it's not. You were kidnapped and stabbed by your ex!"

"Ya. I'm just glad the babies were ok. It's a miracle the knife didn't hit them."

"Ya. But don't worry. Everything will be fine Jen. It'll all be ok." Jen gave me a hug and we just sat there in each other's arms for a while. The doctor came in and told us Jen will be on hospital bed rest for two months.

That means the first thing we will be doing once Jen's out of the hospital is our interview on the Ellen show. It'll be the first one in the past three years. After a while Jen and I both get tired. Even though it's only seven in the evening, it's been a long three days.

1 month later

It's been a month now. Jen's getting her stitches out today. The wound is healed, but they made sure to keep them in a little longer to make sure she's totally healed and they don't put the babies at risk.

The doctor comes in and gets to work. He cuts the stitches and pulls them out. Jen screamed with every single stitch. When it's all done Jen ends up falling asleep again, so I head home to shower and change clothes.

After I shower I throw on jeans and a t-shirt. When I'm done, I head straight back out. On the way back though, I stop to get something for Jen. I get a big bouquet of red roses and a pretty necklace I think she'll love. It has a real gold chain and a heart shaped pendant made out of real ruby. I had them engrave Josh & Jen on the back of the gold casing the heart is set in.

When I get back to the hospital I find Jen still sleeping so I put the necklace and roses on the table next to her bed. About ten minutes later she wakes up with a big yawn. "Oh hey Josh. How long was I asleep?"

"Like three hours. I got you something." At the mention of a present her face lights up. She's like a little kid. "What, what, what is it," she asks, bouncing up and down on the bed like a child on Christmas morning. I show her the flowers and hand her the necklace box. When she opens it she has a huge smile. "Aw Josh! It's beautiful," she said as she put it around her neck. "I love it." I leaned over and gave her a kiss. It was starting to turn into a make-out session when the doctor walked in.

We pulled away and Jen sat there blushing profusely. "Aww. Is someone eembarrased that the doctor saw her kissing," I teased her in a babyish voice. "Is somebody asking to get smacked," she said in an equally babyish voice. The doctor checked her out and made sure everything was fine, then left.

2 months after


It's been two months and I'm finally leaving the hospital today. I'm just glad to be going home. I wish my life would just go back to normal. That all of this would be done with and everything could be back to the way it was three years ago. But, that's not happening anytime soon.

Josh brought me a pair of my clothes so I don't have to go home in a hospital gown. After I got changed, we left and drove home. The shirt was a little tight since I. Starting to get a bit of a baby bump and it was an old shirt. Josh said he had something waiting at home but he wouldn't tell me what.

After twenty minutes we get home. Josh parks the car in the driveway and we go up to the front door. When we open the door all the lights flock on and people jump up and yell "Surprise! Welcome home Jen!" Aww! They threw me a welcome home party!

Everyone was here. My parents, my brothers Ben and Blaine, everyone from the Hunger Games casts, and wait a minute. Was that... Nick with a knife. Oh my god! What the? He started coming towards me. I backed up against the wall as far as I could and put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. Hot tears were pouring down my face.

"Jen? Jen are you alright," Josh asks me. I silently shake my head and he leads me upstairs. Once we get to our bedroom we sit down on the bed while tries to calm me down. Once I'm calm enough to talk I say "I-I I thought I s-saw N-N-Nick c-coming towards me with a-a kn-knife."

"Hey, it's alright Jen. He's locked up now and he can't hurt you anymore."

"I don't know why that happened. It just kinda came out of nowhere."

"I'm gonna call call the doctor and see if she knows what it might be." I silently nod my head and just sit there, still shaking. After about ten minutes Josh hangs up the phone. "What did she say?"

"Well, the doctor said it sounds like post-traumatic stress disorder. Little 'episodes' like this'll probably be fairly common."

"Great. My career's probably over. People will probably think I'm a freak with these scars all over me, some wierd mental disorder, and random mental breakdowns."

"Don't say that Jen! You're not a freak! And it's not your fault. Everything wil be ok. It'll all be fine." I hope so.

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