No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanf...

By HttydFanatic

228K 4.5K 3.8K

Banished from Berk for befriending a Night Fury, Hiccup and Toothless leaves Berk and they are never to retur... More

Author's Notes
Twenty One


6.9K 148 25
By HttydFanatic

Hey guys here is chapter 11. Do you think I should post concept artworks of my ocs on here? Btw this scene will be slightly similar to the scene where Valka takes Hiccup to her sanctuary for the first time. Anyway, enjoy! 


Moments later, Valka led Hiccup and Toothless to a mountain surrounded by an enormous ice formation, forming  jagged edges.

Flock of iridescent dragons poured in and out of the cavern, snapping and biting at each other.

Hiccup has studied about dragons of all sorts, but nothing compared to these incredible specimen that just flew past.

Toothless crooned with curiosity at the dragons as they flew past. He tried to catch up with Cloudjumper, who was just ahead of him.

With the countless dragons darting past him, it was somewhat difficult to see ahead.

The dragons led their riders through a dark narrow passageway. Sounds shrieks and roars echoed along the wall as more dragons flew past.

Hiccup glanced around his surroundings, curious where his mother was taking her. Wherever they were, he knew they were far from Edon and this place was crawling with wild dragons of sorts.

His mother seems to know the way rather well, and Hiccup assumed she did reside here.

A thin streak of light shone through the end of the tunnel.

Hiccup sewed his brows together. Curiosity brimmed in his eyes as he proceeded towards the end of the tunnel.

When they reached the end, they ventured into the mouth of a cavern with an open rooftop that let in sunlight and a breath of fresh air.

Rock formations emerged out of the cavern, providing a habitat for dragons to nestle. Cliffs raised high into the sky, blooming with wildlife. Moss crawled around boulders and sturdy rocky walls. Shrubs scattered all over the sanctuary, proving an umbrella for dragons to lie under.

Toothless and Cloudjumper then landed on a clifftop that overlooked the entire sanctuary.

Below was an endless platform of cliffs that shot high to the beyond the eye-can-see.

Hiccup leapt off Toothless. He pulled down his hood and gasped at the incredible sight before him.

Dragons of all species snuggled on ledges. Terrible terrors hung under a shady shrub, fighting over a delicious piece of fish. Gronkles hovered around their utopian habitat with their companions. Exotic species of dragons crawled on clifftops happily shrieking and roaring.

Hiccup had to admit, this place really was breathtaking. It resembled a lot like an ideal haven for these dragons, and he never thought he'd see something as amazing as this.

Ice enveloped over the sanctuary; a wall created to protect the dragons safe from danger from the outside world.

"So, what do you think?" Valka dismounted off Cloudjumper, casually striding beside her stunned son.

Hiccup's green orbs blinked in amazement.

"I have no words to describe it, to be frank," his gaze wandered over a gang of baby dragons squabbling over a mackerel, "I'm...speechless,"

Valka chuckled happily, "I'm glad you liked it. This is where I have been staying for the last seventeen years,"

"Seventeen years?" Hiccup faced his mother, stunned, "Wow. So this is your home for the last..."

Valka gave a silent nod, smiling.

Hiccup paced around, intrigued and dumbfounded by the array of dragons roaming around the sanctuary. Then his eyes widened, realisation suddenly kicked in.

"You've been rescuing them," he gasped, and in response, Valka just smiled with a nod, "That's why you have been away all this time. Wow...unbelievable,"

Valka fixed her gaze towards her son, hope filled her eyes.

"So you're not upset?" she asked cautiously, "I know I haven't been around much..."

"What?" Hiccup exclaimed, and then shook his head, overwhelmed by everything.

"Well, I don't know. It's not every day that your mother is some crazy, feral vigilante dragon lady," he gave a small shrug, "At least now I know where I get my dragon flair from,"

Valka chuckled in amusement, "Ah, yes. Well, at least I am not boring, right?"

Hiccup eyed a group of Gronkles munching on rocks. He turned to his mother with a slight shrug.

He suddenly felt a nudge. Looking up, he saw a violet Rumblehorn moved its snout towards him.

With a smile, Hiccup gently petted its snout.

"Well, I suppose there is that... one... specific... thing,"

The two watched in amusement as bright coloured baby dragons crowded around Toothless, squawking curiously.

Frustrated, the irate Night Fury growled, scaring the dragon babies away.

"Come; let me show you around,"

Valka led Hiccup around the sanctuary, showing all the various types of dragons she rescued. During their tour, Valka held a warm hand on her son's shoulder, who didn't hesitate.

Even though Valka remained a stranger to him, Hiccup was slowly warming himself to her. Seventeen years he had always wondered about his mother from time to time, wishing she were with him through his harshest times.

Now that she was here, it did make Hiccup life a lot better that his mother was alive, safe and sound. He was glad he had found her and had freed the burden of his unanswered questions answered.

Toothless trailed after the two humans once escaping the frenzy of curious, excited young dragons getting up and personal to him.

As Hiccup followed his mother through the sanctuary he suddenly felt something scaly slid under his arm.

Peering down, he found Toothless nuzzling his snout against him.

A smile twitched on the young Viking's lips. He rubbed the Night Fury's neck, which seemed to like it very much.

"So, how did your father found out you tame a Night Fury?"

A dreaded silence hung in the air above them. Then Hiccup cleared his throat, lowering his eyes in defeat.

"Oh...not very well. Let's just say it shocked him. I don't really want to be reminded," he averted his eyes away from his mother towards Nadders hovering over wildlife, "Honestly, I knew convincing him dragons weren't mindless beasts had been a crazy idea. I almost endangered Toothless that day. I don't know what I would do if they killed him. I..." he paused as a tear drop slid down his face, "could never forgive myself. Besides, being banished is a lot better than living in a village where everyone is too stubborn, too proud to see dragons aren't monsters,"

A crestfallen breath escaped from his lips. He shoved away flashbacks of that fateful day in the ring, but no matter what, they kept haunting him wherever he goes.

Ever since he left Berk, all these flashbacks had become recurring nightmares he often have. Yet, he kept it to himself.

Valka looked at her son compassionately. She paced forward, wrapping her arms around herself. She looked up at the sky, letting out a breath.

"Ever since Cloudjumper took me here, never have I stopped to think about you, about your father," Valka then fixed her gaze to her son, "What I was doing, leaving you all alone was a terrible thing. I...I had not been there for you. That just made me feel like a..."

Cupping a hand over her mouth, Valka stifled a sob.

Hurt that his mother felt such remorse, Hiccup raised a comforting hand on her shoulder. He hated to see her be so hard on herself, and now already knowing the reason she had to abandon him, Hiccup could only put the past behind them.

"No, Mom. You shouldn't blame yourself," he was soft spoken, forgiving his mother ever abandoning him; "You have a reason to leave. I understand. I guess I had been so different than the other kids my age," he sagged his shoulders in defeat, "I mean, I am not exactly cut out to be a Viking. I can't really fight or wield a weapon. I can't even kill a dragon like the rest of them,"

With a sigh, Hiccup slump on a slab of rock.

Valka swiped her sleeve across her tearful eyes. She turned to her son with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry things have turned out the way it has," she slowly sat beside Hiccup, "It hurts to know you were banished, son. I wish I had been there. I wish I had been with you. I wish I could reason with them and make them come to their senses. I may have tried to stop them from banishing you," she cast her eyes at Hiccup, hope brimming in her green irises, "Son, you were born in a world filled with violence, hatred and injustice. Yet, I believed you are full of potential, Hiccup. Believe it or not, your father thought you'd be a great leader. He thought you'd be the strongest of them all,"

At the mention of his father, Hiccup felt his stomach twist. He shot Valka an incredulous look.

"Yeah, right. The only thing I am to him is a disappointment," he paced stood up and paced forward.

A sigh escaped from his lips as he stared out into the distance.

"He's always been too busy with the village and his chiefly duties that..." Hiccup let out a crestfallen breath, "...that he hardly cares or listens to me. Sometimes I feel he expects me to be the son he's always wanted. You know, a dragon killer; a real Viking. So leaving Berk was for the best,"

Valka stared after him, her green eyes widened.

Anger stirred in her heart, but she tried to compose herself. Yet, she felt more torn than angry to know that her own son had been neglected and scorned by his own people. It was certainly not how she intend for Hiccup to be raised, but then again, Vikings did lived a rather harsh lifestyle and believed taking pain like a man was indeed an act of a real Viking.
"Son..." she began, coming over towards him, "your father does care about you. Yet, he is too stubborn to show affection,"

Hiccup's lips twisted to a scowl. "If he did cared about me, then he wouldn't have banished me. He would have listened to me about dragons. He would have looked past those stupid Viking laws,"

Frustrated, Hiccup ran his fingers through his hair.

"He wouldn't have...disowned me," he spoke, his voice breaking slightly.

Slumping on the rock, Hiccup closed his eyes, holding back the hurtful memories.

Every time he reminded himself of home, all he felt were scornful looks haunting him and pain stabbing through his body.

A tear drop leaked down his freckled face. He quickly wiped it away with his sleeve, hugging his arms around himself.

Fumbling with his wristband, Hiccup tried to erase all the pain he felt these past two years. All he wanted was to feel content, yet memories of his last day of Berk continuously haunted him in a never ending cycle. All he wanted was to let go of his past life, but the feeling of something holding him back never cease to end.

A gentle nudge from behind made Hiccup looked up to find Toothless purring beside him. The troubled Viking simply broke into a smile.

"Oh, son," Valka rested a hand on her son's shoulder, "I'm so sorry. I..." she held his hand, squeezing it, "I want to start over. Will you ever forgive me? Can you give me a second chance?"

Hiccup stared at his mother then nodded. He managed a content smile.

"I'd like that, Mom,"

Content, Valka stood up and glided towards Cloudjumper.

"You must probably be exhausted," Valka mounted onto Cloudjumper's back, "Come,"

Hiccup exchanged looks with his Night Fury.

"Where are we going?" he asked as he hopped on Toothless.

"Oh, you'll see," Valka said with a smile, "Besides, I want to show you something,"

With a shrug, Hiccup followed after his mother as they passed several flying young dragons.

They landed on a ledge that overlooked a pristine waterfall. Exotic plants surrounded the waterfall. Mist snaked around an enormous white Alpha dragon nestled below.

"The Great Bewilderbeast!" Valka announced, pointing her crooked staff to the peaceful giant.

"The Alpha species. One of the few that still exists,"

Peering over the ledge, Hiccup got a close look at the Bewilderbeast. Indeed, it was a mighty beast covered in frosty-white scales with powerful tusks.

"With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest; a safe haven for dragons everywhere,"

Hiccup gasped at the magnificent giant. He'd never seen anything like it, and indeed, he felt intrigued.

"We all live under his care and command," Valka paused, chuckling as baby dragons pestered Toothless.

Irate, Toothless growled, frightening them away.

"All but the babies, who listens to no one,"

The Bewilderbeast slowly turned his head to the humans. He then gave a silent nod.

"I've lived among them for seventeen years, Hiccup," Valka declared, "I've learnt about their ways and I have discovered their secrets. Of course, I cannot keep all that I have learnt to myself,"

Valka sighed with content, "That is why I love travelling far and wide, meeting kind strangers and rescuing dragons that have been badly abused. I even try to change some people minds about dragons. Sadly majority refuse to change," she looked up at the sky with disdain, "Just like people on Berk. I guess the only way we can do is protect the dragons,"

Hiccup stared at his mother, dumbfounded.

"So, how did you find out about Edon? And since it is a peaceful tribe, why don't you stay there?"

Valka gently rubbed Cloudjumper's neck.

"Years ago, while Cloudjumper and I were out flying the southern area of the archipelago, we stumble upon a couple dragon riders," Valka regathered her memories; "They seem friendly enough and were intrigued by Cloudjumper and me travelling by. So they invited me to come with them and what I saw truly was something surreal, something I thought was impossible,"

"Edon was an island where humans and dragons lived in peace," she let out a hearty chuckle, "Never have I seen anything like it. It did amaze me that these people raised their dragons as a hatchling. What astounded me, even more, was the strong bond between them. These people have such trust, such a harmonious bond with dragons. It never occurred to me that I'd be able to meet people much like myself,"

Hiccup gave a nod, "It really is incredible,"

"Oh, I learnt so much about the people of Edon. After arriving, I introduced myself to the Chief, who was intrigued by me visiting his tribe. So I showed him things about dragons I have learnt over the years and told him I mean him or anyone any harm. Many were intrigued and soon warmed up to my present. Every now and then, I would travel to Edon frequently. Though, I am always needed here," she gestured to the sanctuary, "Dragons needs me, especially those wounded by hunters,"

After listening to Valka's story, Hiccup's eyes widened in awe.

Hiccup recalled the time he and Toothless encountered Horas the Merciless, a vicious dragon hunter who had a passion to torture dragons for his own amusement. Perhaps his mother may know about him and maybe he might be responsible for abusing some of these dragons.

Just as he was about to speak, Valka interjected.

"Come along now," she hopped on Cloudjumper, "I'd like to show you something,"


Valka led Hiccup to a cavern, which stood on the highest cliff.

Vines snaked around the cavern walls with moss covering the edges of the cave floor.

They leapt off their dragons and ventured through the mouth of the cavern.

Hiccup glanced at his surroundings, noticing how cosy it looked.

The cavern had a fireplace set in the middle. Charcoal-black walls trailed around the cavern with moss crawling to the ceiling.

A giant slab of stone was edged against the wall lined. Slices of logs circled the stone to accommodate as seats.

At the back of the cavern was a waterfall running with fresh crystal-clear water.

A streak of light shone through a makeshift sky lighter in the ceiling.

Opposite to the stone table was a doorway shrouded with a battered red curtain.

Toothless roamed around the cavern, moaning with curiosity.

"So, you sleep here?" Hiccup asked, sitting on a log.

Valka nodded, "Yes, and at times, I do get some peace and quiet here,"

An emerald green terrible terror flew inside the cavern. It perched on the stone table, jerking its head from side to side. Then it squawked and quickly flicked its eyeball with its forked tongue.

Amused, Valka gave a chuckle. She fixed her gaze to her son.

"I trust you must be tired," Valka remarked.

Hiccup let out a yawn, "Not really. Besides, I think I should be heading back. Bjorn and Ingrid must probably be worried about me,"

A dejected escaped from Valka's lips. She didn't want this to be their first and last reunion.

All she wanted was to spare some time to bond with her son.

"Surely you can't stay for a bit," Valka offered with a smile, "I'm sure Toothless wouldn't mind staying,"

Hiccup glanced over at his dragon, who rolled out his tongue, panting excitedly.

Like a hyperactive puppy, Toothless began leaping around the room, desperate to stay and hang around the sanctuary.

"Well..." Hiccup rubbed the nape of his neck, and then shrugged, "I suppose we can,"

Valka laughed wholeheartedly as she watched the Night Fury trailed after Cloudjumper out of the cavern excitedly.

Once they left, Hiccup stretched his arms, yawning.

"I'm sorry to have dragged you here so late when you're exhausted,"

Hiccup waved it off, "No, it's fine. Really,"

"Well, I'm sure you're exhausted after our flight here,"

Valka led Hiccup through the doorway.

"You are welcome to rest here. At least temporarily,"

Hiccup drew the curtain aside, finding a small room on the other side of the doorway.

A slab of rock wrapped in bearskin was edged in the corner, accommodating as a bed. A small fireplace stood in the centre with ambers slowly dying.

There was a wooden desk with a stool placed opposite to the bed.

"You sleep here?" Hiccup asked.

Valka nodded, "It may not look like much, however, it is rather cosy,"

For a moment, silence hung above them.

Valka stared at her son for a moment, flames casting off shadows to his face. She then chided a hand on one side of his cheek.

"I am so glad to have found you, my son," she said, her voice filled with contentment, "After all these years, I finally get to see you. I finally get to see the proud son that you are, Hiccup. My, you have grown," she paused, eyeing her son's features closely, "I have always dreamt of meeting you one day. Now, I am glad I have,"

Caught by surprise, Hiccup felt his mother wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace.

He stared at her, and then hesitantly returned the warm embrace.

Once they pulled away out of their embrace, Valka left Hiccup to rest.

When she slipped out of the room, she felt something gnawed inside her; pain.

It hurts to know she never got to see Hiccup grew up to the son he was. Although Hiccup may have forgiven her, Valka wasn't completely convinced.

With a sigh, she headed out of the cavern for a brisk walk.

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