Who's She?

By Unbreakable1256

80.4K 2.6K 720

"Does he really think I'm hot or is he just doing this for a grade?" Ariana grande is the school nerd and per... More

Authors Note
Project partners
Study night
Lunch in the library
Shopping Trip
Forget about it
Rule Breaker
Where's Ariana?
Miss me yet?
I miss him
Who's She?
I love her
Dr Bieber
Back To School
Wheres Justin?
The Secret
Its A Surprise
The Night
"Je suis chanceux fille dans le monde"
Welcome Home!
Family Dinner
It's Christmas!
Trouble In Paradise
Happy New Year!
He's what?
Knock Knock
Tell me you love me
It's Not What It Looks Like
You're Not Going
Drifting Apart
Whats going on?
Back On Track
Good Morning
The Cabin
Christmas Eve

You Dont Understand

560 22 6
By Unbreakable1256

We wake up the next morning at 12pm still fully clothed and on top of the bed cover.

Justin: Ugh my head hurts
Me: Ugh I know me too baby

We look down and realise that we're still in last nights clothes and on the bed not in it.

Justin: What even happened last night?
Me: Well the fact that we're still clothed not a lot

We both laugh

Me: I don't even remember coming to bed
Justin: Me either the last thing I remember was the fireworks
Me: That was at midnight
Justin: Ohh yeah then I think I had some shots an I don't remember anything else

He smirks

Justin: C'mon lets get up I need something to get rid of the party that's still going on in my head and I wanna go out for breakfast because I'm not cooking today

I look at him and pout

Me: Can't we have a lazy day in bed? It's already 12
Justin: You're cute babe but no, I'm in pain here and I'm hungry
Me: Pleaassee
Justin: I'll take you to that pancake place you like
Justin: Yeah
Me: Fine you've persuaded me
Justin: You an your pancakes

I smile and get up, walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower.

Justin*shouting a lil*: Don't take too long in there I need to get one an like I said I'm hungry

I'm already in the shower

Me*shouting*: Oh shush your hungry butt

I start singing in the shower

[italics = singing]

Me: Baby I've been lovin you..hm hm..hm.. about...
wait no that didn't sound right
baby I've been...feeling you before I even knew what feelings where about

Justin's on the bed listening to me and smirking. I come out a few mins later with a towel around me an look at him

Me: What?
Justin: Nothing, I just love your voice, and I know you were thinking of a song about me
Me: What..? No I wasn't..

I smirk

Justin: Yeah you were
Me: Maybe I was maybe I wasn't

I giggle and start getting dressed, Justin gets up and hugs me from behind, kisses my neck softly and goes in the bathroom to shower.

1 hour and 5 pancakes between us later we're on our way home

Justin: We'll have to start thinking about where an when we want our wedding

I get a text an open it, it's from Harry

Hey beautiful,

You busy?

H x

I smile while texting back


Hey Haz

Nope, just been out for breakfast with J


Ari x

Harry's reply

Wanna hang out? We hardly got to talk yesterday

H x

My reply:

Sure, I'll just change
Meet you at our usual place?

Ari x

Justin: Ari-Ariana?

I look at him confused

Me: What?
Justin: I've been talking to you for the past 5 minutes about OUR wedding and you've totally ignored me. You're too interested in whoever you're texting
Me: What no I'm not I was totally listening to you
Justin: What was the last thing I said about it

My phone dings, I look at it read the text and and smile


Yep see you soon baby doll

H x

Justin: See! Yknow what Ariana whatever clearly they're more important than our wedding

We pull up on the driveway, Justin gets out and slams the door and goes inside. I sigh, get out and follow him in, he's cleaning the kitchen I go over to him

Me: Babe..

He ignores me

Me: Justin?

He ignores me again, I sigh and go upstairs to change into something to go see Harry. I put on a cute outfit, touch up my makeup and come downstairs

Me: I'm going out
Justin: Of course you are
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
Justin: Nothing, go
Me: What?
Justin: Go
Me: Fine

I walk out and walk to mine and Harry's usual meeting spot, Starbucks. He's already there, I go over to him, we hug and sit down.

Him: Hey
Me: Hey
Harry: I got you your fave...it's still a caramel cream frappuchino right?
Me: Yeah An thanks
Harry: Last night was so good! You an Justin should have parties more often

I smile

Me: Yea it was an haha we would if we didn't have to clean up the next day, well I say we Justin's doing it right now, he's p****d at me
Harry: Why?
Me: Oh he was tryna tell me something an I was texting you an he was all like "clearly they're more important than our w...relationship"
Harry: Damn, don't worry Ari he'll get over it
Me: I know I just hate him being mad at me, anyways what's new with you?
Harry: Well I've moved out from my mom and dads
Me: Awh that's cool congrats, how did they take it?
Harry: Yeah an eh...well they kinda kicked me out
Me: What why?
Harry: Because..I..er...Ari can I tell you something
Me: Of course what's up?
Harry: I..I'm...
Me: It's okay Haz I'm here no matter what
Harry: I'm...gay...
Me: Okay

I smile at him

Harry: Do you hate me?
Me: Why would I hate you?

He shrugs

Harry: So you don't think I'm a freak?
Me: What? No not at all! You're perfect no matter what you are you're my Harry that I've known forever...wait is that why your mom an dad kicked you out?

Harry nods and looks down

Me: Awwh!

I hug him he tears up

Harry: I'm scared Ari
Me: What of?
Harry: The world judging me

I wipe his tears

Me: It won't you're amazing okay no matter what anyone says and like I said I'm here for you no matter what
Harry: Are you sure?
Me: Yes! I love you
Harry: I love you too, you're the only one other than my parents who know. Don't tell Justin please he already hates me
Me: I won't tell anyone unless you say I can okay

He nods

Him: Okay thanks Ari

He smiles through tears

Me: No problem, er since you told me that which is huge I gotta tell you something too but you can't tell anyone either

Harry: I won't I promise, what is it?

I lift up my left hand to show him my ring he sees it straight away

Harry: Oh my gosh! It's gorgeous! Congratulations When did this happen?
Me: Thanks and a few months ago!
Harry: Awwh how did he propose!?
Me: On the Eiffel Tower in France
Harry: Awwh that's so romantic! I didn't know Justin was like that
Me: Oh yea he's a real softie once you get to know him

We both giggle

Me: But remember don't tell anyone okay my parents are the only other people that know
Harry: Awh I won't you know you can trust me, Awwh first a wedding next babies!
Me: Whoa slow down Romeo I'm not even married yet

We giggle again

Harry: I've missed you Ari, I've missed this just us hanging out like old times
Me: I know me too
Harry: Yknow what we should do?
Me: What?
Harry: Go out tonight and get stupid drunk and like fall home at like 4am
Me: Yes!!
Harry: Yayy! Oh hey can I ask you something?
Me: Of course
Harry: The last time I spoke to you, when I was in the UK still, and you were still in school...an you seemed to be...yknow alone..what happened?
Me: Justin happened
Harry: How?
Me: It's a long story but basically we got put as project partners an it kind of went on from there
Harry: Awwh high school sweethearts
Me: Ehh yeah I guess
Harry: So he's the first guy you slept with?
Me: Mhm
Harry: Wow
Me: What?
Harry: Nothing it's just weird you've only seen one d**k your whole life
Me: So? I don't want anyone else's Justin does does more than satisfy

I smirk and blush

Me: Anyway moving on from my fiancés equipment

Harry giggles

Me: Do you have any one?

Harry shakes his head

Me: Awh you'll find someone, can I ask you something?
Harry: Sure
Me: When did you realise you were gay?
Harry: I don't know I guess I've always known and when I was in the UK I played a game of truth or dare an I got dared to kiss my friend Louis an we did an I kinda liked it...I think he did too
Me: Awwh
Harry: An since then I've been seeing him in a different way
Me: That's so cute
Harry: I'm so happy you're okay with it
Me: Of course!

We have a long hug, as we're hugging Justin stops at traffic lights and sees us

Justin*to himself*: Is she f*****g for real? I bet that's who she was f*****g texting when I was talking to her about OUR wedding! I knew there was something going on between them

The lights change to green and he speeds off in his Bugatti Veyron.

We break from the hug

Me: So where do you wanna go tonight?
Harry: Wherever that sells alcohol

We laugh

Me: Alright

We finish our drinks

Me: I better go home and talk to grumpy butt
Harry: Yeah I need to get home too

We get up and walk out

Harry: Need a ride?
Me: Sure

We walk to his car an he takes me home

Me: Babe? Justin?

I look around the house and check every room including the pool

Me: You home?

I roll my eyes and text him

Where are you?
Ari x

Justin's reply:

Because you're not in the house obviously

Justin doesn't reply, I sigh an go upstairs to change into a bikini. I come down, chill by the pool an text Harry.

What time tonight?
Ari x

Haz x

Perfect I'll pick you up in a cab
Ari x

Harry: See you later
Haz x

A few hours later, it's 7 and Justin still isn't home. I start getting ready for my night out with Harry, I shower and change into a cute but sexy outfit and do my hair and makeup. I'm ready by 8:50 and call a cab, as it pulls up Justin comes home, I walk by him.

Justin: Where do you think you're going?

I stop An look at him

Me: Out
Justin: I see that-
Me: Then why ask?
Justin: Who with?
Me: Why?
Justin: Are you going with him?
Me: Who?
Justin: Your boyfriend
Me: What?

He walks inside and slams the front door, I get in the cab and go to Harry's to pick him up and go to a club.

Justin sits on the couch an texts Fredo

Aye bro you busy?


Nah man what's up?


Ari's gone out with that Harry dude an I don't trust him, wanna come...keep an eye on the with me?


Sure man I'll pick you up in 5


Thanks man


Me and Harry are at one of the clubs in the town, Justin gets into town with Fredo.

Fredo: How do we know it will be the right club?
Justin: Because she'll be in there obviously
Fredo: Alright smart ass
Justin: Sorry I just don't want him around my girl like I said I don't trust him
Fredo: Why? What's he even done to make you not trust him?
Justin: Does is matter?

Me and Harry are taking shots and dancing like nobody's watching, Justin an Fredo walk in and go over to the bar

Barman: Hey man what can I get you?

Fredo: Yeah can I get a beer, Justin?

Justin's looking around

Fredo: Justin?
Justin: What?
Fredo: Drink?
Justin: Oh um beer, hey look she's there with that d**k
Fredo: Bro she loves you what are you so jealous for there's nothing going on between them

Harry puts his arm around my waist while we're dancing

Fredo: Well...that changes things slightly
Justin: Exactly!

Harry whispers in my ear

Justin: Thats it!

Justin gets up

Fredo: Justin...JUSTIN!

Justin comes over to me and Harry, drags him off me and punches him knocking him on the floor, Alfredo runs over.


I kneel down to Harry

Me: Oh my gosh are you alright?!

Harry nods and gets up, the security guy comes over

Him: Can you take this outside please

We look at him and walk outside, Justin gets in Harry's face

Justin: Stay the f**k away from her!

I gently move Justin away from him and stand in front of Harry

Me: Leave him alone!
Justin: So there is something going on, yknow what I don't wanna hear it! After all I've done for you, you go and do this

Justin has tears in his

Justin: We're done!

I tear up too

Me: Wh-what?
Justin: We're done, the weddings off oh and you don't live with me anymore

A tear rolls down his cheek

Justin: I hope you two are very happy together

He turns around and walks away I shout after him


I break down, turn towards Harry and bury my face in his chest, he hugs me and kisses the side of my head.

Fredo: I'll talk to him...

Fredo goes after him

Harry rubs my back

Harry: Shhh it's gonna be okay

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