Don't forget to Remember me b...

By Wolfimprintee31

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Ali is a Writer for a Sports website her job is to follow all the news in Wrestling. Kevin is a upcoming Wres... More

Don't forget to Remember me because i need you (WWE FANFIC)

Don't forget to Remember me because i need you

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By Wolfimprintee31

MY name is Allison but everybody calls me Ali for short and even includes my best friend Kevin Kiley. I and Kevin have been best friends since high school. But if it wasn’t for Kevin I wouldn’t have made it through high school because, I date so really mean jerks then and when they would hurt me Kevin was always there to let me cry on his shoulder, for some reason he looked at me different than the other  girls. Never really went out with anybody when we were in school. It was like it was just me and him walking those halls. To be honest I kind of like Kevin more than a best friend because he has always been there for me and he has always had my back. That brings me to the present time Kevin is living for Florida so he can train in wrestling. But you know what I don’t want him to go because I am going to miss him so much. I really don’t want to start my career without him by my side.

“You know this is our last night together before I leave in the morning.” Kevin  said to me.

“I know but I don’t want you to leave I don’t know what I am going to do without you.” I told him.

“Ali you will do fine you’re a smart strong independent women. You don’t I need me.” He told me.

“Yes I do Kevin. I am scared that I will find another jerk. If they hurt me I won’t have you here to make me feel better.” I said sadly. I was looking down at the ground. I felt a hand on my chin Kevin pulled my head up so I was looking at him.

“You know I am just a Phone call away if you ever need me. He said smiling at me.

“I know but I’ll still be lost without you.”

“You’ll do just fine without me.”

“I hope you are right if anything happens and I end upset I coming to live with you even if it cost me my job I don’t care.”

“You better hope nothing happens to you I’ll hurt however hurts you!”

“You know my history. You know it will happen as soon as you leave.”

“It better not! You don’t know how  fast I’ll come back and kick someone's ass if anybody hurts you!”

“Okay I think I need you back home before you go after my ex’s.” I say laughing.

“Better yet since you are driving me to the airport in the morning you can just come and stay with me. That way you know I won’t try to leave in the middle of the night and hurt somebody.”

“I don’t know Kevin. Maybe.”

“Will this help you. I want to you to stay there with me because honestly I don’t want to be alone without my best friend beside me.”

“Okay you got me I’ll stay with you, but what will Nicki think if I don’t come home.”

“Just text her and tell her you are staying with me so you can take me to the airport in the morning. Or I could do it for you.

“No you don’t have to I think I can handle texting Nicki.” I say pulling out my phone to text my sister. For those of you that don’t I have a little sister, our parents split about three years ago and she didn’t want to live with our mom or dad so I took her in and been taking care of her since. 

Text between Ali and Nicki

Ali: Hey Nicki I am going to stay at Kevin’s tonight so I can take him to the airport in the morning. You better go to school in the morning I don’t want another call from the school saying you ditched again. You understand me. I hit send.

Nicki replied: Yes mother I’ll go to school. And I want details tomorrow on your night with Kevin  ;) have fun with him. By the way you better tell him how you feel about him before it’s too late. You don’t know when you don’t know when you will see him again.

Ali reply’s: there is not going to be any details to tell and I don’t if I can tell him how I feel I don’t want to mess up our friendship. I will see him again I don’t know when but I know I will.  I know I am always saying that I am falling in love with him but I don’t screw this up. I just better wait to tell him. Go to bed. Goodnight I Love you.

Nicki replies: fine it’s your love life not mine. Goodnight  love you too sis.

End of texting

By then we were back at Kevin’s place I was in the bathroom changing for bed Kevin always lets me wears his stuff when I stay with him. I walked out of the bathroom and went into the living room and sat next to Kevin on the couch.

“So what do we do now? I asked looking over at Kevin.

“I don’t know maybe watch a movie.” Kevin Offered.

“Yeah that sounds nice. How about you pick a movie I’ll make so popcorn and get us something to drink.” I suggest to Kevin.

“Sounds good to me.” Kevin said getting up to find a movie while I go into the kitchen to find the popcorn and the drinks, when I get back I to the living I set everything on the coffee table and go to sit down next to Kevin but he grabs me and sits me on his lap.

“What are you doing Kevin? I ask him.

“I want to hold my best friend one last time before I have to leave in the morning.” He says to me.

Kevin’s Pov:

Ali is walking back into the room with the popcorn and drinks. She goes to sit down next to me but I grab her before she can I put her on my lap.

“What are you doing Kevin?” she asks me.

“I want to hold my best friend one last time before I have to leave in the morning.” I tell her. She looks at me funny then lays her head on my shoulder. Man I need to grow a pair of balls and tell her I love her before it’s too late. We sat there and watched the movie and I felt her sigh into my neck.

“What’s the matter Ali.” I ask her.

“Just thinking, that’s all.” She tells me.

“What are you thinking about maybe I can help.” I tell her.

“Well there’s this guy I think I am in love with him and I don’t know if he feels the same way as I do.” She explains me.

“Well do I know him and is he good to you, you know that is important for me to know?” I ask her.

“Yeah you know him real well, he has been my best friend since high school and I have loved him since then too, there is just one problem he leaves for Florida in the morning and I don’t want to let him go.” She admits to me. I knew who she was talking about it was me and I can’t believe she was in love with me. This is unbelievable.

  “Oh well if you tell him how you feel, he might feel the same way as you do.” I tell her trying to hide the fact that I knew she was in love with me.

“Kevin can I tell you something without this screwing up our friendship?” she asks me.

“Of course you can and don’t worry whatever you have to say it won’t screw up our friendship.” I tell her giving her a smile.

“Well that Guy I am in love with well…’s you I Love you Kevin I always have since first time you held me and told me everything would be okay.” She admits to me. Instead of saying anything to her I kiss her hard and passionate, her arms snake around my neck. I moved my hands from her side to the small of her back, pulling her closer to me. I pulled away and left my forehead on hers.

“I Love you too.” I say breathless to her.

“You do?” she asks me.

“Yeah I have Love you since the first time you got your heart broken and we sat up all night talking and I let you cry it out on my shoulder.” I admit to her. She doesn’t say anything but crushes her lips into mind I pick her up without breaking the kiss and carry her into the bed room and lay her down on the bed. I still haven’t broken the kiss.

Ali’s Pov:

Kevin Just carried me into the bedroom holding onto the kiss I started in the living room. He never broke this kiss as he laid me on the bed and was hovering over me. I ran my hands over his chest and abs he made soft noises into the kiss. I smirked into the kiss and run my hands over his chest and abs before I could do it again he grabbed my hands and pined them above my head.

“AWW.” I mumble into the kiss. He moves from my lips making his away to my neck leaving small kisses along the way. When he gets to my neck he starts nipping and sucking. He moves his hands and slides them under my shirt and moves them up and down leaving Goosebumps on my skin. He left my shirt and takes it off and tosses it away, he moves from my from my neck and makes his way down my chest and stomach. I’m biting my bottom lip. He pulls my shorts down and that was it for me. I knock him to the bed and do what he did to me and remove all of his clothes. He pulls the covers over us and we had a night of bliss.

The next morning

I woke up in Kevin’s arms it was about eight in the morning. I move closer to Kevin and he stirred in his sleep his eye fluttered open and he looked at me.

“Morning beautiful.” He said kiss the top of my head.

“Morning handsome.” I say to him.

“You hungry because I know I am. He says rolling over to find his clothes .

“Yeah I am.” I say looking for something to put on, I find my bra and panties but no shirt or shorts. I find Kevin’s boxers and hand them to him he hands me my shirt and shorts we get dressed and go into the kitchen to find something to eat, but we have no luck.

“You want to grab something on the way to the airport?” I ask Kevin.

“Yeah let go grab a shower then we can go.”

“Okay.” I say looking in the living room. I head in to the living room to clean up from the night before. Before I can start to clean Kevin grabs me and starts to kiss me passionately my arms snake around his neck and he deepens the kiss.

“You’re…..going……….be……late.” I said in between kisses.

“Awww.” Kevin pouts.

“Go take your shower so we can leave.” I tell him. He steals a kiss. Before saying

“I Love you Allison.”

“I Love you too Kevin. Now shower please I don’t want you to be late. Kevin steals one more Kiss before he walks to the bathroom. I clean the living was the bowel the popcorn was in and take out the trash before we leave I walk back inside and Kevin is in the living room looking at picture in a picture frame. I go and stand next to him and look at the photo. It’s the time when took a trip to the beach and I was lying on his stomach and Nicki took a picture of us together. I felt tears start to run down my face and turn and walk to the bedroom to get the clothes I had on the night before. I go into the bathroom and turn on the sink and start to cry hard, I really don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to let him go because I love him and I need him here with me. After my good cry I get up and wash my face and change my clothes I walk out of the bathroom. Without looking at Kevin a grab my car keys and my phone and head for the door. I go to the car not looking behind me. Kevin follows me he puts his things in the back seat, he gets in and I start the car and pull out and start to head to our favorite diner. When we get there I put the car in park and go to get out but Kevin stops me.

“Ali what’s the matter you haven’t said a word since you came back in from outside?” Kevin asks me.

I sighed and turn and look at him, I felt the tears start to come back I push them back. “Kevin you know I love you but I don’t want you to go I want you to stay here with me and Nicki.” I tell him letting the tears fall down my face.

“Hey you don’t need to cry I will always be with you, even if it’s from another state.” He tells me.

“Kevin……I still don’t want you to leave me.” I say to him.

“How about this in three weeks I have some time off why don’t you and Nicki come down and spend some time with me. You know go to the beach and what not. He offers to me. “Does that make it better?” he adds. All I can do I nodded my head. We get out of the car and head into the diner we eat and talk and then it’s time to go to the Airport. We get there I got Kevin check and all that we were sitting at the gate waiting for his plane to arrive. I was sitting on Kevin’s lap hold him as tight as I could not wanting to let him go. We weren’t there long when his flight was called and I had to let him go. I kissed him hard and passionately, until we had to pull apart.

“I Love you Kevin.” I said before he left.

“I Love you too Allison.” He said before giving me a quick kiss and a hug. He left me standing there I turn towards the window and watch the plane leave, I knew that was my cue to leave. Slowly walked out of the airport and to my car. I left the Airport but not before I sent him a text him a text message saying Don’t forget to remember me because I need you.

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