Lost Light (Book One in the L...

By Spacezii

12.7K 443 537


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

890 29 22
By Spacezii

Whoa! This book has surpassed Vision Squad-The Beginning in views! Thankyou guys!!!

Also to the people who start schooling today and next week, good luck!

Adam was sitting with Ty and Jason at the top floor dining room. Seto still hadn't shown up and it was twenty minutes into the meal. Everything was tense.

"So Adam? How was training?"Jason said happily, trying to change the mood.

Of course, our Adam didn't hear him. If that event with Seto hadn't happened, maybe, just maybe, he would've answered his questions sooner, with more confidence. But instead, his mind was still lingering with the events of the earlier hallucination.

Heron was crazy. That wasn't an opinion, it was a fact. How could someone order others to do a deed in which scared children for life, just because they were wealthier than the poor? Those kids had no control over such situations. And niether did Seto when he was younger. That man had to be stopped no matter wh-

"Adam?!" Jason yelled concerned. The yellow eyed boy looked up nervously. He was back to reality. Looking around, he saw Ty was standing up, wings up and out, his eyes purple, ready for anything. Jason shivered. "Y-Your s-s-scaring me...."

Adam looked down at his hands, realizing they were both clenched up in two fists. He was also sweating. What had just happened?

"Adam....." Ty said, "How did you do that?With your necklace on?"

'Do what'Adam wanted to ask, but once he looked down again, he saw it. He had burned through the table and his dinner plate. He stared at the table for a few seconds more, then groaned and stood up, pushing his chair in.

"Im not hungry" he said and walked out the door.

"Adam! Wait!" Jason said, but he was too late.


"Damn these stupid powers....." Adam said under his breath.

"Then why have them?"

Adam looked jumped then looked around. 'Great now he was hearing voices'he thought.

"Who's there?" he said outloud confused. The room seemed to spin.

"Its me, your self conscious."

"Since when did I have a self conscious?" Adam asked.

"You've always had one. Doesn't everyone?"

"Does this have to do with my stupid powers?"

"You can say that. You've always had me, but I do suppose that praticing your powers have brought out the other side of you. Well the side of you now at least."

"Side of me now? What does that mean?"


"H-Hey!! Answer me you little-"


That voice was coming from in back of him. Turning the saw it was Jason, running into a halt.

"Hey.... H-Hey...." He said as his student looked away. "Its okay dude, I know how you feel."

"How could you possibly know?Your normal Jason,Im...not.I cant control these powers for shit,and on top of that,Im part of a prophecy I never wanted,to kill my long lost evil uncle who rules the land with an iron fist.Im supposed to beat him....by myself?"

Jason stared at him in silence, perhaps trying to find a way to help out his student.

"Hey... Your not in this alone remember. There's more to help us. The prophecy says so... and besides,"Jason smiled and held up his hand. In it, a grey see through fire like substance appeared. Putting his hand out he, pointed it at an fireless candle light holder and suddenly it was no longer the color that it was supposed to be, but grey flame. Adam stared wide eyed as his teacher made a swiping motion with his hand and it dissapeared from the candle.

"You... You have powers too? Since when?"

"Since that day you attacked us, that I knew. Ty said that it could've appeared years before and I wouldn't have even known.... He's training me you know?'"

Adam scoffed.

"Can we switch teachers? Seto isn't doing much. I cant even control a flame yet....."

"Seto nor Ty know the amount of power you have, Sky."

"Stop that! Im having a conversation here you idiot."

Jason was staring at him with a weird look.

"What.....? "

Adam had said that out loud. How stupid was he?

"Oh sorry! I wasnt... I-I didnt....."

Jason seemed to brush it off as a simple mistake. He turned to go.

"I'll see you for training on Friday okay.Have a good night."

"Okay, g-goodnight."

"You realize he's one of the three right. Herobrine, The Wither and the Dragon... All in the same complex. Hmm... Im suprised you haven't all killed each other yet."

Adam turned down the hallway, making sure Jason was really gone, he went into his bedroom, getting ready for bed.

"Killed each other? What do you mean?"

"At first, the big three were all best friends like you guys. They did everything together, like killing whole villages in ancient times. Then the war came along, The War of the 8 Continents. They all chose different sides and since those days, they have been enemies.They swore that their children wouldn't give mercy to the other powers."

"Damn, thats rough.Could... Could that possibly be a danger to our relationship?"

"Its not that serious. And who knows what fate has in store for you guys. But all Im saying now is, sometimes you cant even trust your closest friends."

Adam put on his night clothing and say on his bed with a random book, in case anyone came in.

"Who are you? Do you have a name?"

"I.... No. But Im sure you have other things to worry about than that. Just know Im your best tool in battle and knowledge of Gardenen."

The yellow eyed boy glanced at the time. It was 10 knots. Really late.

"What did you mean earlier, by " the side of me now "?"

"Thats a question for another time, but all I have to say is, being Herobrines nephew is dangerous and a very hard task. Many will dislike you for who you are and try to keep you from your goal. Take care and try and notice every detail. You never know when your powers can get the best of you. Now rest, you need to wake up at 8 dayknots tomorrow."

Adam was still worried and confused about this "voice's" words, but was tired enough to sleep. Laying down, the whispered a goodnight.

"Good night Sky."


He was on his mothers lap. His foster mothers to be exact.
It was just before bed, they seemed to be reading something.

A childrens book, but he remembered it.

It wasn't like any other childrens book, it was a story about history.

He hated history, so his mother tried anything to get him to study for class. But this was different.

"This story was of a young man, who found love where he wasn't supposed to be. He belonged up in the clouds, while the woman belonged down on the ground. The man didn't want to expose who he was, so he lived on earth with her, had a kid and due to who she was, became king of the land. But his brothers began to look for him and started to get angry at his absence. He had duties to get back to, and thats when he told his wife who he really was. Kindly, she told him to go off and do his job and she would watch her child along with the kingdom."

"Meanwhile, his brothers figured out what he had done in his dissapearance. The oldest accepted such circumstances, while the other became furious. This began a great war, thay crashed down onto earth as well. The man rushed to the kingdom to warn the others-The war lasted for 3... T-Then....."

His mother started to cry. He hugged her, whispering that it was okay. His mother pulled back, smiling, though still visibly sad.

"Your just like Alan, Skylar."

"Mom... my name is Adam."

"Oh, that's right....I apologize sweetheart."

After he was tucked into bed, but not before peskering his mother to who Skylar was serveral times. He was told to forget about the mistake and went to sleep.

Sitting up from bed, it was the first night since they had gotten there that was suprisingly a peaceful wake up. There was more to that story then meets the eye and he would have to ask someone.

It was the perfect day to have had that dream. He had training with Ty.


"Good job Jason!" Ty said with a smile. "5 more than yesterday!!"

"Thanks!!! Whoa...." Jason said smiling as he lost his focus trying to balance a candle mid air with flame. Balancing it once again, he smiled but then looked at Adam.

Adam was in a deep staring contest with 2 candles trying to set at least one of them on fire. Hearing his teacher get praised by his old friend, he suddenly became even more determined, but jealous. He banged his fist on the wooden floor in anger and a fast yellow flame skid across the floor, hitting a tree in the room.

Ty yelped, but instead Jason ran in front of him, made a black bubble of magic, rushing it over to the fire, putting it out as water sprung from the magic substance.

They all stared at each other for a few moments. Adam yelled in anger. And stomped his foot on the ground, pouting.

"This is never going to work...I can't even light two candles,but Jason can make a fireball appear in his notchdamn hands!?"

"Relax Adam, it takes patience to understand the power you have,"Ty said with a half-smile,"You'll get it..eventually.You lit up a tree, so that means you can light a candle.You have powers from your father,don't worry."

This was the perfect chance to ask Ty about his parents.He still had some sort of tension with him,but he needed to know.

"What happened after that man ran to the kingdom in that story I liked when we were little?"

Jason stopped practicing as Ty tensed.


"You still remember that story?"

Adam nodded.His old friend sighed.

"Adam...Your father was a great man.Your mother as well.I have few memories of him and her.One was of how he taught me how to play.I was only two back then,but in my kingdom there was a rule that you must be mature and well-rounded no matter the occasion. It was very strict. That is the only thing I remember from it. Other than my mother. Anyway he thought me how to play all sorts of games like Spot or play fighting.Just to get in trouble with his best friend, my father later on."

His old friend sighed.

"Jason, we will resume our training after lunch, I have to show Adam something...important."

Jason looked worried, then nodded, starting to walk inside.

"Adam come, its time to share this secret with you."

Adam hesitated.

"Is Seto okay with this?"

"Does it matter?"

Adam shrugged then walked inside with Ty.

(Map of Gardenen)

The pale young boy climbed through vines, trees and hills for hours until he reached the temple. What temple you ask?

"The Temple of the Bravely Remembered" he said with awe. "Long time no see buddy, huh?"

As he put his hand on one of the stones, it came lose and made him fall with it. Standing up and brushing himself off, he gave the temple and glare and went inside.

"You did that on purpose.... Still don't like me I see. To bad Im going in..."

As he stepped inside, no other occurances happened and he smiled with glee.


Walking down the long hallway once he reached the stairs, he made it to the room in which held the secrets from the old world before Gardenen, Riftholde. If anyone besides him was to gain access of this knowledge and power, who knew what would happen? These days you couldn't trust anyone.....

Entering the password, that you only will see, pushing the lever up twice, push the downed lever up, press the buttons twice and then you must put a special item into the cauldron, an eye of ender, one of the most important items aquired from the ingredients from the Nether. Only then will the door open to you. The door of the Seven Kings.

If the puzzle would've been done wrong, it would have ended up in the end of the purple eyed boy.

Walking inside the door closing behind him, he came to a room with several large statues, of each king that was lost.

First was Alan Rifthold the First, obviously he was the one who set the fate of the kingdom, stories all flying with his name. He had a very defined jawline, and a short scruffy beard.He was smiling, which made wrinkles around his eyes appear and even in stone made his eyes lively. From what the boy remembered, he was a goofy, caring and well loved king, he wished he could've known him better. His crown was a shiny golden color, which was made out of real "Budder" as he used to call the ore when he was in power.

The next was Tyrone Ellis the Third, Alan's best friend and kingdom sidekick. Whenever they wanted to, the trained and fought together, though the Siles King was way different from Alan. He had a serious, almost mature look, though being 18 at death. His eyes were dark, though alive. He had been a great leader to his kingdom and his allies. He was one of the other two who stood by him throughout the whole war. Though the boy didn't know him personally, the countless times he had been there felt like he knew him so much.

Next, was King James Universe, of Avis. Known for building his kingdom in the sky and making groundbreaking advancements in technology, he was well loved. He was Alan's other bestest friend and they would go on vacation together. His technology helped the kingdoms advance when facing lost in the war, in which stopped due to him going missing. It was said no one ever found the body. His statue was the most stunning. Instead of looking up like the others, he held a screwdriver and a gadget. His eyes were concentrated but lively to the item. He was smaller and less buff than the others, but still seemed to make an impact in his look.

The next was Michael Hughes, King of the Scaldris Kingdom. He was known for his spectacular kingdom festivals and getaway vacation sights. One of his most known festivals was the Red Moon Fighting Festival in the summer time. Many warriors and fighters went to win a prize, loyalty and jobs at the castle, in which you were allowed all sorts of riches and privileges. Though that stopped after he was assassinated by the one and only Heron after the war, in a base his kingdom was holding up in underground.

Then there was Illos Dee, King of Obsurus and Justen, King of Stowne. Not much is known of who these kings were and what allies they were on. But it is known that Micheal and Justen had been friends since early childhood. And since Obsurus was a fairly new kingdom, not much was written in the archives except, for its love for the art of the shadows and assassins.

Lastly, Hydris was a very religious kingdom. After Heron's step up to power, those rituals and such were banned. Anyone seen or accused of praising the Water Goddess, Pearl or Notch was immediately put to death. Before that, they were very peaceful people, and had a diversity of many different backrounds following the same practices. The King, Auqis The Second was in charge of its kingdom and their festivities.

The boy would've continued, but heard arguing behind a pillar to the left of him. Walking around it he saw two clear glowing hues talking. One was green and the other was golden.

The boy cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Finally making love to your boyfriend Alan?"

"Tyrone?! BOYFRIEND?! He yelled in awe."NO! He is just a friend! "

"Thats not what you said in my bed last night..."Tyrone's  ghost said with a smirk.

"Shut it asshole!"

"OHHH TY OHHHH-" Tyrone mockingly moaned at Alan.

And then they were fighting again. The purple eyed boy cleared his throat once more. That got their attention.

"I have important matters to disscuss, gather the others if you may....."

The ghosts nodded.

"We will be in the court room. "

Then dissapeared.


They walked into a dark room. Almost immediately, Adam realized it was Seto's Room. Potions, Books, Weapons and Pieces of Paper lined the wall. But not like anything he had ever seen, this room was a mess.

If his foster mother saw this room and then his, and compared it, she would have ever heart attack.

But in the middle of the room there were a bunch of magenta colored orbs. In awe he slowly began to get closer putting his hand out to touch the object.

"Don't touch those." Ty hissed, which made Adam jump. He realized his mistake and changed his tone, clearing his voice. "Unless you want Seto's burden."

"Seto's... what?"

"His magic. Its a" burden" as he says."

Adam laughed. Ty looked at him.


"How can something so beatiful and powerful, be his burden?"

Ty looked down in sadness.

"Seto wasn't always calm and collected. When I met him, he was going through some really bad issues. He would wake up in the middle of the night crying Adam. Then he woke up one morning and was.....different.I was worried.He told me everything was okay, but he didn't seem okay. H-Hes holding a lot of things in Adam, in his heart, and one day he will burst. He feels his powers are a burden, a mistake,the thing that killed his parents.Now that story I can not share with you,that's his to share."

Ty shuffled through many papers until he seemed to had found what he was looking for and raised his eyebrows.Putting it down on the wooden table below the orbs,he began to chant words from the worn out paper.And that's when everything changed,taking the shape of the destiny of Adam,Heron,Seto,Ty,Jason and Gardenen all together.


(Butttttttttt I guess you'll have to see in the next chapter wont you:p

I will be posting a better version of this map of Gardenen in my Extras book as well as a Q/A for Lost Light and Vision Squad-The Beginning and anything else about my account or me. So go check it out 💚❤️❤️❤️🐱

Any theories?!

Have a good day/night everyone!!

P. So How did you enjoy the eclipse my United States readers?

I may have had a partial eclipse but it was still worth it:tHe next one will be on the east coast when Im in college on the west coast in 2024 so that's g8t 0_o

Bye bye guys❤️

Also 3233 words on this chapter. My longest one....I think I broke Wattpad XD 



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