The Infinity

By Shanetocles

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For decades there have been those with the ability to call to their very souls, and manifest the powers withi... More

Chapter 1: Worthless with A Destiny
Chapter 2: Valic and Onyx
Chapter 4: Sports Rally
Chapter 5: Failure no more
Chapter 6: The Chase
Chapter 7: Infinity Crystals

Chapter 3: The Student Council

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By Shanetocles

July 7, 1693 AA

Five years ago, I was training for a world class martial arts tournament. In this land of Ascenders, nobility, and power; there was still a normal human skill that was respected throughout the lands. That was martial arts. The power inside of yourself, and the willpower to train through all your struggles. This is why I've always loved martial arts, and that I'm quite grateful to Old Man Jinn for teaching me. Aside from his scientific knowledge, he was skilled in hand to hand combat. He was never able to Ascend, so he didn't have another way to prove his strength. These abilities and teachings he passed onto me.

Shortly after that time was the time of the tournament, and I was determined to fight and win to make him proud of me. It was the largest tournament of the year, and I swept through the early rounds of it with ease. The final 8 was the hardest challenge I've faced up until then. Any sort of martial arts goes, and the winner is decided when one of the fighters can no longer continue. A few of the matches were very close, with myself winning by only a small margin. Then, the championship match was next, between myself and a man named Jax Storefield. He was a very strong and noble man, always bowing to his opponents before matches and never injuring his opponent beyond repair. And me, the scrawny and cute underdog, was to face him in the finals.

I walked up to him a bit nervous, but confident in my abilities. All I could hear was the cheering for Jax, while the support for me was wiped clean. We both approached the center of the stage, I was quite tuckered out from all the fights previously. But him? Of course, not him. Once we are both in our starting positions, he placed his hands to his sides and bowed. A bit nervous I bowed my head back to him in respect, or at least fear. Then the countdown to the start of the match. Three. Two. One. Fight. This buzzer has stuck with me ever since, because it was the deciding point in my life, up until recently. When that buzzer went off, I slid one of my feet back, holding the opposite side arm up and the other back. I was in defense, yet ready to switch at any time. Then, he spoke to me.

"Your style is unique, but you will lose. This is fate," he said to me. I simply smirked.

"Really? Then allow me to change that fate!" I screamed out as I charged forward at him. I cocked one hand back and threw it forward at him, but he did not move to dodge it. My fist simply was allowed to travel and make contact with the side of his face. A large cracking sound was heard from the impact, a bit of smoke steaming back from the force of it all. Despite this, his face did not move a muscle. I clenched my teeth and jumped back, jumping up, and spinning in the air. The end of the spin was followed by an axe drop with all my force. It was then that he moved, raising one hand up and catching my leg on its way to his head. Steam and smoke flew downward and out from such a strong impact again, but it did not faze him. He simply gripped my leg, swung me around, then dropped me to the floor. Like that it was over. All my hard training, for nothing, to be beaten so easily. The impact on my back nearly knocked me out, my world spun, and I could barely see. With my last bit of strength, I looked up to him, as he smiled down at me.

"You're the strongest opponent I've fought, but even then, fate is always predetermined. Maybe one day, fate will shine to you. I'll hopefully see you on that day," he said as my consciousness faded, and I was out cold. I heard later that he was awarded the world championship, before announcing he was retiring in three years to go to school for Ascending. He was an Ascender, and that strong? What a cheater in life. But, his lesson sticks with me, because it taught me so much. You can't change fate, is what I learned.

August 26th, 1698 AA: Present day

This is such a weird feeling, knowing I have the power to save my friends, yet being so weak I couldn't protect anything. I know I can't protect the world, but I should be able to protect my school. So why is it that I can be so strong, and be able to protect nothing with my power. Is it fate? I remember, Jax taught me that fate can't be changed, and I was fated to be weak. That's why I was going to be thrown out. Maybe I can't save anyone because I've never been able to. Maybe it's because others are stronger, the bad guys usually are. When you're alone, you can't protect anything. You're weak. Fate will never change for you. But, then I learned a new lesson. Your fate is never determined by yourself, it's those around you as well. And I've found a new reason to fight against that lesson. I will change the fate given to me, and I'll make my own fate! I haven't protected anything before, but, ill protect all of you. Ill change fate itself. Isn't that right, Xerthia?

"Watch your left!" I hear Xerthia say to me. I look out to my left side to see a small swarm of Dreadnaught charging me, a few leaping up at me. I smirk wide as I swing my arm out, the machine arm following and smacking the small swarm with its reach. The swarm is unable to fight against this arms power, and get sent flying back and away. As they fall I watch a few students run up to them, dealing the final blows to the Dreadnaught.

"Thanks, Xerthia. I was lost in thought," I say to her, giggling a bit.

"This is no time for error. We must seal this gate," she says.

"You're right, but, how?" I ask her, looking around.

"The structure of the wall is built to keep Ascenders and Dreadnaughts at bay, only a strong physical force could have broken that structure. I Recommend a revival spell,"

"Revival spell?"

"Yes. Under Planetary Ascension, you can use revival. This spell brings organisms and creations back to life, or in this case, repair the wall,"

"Who would know how to use a revival spell?" I ask her as I see a few Dreadnaughts get sent through the air over my head, looking in that direction. I see a figure with a large sword and oversized fist charging towards the Dreadnaught behind us. It must be Azura. I watch him charge right up to us, before flying past us to cut a Dreadnaught down.

"Stop spacing out, Suzuka! Or I'll have to beat some sense into you!" he yells at me as he hits another Dreadnaught back, the gate still being a little ways away.

"Azura, can you use Revival spells?" I ask him as I jump next to him, before using the machine arm to hit another Dreadnaught in front of him. We start to run to the gate, neck and neck.

"Revival? Hell yeah! How can that help here though, nobody has been that injured yet" he says cutting down another Dreadnaught.

"You can use it on the gate to rebuild it! We need to repair that wall!"

"Sounds like a good plan, failure! Just keep my back covered!"

"Ignoring that comment, but I'm on it! Xerthia, take his right side! I'll cover his left!"

"As you command," Xerthia says as she splits away from me, taking her place on Azura's left side. We continue to rush down a trail, the Dreadnaught horde beginning to break its way past the defensive wall of guards and students. I watch Azura grin softly as he readies his sword, jumping forward for a speed boost. Xerthia and I both hit the ground and jump forward as well, keeping speed with Azura. The horde of Dreadnaught was now in front of us. I hope they're ready for a good fight.

Directly in front of us there are two of the large Dreadnaught from before, with large cannons on their backs. A few students from the disciplinary committee along with guards were shooting spells and bullets at the Dreadnaughts, with little effect. Both of the large Dreadnaught were now pointing their guns down, charging with energy ready to fire. I won't let anyone die here. I quickly jump up high so I'm face level with the Dreadnaughts as I fly over the students, the machine arms extending out. Each arm grabs one of the Dreadnaughts by the face, before they begin to roar and push back against it. I channel my energy and scream out, pushing the Dreadnaughts. "Ahhhhhhh!!!" I shout out with a smirk on my face, overpowering the Dreadnaughts and shoving them both back quite a feat. The large size of them pushes the entire horde back, giving the disciplinary committee a chance to regroup. I land back on my feet and start to walk forward, continuing to drive the Dreadnaughts back.

"W-What the hell is that thing?!" one of the Disciplinary Committee members yell out, staring at me.

"I'm a damn Ascender! Now help me kill these things!" I yell out as I lift up with all my strength, the machine arms lifting the large Dreadnaught off their feet and tossing them back. I smirk once again as I start to pant, Azura and Xerthia catching back up to me.

"Trynna take my damn spotlight?!" Azura says, a bit pissed.

"I could care less about that. I just want to kill these bastards," I reply as I smile at him.

"Then stay outta my way!" he yells as he charges forward, tearing through the smaller Dreadnaught to get to the large ones. I sigh softly as two familiar students walk up to me.

"The hell? Suzuka the failure?! How are you even capable of fighting?" the girl said. I look at her closely, I remember this short girl with long orange hair. Abby. And by her side, as last time is the strong man, Leafy.

"Turns out you guys were wrong, and I'm definitely an Ascender. But that's not important now, this horde is," I say as I turn my focus to them.

"They won't be much of an issue here soon, I actually think we held them off long enough," Abby said as she laughed a bit.

"Held them off? For what?"

"Look and see," she says as she looks past me to the large horde invading the school. I see Azura slicing away at a large Dreadnaught as he hits it with his Juggernaut Arm, the cuts and force sending it back. It did not die; however, I see the large Dreadnaught roar back in his direction with a foul smell to his breath. The Dreadnaught then grabs Azura in its hand as Azura is still in the air attacking. He struggles in the large Dreadnaughts grip as it tightens around him, before tossing him backwards towards us. I see Azura hit the ground and bounce a few times, before I catch him in my arms. He coughs a bit of blood up before looking at me, a small smirk on his face.

"L-Looks like our battle made me too weak," he says before chuckling.

"I bet, you just rest now," I say as I sit him down. I look out at the horde, smaller in number but rising again. I need to do something, fast.

"They're here, get back!" Leafy yells as himself and the rest of the students retreat. I look around confused. Who is here? Why are they running? Damn cowards. I'll fight them all myself if I must!

I smirk wide as I open my palms and feel my energy surge, before closing them in a rage. As I'm about to charge forward at the horde, I hear Xerthia call to me.

"Suzuka, get back now!" she said to me as she points up to the sky. I then look up to the sky as I see an extremely large energy blast headed towards me. I place the mechanical hands on the ground and push back, sending myself flying backwards towards her. I land next to Xerthia with my hands on the ground, stopping myself from sliding too far back. The energy blast then continues forward, contacting the ground in the horde of Dreadnaught. The blast evaporates the enemies around it, including the two large ones I pushed back earlier. After the explosion, two beams of light travel past me and into the horde. The light beams are... Ascenders?! The both of them continue their incredible speed, cutting through countless Dreadnaught with ease.

"What the hell is going on?!" I shout out a bit as I look at the numbers being cut thin in a matter of moments.

"Right on time, just like always," Leafy says as he crosses his arms. I turn to look at him.

"Right on time? What's going on?"

"It's the strongest Ascenders in the school, look for yourself," he says smirking. I then spin my body around once more, looking outwards toward the horde. Shouldn't they have reinforced by now? This makes no sense. Then, I see beyond the horde the cause. The wall was fixed. How did the wall become repaired so quickly? Was there even anyone up there who could use the Revival Spell? This makes no sense. Then, the two beams of light suddenly charge out of the horde towards us. The beams zoom past myself, stopping right next to Leafy and Abby. It was a small looking boy and girl, they both look like high schoolers! How the hell are they so fast? And similar... they look like twins. Then, a roar could be heard behind me.

Out of nowhere amid the horde a large Dreadnaught appeared. This was not of normal size; this Dreadnaught is enormous. With four large legs, a sharp neck with blades across its face, and giant wings extending from its back. Its roar was enough to engulf the entire school, the smaller horde gathering around it. This was not normal, I had to stop it. I begin to walk forward as an arm extends in front of me, stopping my forward approach. I look to my left to see Kyosuke, panting hard. His other arm was limp with blood running down it, yet he still smiled at me.

"Don't... go towards it. It'll... be dead... soon..." he said softly, in an intense amount of pain.

"I have to stop it! Nobody else can kill something that massive!" I yell to him, trying to convince him.

"That's where you're wrong," the little boy said

"Yeah, she will take care of everything, Right Lanny?" the little girl said

"Right, Bonnie!" he said

"She?" I say softly as I look towards Kyosuke, he falls forward and lands on my arm softly. I then catch him fully as I get to my knees, holding him there softly. I'm worried for him, but, I need to... wait. What is this?

I keep him close against me to support his weakened body as I see a girl walk up past me, this is someone I've never seen before. Her hair is long and flowing through the cold breeze, a deep red in color. Her uniform was pressed and clean, but, it was a bit different from the standard uniforms I've seen. Hers was not white, but it was black. It wasn't even the black I've seen, but black with details all matching her hair color. It wasn't a dress either, but instead looked like an armor suit designed for the elite. It had a black breastplate with a frilly lace running down her stomach, continuing down into a skirt that runs to a few inches below her butt. Her knees and legs have armor on them as well, all black with red detail, and fabric covering the rest of the skin on her thighs. She then turns her head to me, smiling warmly at me.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest. Just sit back here and relax" she said to me as she placed one of her hands on her side, holding the other up in front of her face. With that same hand, she snaps her fingers and points towards the giant Dreadnaught. A small black hole appears in the sky, beginning to swirl around in the air. Suddenly it expands to a large size and crashed down, creating a large explosion. The Dreadnaughts all fly as they then freeze in the air, before being sucked back in by the large hole. All the horde was sucked in, disappearing from sight as the giant Dreadnaught struggles forward. Its struggle is meaningless, however, as the hole sucks it in as well. It uses its wings to fly away from it, but those were soon absorbed to. In a final effort, it breathes fire out towards the school. Its fire is massive, and were toast. But before the fire could reach us, a large barrier appeared in front of us. The energy was clear, with a rainbow-like color flowing through it. The fire hits the barrier and is ineffective, the fire dissipating quickly. And with that, the giant Dreadnaught was fully absorbed. Like it was nothing. All the Dreadnaughts are gone. the hole then shrinks up once again, before vanishing completely, like it absorbed itself. I'm shocked. What power... did she do this? I turn away from the action as I feel energy on my arms. I look down to see Kyosuke covered in a light blue light, his wounds and blood disappearing instantly. Then, I look up to see her smiling at me. Kyosuke stands himself up slowly as I stay on my knees, my machine arms and armor disappearing a little while ago without my notice. She extends her arm out to me as I look at her.

"Let me help you up," she says. Her eyes are beautiful. Such a deep crimson red, it's like her very soul was on fire. I grab her arm and stand up with her help, still in awe of her.

"Who... Are you?" I ask her as she giggles.

"Ohh my, you must be a new student~ then again, if someone with your talent wasn't a new student, I'd know you well," she says as the two kids appear next to her.

"Yeah lady, you're strong!" Lanny says as Bonnie nods quickly in agreement.

"T-Thanks... but who are all of you?" I ask. I want answers.

"Ohh my~ where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. I am Cheyenne Nexus, these two are Lanny and Bonnie, they're twins. And last is him, Jax Storefield" she says pointing behind me. I turn to see him, and it was true. That man really is Jax... the same Jax from five years ago, but even more intimidating.

"Fate has brought us together again. But as friends, instead of enemies. Looks like I was right," he says as he walks past me, turning around when next to Cheyenne.

"Jax... You really did end up at this school. How about a rematch?" I say to him smirking, still nervous as he looks at me.

"Maybe another time. President, that was quite excellent work as always,"

"President?" I ask confused

"It was only a Dragon Class Dreadnaught, it wasn't a big deal. But yes, that's me. I'm the president of Ulix,"

"That's why you look so different... then everyone else here is-"

"My student council. Jax is my Vice, Lanny is the Secratery, and Bonnie is the Club advisor. The head of the advancement force and Disciplinary Committee are currently busy with other affairs,"

"that's... it's nice to meet you all, then. I'm sorry if I was rude before," I say humbly

"Don't worry about it~ just go get some rest, you'll need it for future battles, uhm... what was your name?"

"you're right... My name is-" I say softly as Xerthia floats up next to me, cutting me off.

"What about the rouge Ascender?" she asks the president.

"Don't worry, my team has already captured them. Lanny and Bonnie caught them with ease, right?"

"Of course!" they both say in unison.

"Wait, about rest... we never got assigned rooms, did we?" I ask Xerthia as she shakes her head no.

"Don't worry about that, the new dorm rooms for new student have been posted on the bulletin board. Please go get some rest. We will talk later," the president says as I nod to her, the student council then talking internally and dividing the cleanup tasks between them. This has been a very long day. I turn from them with Xerthia as I head forward, the crowd of students from before now gone. Even Kyosuke was gone, hopefully to some medical personnel. I head down toward the bulletin board with Xerthia.

We then arrive at the board and check it. I am in the freshmen dorm, room 210. But there was only my name and another, Xerthias name is nowhere to be found. I look at her as she reads the board.

"Strange. Your name Is missing," I say to her.

"It's not too strange. They never could have expected you to get a Contractor in only a single day. It makes sense," she says

"That's true, but... who is my roommate? I don't recognize the name,"

"I'm not sure, either. It reads as Ryoko. Most likely a Japanese girl,"

"Let's go find out," I say as I turn from the board.

After a little while of walking, the dorms come into view. It was a new looking building with only two stories admits the other dorms, quite larger in structure. This must be for the no-name Ascenders who have no connection to nobility. Hopefully this place isn't too bad. Xerthia and I proceed towards the dorm, walking into it through the front double doors. The rooms itself must connect from the inside, it's almost like a larger house for schooling. I walk through the main lobby as I see a shoe rack, and an empty room. I remove my shoes and set them up onto the shoe rack, smiling softly. This place smells like a fresh home, it's nice. I continue through the dorm as I see the stairs, proceeding up them quietly to not wake anyone. On the top of the staircase I look to my left and see the long hallway with doors across it, very dimly lit from a lack of turned on lights. I take a deep breath as I walk forward down the hallway. 206, 208, here it is; 210. I see the name placard with only first names, reading Suzuka and underneath, Ryoko. I turn the handle on the door and open it to see the light off, a dark room in front of me. But I'm beat, I'm too tired to complain at this point. I walk forward and look around the room to see a bed on each side, as well as a bookshelf, a desk, and a coffee table in the center of the room. The rest of the details are too hard to see in this darkness. I walk towards the left side to see the bed empty. I then climb up on top of it and lay my head down, letting out a soft sigh.

"Today was way too stressful," I say as I stretch a bit. Xerthia floats up next to me.

"It was quite a day for us both. Should I sleep on the floor?" she asks. No way you should, you've helped me out so much.

"Not at all, we can share the bed," I say smiling.

"Are you sure, Suzuka?" she asks me. If it wasn't so dark I'd say she's blushing a bit, not like shed ever do something cute like that.

"Of course, take this side," I say scooting over to one side. She graciously bows to me as she floats up towards the bed, climbing on top of the bed and laying her body down. She then looks over to me, and I'll be damned, she really is blushing. I lay my head back down and smile at her, as she does the same. Almost simultaneously we both close our eyes, soon drifting off into sleep. What a crazy first day, I got a Contractor, beat a Quad Core, and fought Dreadnaught. I'd never expect life to have so many surprises for me. But, this could be my new life. It is. I'm an Ascender, and nobody can stop me now. Unaware of the plans for the next day, my worn-out body helps me sleep soundly through the night. Sleep well, Xerthia.


The next morning came to me like a rushing river of surprises, much like the first day we both arrived here. Not like id know this at the time, but it was quite a surprising day. Anyways, the morning was quick to come from the night. I feel the light of the sun shining through the window into the center of the room. I force open my eyes slowly with a groan, my body feels so damn sore. When my eyes fully open, I see a quite handsome boy starring down at me. This must be some sort of a dream from a lack of proper sleep, I'm sure. I close my eyes again and nuzzle into what I'm holding, its soft like a pillow. Not that I'll complain that I randomly cuddled a pillow, I'm quite comfortable. What the? Who's poking me? I open my eyes again to see the same boy staring at me. This isn't a dream?

"Good morning, uhm, whoever you are. What are you doing here?" he asks me as I pull the pillow closer into me and yawn softly.

"Sleeping... ahhh... what do you want?" I ask him. The fact I wasn't freaking out just shows how tired I am.

"Well, you're in my dorm, so..."

"Huh? Yours? So, you're Ryoko?"

"No, I'm Kentarou, from room 208. Ryoko was freaking out you were here and asked me to get you out, along with her," he says pointing to me.

"Her?" I ask confused as I look down, seeing white hair flowing down the pillow. Except it's not a pillow, its Xerthia. Wait... I'm cuddling Xerthia?!

"Wah?!" I shout out as I throw myself backwards, which wakes her up. I lean against the wall the bed is on as I pant softly, my heart racing.

"Hmm? Suzuka? What's wrong?" Xerthia asked me.

"T-This handsome dude just saw me cuddling you! I'm so embarrassed!"

"Are you? I was quite comfortable," she says as she turns to the handsome dude. "Do you mind turning around so I can dress myself?" she asks him. I didn't notice it at all, but Xerthia was completely naked, minus the blanket over us both covering just her now. Luckily, I kept my clothes on.

"W-Why are you naked, Xerthia?!" I ask her as she floats up, the blanket dropping down. She has soft skin, but I really wish I didn't just see that. I'm kind of jealous. I then look down to avoid starring at her, light appearing around her. The light then vanishes as fast as it appeared, I look up to see her fully dressed in her armor, cogs and all. I let out a sigh of relief. The boy in the room then turns around, blushing softly as he adjusts his glasses on his face with one finger like a cool guy.

"Well, I can assume you are Suzuka and... Xerthia was it? I know Suzuka is scheduled to live here, but a girl named Xerthia isn't registered to stay here," he says looking down at his folder.

"Ohh, that's because she isn't a student here. She's my Contractor," I say smiling, as I then climb forward off the bed. I then hop down from the bed and stretch myself a bit, the silence from the boy apparent. I look at him to see what a surprised look he is making. "What?"

"A first year Ascender with a Contractor? Surely you're joking,"

"She's telling the truth. I'm contracted to Suzuka," Xerthia states.

"that's crazy, I'm in the top three of year two and I'm not even contracted,"

"Don't let it bother you, Suzuka has special blood in her,"

"Special? Like nobility?"

"Don't worry about it, it's not of concern for anyone that isn't herself,"

"So, it's not nobility... that's quite odd. Most people here are of nobility,"

"Really? This place doesn't seem that great for nobility" I say to him.

"It's all first years here, the higher year nobility get better housing,"

"Then why are you here?" I ask him

"Because I'm not nobility, I'm just the caretaker of the house, so they made me live here. Not that I'm complaining,"

"Ohh man, sucks to be you," I say laughing a bit as a knock is heard on the door. the boy shrugs off my comment and heads over to the door, answering it. I can hear him whispering to someone else with a really cute voice. I wonder who it is. He walks back around the corner and smiles at me, as I notice another pair of leg behind him. Then I see a bit of purple hair creep its way from out behind him, her eyes barely showing as I look into them and smile. She immediately notices my stare and hides her head again.

"This is Ryoko, a first year, and your roommate. Come on, Ryoko, play nice," he says as she peaks her head out again.

"B-But... she was being... so close to that girl... what if she tries to do that to me?" she asks. Her voice is so damn cute, I want to just hug her! But I must control myself. I then kneel down in my torn and ripped clothes as I smile at her.

"My name is Suzuka, what's yours?" I ask her softly.

"R-Ryoko..." she says with a soft tone, looking down to avoid eye contact from me. She's like a small child! It's so cute!

"Ryoko? It's very nice to meet you. This other girl here is Xerthia, she's my Contractor," I say smiling to her. Once I say the word Contractor, her face lights up. She runs straight past me and stands in front of her, Xerthia being only a few inches taller than her.

"Woah! You're really a Contractor, Xerthia? But you're so pretty!"

"Am I? Thank you. But it's true, I am her contractor,"

"Contract with me instead!" she says smiling wide. What is she trying to do?! Steal my Contractor? The nerve! She isn't cute at all!

"That's a sweet offer, but I only belong to Suzuka. That's the way it is," she says to her as she begins to pout, wanting to have Xerthia by herself. Myself and Kentarou begin to laugh a bit, watching their exchange. I can't help but wonder, what does Xerthia mean by belong to me? Hmm. That's an odd way to put it. I notice him looking down to his watch as he freaks out a little bit, heading to the door.

"Classes start in 30 minutes. I'd suggest you all hurry and get dressed," he says about to leave.

"Wait! My clothes are in tatters and I don't have a school uniform yet," I say as I feel Ryoko pull on my shirt softly.

"Don't worry, Suzuka. I have a spare uniform you can wear. Since your chest isn't that big, you'll be able to fit," she says smiling wide to me. Ouch. That hurts, kid.

"I-Is that so? I'll take you up on that then," I say to her, a bit pained.

The rest of the morning was just unimportant and idle conversation between the three of us. It was mostly of Ryoko asking Xerthia questions, but I was able to talk every once in a while. We both got dressed into our uniforms, I was nearly a foot taller than Ryoko and Xerthia, yet the school uniform she was letting me borrow fit very well. It was a white color with details of an aquatic blue, it was quite pretty. The skirt was far too long though, it was almost like I'm wearing an old lady dress. I want a skirt attachment like the president was wearing, it looks so easy to fight in. Plus Its very cute. After about 20 minutes we finish changing fully, and realize how much time we have left. I start to freak out about being late, as Ryoko giggles at me. She activates her Ascension and disappears from in front of me. Teleportation isn't fair! I then run out of the dorm as fast as I could, Xerthia on my tail. I hope were not late!


We ended up being late by 30 seconds, luckily, we were there before the teacher was. It turns out our first period teacher was gone from an injury sustained during the battle yesterday, so Miss Uni was there to substitute. I never knew she was so good at subjects other than homeroom and history. The day proceeded like an ordinary day. Many people were talking about how I had beaten Azura, and how a mysterious Ascender was able to push back the Dreadnaughts. Nobody knew it was me that pushed them back, but I didn't mind, I don't really want all that attention. Before I knew it, it was lunch time.

The bell rang around us in the room as Miss Uni announced a few things for an upcoming event at the school, but it didn't interest me much. I stood up with Xerthia as we both head out of the classroom, walking towards the center campus with the water fountain. It's crazy to think that just yesterday I was out here battling a large size Dreadnaught. Things really do change when you least expect it. I continue forward as I find a nice bench and sit down, taking in a deep sigh as I lean back a bit. Xerthia stops her floating as she takes a seat next to me, looking in the same direction as me. We didn't really say much to each other, but instead enjoyed the breeze.

The bell rang soon after that to warn everyone that it was time to head back to class. I stand up with Xerthia as I walk back towards the room. After a bit of walking we arrive into the class, but this time, are met with a strange occurrence. The Disciplinary Committee was here. I let out a soft sigh uncaring about what was going on, as I head back to my seat. As I take the left down the aisle, one of them called out to me.

"Suzuka Senkokuboushi, the Student Council President has requested you to her office," he says as he stands firm.

"Really? What's this about exactly?" I ask as I turn to him.

"Classified. Come with us," he says again, but in a stern tone.

"Fine. Azura, let Uni know I'll be there," I say to him as he nods.

"Sure, I don't want you expelled before I kick your ass, anyways," he says smirking to me.

"Lead the way then," I say to one of the guys. He then turns with his buddy as they both exit the classroom. I follow them out of the room as I sigh softly, Xerthia following close behind me. We continue down the long corridor, heading forward and out of the building. We walk through the central grounds where I had lunch, to see the Student Council President and the rest of the council sitting around the water. She was sitting back on the bench I was in, still wearing her black uniform. They both lead me to them as they stop in front of her and nod, before exiting outwards. I walk up slowly to the group as they all turn and look at me. The twins go back to looking at the water, but Jax and Cheyenne both walk up to me.

"I'm sorry to have pulled you out of class," she says to me.

"It's fine, but what Is this about? Going to try and throw me out of the school again?" I say to her as I cross my arms.

"No, it's quite the contrary," she says as she holds out her hand to Jax. He takes a fresh pressed uniform and places it into her hand as she smiles, handing it towards me. I then look at it closer, it's all black.

"It's black... is this some kind of joke?"

"Ohh my~ of course not. It's an opportunity,"

"For what?"

"The President wants you on the Disciplinary Committee, and I agree. You have power surpassing even some of the third-years here on campus, and we still need our first-year entry for the Committee," Jax says to me.

"So, black uniforms mean Disciplinary Committee?" I ask him.

"Correct, that's how we stand out to everyone on campus,"

"Does that mean Cheyenne is on it, too?"

"No, that's not it~ I was at one point, but then I became the president. I just chose to keep my black uniform as a symbol of power. Plus, its super cute,"

"That's true, but I can tell yours is also red and has armor on it... even Jax's uniform isn't designed like that," I say suspiciously.

"That's because Cheyenne works as part of the Advancement force. To tell you the truth-" Jax says, as Cheyenne silences him.

"Let me tell her~ The truth is that the head of the Advancement Force and Disciplinary committee aren't gone, we just don't have anyone stronger in this school then us. So, I'm acting as the Advancement Forces head, while Jax is acting as the head of the Disciplinary Committee. The reason my uniform is custom is because as the Advancement Force, you're allowed to design your own uniform, as part of being an individual. Since all Ascenders in combat are unique, we are allowed to be as well," she says with a small grin on her face.

"That... makes a lot of sense. But why do you want me? I'm just a first year,"

"Years mean nothing when compared to the power you possess~ so despite popular opinion, the student body has chosen to have faith in you, Suzuka,"

"I'm... that strong?"

"Indeed, you're much stronger than five years ago," Jax says to me as the uniform was still extended out to me. I look down at it with wondering eyes, unknowing of what could come next. The Disciplinary Committee is tasked with keeping peace among so many Ascenders, and they want me as a part of them. Fate really is something I'd never expect to shine on me, but when the proof is right here in front of me, I have little choice.

"Xerthia, what do you think?" I ask as I look at her.

"Accept it. It's a good chance to grow," she says as she nods to the president, and she just smiles back at me.

"How will this help me grow?"

"Because it's just the start of the year, and this is important. Soon, you'll be tasked with even more. But without this step, you can't change your fate," she says as I look down. You just had to use that word, didn't you? You know how I can never accept that! With a smirk on my face I look up, grabbing the uniform from Cheyenne. Since this one was more fitted to my size, I spun it around and threw it over my body instantly. It was a good fit. Since I couldn't change anything else in public, only the main uniform item spun around me. It feels and looks like the male version, but fit for me. I was a bit confused as I look at Jax.

"Disciplinary Committee uniforms are unisex and custom fit to each member, since they're not mass produced, and designed for combat," he says as Cheyenne takes a step forward, staring at me with the second grin I've ever seen her make.

"What do you say, Suzuka, the failure?" she says to me as a challenge. I simply smirk back towards her, the new uniform draped over my shoulders, as my arms cross.

"I accept, Cheyenne," I say as I see the others stare at me with challenging eyes. "I won't let fate control me, I'll create my own fate, even if I need to mold it with my bare hands!"

End Chapter 3

It's the end of another chapter, thank you for reading. I had to cut it a bit short this time around because of where I'm located and what I'm doing. Once I'm off this rock, however, the length of each chapter will increase.
If you loved this chapter please feel free to leave a vote and comment, I love hearing from my readers :)
Thank you all for your support on my work thus far.

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