Forbidden: A 1D Fan Fiction

By Bethany_Rene96

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When she is forced to go live with her father in England, Bethany Thompson thinks her life is over. On her f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

25 1 0
By Bethany_Rene96

Chapter Twenty:

Suddenly, Jaeson was ripped from my body and I could breathe again. My vision had started to go black so as I blinked my eyes to regain my sight, I heard Jaeson screaming and someone else yelling.

"You bastard!" the deep, raspy voice yelled over and over again. I knew who it was even before I regained my sight: Harry. In a few seconds, the black spots disappeared and my vision was regained. Harry had tackled Jaeson and was pinning him down by his shoulders. At the sight of Harry, I was filled with joy because he had come for me but I was then greeted by despair because now he knew I had lied. I couldn't worry about that now, by the looks of it, he was going to kill Jaeson.

I jumped up and tried to pull Harry off of Jaeson, but he pushed me away. I flew backwards and landed on my butt hard. Pain shot all through my body and I laid on the ground, crumpled and showing a weakness. In my mind, pain was a weakness that should never be shown. I looked back up at Harry and saw him still yelling at Jaeson, fangs exposed and his hands wrapped around Jaeson's neck. Jaeson's eyes shone with pure terror and his face was almost as pale as Harry's.

As I tried to get up again, I saw another vampire walk over to Harry and try to pull him off. This vampire was tattooed as well, but had sharp, defined features. His cheekbones were high and fairly prominent and his nose was tiny and curved. He was wearing a black, v-neck shirt with dark jeans and combat boots. In the area of exposed skin, his chest tattoo shown. All I could make out of the tattoo is "Is What", the rest was cut off from his shirt. He had slight facial hair and his hair was flipped up in the front. His eyes were a brilliant blue.

"Harry! Get off him!" he said. His voice was slightly high, but still manly. Harry pushed the vampire away like Harry had pushed away me, but this vampire caught Harry's arm and yanked on him. Harry got off Jaeson, but his left hand was still clasped around his neck. Jaeson was still squirming to get free of Harry's grip, but his face was starting to turn blue.

"Harry, let go!" I screamed. The vampire looked at me and looked back at Harry with a shocked look on his face. The vampire let go of Harry and backed away slowly, like he had just committed an unforgivable crime. I got up and walked back over to Harry, trying again to break his grasp. This time, Harry moved away from me. I stood where Harry once stood and started to run after him. A pair vampires got to him first.

One vampire was slightly shorter than the other. The short one was blonde and young. From what I could see, he had no tattoos. He was skinny, but was incredibly strong. His tight, black shirt flaunted his muscles and with every pull he made against Harry, they flexed through the shirt. His eyes were a pale blue, almost grey. His eyes shone in the moonlight, making him almost seem like an angel.

The other was taller than the blonde, and had one distinct tattoo. He had four thick arrows on his right arm and he was fairly muscular as well. His hair was brown and cut short. It was short along the sides and then got longer towards the top, making a distinct flip. His eyes were a deep brown, like Zayn's. The two vampires struggled with Harry for a few moments, but got him to release Jaeson and pulled him away. As they turned Harry away from Jaeson, I noticed the brown haired one had another tattoo on his other arm. Something in cursive, but I couldn't make it out.

"Let go of me!" Harry screamed as they pulled him away from Jaeson. They started to push him in my direction and when they looked at me, they gave me the same scared look as the first vampire did. They stopped dead in their tracks with Harry flailing his arms and legs, trying to break free. When the blonde one got slapped in the face by Harry's arm, they moved again. They pulled Harry away from me and drug him to a spot a few feet away from me.

When I looked back at Jaeson, Zayn was standing next to him. Jaeson laid crumpled and gasping on the ground. His face was now blue tinted, but slowly returning to his natural color. Zayn bent down to look at Jaeson and then helped him up. I looked back at Harry, terrified for my life, and saw he was still thrashing like a wild animal. He kept screaming to let him go and for him to kill Jaeson for what he did to me.

Zayn looked up at Harry with his eyes squinted, as if he was on the brink of solving a problem. I looked back at Zayn and watched him hold a protective grip on Jaeson. In my mind, I was thinking of a thousand possibilities that could decipher what was happening. I couldn't come up with an answer. All I could think was "Why is Zayn protecting Jaeson?"

Before long, I saw Lana and a bunch of girls show up. When Lana saw me, her face dropped. Now that I had gotten that look from another vampire, and one I knew, I got a bad feeling. The kind of feeling you get when something is incredibly wrong or going to go wrong. There were three other girls behind her. Two of the vampire girls had dark hair and eyes, the other had reddish blonde hair with bright blue eyes.

One of the brunettes was tall and had elbow length hair that poked through her black hoodie. Her skin was pale and tan, but still beautiful. Her dark brown eyes shone through her skin complexion and accentuated her features. The other brunette was shorter with perfectly pale skin and blessed with a practically perfect body. They all looked at me with the same look as the others and Lana.

Except for the redhead. The red-headed girl was strikingly beautiful. Her high cheekbones and blue eyes complimented her face. Her lips were full and the perfect shade of pale pink. She had a beautiful, skinny body. When she saw me, her blue eyes filled with hate.

All I could do in that moment is exchange looks with the nine vampires around me and Jaeson. I didn't understand why everyone had a terrified look on their faces and why the redhead looked at me as if I was Satan. I didn't do anything wrong. Were they expecting me to be dead?

"Harry, what's going on?" I asked Harry. When I looked back, he had calmed down, but was giving Jaeson the death glare. The blonde and dark haired vampires kept their grip on Harry like a pair of undead handcuffs. If it wasn't for them holding Harry back, he would have killed Jaeson at any moment. Harry looked at me for the moment and then looked around at all the other vampires. The only vampire that stood by me was Lana. She may have been in between Zayn and I, but she was still near me.

I tried to inch my way towards her, but she looked at me with terror in her eyes and held her hand out to stop me. I went back to my place and looked back at Harry. He was looking straight at Zayn and Zayn was shaking his head.

"Harry, you better explain yourself right now," he said. Jaeson looked back at Zayn and then looked at me, suddenly terrified. I glared at Jaeson and then returned my attention to Harry. Harry was talking to the blonde and the dark haired vampire.

"Look, I'm fine. Just let me go," he said to them. After a few glances at each other, the two let Harry go and Harry walked right over to me. Harry wrapped his arms around me and when I winced in pain, he growled and took a step towards Jaeson.

"Harry," the blonde one said in an Irish accent. Harry closed his eyes, took a deep breath and took his step back. He looked down at me and asked what he did to me.

"That's not important right now," I said to him. "What's going on? Why is everyone giving me looks?"

"So, is this your mate?" a girl's voice cut in. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw it was the redhead. She was now standing in front of the two brunette girls and had a haughty look on her face.

"Mate?" I asked.

"Yes, Victoria," Harry answered. Mate? What the hell is he talking about? I thought. Since when did we agree that we were mates? We hadn't even slept together yet and he was claiming me for his mate?

Victoria smiled sisterly and looked at Zayn with her eyes. They exchanged looks of cunningness, as if they had guessed something all along.

"Will people quit looking at each other like freaking weirdos and tell me what the hell is going on here?" I snapped. "I'm pretty fucking confused right now."

Harry shushed me after I made the last comment and then pushed me behind him.

"Harry, what were you thinking?" the brunette boy that held him earlier said.

"I wasn't thinking, Liam," Harry snapped. I looked at Lana and she arched her eyebrows at me, as if to say "Yup, that my mate."

"Obviously!" he said waving his arm in my direction. "You have no clue what you have done do you?"

"It happens Liam! Can you say you planned on falling in love with Lana?" Harry shouted. "Even after you killed her family?"

Lana came over and pulled me away and for a good reason. As I looked back at her to ask why she was pulling me away, she shushed me and then her eyes grew huge. I looked back at Harry and saw him and Liam fighting. Liam had his hands wrapped around Harry's neck and Harry was laughing at Liam's attempt to strangle him. It wasn't his normal, happy laugh. This laugh was something dark, almost sinister.

"When will you learn?" he stifled through Liam's grasp and, just like that, Harry punched Liam across the face. The impact of the punch made Liam fly a few feet backward and slam him against the earth. Harry got up and brushed off his shirt before looking at Liam. "Come on! Let's go!"

Liam started to charge at Harry, but one of the dark haired girls jumped in between them. As I watched her stand there, I was sure she was going to get trampled by Liam. Yet, to my surprise, the girl held her hands out and held Liam back. She whispered something in his ear and with a final glare at Harry, Liam walked away with the dark haired one.

Harry walked back over to Lana and I and wrapped his arm around me protectively. I tried to talk to him, but he shushed me again before I could say a word. I looked back at Jaeson and Zayn. Jaeson looked as if he was going to die from sheer terror. If it wasn't for Zayn holding his arm, Jaeson would have run off or passed out. Which ever came first.

"Harry," Zayn began. "I want you to say what she is in front of everyone. Confirm everyone's suspicions."

Harry looked at me with a look of despair and whispered two words to me: "I'm sorry."

Before I could ask him what he was sorry for, Lana pulled me a few inches away from Harry and let him speak.

"All of your suspicions are correct, yes Bethany is a human. I have been dating her for the last six months and she is the reason why I have been gone. Part of the reason why I have been gone is because I simply wanted to be with her and because she needed me. I can't help what I feel for her, regardless if she is human or vampire. I am in love with her and everything about her."

Lana let out a sigh of despair and while the others were shocked, Liam, Victoria and Zayn looked at each other triumphantly.

"Harry, do you know what you've done?" the blonde Irish boy asked, his voice shaky.

"Yes, Niall," Harry replied. "I don't expect any of you to get caught by the Coven. Only me."

"That's very valiant, Harry, but that's not how it works," the vampire with the chest tattoo replied.

"Why wouldn't it, Louis? It's not like you were the one caught with her. It was me and only me."

"We are a Family and Families stick together," the brunette with the hoodie replied. "One vampire's crime is all of the vampire's crime."

"Harry, the part that irritates me about this is that you know all of the laws," Zayn interjected. "You know every single law the Coven set and the reasons why they made them. You know how they are enforced and how the consequences are tremendous."

Harry was silent and tried to speak, but Zayn cut him off.

"You know, the funny part of this is that I suspected this all along. When you came home from seeing her," he said pointing at me, "I figured you were seeing a human. I didn't want to believe you were stupid enough to actually do it until a few days ago."

"Why do you guys keep saying that he is stupid for dating me?" I asked fed up with people talking about me like I'm Satan. Zayn, Victoria and Liam glared at me. Harry and Lana stuck close to me protectively. Niall, Louis, and the two girls looked at me with a look of pity. The last time someone had given me that look, it was my mother telling me my Grandma Jane had died.

"Harry, why don't you recite the first and most important law?" Victoria said with a slight giggle. I gave her a dirty look and she hissed at me. Harry took a deep breath and then spoke.

"Thou shalt not seduce, court, or elope with a human or shall the vampyr be burned until dead," he said solemnly. It took me a moment to process all the words and then my stomach dropped all the way to the other side of the universe. Now everything made sense.

"Harry, why didn't you tell me?" I asked quietly.

"Harry, why didn't you tell me?" Victoria repeated in a mocking tone. "Yes, Harry, why didn't you tell her?"

The way Victoria moved and talked made her seem like she was the top girl in this group. She moved like she was the hottest being on Earth and no one could do anything about it. She was untouchable. I gave her the ugliest death stare and then looked back at Harry. All he kept whispering is "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." over and over again.

"Why didn't you tell her, Harry?" the brunette with the hoodie asked sincerely. He looked back at her and sighed.

"I couldn't, Angel. She wasn't ready. I wasn't going to tell her until she was turned. That way it would be easier."

"Easier for you or her?" Liam asked. "Last time I checked, Bethany here didn't want to become a vampire."

I felt all the color from my face drop and my blood ran cold. How did Liam know that I didn't want to become one? At Liam's comment, Harry asked me if that was true.

"Well, we said we would talk about it. I wasn't against it, but I wasn't for it right now. I have a life that I need to live, Harry. I have a family of my own that I need to take care of. I don't want or need to be frozen at seventeen forever."

Harry looked at me with pain filled eyes. I felt horrible for hurting him like I had.

"Harry," I said putting my hands on his cheeks. "That doesn't mean I don't love you any less than I do now or ever will. I love you more than anything else in this world and nothing will ever change that."

He nodded and hugged me. I was glad that he accepted that I wasn't ready to become a vampire. Considering this may be it, I was happy that Harry and I could make this clear without hurting our relationship.

"Awh, how sweet," Victoria mocked. I looked at her and flipped her off. She made the "Ooo I'm scared" motion with her hands and then walked over to Zayn and Jaeson. She whispered something to him and then giggled.

"Harry, this is all very touching, but something has to be done about this. Luckily, I've prepared something," Zayn said breaking our embrace.

"How could you have something planned, Zayn?" Louis cut in. "We only just found out about Bethany now."

"We suspected about her for a few weeks and only were confirmed about her a few days ago," Liam replied. I looked up at him and asked what he meant.

"Well you see, Bethany," he said stepping in front of Angel and walking towards me. Before he took another step, Harry growled at him. Liam stopped where he was and continued to talk with his hands. "We figured Harry was meeting up with someone for a few weeks prior until we found out it was you. Once we found it was you-"

"How did you find out it was me?" I interjected. I wanted to know if they were stalking my father as well and if he was in danger.

"Well that was simple, all it took was a little push," Zayn replied coolly.

"What?" I asked. He wasn't making any sense. Jaeson struggled to get away from Zayn, but Victoria and Zayn held him by his arms. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"Your father, all it took was a push and just like that, he was in the hospital. We then waited for Harry and you to show up, after that-"

Zayn cut himself off because he saw Harry charging after him. Harry was enraged almost as much as I was for putting my father in the hospital. The anger I felt towards Zayn was ten times the anger I felt towards Jaeson. Jaeson didn't go to the lengths that Zayn did. Harry almost made it to Zayn, but Liam caught him and pushed him backwards. Harry landed on his back and then immediately jumped back up and tackled Liam again. The force of Harry's tackle made Liam leave grooves in the ground. Liam snarled at Harry and then he morphed into some monster.

Liam's skin became a pale grey and his fangs shot out longer than they should have. His eyes became dark and ominous and he developed wings. Harry looked at him with a mocking smile and said "Is that your only defence move? Morphing?"

I looked at Lana, but she pulled me away from the scene.

"You shouldn't be here, Bethany," she whispered as she tried to get me away. I limped along with her, but Victoria jumped in front of us and stopped us.

"Where do you think you're taking her, Lana?" she said. Her red hair was curled and her blue eyes pierced ours. "I didn't think you would wan't to help the human."

"Well I am," she snapped. "She has no reason to be here, we helped Harry find her and that's all we came to do."

"She has every reason to be here. She is the reason why we all may be dead in a few weeks," she snapped back. Victoria smiled and then grabbed my hair by the nape of my neck. She jerked my neck downwards and laughed as I cried in pain.

"Oh, shut up," she said leaning over me. "The pain you feel now is nothing compared to what's coming."

"Hey, Victoria!" a voice yelled. Victoria looked up and the next thing I knew, I was free of her grasp, but robbed of a chunk of hair. I cried out in pain again and then looked at my rescuer. It was the other brunette girl.

"You okay?" she asked. Her dark eyes still held fear, but were soft and kind.

"Jocelyn! You bitch!" Victoria screamed back at her. Victoria now was starting to morph into the winged monster Liam had. Jocelyn left me and walked over to Victoria and gave her a swift punch in the stomach. Victoria went down like a sack of potatoes and didn't get up for a few moments. When she did stand up again, Jocelyn and Angel held her by her arms to be sure she didn't come after me or Lana.

"Lana, get her out of here," Angel said. "We got her for now."

Lana nodded and then helped me back up.

"I'm going to get you out of here," she said taking me towards the truck. "Harry knew this would happen, so we came up with a plan while Niall was tracking you. I'm going to take you out of this town and I'm going to hide you in a hotel until Harry shows up. Then he's going to take you away from here. He's not going to let anything happen to you or him."

I nodded and limped towards the truck with her. We made it to the truck and then realized something: Jaeson had the keys. I began to cry, but Lana busted the window open with her fist. The alarm went off, but she opened the door and crawled under the steering wheel.

"Get in the truck," she ordered. I did so and crawled into the passenger seat. She worked diligently under the wheel with the wires to get the alarm to stop. After a few minutes, they did and then she began to hot wire the car. After a few more minutes, the truck roared to life and Lana jumped back up triumphantly. Just then Harry's voice screamed "Where are you?". I looked at Lana with terror filled eyes. She started to crawl back into the truck, but a pair of hands pulled her out of the truck.

Lana screamed and then was silenced. My whole body shook with terror and was paralyzed where I sat. Lana's body dropped and crumpled on the ground. She didn't move a muscle. She laid on the grassy plane limp and almost lifeless. I crawled over the driver's seat to look at her.

"Lana?" I called. When I saw her body, she had a slash mark across her face and she wasn't moving. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The next thing I knew, I was pulled up into someone's embrace. Liam's. Liam looked like a monster, his pale grey skin made his eyes look like black holes and his fangs were long and bloody. His claws wrapped around my arms dug into my skin and his wings were long and bony, like a demon's. I screamed, but he cut me off with his nails digging deeper into my skin.

"Shut up," he growled in a voice that was neither human or demonic. It was completely humanoid. I became paralyzed with fear again and didn't make a sound. Liam flew me back to the spot were Lana was trying to get me away from and dropped me in front of Zayn. Zayn now had Jaeson in a head lock and Harry was laying on the ground by Louis and Niall. Harry was badly beaten and laid on the ground in pain. He clenched his stomach and squinted to keep himself from yelling.

"What did you do to him?" I screamed at Liam and Zayn.

"Simple, we stopped him from killing Liam and then had Liam bring you back," Zayn replied. I looked back at Harry and saw Louis try to touch him, but he winced away. I had never seen Harry show any form of physical pain and seeing him like this enraged me. I tried to limp over to Harry, but Liam cut me off.

"I'm getting real sick of your shit, Liam!" I yelled at him. He simply smiled and pulled me back over in front of Zayn and returned to Zayn's side. Zayn had released his grip on Jaeson and handed him over to Liam. Jaeson was starting to cry like a little baby when Liam held him. Jaeson knew this was probably the end of his pathetic life. Zayn walked over to me and crouched down on his heels.

"Look here," he said to me as he tapped my nose. "This is a very serious crime that Harry committed. Humans and vampires don't mix very well. That's why Obediah made this law with the other Coven Elders."

"Well, maybe it's time for a change," I said gasping for air. My broken ribs were piercing my lung and making it hard for me to breathe. I knew it was the end as well, but unlike Jaeson, I found my courage and accepted it.

"Vampires are frozen, we don't change. Nothing changes from our laws and we don't question the Coven. There is a reason for everything. Humans are a threat to us, thus why we don't associate with them. Thus why Obediah made the law forbidding us from becoming emotionally involved with them. Because of the stupid vampire that developed an infatuation with a human, the Slayers were born and now we are constantly hunted. For all we know, you could be a Slayer."

I had no clue what Zayn was talking about. Harry never told me about Slayers, but I knew I most definitely wasn't one.

"Zayn, if she was a Slayer," Niall cut in. "Wouldn't we know? Wouldn't Harry be dead by now?"

"Not always," Zayn replied getting up. He walked back over to Harry and looked down at him. Harry was slowly starting to regain his strength, but was still on the ground holding his stomach. He was now on his hands and knees, holding himself up with one hand on his stomach. He coughed a few times, but still held himself together. When Zayn stood in front of him, Harry growled and his fangs shot out. He snarled at him and tried to get up, but he was still too weak to stand. Zayn simply smirked and crouched down to Harry's eye level.

"I hope you know, this is going to the Coven," he said to him. "You're not getting away with this, Harry."

"You've got room to talk, Zayn," Harry said. "Your record isn't exactly clean yourself. By going to the Coven, you're going to get caught as well."

"That's where you're wrong," he said getting up. Zayn walked over to Liam, who was now holding Jaeson back with both arms, and ran a finger along Jaeson's neck. Jaeson shivered and whimpered as his finger traced the hollow of his neck. In a quick motion, Zayn's fangs shot out and embedded themselves in Jaeson's neck. Jaeson cried out and my jaw dropped down to the ground. Zayn drank Jaeson's blood like it was water. Gulp after gulp, Jaeson grew paler and paler. I looked at the other vampires for help, but Louis was helping Harry and Niall was paralyzed. His face held pure terror, as if he knew what Zayn was doing. When Zayn pulled away from Jaeson's neck, Niall ran over to Harry and tried to help him up.

"Harry!" Zayn called. Harry looked up and my attention was drawn to Zayn. Zayn had a blade in his right hand. "With her out of the way, we can easily blame you for the rampages and all the crimes we are in hiding because of!"

Zayn took the knife and cut his wrist open vertically. From his wrist, black blood flooded out. Zayn gave Liam a look and Liam opened up Jaeson's mouth. Jaeson didn't put up a fight, instead he just let it happen. Zayn had drained his body of too much blood and now he was just the limp shell of the monster he once was.

"Drink," Zayn whispered. For some reason, Jaeson obeyed and drank Zayn's black, immortal blood. With every gulp Jaeson took, his pale green skin slowly turned into a pale white. I looked around for someone to help, but neither Jocelyn or Angel were anywhere to be seen. I looked back at Harry and saw Niall trying to get him up faster and whispering something to him. Harry had a determined look to get up, but every time he tried forcing his body to get up, he went back down.

I looked back at Zayn and watched him remove his wrist and lick it. After his tongue left his wrist, the cut that was made disappeared and the only hint that there was ever a cut was the dried blood all over his hand. Zayn took Jaeson's limp body and held it in a headlock for a few minutes. Jaeson's body twitching every so often, but Zayn held him firmly.

Suddenly, Jaeson's body went completely limp.  Zayn had killed him.  I looked up at Zayn and screamed.  Jaeson may have been the worst thing in my life, but he still had a small place in my heart.  He was my first love and my first everything.  Jaeson may have caused the most traumatic event in my life and may have practically killed me inside, but he was the one that first showed me affection.  Jaeson was the first person to say he loved me.

And now he was gone.  

I collapsed on the ground and began to cry.  I was relieved, but also heartbroken that Jaeson was dead.  The meadow's grass pricked my cheeks as the tears fell down.  I cried into the ground for a few moments, but then the sounds of hissing made me snap my head up.  What I found made me try to crawl away without a second of hesitation.

Jaeson had turned.  Jaeson was a vampire.  

His eyes were now bloodshot and his fangs protruded from his face.  His nails had grown into claws and he snarled in Zayn's grip like a rabid animal.  I looked around for any help, but no one was around.  Niall and Louis were frantically trying to help Harry up, telling him "Zayn did it".  

"For this Family, we are willing to do anything," Zayn announced with Jaeson still snarling like a wild animal.  "Even if that means sacrificing the most important things."

"Zayn!  This isn't right!" Louis yelled.  "What ever happened to not killing the ones our Family members love?"

"That was before we found out Harry was in love with a human!" Zayn yelled back.  "With her out of the way and soon him, this Family will survive!"

I looked back at Zayn and saw him release Jaeson with a grin of pure evil.  Jaeson looked at me like a rabid animal and ran at full speed.  His bloodshot eyes were wide and were full with one intent: to kill.  The human side of Jaeson was now gone and all that was left was the evil, monster he became.  His fangs hugn out of his mouth like kitchen knives and he snarled like a demon.  

I screamed at the top of my lungs as my last noise.

Jaeson jumped on top of me and started to pierce my neck with his fangs.  His claws dug deep into my skin and made me bleed a little.  He lapped up the tiny beads with his long, pointed tongue and then returned to my neck.  Before he could penetrate my neck deeply, Harry yelled and tackled Jaeson off me again.  This time, Jaeson didn't get back up.

Louis and Niall helped me up and I saw a sight I wished to never see again.  Harry was ripping Jaeson apart like he was a damp paper towel.  Jaeson cried out in pain for a few moments, but then was silenced for good.  When Jaeson's screams stopped, I curled into Louis's chest and cried.  Jaeson was now truly dead.  Killed by the man I loved.

Louis placed a hand on the back of my head and patted my head.  

"Shh," he whispered.  "You're going to be okay."

Zayn yelled out in frustration from Jaeson's death and kicked the dying tree.  His fangs protruded and his claws grew into the same claws Jaeson had.  He clawed the tree in his anger and then looked at Harry with pure hate.  Harry looked at him back, blood covered and hateful.

Every part of Harry was covered in blood, Jaeson's blood.  His mouth and hands were where it was the worst.  His clothes had splatters of blood, but his mouth and hands looked as if he had dumped them in a bucket of blood.  His eyes were now fierce and feral, almost like a rabid animals.  

"You will never touch her again!" Harry growled.  His fangs shot out again and his claws shot out as well.  Zayn opened his mouth and let out an animal like yell.  His wings shot out of his back and then he flew in the air.  Harry prepared himself and got in the fighting stance as Zayn flew down at him, tackling him into the ground and pushing him backwards.  The grooves Harry left in the ground went of for several yards and left Harry pinned in the ground.

Zayn's wings shot back into his back and then he and Harry continued to fight.  Zayn clawed Harry's face a few times before Harry caught his wrist and twisted it.  When Zayn curved his body with the twist, Harry used that advantage to get out of the grooves and advance on Zayn.  Harry got on top of him and bit into Zayn's neck, making him yell out in pain.  Zayn took his right hand and raked it down Harry's left arm, cutting into his tattoos, halfway through his forearm.  Harry yelled out in pain and then punched Zayn in the face.

Liam saw that Harry was starting to get the better of Zayn and started to run towards him to help.  Niall chased him down and tackled him from behind, throwing Liam off his path.  

"Niall!  What the hell?" Liam yelled pushing him off him.

"I'm not going to let you hurt Harry or his mate!  Our Family promised not to hurt the ones they loved and look what you and Zayn are doing!" Niall yelled. "You aren't going to hurt either one of them!"

"Traitor!" Liam yelled and then tackled Niall.  Niall anticipated Liam's attack and pushed Liam over his head with his feet.  Liam landed against the ground on his back.  Niall got up and walked over to him.  

"If you're going to hurt them," he said looking down.  "You're going to have to go through me."

Liam growled and pulled Niall down by his feet.  Niall went down with a thud and then wrestled with Liam for a while.  I looked at Louis and buried my face in his black V-neck.  He held me gently, but protectively.

"You're going to be alright," he soothed.  "I won't let them hurt you and neither will Harry or the rest of us."

Louis let me cry into his shirt and soon he tried to carry me off towards the truck again, but he was stopped by a redheaded vampire.  Victoria jumped in front of him and punched him across his face, leaving him on the ground bloody and disoriented.  She grabbed me by my neck and pulled me back over towards Zayn.  Zayn had kicked the crap out of Harry and left him on the ground.  Niall had gotten pretty beaten up himself, but was still fighting with Liam.  Liam was starting to take the upper hand in the fight. 

Zayn kicked Harry one last time in the stomach before walking over to me.  Zayn's eyebrow and lip was split open and he was bleeding from his mouth and neck excessively.  The black blood mixed with his black shirt, making it look as if someone had spilled black dye over his shirt.  He looked at Victoria and smiled.  She smiled back, her fangs exposed and then looked at me.  Zayn looked at me as if I was the worst possible thing that could ever happen to this world.  

"You're just another reason why I hate humans," he spat.  Zayn grabbed me by my hair and flipped me around, making me face Harry.  Harry's face looked pretty beaten up, his face having a claw mark across his left cheek and extending to his neck.  Harry laid there helplessly as Zayn did the unimaginable.

Zayn bit into my neck and started to drink.  I felt him wrap his arms around my body and hold me there.  With every gulp he took, I felt like my body grow weaker.  My heart was fluttering, trying to keep up with the amount I was losing.  I moved my eyes to look at Zayn, but all I could see was his black tuft of hair.  In my mind, I threw a right hook at his head, but in reality, I couldn't even lift up my arm.  My body growing weaker every second and my mind becoming fuzzier.  I started to breathe faster and my heart was pounding in my chest.  

Just then, Louis came over and punched Zayn in the face, breaking Zayn's grasp on me.  As soon as I was free of Zayn's grasp, I fell to the ground and could only watch.  Louis was punching the crap out of Zayn and when Victoria tried to defend her mate, Angel jumped on top of her and brought her down to the ground.  The only thing that was on my mind was Harry, but I was too weak to even turn my head.  I could only hope that he was in the care of Niall.  

As I started to feel myself go limp, I saw Jocelyn looking over me.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed.  "Louis!  She's going cold!  Niall!  Someone!"

Jocelyn tried to hold my remaining blood in my pressing her hands against my bite marks, but it didn't do any good.  I had lost too much blood.  No one would be able to save me, not even by a miracle. 

Louis continued to attack Zayn, but Zayn only laughed.  Just as Louis raised his fist again, Zayn grasped his wrist and punched Louis back.  Louis fell backwards and then Zayn stood over him smiling. 

"What happened to you, Zayn?" he asked.

"I am willing to do what I need to do for this Family.  She is getting in the way, so I must go to the Coven.  I expected all of you to back me up on this, but you are all traitors.  Now, you will all pay and Harry will watch his love die."  

He looked up at Liam, called him over and the two of them left into the night.

Angel and Victoria struggled for a few minutes after Liam and Zayn left before she broke free.  Jocelyn didn't hesitate a moment before she took Victoria out.  Louis came over and placed his knees under my head.  He bent my head to the side, exposing the bite marks on my neck.  He touched them and saw me weakly wince away from them.  He pulled his hand back and called Niall and Harry over.  Niall came over and kneeled down on my right and Harry crawled over to my left.  Harry took my hand hand held it tight.  

"How bad is it?" Niall asked.  

"Pretty bad," Louis replied.  "She's lost a lot of blood and she had several broken ribs.  She doesn't have much longer."

"There's got to be something that we can do," Harry begged.

"There's only one thing that you can do, Harry," Louis said solemnly.  Before Harry spoke, Victoria came over trying to kill me again.  Before she could grab my ankles, Jocelyn and Angel drug her off behind Niall.  

"What is wrong with you two?" she screamed.  "Don't you see what will happen if we don't kill her?"

"The only thing that will happen right now, Victoria," Angel yelled.  "Is your ass getting kicked."

"Ha!" she smiled.  "Good luck with that!  I'm stronger than both of you put together!"

"How about three?" said a voice.  Suddenly, Lana jumped in front of Victoria and ripped her arm off.  Victoria screamed out and tried to cover up the bloody stump that remained of her arm.  Angel and Jocelyn joined in and after a few audible tears and blood spatters, Victoria's yells and cries were silenced.  

Harry placed his hand on my cheek and kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again.

"Harry, she's going colder," Niall said.  I felt my body go completely numb and my vision starting to blur.  I moved my eyes to look at Harry one last time before closing them for good.

"I'm sorry, Bethany," Harry whispered.

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