Criminal Minds x Reader One S...

By Sootsy

251K 3.4K 1.1K

Meraki /may•rah•kee/ (Verb) To do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself into... More

☽Authors Note ★ Request Form☾
☽Wonderland ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽The Ribbon ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Silent Echos ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Happy Birthday ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Withered Parts ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Childish Fears ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Midnight Clock ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Breathless ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽The Lost Ones ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Safe and Sound ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Authors Note ★ One Thousand Reids☾
☽I'm Yours ★ Penelope Garcia☾
☽Authors Note ★ Two Thousand Reids☾
☽Keeper ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Fix You ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Secrets ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Care For You ★ Penelope Garcia☾
☽Moonlit Skies ★ David Rossi☾
☽Battle Wounds ★ Penelope Garcia☾
☽Authors Note ★ Three Thousand Reids☾
☽Hunted ★ Emily Prentiss☾
☽Elevators ★ Derek & Penelope☾
☽My Girl ★ Emily Prentiss☾
☽Authors Note ★ Four Thousand Reids☾
☽Little Miracles ★ Derek & Penelope☾
☽Bow Tie ★ Spencer Reid☾
☽Authors Note ★ I'm Back☾
☽Headlights ★ David Rossi☾
☽Mistletoe ★ Spencer Reid☾

☽Captured ★ Aaron Hotchner☾

12.9K 204 105
By Sootsy

Another request by the lovely
Houndee, this time it's a Hotch x
Reader x Obsessed!Unsub.
I hope you enjoy it!
Word Count: 2470

It was another day at the BAU office, everyone sitting at their respectable desks, not currently having a case to go off to. That is until Y/N sees Jennifer Jareau walking into Aaron Hotchner's office with a file.

Not long after J.J enters his office the two are exiting the room, Hotch saying to the team, "I need you all in the round table room in five, we have a case."

Y/N is the first to grab her go bag and head to the round table room, taking her seat near Aaron before she looks at the things he's pinning up on the board. The rest of the team file in the round table room after a few minutes, awaiting their newest case.

"It looks like we're heading to Los Angeles California. Over the past week there have been four females brutally strangled and left with rose petals scattered around them." Aaron says, looking around at the team.

"They all look so similar to Y/N. I mean the latest girl could almost be her twin. All of them have H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes." Spencer says, observing the board as Hotch speaks.

"The kid's right Hotch." Derek says, thinking the same thing the genius just spoke.

Aaron's eyes flicker from the board to Y/N a few times, a look of realization and worry making a small presence on his face before his features went back to being stoic.

"In that case, Y/N will have someone with her at all times during this case, we can't risk anything happening to our team." Aaron says sternly, looking around the table.

"But Hotch-" Y/N starts before getting cut off.

"No buts Y/N. That's an order." Hotch says, his eyes almost pleading her to not fight it.

The woman bites her lip, not saying another word before nodding, knowing that her boyfriend was only doing this to keep her safe. It was sweet actually.

"Now that everything is settled, wheels up in ten everyone we have a long flight ahead of us." Aaron says before the team disperses from the room to grab their things.

Y/N stayed seated at the round table, already having her go bag ready just waiting for the rest of the team minus Hotch to file out.

When it's just the two of them she stands up and walks over to the board he's staring at, not paying attention to his surroundings.

"Aaron, I'll be careful. You don't have to worry." Y/N speaks up from beside him.

At the sound of her voice the older man is pulled out of his thoughts, "Anything could happen though Y/N, I can't bare the thought of losing you."

"You'll never lose me Aaron." Y/N says softly before pulling him into a quick but gentle hug.

"I love you, so very much Y/N." Aaron says as he hugs her back gently.

"I love you very much too Aaron." She replies with a smile on her face.

"As much as I'd like to stay like this, we should be getting to the jet." Hotch says, reluctantly ending the hug before placing a gentle kiss to Y/N's forehead.

The woman groans in slight protest before listening to him, not wanting to hold up the flight to catch this creep hurting these innocent women.

Hotch went to his office to grab a few more things he needed before making his way to the jet which Y/N and the team were all already seated in.

"Sorry, I forgot a few things. Now, let's talk about this case a little bit, see if we can get any new leads." Aaron says once he's seated on the jet.

After a short briefing and brainstorm moment the team all went about their own business on the jet, some chatting together, others reading, Reid and Rossi playing chess.

However Y/N made her way to sit next to Aaron, not minding if the team sees them together as they all know of their relationship with the latter.

"Hi there." Y/N says as she sits beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder as she interrupts his movie.

A rare smile forms on Aaron's face, a smile Y/N has grown to love, "Hello dear."

"What are you watching?" She asks him, glancing at the laptop in front of him.

"I was just watching Sweeney Todd again, do you want to watch it with me? I can start it over from the beginning." Aaron offers, holding a headphone out for her.

"That sounds lovely, I haven't watched this movie in ages!" Y/N says, taking the headphone he offered to her.

Aaron restarts the movie and as it starts to get later Y/N and the rest of the team all slowly start to drift off in the jet, still having a bit of time before they land.

The next morning after the team had landed and spent the night in a hotel they all made their way into the Lis Angeles police station, talking to the Sheriff to see if they've got any more new leads while Y/N, Derek, and Spencer went to the newest crime scene the police had found this morning.

The girl was laid out the same way all the previous girls were, but this time the Unsub had left a note in her hand that the team instructed no one to touch until they got there.

After they had observed the scene Reid carefully removes the note from the woman's hand, carefully opening it before reading the words written on it, a look of shock on his face before he hands the note to Y/N to read.

"Hello, BAU.
Welcome to the show.
I'm coming for you,
you know who you are.
I need to finally get back
what is rightfully mine.

A look that could only be described as fear, makes its way onto the young agents face. That handwriting looked all too familiar. Signed with a K. It couldn't be.

Her ex-boyfriend is the only person who she's known with handwriting like that. And all the victims so far have looked just like her.

Y/N shakes her head before handing the note to Morgan to read, the woman not wanting to let her thoughts get the best of her. There's no way Kaeden could pull this off, he's only capable of drinking far too much and abusing any woman he's been with.

Kaeden is the reason she works where she does, him and all the other sickos out there who hurt others for their own selfish reasons but expect all to be forgiven.

"So the Unsub is coming for one of us? What would they want with us?" Morgan asks, observing the note.

"I don't know, but we should get this back to the team and see what they think about this." Spencer says before the three of them head back to the station they were set up in.

It was the night following the day they found the note on the body that Y/N found herself not being able to sleep, the thoughts of Kaeden resurfacing.

So she gets out of the bed her and Aaron were sharing, placing a gentle kiss on his head before she goes on a walk through the hallways of the hotel thinking nothing bad could happen if she took a quick walk by herself.

The next thing she knew a chloroformed rag was being forcefully pressed against her face as she struggled, tears slipping out of her eyes as she falls unconscious.

Back at the hotel the next morning Aaron wakes up to an empty bed, panicking as he sees all of Y/N's things left there and her nowhere in sight. He calls all the team and everyone rushes to the police station, not knowing if she'd been taken or if she wondered off somewhere on her own.

The team arrives at the station and right after Aaron fills them in the Sheriff walks in a grim look on his face as he says, "They found another one."

At those words Aaron feels his heart drop, praying it's not Y/N and anyone else as he puts on a stoic face, "Thank you Sheriff, my team and I are heading that way now."

"I'm sure it's not Y/N Hotch, that'd be too soon for this guys MO. She'll be okay." Jennifer says, trying to calm him down before they head to the crime scene.

Arriving at the scene Aaron is the first to the girl's body sprawled out in the grass, a wave of relief hits him when he sees it isn't Y/N, but the next thing he notices is the note placed in her hand. Aaron grabs the note from her hand gently before reading the words on the paper.

"Dear SSA Aaron Hotchner,
I have your precious girlfriend Y/N. Thanks to you for leaving her all on her own walking through those hotel rooms. I finally got what I wanted back in my possession. She's mine now, Aaron. You lose.

He find himself reading and re-reading the note over and over as the team try to get his attention, his stoic expression falling as a few tears slips down his face.

"Hotch, what does it say?" Morgan asks, seeing the expression on his bosses face.

"He.. has her." Aaron mumbles out, handing the note to the rest of the team to read over.

"We'll find her Hotch, I promise. Y/N is a part of this family and we will not stop until she's home safe." Jennifer says matter-of-factly.

J.J is not used to seeing her boss like this. The only other time she could remember him not holding his stoic expression was when he lost Haley. Hopefully Y/N can hold out and stay strong until the team can find her.

Y/N wakes up inside of what seems to be either an abandoned barn or a warehouse of sorts and she's shackled to the floor with long chains bound around her ankles.

As she's observing her surroundings that insanely sick voice of the man she wished she could forget, snaked its way into her head, "Ahh, you're finally awake. I almost thought I used too much chloroform on you."

"Kaeden.. W-Where am I?" Y/N questions as a tear slips down her face.

"You're in my barn, doll face. I took you back from your precious boyfriend Aaron Hotchner. After you so rudely left me years ago after getting me thrown in prison for abuse." Kaeden says with a scoff.

He stops pacing around the room and kneels down in front of her, keeping his voice one octave away from a whisper, "But don't worry babe, I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it. I've changed. I want to prove it to you. Don't cry darling."

Y/N feels his hand brush against her cheek to gently wipe her tears and she flinches away, knowing that two years ago those exact same hands almost strangled her to death. She felt so stupid not warning her team, she had that gut feeling it was him. She regrets not trusting her gut. Hopefully Aaron and her BAU family will save her soon.

It had been two days since Aaron's girlfriend had been missing and he was starting to grow weary before Spencer suggested they pry into her past.

The older man wasn't too happy with this but he knew maybe this creep was someone from her past. All of the victims have looked similar to her. So he made a call to Penelope Garcia to see if she could find anything.

"Garcia, I need you to do a little search into Y/N's past, anything involving old boyfriends or family that ended badly, check names starting with a K. I think this may be someone she knew." Aaron says through the phone.

"I feel icky digging into a friends past, but I'm on it boss." Garcia says, rapidly clicking on the keyboard, "Okay two years ago on October thirteenth twenty fifteen Y/N escaped from abusive boyfriend Kaeden Vincent, the man getting sentenced to prison for two years. He just got released a week before the killings started. Kaeden also has a family farm out in the middle of nowhere with a convenient barn."

"Penelope, you are amazing at what you do. Send me the address to our phones. It's worth a shot to check out. That's no coincidence." Hotch says, the first smile and glimmer of hope in two days makes Hotch quickly step into action, not wanting to waste any time.

"Thank you sir. Bring her back to us." Penelope says as the line goes dead.

Twenty minutes later the team are all geared up and have a full swat team in pursuit to the barn they hoped Y/N was held safely in.

Y/N was passed out in the barn, still shackled to the floor. She hadn't been given anything to eat or drink in the whole time she'd been held here because she kept refusing Kaeden, resulting in her getting hit again and again. The woman had no idea how long she'd been here but she didn't know how much longer she could hold on.

The team were searching the house and around the outside of the barn when Derek came bursting out of the house with Kaeden, handcuffed and screaming.

At the sound of the ruckus outside Y/N woke up from her slumber, hearing the shouts of Kaeden and her team. Her family. They found her.

She musters up all the energy she'd saved up for this moment, "In here! Help!"

"Did you hear that?" Reid asks, looking around for the sound of the voice.

"Reid! I'm in here!" She yells, that time a bit louder.

"I think it's Y/N and it's coming from the barn." Spencer says before Aaron and Derek run to the barn doors, busting them open.

Aaron rushes to her side when he notices Y/N shackled to the a pole on the floor laying weakly on the dirt.

"Aaron! You found me!" She says as tears spill out of her eyes, so happy he finally found her.

"Yes I did. I'll always find you. You're gonna be okay." He says soothingly, wiping her falling tears as Spencer and Derek remove the shackles from her ankles.

Once she's unshackled he picks her up and carries her bridal style out of the barn to the ambulance and police cars waiting for them outside as Aaron placed a gentle kiss on her head, happy to have her safe in his arms again.

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