Adopted By Niall Horan from 1...

By Priceisrightrusher

76.8K 1.4K 176

Kensington is three year old she and her sister had been in the orphanage since her parents were charged with... More

Niall adopts Kensington and her baby sister
Kensington and Lizzy see their new home
Recording with two girls
Kensington gets the chicken pox's
Chicken pox fun
More chicken pox fun
Back on tour
Niall is sick
Life on tour with two girls
Niall hurts his foot & Lizzy crawls
Niall's birthday part 1
Niall's birthday part 2
Niall's birthday part 3
The girls arrive in Ireland
Settling all five in permanently
Molly is sick
Seeing what is going on with Molly
Niall takes the girls to the orphanage
The guys talk some sense into Niall
Molly starts treatment
Molly starts treatment part 1
Molly starts treatment part 2
Molly starts treatment part 3
Molly starts treatment the final part
The girls see Molly
Names chapter
Time with Lizzy
Sequel happening
Caitlyn starts to teethe
Niall adopts a newborn, and a puppy
Puppy sugestions
Three dogs
Niall gets the dogs
Preview: Niall adopts the baby
Niall adopts the baby
Bonding time with Carly preview
Bonding time with Carly
Kenzie will bond with Carly
Kenzie bonds with Carly preview
Christmas chapter
Christmas with the Horan's
Valentine's day
Love interest
Love interest is picked
Three year old name
Changing the title
Revised order of chapters
Master's next week
Master's preview
Master's part 2
Master's part 3 preview
Master's part 3
Master's part 4 preview
Master's part 4
What's in the bushes
The little one's in the bushes
Titles for the sequel
The sequel is
Seeing the babies
Seeing the babies part 2
Part 3
Niall thinks it over
The babies get transferred
Getting the babies settled
The babies come home part 1
Serenity comes home part 1
On hold and Happy Easter
Part 2
Kenzi starts school
Part 2
Part 3
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 4
Fun at the Horan house
Part 2
Part 3
Part 2
Niall's livestream
Merry Christmas
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Happy 4th
Kenzi spills it all
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (fixed)
The bomb is removed
Part 2
Part 3
100 chapters stronger
Final part
Seeing Kenzi
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On hold
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Back on hold
Part 10
Further notice
Next Friday
Still on hold
Part 11

Master's part 5

210 4 0
By Priceisrightrusher

"Kenzie stay with me princess I don't want you taking off" he says to her as he met the caddy's for the two of them since Kenzie had her own and Niall had his caddy

She nods as she looks at him as they went to the first hole

"Kenzie what club you want first?" He asks her as he puts on his glove

Kenzie looks carefully at her clubs as she was putting on her glove

"This one looks perfect" she says as she got it out

Niall put a blanket down for the little ones to sit on as they were going to wait their turn to hit the ball

"Here princess your water bottle" he says as he handed it to her

"Thank you daddy" she says to him as she drank it as he was putting more sunscreen on the little kids as they played with their toys and they were happy as calms right now

He had some water as well as she was waiting to go

"Thank you daddy" she says as she was going to take her turn on the green

Niall put more sunscreen on her before she went. Kenzie's first hit was a good one and it went far as well

"Good shot Kenz" he says as he was going to take his turn now on the green as she put her club away and was going to stay with her sisters a little bit while daddy took his turn

She smiles at him as she went back to be with her siblings s he was goin to take his turn on the green 

"That one didn't go too far" he says as he looks at the ball to see where it went and it didn't go very far at all 

Niall returned his club and took off his glove so they could contine as their caddy's carried their clubs and he pushed the stroller with all of the little one's in that could not walk while the others were on the rope that was attached to the stroller so they were behind daddy and the caddy's were behind them 

"I think we are going to park it here for now luckily i brought the blanket so we can sit down" he says as he puts the blanket down for everyone to sit 

The little girls took a seat as they waited

"Carly did something scare you huh pretty girl?" he asks as he gets her out fo her stroller so he could hold her since she was fussy 

Niall rocked her and she settled back down once again for her daddy 

"I think i am going to hold you for a bit precious" he says as he was looking at her as he watches the others 

Niall decided to change her since she felt wet so that was her problem 


"There we go bug is that better huh?" he asks as she was happy as a clam 

Carly was cooing up a storm for her daddy    

"You talking huh baby girl?" he asks her as he looks down at her 

Carly smiles at him

"I know that is gas" he says as he was going to watch Kenzie take her turn after a while since she had found her ball and she was going to see if she can get it in the hole 

"Go Kenzie" he says as he was cheering her on 

Kenzie hit it and it landed close to the hole

"Wow that was one amazing hit" he says as he was going to get his ball so he could see if he could get close to her 

Niall couldn't cause he was holding Carly in one arm as he hit 

"Shall we go?" he asks Kenzie as they headed close to the hole 

"Yes" she says as they walked to the hole so she could get her first par since she was a good golfer 

As they were walking they heard a noise in the bushes 

"Dad do you hear that?" Kenzie asks as they were walking 

"Yeah i hear that" he says as he was going to stop to see what it was or who it was 

Niall put Carly back in her stroller so he could see what or who it was

"Carly it's okay daddy going to hold you soon" he says as he covers her up so she was warm a little bit 

Niall rocked her to help her a little bit

"I will feed you princess" he says as he was looking at the feeding schedule to see if she was going to need fed and it was geting close to her next feed so he was going to feed her as he was going to watch Kenzie as she was going to go for her first par but he was going to see who or what was in t he bushes 

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