
By AskAmy

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Inspired by #AskAmy by @TahliePurvis, the Advice Committee created an account with her permission to replicat... More

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FAQ With Amy!
understanding yourself
from amy.


3.1K 203 29
By AskAmy

Anonymous: Hey Amy! I was wondering if you have any tips on dealing with difficult siblings?

Amy: Hi lovely! Siblings can be very hard to deal with. Our advice is, try not to bother them when they don't want to be bothered, and they might end up leaving you alone, too. If they aren't very nice to you, try being nice to them. They might realize that what they are doing is wrong.


Anonymous: Hey, Amy! Look, I've got a problem and I hope you can help me! My mom doesn't know I write books on Wattpad, and I don't know if I should tell her or not. I'm afraid she will make me stop, because that's what she did with every hobby that I had. But I'm not feeling well about hiding it... What should I do?

Amy: Hello lovely, I understand the feeling. No one likes to have guilt under their belt, I think that if writing is something you're really passionate about, if you ease your mom into it slowly, I'm sure she could come to accept it. Instead of saying "I write books on an app", let her know you enjoy writing and when the time feels right, let her know about Wattpad and how successful you've become. Oh! And please, keep writing! I'll be sure to check out some of your stories. XO- Amy


Anonymous: Hi Amy! I really need your advice on this. When I was younger, my father would abuse me, my other sibling, and mother. He always neglected us, and always cheated on my mother with other females. A time skip after my mother left him, he's trying to reach out to me now. Why? After all he's done to me and I barely scratched the surface of everything in my childhood.. but why? I mean, I noticed he changed for the better and isn't abusive AT all anymore since I've been seeing him over the summer. It's just.. I'm scared you know? I still have the trauma of my parents fighting and when I see anyone fight, I start crying or have a panic attack. Seeing how now he tells me he loves me, asks me how I'm doing when he never did those things when I was a baby or even a child. I barely see him as a father, and I just don't know what to do. Ignore him? Forgive him?

Amy: I'm so sorry. When I saw the word abuse, I absolutely wanted to cry and as I type this I think I'm actually starting to do so because it shatters, and I mean SHATTERS, my heart when I hear family being broken through abuse and violence. No child should ever go through anything like that. I'm so sorry that you are traumatized by it, I'm sorry you have panic attacks because of that. I think that ever since your mother left him, he's starting to realize what he had lost. People tend to not care for things until it's gone. You don't know how valuable something is until it's not in your reach anymore. I believe that's what's happening with him as well. Maybe he's starting to realize how horrible his decisions have been, and maybe he's trying to earn your trust back after so many years of regret. But maybe he doesn't really mean it either. It could be that the way he's changed reflects inside of him. His heart could have softened. I want to say forgive him, because I'm such a big forgiver, but please, and PLEASE, be careful. Don't embrace him in hugs and kisses with teddy bears right away, be cautious because I don't want you to get hurt in any shape or form. You barely see him as a father, and I understand. I don't know if completely ignoring is a good choice, but completely forgiving might go downhill as well. He is technically your family, but you're scared and I understand. Open up to him, maybe have a small conversation about how you feel. Tell him you're scared and you're afraid he hasn't changed, and one day he'll be back to how it was, or whatever is scaring you. Stand strong, and always. It's hard, but time doesn't stop, and life goes on. Many hugs, Amy

Anonymous: Thank you so much! I'll definitely take your advice into consideration! ❤️❤️


Anonymous: Hey Amy! I wanted to ask if you can suggest a good way to tell my parents my grades? I still dont know them but im pretty sure my parents wont be happy with some of them! We had three exams in June and I know what I got in French but Im scared for my math exam. Its not completely my fault i didnt understand half of those things because the exam had many mistakes. Help me out?

Amy: Hi lovely! It's always hard to tell your parents about grades. I guess there really is no good way, but my suggestion is: don't actually tell them. Hand them the paper so they can see it for themselves. Let them know you understand why you received the grades you got and that you will try harder next time. If for some reason they punish you for a bad grade, just accept it and don't complain; it helps you learn from your mistakes. As for understanding a subject in school, you might want to watch some YouTube videos on the subject, take more notes, and simply pay more attention in class (I know it's hard but it helps lol). To get your grades up, if your teacher offers extra credit, you should do it! Hopefully this helped!-Amy xx

Anonymous: Thank you so much! This made me feel better!

Amy: You are very welcome! <3

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