Fix A Heart

By onlydemi

13.5K 507 126

This is a girl on girl type of thing just letting you know. What happens when Katy and her idol Demi meet an... More

So far so great?
Humming Bird Heart Beat
Heart Attack
All Night Long
Heart is over heating
Light In My Heart
Hold up
Falling Apart.
Little Moments.
Caught up.
You miss me.
Leave Him
Here i go
Tell me

Cant fix the damage.

309 30 12
By onlydemi


I'VE BEEN BUSY. Im dealing with a lot of issues right now. And im doing my best to stay strong.

Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments it means a lot to me.

20 votes and 8 comments for me to update again please. x

(Demi's POV)

Two months had past and my tour is doing great. I'm having lots of fun meeting fans , making new friends and having an amazing time.

While all this is happening I'm falling for Katy more and more everyday.

We've spent so much time together she's such a wonderful person. When I have my bad days she never fails to make me happy.

Right now I'm rehearsing on stage for my performance tonight.

"Okay let's do that again. Come on starting from the top." Nick orders sitting back in his chair.

The music booms and I put my mic to my face getting ready to sing but suddenly I see Katy opening the door running towards the stage.

I put my hand up to signal the band to stop playing.

"Katy you know you're not suppose to be here during my rehearsals." I say watching her run.

She jumps on stage catching her breath. She looked like she had been crying.

My chest felt heavy looking at her face.

"A-Are you okay?" I say dropping my mic, grabbing her hands.

Everyone in the room was staring at Katy and I.

I look at Nick and he gives me a nod.

"Alright everybody take a break." He yells.

Katy leads me off the stage then in my dressing room.

"Okay tell me what's wrong?"

(Katy's POV)

"Okay give me another one." I say to Louis as he hands me a grape.

Louis and I are on the balcony seats in the arena.

We are dropping grapes on the guards watching them get mad.

Hey we're just trying to past time.

I throw a grape at one of the guards heads and he turns yelling at another guard accusing him for throwing it.

Louis and I both laugh sitting back in our seats.

"Damn we're out of grapes." He says looking in the bag.

"It's okay I think we've pissed them off enough."I say smiling.

"So what now." He says.

"I'm kinda tired." I respond looking at him.

"Party pooper." He smirks.

"You shut up." I say punching his shoulder.

He laughs then suddenly his walkie talkie made a beep noise.

"Louis we need you down here." a static voice says.

"Well that's my cue ill be back don't miss me too much." He says pounding my fist.

He gets up and walks away.

My phone goes off and I roll my eyes thinking its my grandma for the 900th time. She's constantly checking up on me.

To my surprise it wasn't her it was Ed. My heart jumped and I quickly answered.



"Hey Katy I have great news." Ed says sounding like he was crying.

"What is it?"

"Zayns awake."

My heart jumped and before I knew it I felt tears falling down my cheeks.

"On my way." I respond quickly hanging up.

I saw nothing but blurriness from my tears.

I'm somewhere in between being beyond happy he's awake but scared for some odd reason.

My heart was beating so fast and excitement filled my body. I ran down the stairs as fast as I can to find Demi.

I look up and see her rehearsing. She gave me a surprised look.

Nick let us talk and I took her in the dressing room.

"Okay tell me what's wrong?"she says wiping my tears.

I start to smile. "Ed called to tell me Zayn woke up!"

Her face lights up and she hugs me. "Oh my god that's great."

"I know I can't wait to see him."

She pulls me out of the hug. "Alright I'll have my team manage a ride for you to see him."

(Zayn's POV)

I felt a sudden burning pain on my right arm.

This is the same dream I always have. Every time I feel pain in my arm I get comforted by some girl with a beautiful voice and soft cold hands.

In this dream I'm always paralyzed and I can't seem to move.

I can't react to the pain on my arm. I try to scream but I can't move my muscles in my mouth.

My chest begins to feel heavy, feeling helpless and I want to cry but I can't.

Finally my favorite part of this dream.

The familiar voice filled the room. It was her.I can't seem to picture who is behind this voice, but I know she's beyond beautiful.

It's nice and sweet. Every time I hear her speak it makes me feel relaxed and comfortable,her voice was remarkably soothing.

I know she is always talking to me in this dream.I can feel her warm breath hit my face. Im always bothered by the fact that I couldn't make out what she was telling me.It was just mumbles.

Finally I felt her cold hand brush my arm that was in pain. The hurting soon stopped.I loved this part of the dream because its like she healed all my pain inside me like all this weight has been lifted by just one touch.It's an incredible feeling.

Usually once she heals my pain the dream ends here and I move on to another. But oddly, it didn't end.

"Sorry about that." I hear her say as she rubs my arm once more.

If I could move I would have reacted very surprised and probably would have gasped.

I finally understood what this angel like voice said to me.

Why was she sorry? Did she cause this pain in my arm?

I tried to move myself as hard as I could. Every time I tried I felt like I couldn't breath.

"I wonder if you can hear me." the angel voice says.

I want to respond so bad but I can't. It's seems impossible. I want to talk to her more than anything.

Yes I can hear you, can you hear me?

"Today was a rough day. I have been here since 5 in the morning and now it's 10. I've been dealing with rude people all day." She says.

Why would anyone want be rude to you?

"I hope you wake up soon. You're friend is worried." She says lightly brushing my hand.

As soon as I felt her touch on my hand I wanted to grab it so bad and just hold her.

Wait she said wake up? I am awake aren't I? No of course not I'm in a dream. Or heaven?

Is this heaven?

Am I dead?

"You seem amazing. Ed tells me a lot about you."

Ed! It feels like I haven't seen him in so long.

I miss him very much.

I started to feel pain in my chest again. I'm crying. but I'm not really crying?

I wonder if she can see me?

Hey mystery girl can you see me crying?

It's dark in this dream.

This is probably a nightmare. I feel suffocated.

Once more I try to move and open my eyes. It's impossible.

Out of nowhere an image appears.

My hands holding on to the edge of the cement bridge.

My hands start to burn from holding on for so long. I couldn't see very clearly its raining hard.

The next thing I know I let go of the bridge letting my hands free and spreading my legs apart feeling myself fall.

The bridge soon gets smaller and smaller.

As I fall I see a moon. Not just a moon,a full moon.

I felt a name suddenly repeat in my head. Katy..

I remember Katy loves full moons.

Suddenly I'm not falling anymore. I'm standing in a dark green grassy field. It's sunny outside and I can smell fresh air.

I look down and see my red converse. Am I awake?

I move my hands in front of my face looking at them.

I wiggle my fingers and smile.

"Zayn look out!" A girl shouts.

I turn around and see a green ball coming straight at my face.

This all seems so familiar? I'm reliving a memory of mine?

The ball hits my face hard making me fall on my back.

I open my eyes and see the light blue sky with worn out clouds.

"Are you okay?" I hear her say.

I heard her footsteps run to me.

The image of the sky isn't there anymore instead it's her face looking down at me.

"Zayn?" She says.

It's her. It's Katy. It's My love.

She pulls out her hand and I grab on to it. She pulls me up smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Next time pay attention when I pass it to you." she giggles.

"Hey weirdos are we still playing or what?" Ed shouts to us from far.

Katy runs to get the ball and I look back at Ed.

Suddenly the setting changes and I'm on a bed looking up at lights.

The bed seems to be moving and a very annoying beeping noise is in the back round.

There is lots of voices speaking all at once. Doctors in green looking down at me.

I had a machine over my mouth and I found it very hard to breath.

My eyes started to slowly close and I heard one doctor shout. "We're losing him!"

Suddenly everything went white then dark again back to where I was in the first place.

In the dream with the angel voice.

"Okay well I have to go now." I hear her say putting her hand over mine.

While her hand laid on mine I tried every inch in my body to move then finally I moved my hand grabbing on to hers.

I felt my heart start to beat so fast that I could hear it. Blood rushed in my body and the feeling was overwhelming.

I finally moved but most importantly I'm touching her. I'm touching the soft hand that heals my pain. I'm touching the hand of the angel voice.

"Oh my god. Zayn can you hear me?" She says in a surprised tone.

Yes! Yes I can hear you.

I felt her hand squeeze mine and it felt like it gave me the power to squeeze hers back.

"Zayn please say something." She says putting her other hand on mine.

Now both of her hands were holding onto mine.

I focused on trying to open my mouth. I felt my lips apart a little. I pushed myself to say something but all that came out was a huge exhale of my breath.

Well that's a start.

"Move something in your body to tell me you can hear me." She says.

I try to move and the more I tried the more I couldn't breath. Finally my eyes flutter open and nothing but light hit me.

"Zayn!" She yells.

I move my head and oh my god I was right that voice matched a perfectly beautiful girl.

She was stunning her blue eyes and blonde hair left me breathless.

She smiles so big it made me smile.

"I can hear you." I finally respond.

(Katy's POV)

I waved out the window to Demi as the taxi driver drove off.

She smiled at me waving back beside Louis.

I tightly grabbed onto my bag in excitement. I can't wait to see Zayn.

Suddenly my stomach flipped and my chest felt heavy.

What am I going to say to him?

'oh sorry I made you jump off a bridge?'

I can't say that.

Do I just ignore the fact that he jumped off a bridge because of me?

I'm still not even sure if I was the reason.

Fuck. Why does everything have to be so complicated.

(Demi's POV)

"Thank you all for coming! Have a great night I love you!" I shout in the mic to the thousands of people in the crowd.

All the screams and shoutings never fail to make me happy. I love all my fans.

It still amazes me of how far I've came.

I was just a little girl on Barney and now I'm doing tours selling out arenas and especially inspiring millions of others around the world.

What more could I ask for?

The lights go out and I feel Max grab me, leading me off the stage.

My cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much.

I take out my earpieces and my ears were ringing.

"You did great tonight as always." Max says in his Australian accent.

I smile taking a drink from my water bottle.

"I want you to rest tomorrow on your day off okay? No working on the new album, no working out. Just rest okay." He says leading me out the back door of the building.

"Okay okay fine." I respond taking off my leather jacket.

"I mean it Demi. You need a break."

I smile and nudge him on the shoulder.

"I will."

Before I knew it fans spotted me and started shouting my name creating more attention.

I wave to them then I feel Max's hand on my body protecting me from them.

More security guards came helping clear the way to the car.

Yeah I'm not on my tour bus right now. I'm staying in hotels. I figured it'd be nice to just stay in the countries I've been coming too.

A fan grabbed my leg holding tight.

My heart jumped and I freaked out. I couldn't continue to walk and I didn't want to push her off. I don't wanna hurt a fan.

A big security guard grabbed the fan off me pushing them back in the crowd.

I smiled while I struggled to make my way to the car.

"Demi you saved my life!" A fan screams shoving a phone in my face.

"No you saved your own." I say smiling making her cry harder.

Finally we got to the car and Max helped me in.

(Katy's POV)

"Excuse me miss this is where I drop you off." a deep man voice says waking me up.

I rub my eyes and see the hospital in front of me.

"Thanks buddy." I say grabbing my bag giving him a tip.

I walk out the car and stop right in front of the entrance.

Deep breath Katy, deep breath.

I walk in the hospital and sign in at the front. I make my way in the elevator then down the hall and finally to his room.

My hands were shaking and I was way nervous.

I turn the door knob walking in the room.

Zayn was laying there smiling talking with Ed.

They both look up at me with happy expressions.

Tears started to fall down my cheek and I eagerly ran to Zayn hugging him as he laid there.

"I missed you so much." I say crying.

"I missed you more." He says holding me tight.

I let go and we both smile at each other.

"Well it's okay I didn't want a hug anyway." Ed says sarcastically.

I smile and give him a hug.

"I'm just glad you're okay." I say sitting next to Zayn's bed.

He smiles looking me in the eyes.

"I'm glad to see you and your beauty."

Ed clears his throat.

"So what's it like being in a comma?"

I punch his shoulder. "Ed don't ask that, it's too soon."

"Oh right sorry."

"Haha no no it's fine." Zayn says sitting up.

Even though he has messy hair with a a little bit of his blonde streak left and a tired face he still looks handsome as ever.

I starred at him as he talked to Ed about being in a comma. The ways he talks and smiles makes me happy.

The way his lips move makes me-

"ZAYN!" A group of girls yell walking in the room.

Oh great.

These are all the girls that were head over heals for Zayn in high school a.k.a sluts.

Well I'm annoyed now.

"Zayn I'm glad you're awake"

"Zayn look I made you some cake"

"Zayn I missed you"


These girls need to leave. They're absolutely irritating.

"Okay mr popular I need to get going. I have work." Ed says smiling giving him a hug.

They say their goodbyes and he comes up to me giving me a hug.

"See you tomorrow." I say as he walks out the room.

I turn to Zayn but I couldn't see him. All these hoes were crowding him.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

Zayn has always been the popular one.

The door opens and I see Liam walk in with a present.

"Hey." I say smiling.

"Hey good to see you love." he says giving me a hug.

"Oh god." He says looking at the girls surrounding Zayn,making me laugh.

I really didn't know Liam all that well but I know he was close to Zayn.

"Hey this might sound a bit weird but I think I saw you on tv." Liam says turning to look at me.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah something about you being Demi Lovato's new lover?" He says confused.

My eyes get big.

"Oh." I say out of words.

"Is it true? I mean it's kinda crazy to assume you're dating a pop star."

"Well." I scratch the back of my head. "Yes it's true."

His eyes widened in surprise. "That's insane! You're dating Demi Lovato? How did that happen? Is she here?"

I smile. "Long story of how that happened. No she's not here,shes on tour right now."

"Well I don't really know what to say to someone who's dating a famous person haha but I hope everything goes well between you two." He says patting my back.

"Liam is that you?" Zayn says.

All the girls move out the way revealing a smiling happy cute Zayn.

"Hey mate!" Liam says giving him a present making small talk with him.

I stood there watching everyone make Zayn smile.

The door opens and Perrie his nurse walks in.

"Excuse me. Don't mean to be a party pooper but I'm going to need some of you to leave. You're not suppose to have this many visitors in one room."

Zayn nods and looks at all the girls.

"Ill see you girls later." He winks teasing them.

All the girls swoon and give him hugs and kisses on the cheek goodbye.

I admit..I'm jealous.

"Well looks like I need to get going anyway."Liam says giving him a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." He smiles walking out the room.

I look at Perrie and smile.

"Hey there." She says.

"Perrie can you put this on the table." Zayn says giving her the present that Liam gave him.

"Yes love."

She grabs the present and purposely slides her hands on his slowly. As she's doing this they both starred deeply in each others eyes making my heart hurt.

It's obvious something is up and I'm not going to let it happen.

"SO." I say loud snapping them out of their stupid lovey dovey starring.

"So." Zayn says smiling.

"Here's your clothes you had on before you came here. I washed them for you." Perrie says handing him the clothes.

She walks out the room then stops giving him a smile then leaves the room.

Fire was heating in me and I wanted to explode.

(Demi's POV)

I laid on the bed thinking of Katy.

It feels weird that she's not here with me. it's like somethings missing.

Looks like I'm going to have trouble sleeping I miss her like crazy.

Suddenly an idea pops in my head.

I should surprise her by visiting her!

I smile wide jumping out of the bed getting ready.

I put on a black sweater and blue skinny jeans with my prescription glasses, I didn't feel like putting my contacts in.

I call up my driver and head out the hotel room.

(Katy's POV)

I sat down next to Zayn giving him a smile.

The big elephant in the room was getting bigger and bigger I could barely breath.

I don't know what I should talk about.

How about how I kissed him?

How about how I almost had sex with him?

How about how I broke his heart by telling him I'm in a relationship?

How about how I'm dating Demi Lovato?

How about how and why he jumped off a fucking bridge.

How about how Im a selfish asshole giving his hopes up.

How about how I feel about him..

He clears his throat sitting up.

"I know what you're thinking about."

My heart jumps and I look up at him speechless.

"It's what everyones dying to ask."

I stayed quite looking at his face expression change.His eyes crinkled and started to water.

"Why I jumped off the bridge."

I didn't say a word, instead I reached over grabbing his hand tightly.

He looked me in the eyes. "I swear I didn't jump it was an accident."

"What happened?" I manage to say. Feeling stupid. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to ask.

"Well first of all I was hurt when you told me you were in a relationship. And to add on to that,I was drunk. So that made me a bit over board with my emotions. I went to the bridge to jump, because I thought 'What's the point of living when the one you love doesn't love you back?' I don't know. I was stupid and emotional. Anyways, I decided to not jump and I was about to go back but then I slipped and that's all I remember." He said moving his hand from mine.

I stayed quite once again.

I had no clue what to say to that. I absolutely suck. My throat started to burn,I want to cry.

He smiles shaking his head.

"You know what really pisses me off?" He says adding anger in his tone. "Wanna know what really gets under my skin?" He gets closer to me and looks me straight in my eyes.

His veins started to pop out from his neck and his face was getting a little red.

I started to get a little scared. His temper isn't the best.

"How I fell in love with someone who doesn't seem to care for me one bit. Who doesn't have anything to say to me after I just told them that I literally almost took my life for them. Who doesn't see how they permanently scarred me from ever falling for someone ever again."

I took a deep breath then I felt a cold stream down my face and I knew I was beginning to cry.

"Zayn I-"

"-No Katy. I'm done. I'm tired of the bullshit. I'm tired of you.You think it's funny to toy with my emotions don't you?" He interrupts.

"Let me explain-"

"-EXPLAIN WHAT. Explain how you don't feel anything for me? I hear that all the time. No need to explain that. I alre-"

"-LET ME EXPLAIN HOW IM FALLING FOR YOU." I shout cutting him off.

His mouth was open and he looked shocked.

He finally starts to speak.

"Y-your falli-"


I drop my face down in my face.

Suddenly I felt his hands grab mine and remove them revealing my face.

He was so close to me.

Before I knew it I felt his lips touch mine.

His lips moved with mine and it felt like i needed this. I NEEDED to kiss him. This felt so wrong but I don't want to be right.

"Well looks like instead of surprising you with my visit, you certainly surprised me with this."

I hear Demi say making me jump back away from Zayn.

I look up at her and what scarred me the most is how lost and hurt she looked.

I don't think I can ever forget that image.

"Demi I-"

"-I heard everything Katy. I'm not stupid leave me the hell alone."

She says turning to her way out.

(Demi's POV)

I'm done.

So done.

"Demi please let me explain!" I hear Katy shout.

I walk out the room filled with mixed emotions.

You can't bandage the damage. You never really can Fix A Heart.

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