Our children are in our hands...

By Rebeccaxchapman1

13.4K 310 416

Well from the previous book Vilu gave birth to Leonardo and Maria Vargas, but one of them isn't well and Leon... More

Part one ~
Part Two ~
Part Three ~
Part Four ~
Part Five ~
Part Six ~
Part eight ~
Part Nine ~
Part Ten ~
Part eleven ~
Part Twelve ~
Part Thirteen ~
Part Fourteen ~
Part Fifteen ~
Part Sixteen ~
Part Seventeen ~
Part Eighteen ~
Part Nineteen ~
Part Twenty ~
Part Twenty-one ~
Part Twenty - two ~
Part Twenty - three ~
Part Twenty - four ~ 😢😢

Part Seven ~

564 15 11
By Rebeccaxchapman1

Leon and Violetta were still kissing, and Leon pulled away, and then Violetta smiled at Leon.

Leon: Are you happy now? 

Violetta: I think I just found my Leon. *Smiles* 

Leon: Well, he wasn't far away. 

Violetta: Where's he been? 

Leon: Inside you. 

Violetta: What do you mean?

Leon: Well, I wasn't far away I just needed you to bring me back. 

Violetta: I think it worked because I love this, Leon. 

Leon: *Pulls her close* Don't get used to it. 

Violetta: Why? 

Leon: Because I could snap anytime. 

Violetta: In a mad way or a sexual way? 

Leon: Depends on, what way you turn me on. 

Violetta: Leon Vargas.

Leon: That's my name, don't wear it out.

Violetta: Can we go home and have a bath together while Leonardo is in school. 

Leon: Shouldn't you think we should see our daughter because is the one in the hospital. 

Violetta: But, I just want to have a bath with you. 

Leon: Babe you can have a bath with me when we come back from the hospital. 

Violetta: *Stamps her foot* No because Leonardo will be home then, and you know what he's like. 

Leon: Baby, we have plenty of time. 

Violetta: Leon, please let me a bath with you.

They went to the hospital.  

Doctor: Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Vargas are you here to see your daughter? 

Leon: Uh yeah, we just want to see if she's, OKAY

Violetta was shaking so she grabbed Leon's hand and enlaced her hand with his and held it tightly and Leon squeezed back.

Leon: It's okay baby she's going to be fine.

Violetta smiled at him.

Doctor: Yeah, you can see her now Uh your dad and his wife are with her.

Leon: Okay, thank you.

Doctor: You're welcome.

They walked into the room and saw Angie and Herman by her bedside, and they looked at Violetta shaking and nearly crying. 

Leon: Go on baby go see her give her your love like you did with me. 

Violetta: No, I can't Leon it hurts. 

Leon: Baby I'm right here just give her your love and let her know you're here. 

Herman: We'll leave you to talk to Maria.

Angie: Violetta she's fine I swear.

They left and Leon held Violetta's hand and guided her to Maria's bed. 

Violetta: Don't let me go, Leon. 

Leon: Baby, hold Maria's hand. 

Violetta let go of Leon's hand and put both hands on Maria's hand and cried. 

Violetta: Hello sweetie I just want to let you know that me and daddy are here right beside you we won't leave you until you wake up just know Maria sweetie you can't sleep forever.

 Violetta broke down and Leon pulled her into his arms until she stopped crying, but she just wrapped her arms around his waist and cried and Leon kissed her head.

Violetta: Why have bad things got to happen to us, Leon? 

Leon: I don't know baby but she's going to wake up. 

Violetta: You really think she will? 

Leon: No, I know she's going to wake up baby because she's like her mom strong and brave. 

Violetta hugged him again and he hugged back.

An hour later ~
Leon: Baby, we should go home now we have to feed Leonardo don't forget we still have another child.

Violetta: I know, but can I have a minute with her?

Leon: Sure, baby I'll be outside with Herman and Angie.

Violetta: Thank you. 

Violetta: I shouldn't have shouted at you like I did your just 4 years old you are not ready for discipline yet you're still learning and now look you didn't wake up when I needed you to wake up and now you have cancer what am I supposed to do without you, my angel? Okay maybe I have Leonardo, but Leonardo is more like Leon, and you're more like me which I love but why did this have to happen I don't want to lose you not ever, *Kisses her forehead* Goodnight beautiful I'll come back tomorrow to check on you.

She left and looked at Leon.

Leon: Ready now?

Violetta: *Takes a deep breath* Yeah, I'm ready.

Herman: Well, done Violetta she's going to wake up.

They went home after picking up Leonardo, but they didn't tell him anything they just acted normal.

Leon: Okay, Leonardo what do you want for dinner?

Leonardo: Are you asking me that? Why don't you ask Maria she always chooses dinner?

Violetta looked at Leon looking at the road and flicked a glance and then looked back at the road and Violetta grabbed Leon's hand off the steering wheel and kissed his hand and held it into his lap.

Leon: How about a burger and chips?

Violetta: I'm not hungry.

Leon: Babe, you're not helping.

Violetta: Sorry, Leon.

Leonardo: *Knows something up* Yeah, why don't we have burger and chips since Maria's not eating is she?

Violetta put her head in her hand, but she pulled Leon's arm close to her lips.

Leon: Maria is having a nap because she's tired but she's with Angie and Herman and she's going to go to school tomorrow with them.

Leonardo: You know I'm not dumb I can sense your lies and it's an awful feeling.

Leon: Come on Leonardo we are telling the truth.

Leonardo: I just want food.

Leon: We will get food now.

They went to the restaurant and Leonardo sat down next to Violetta and he saw tears in her eyes.

Leon: Leonardo why don't you go get a coloring from the side and some crayons Mm? 

Leonardo went to get coloring.

Leon: Baby, you need to stop crying because Leonardo is sensing there's something wrong, I know baby it's hard to ignore it because it's our daughter but if you don't want Leonardo to know you have to act like nothing is wrong.

Violetta: That's hard Leon because what if he will have cancer is well Huh? I could lose both of my children, but you don't want anymore.

Leon: Babe having another baby isn't going to make everything better it's just going to hurt especially right now so don't go saying that we are having a baby because we are not

Leonardo was on the way back.

Leon: He's on the way back now wipe away your tears and hold my hands and if you can't do it anymore squeeze my hand and I'll help you I swear baby I'm not going anywhere.

Leonardo: I have a coloring; do you want to color it with me, mommy?

Violetta: Sure, baby boy I will help you.

They were coloring and Leon's phone rang so he went outside to take it. 

Leon: Hello.

Agent: Hey Leon we have a problem.

Leon: What's the problem?

Agent: Well, the music director wants you in LA sooner than you think.

Leon: Oh, no Gery I can't do that my daughter is in hospital and I can't leave Violetta alone right now.

Gery: This is important Leon this is how your music career is going to kick off.

Leon: I'm sorry Gery but no I can't leave Violetta right now she needs me and me going away isn't what I promised.

Gery: Fine, then consider yourself dropped from the record deal.

Leon: You can't drop me just because my family is going through something Tough right now, I can't just pack up and leave I'm sorry.

Gery: Okay whatever bye.

She hangs up on him and Leon went back into the restaurant acting normal with Violetta and Leonardo. 

Violetta: Who was on the phone?

Leon: No one, important.

Violetta: baby you know you can tell me, right?

Leon: No, I'm being serious it was no one important.

Leonardo: Mommy you're good at coloring.

Violetta No, you're good at coloring *Looking at Leon*

Leon: What are you coloring?

Violetta: It's a what? *Points to the picture*

Leonardo: *Points at Leon* It's daddy.

Leon: Me? No doesn't even look at me.

Violetta: No, it's a lion isn't it so it's like daddy's name.

Leonardo: Exactly, it's daddy.

Leon: *Smiles* My nickname is lion though.

Violetta looked at him like he shouldn't have said that.

Leon: What?

Violetta: That brings back memories.

Leon: How does it bring back memories?

Violetta: With Ludmila.

Leon: Oh, right.

After they ordered and they ate and they went home and Leonardo went to bed and Violetta was on the sofa looking at photos of Maria when she was a baby in her arms, and she started to cry.

As Leon walked downstairs seeing her break down and she throws all the photos off the table onto the floor and Leon saw her fall onto her knees, so he went up to her and let her cry in his chest. 

Leon: Awe, baby. *Rubs her back*

Violetta: I want my daughter back Leon, I want her to wake up. *Crying*

Leon: Baby, Shh Leonardo asleep I know but you must wait for her to be ready to open her eyes.

Violetta: I can't take it anymore Leon if she dies, I'm going with her.

Leon: Woah no Violetta you are not dying with her no way you can't leave Leonardo or me.

Violetta: I want to be with my daughter Leon if she dies and I'm alive the more I will hurt, and I can't live with the guilt or the hurt so it's better if I just die as well.

Leon: No, you are not dying alongside Maria no baby I will do anything just don't die with her please I can't cope without you, and what about Leonardo it's going to kill him and me.

Violetta: I'm not changing my mind Leon if Maria dies, I'm dying is well I have made up my mind

Leon: That's just rubbish talking you're not thinking straight.

Violetta: And I want you to kill me, Leon.

Leon: What No I'm not killing my own wife I'll go to jail and Leonardo won't have anyone look after him.

Violetta: Be on side Leon, please.

Leon didn't say anything just looked down and she looked down as well. 

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