
By SheGoesByARose

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"Chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon." • • • "Do you trust me?" She chewed on her bottom l... More

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357 20 11
By SheGoesByARose

Aaliyah, distracted with her qualms over a night with Warith, forgot a very simple, but important fact.


She'd always been a terrible person to have to share a bed with. She could fall asleep in a fetal position on the left side, yet wake up the following morning on the right side with her arms and legs spread wide.

Last night was no different.

After his comment, Warith said nothing else to her. Not one word. He only disappeared into the bathroom for another twenty minutes, came out, blew out the candles, and left her in the dark.

She stood by the sofa for a good ten minutes, the room so silent she could hear the crickets outside and movement from the outside his chambers. Since they would not be having sex, she wondered if he wanted her to leave. But she then realized he would have sent for her guard so that idea was shot down.

She also remembered seeing him pull back the covers on both sides. She gulped and realized while intercourse had been avoided, she still had to share a bed with him. Hands trembling, she untied her robe and slid it off, placing it on the sofa. Remembering the pins in her hair, she pulled them out as well and dropped them in the pocket of her black robe.

She stared at the bed, sending up a prayer before crawling in. She pushed herself toward the edge so much so that she almost fell over. He had his back toward her so she returned the favor. She pulled the fitted blanket up to her neck and forced her eyes shut, praying she woke up in the same position she fell asleep in.

She didn't.

Not only was she in the middle of the bed, she was alone.

Sprawled on her stomach, she had her face pressed into that pillow and her arms clutching said pillow. She lifted her head and glanced around, squinting as the sunlight that beamed in through the doors was blinding.

She was also looking for Warith and was relieved when she didn't spot him. Mostly because she could only imagine what a miserable night he had. She paled as she mentally pictured forcing a man like Warith Al Ghul out of his own bed.

Groaning, she kicked off what little blankets still covered her and dragged herself into his bathroom.

It was surprisingly clean and neat for a man. The dark marble stone predictable. She gently took her veil off and used a hair tie to pull the curls up.

There were two sinks so she moved to the unused side and pulled open the top drawer. She grabbed the packaged toothbrush, toothpaste, and wash cloth Samirah informed would be there for her.

She used the bar soap to wash her face after she brushed her teeth. She waited to do her face last as she always did, but also because the bar soap always left her scar burning for a good hour after. She knew this because it was the same one she had in her bathroom. She wanted to mention something to Samirah, but didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

She avoided the mirror, but took a deep breath before putting the veil back on.

When she opened the door to the bedroom, she jumped to see him waiting for for her on the other side.

She looked up, only catching his eyes before looking down.

"Good morning," she mumbled, praying he would move to the side so she could pass.

"So informal," he commented casually, as she remembered she hadn't properly addressed him. She was about to correct herself when he turned to walk away, hands clasped behind his back. "Your breakfast will be here shortly."

She walked behind him, stopping only when she was next to the bed. She crawled back in, over to her side and grabbed a blanket to cover her legs as she crossed them. Looking up, she saw he was watching her and noticed the dark glint in his eyes. She blushed when she realized his eyes settled on her cleavage. Pulling the hair tie out, she shook her curls and pushed them forward to hide her chest.

His eyes moved back to her face and quickly narrowed. "You are in pain."

She opened her mouth to protest, unaware she had been wincing as her wound continued to burn from the washing.

"It is fine."

"You did not deny it."

"No, I did not." She replied, and realized he expected an explanation. "The soap. For my face. It irritates my scar. Causes it to burn. It's nothing I can't handle though..." She trailed off and played with her fingers, noticing he was dressed in his league attire sans the vest he wore the night of the attack.

"What do you normally use?"

She was surprised by his focus on the topic, but didn't look too much into it. She was coming to realIze that he wasn't that much of a mystery after all. What you saw was what you got. He was asking just for the sake of asking and nothing more.

"Dove. The unscented kind."

He nodded and changed the subject. "Ta-er al-sahfer will give you and your friend a tour of the compound today."

She was actually excited with this announcement. She had been limited to dark rooms and one hallway so she was desperate to get out. Well, as much as she could.

"Okay." She didn't know what else to say as his words from last night were still nagging at her.

"There is something we need to discuss." He informed, and she raised a brow, waiting for him to begin. "My chambers are just that - my chambers. The league is founded upon secrecy and my room is no exception."

She squinted her eyes in confusion, "I do not understand-"

"What happens or doesn't happen in here," he alluded last night's uneventful happenings. "Is of no concern to those not present."

She nodded slowly, "So I am to relay to no one anything that transpires while here."

"That includes your friend," he quickly added and continued when he saw her disappointment. "You may trust her, but I do not."

"Who do you trust," she mumbled to herself, unhappy at the idea of having to keep incidents like last night's to herself. So far, having Nadura to confide in kept her sane. How she was going to handle this situation without being able to talk about the hardest parts would be an arduous task she wasn't looking forward to.

She was not only shocked he heard her, but by his response too. "A few people." His eyes darted up and down her face, before he caught her eyes. Her heartbeat fluctuated. Was he indicating he trusted her? The idea alone seemed ludicrous. But the way he delivered it, the way he was looking at her; it was strange. All of it.

"Do you understand?" His tone held no room for argument, so she hurried her reply.

"Yes. I understand."

It was a lie. She didn't understand. Not one bit. But she realized she was probably on thin ice already after last night.

He appeared okay, but she wondered if he woke up with a crook in his neck of some sort. She felt pride at the thought, but pushed it back when she realized she was amused by the idea.

"Your naivety might have worked in your favor in the past, but I assure you that will no longer be the case. There is no place for it in the league." She chewed on her bottom lip as she listened to yet another one of his warnings. Not even her parents had chastised her as much Warith had in the past 24+ hours. He had a way of making her feel like an insolent child in need of rearing and she hated it. "You would do well to keep that in mind."

She kept her eyes on her bare nails and waited to hear the door shut to fall back in the bed, placing the pillow over her face and shouting into it. Not too loud. She didn't want him coming back anytime soon.

Or ever, really.

She wasn't sure how long she stayed in that position, pillow over her face, contemplating her current situation. It was long enough for her to fall asleep again, only to be awakened by Ta-er al-sahfer standing at the foot of her bed with a tray of food in her hands.

"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but I have training to do today so the sooner I give you the tour..."

"It's fine. I understand." Aaliyah cut her off. "I am sorry. I did not mean to fall asleep again."

Ta-er al-sahfer shrugged and reached her the tray of food. Aaliyah's face lit up when she saw the variety of her favorites. Eggs, waffles, and sausage.

She went to take off her veil, and paused when she realized this would be the first time her guard would see her without it. So far, Ta-er al-sahfer had been the nicest of all the league members and Aaliyah had a feeling she wouldn't say much.

So she took it off, but avoided eye contact with the other woman.

"You know," she spoke and Aaliyah looked up. "We all carry scars around here." A beat. "Some of us just wear them differently."

Aaliyah smiled softly, grateful for the kind words and gestured down to her tray. "Would you like some?"

Ta-er al-sahfer shook her head. "I'm good. I had my breakfast in the great hall with the others."

Aaliyah felt like others included Warith, but she didn't want to ask directly. "Others?"

"Ra's and other higher ups in the league." Ta-er al-sahfer response pretty much answered her underlying question so she left it at that. "How are you feeling?"

Aaliyah frowned and then remembered what was supposed to have happened last night. "I was in a little pain, but I took the medicine Samirah left in the drawer." She supplied, remembering the pill she noticed while in his bathroom. Praying Ta-er al-sahfer didn't go in the bathroom and find the oval shaped medicine, she made a mental note to grab it before she left.

"It gets better with time," she offered with a small smile.

Aaliyah returned the kind gesture, but didn't say anything else.

She soon finished eating and after retrieving the pill, the two were out of Warith's room and heading to hers.

Aaliyah watched her protector closely, noticing how she subtly evaluated each person they crossed. People acknowledged the blonde with small nods, but paid her no mind.

She gladly returned the favor.

When Aaliyah reached her chambers, Ta-er al-sahfer informed her that Nadura and Samira would be in shortly, and to call for her when she was ready for the tour.. Aaliyah thanked the woman, and watched as she left out.

Heading straight for the bathroom, Aaliyah stripped and enjoyed a thirty minute shower. When she opened the shower door, the mirrors were completely fogged. She blushed, but grabbed the toothbrush to clean her teeth again. She was about to wash her face again but decided against it.

She was in no mood for burning.

Drying off and applying the oils, she pulled on the one of the many matching bra and underwear sets she had in her dresser, wrapped the white fluffy robe around her waist and walked back into her bedroom.

Almost immediately, she was attacked with a suffocating hug.

"I have been worried sick about you," Nadura exclaimed, and Aaliyah smiled softly when she finally pulled away. "Are you okay? Of course you aren't. What I mean is he didn't, well, we know he did, but he didn't hurt you, did he? Too much, I mean?"

Aaliyah's stomach tightened as she remembered Warith's orders. She wanted to tell her friend, who was continuing to bombard her with questions, that she was wasting her breath. Nothing happened. Warith Al Ghul hadn't touched her. He didn't hurt her. Not physically, at least.

But, she couldn't.

So, she settled for half lie.

"He did not hurt me." Lie. "But it was not what I thought it would be like." Truth.

She prayed Nadura would sense her apprehension and lack of desire in continuing this conversation.

She did.

"As long as you are alright," she sighed in relief and Aaliyah realized she now had the perfect opportunity to discuss something that crossed her mind while she was in the shower.

"Sit," she directed and the two sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you okay?"

Nadura tensed. "What do you mean?"

"I have been so selfishly consumed with my own predicament that I have yet to consider or ask you how you feel about yours." Aaliyah confessed. If she had never asked her friend to join her in the gardens that evening then perhaps Nadura would still be in Shiruta, safe (possibly) and free from life as a call whore. They were in this situation because of her. "I truly am sorry for what has happened to us."

Nadura, no longer tense and seemingly relieved, placed her hand over Aaliyah's. "This is no more your fault than it is mine Aaliyah and I do not want you blaming yourself. Being a mistress for the league was never one of my life aspirations, but it could always be worse." A beat. "I could be here without you."

Aaliyah sniffled and hugged her friend. "I do not know what I would do without you."

"Die." Nadura said with a straight face as they both laughed. A knock on the door interrupted and Aaliyah called for the person to enter, smiling when she saw it was Samirah.

"Good morning," she greeted, and then frowned as Aaliyah wiped her eyes. "I did not mean to intrude."

"No, you are fine Samirah." Aaliyah reassured, approaching the girl who had a long black clothing item across her arms. "Is this what I am to wear today?"

Samirah nodded, and held it up for her to view. It was a simple black abaya, with the waist and cuffs of the sleeves outlined in what looked like latex.

"Thank you," she took the gown and headed to the bathroom, slipping it on and running her hands over the material. Surprisingly soft, it fit like a glove, accentuating her waist and allowing a slight glimpse of cleavage.

"Do you like it?" Samirah asked when she walked out, smiling when Aaliyah nodded. "I am glad. What would you like me to do with your hair?"

Aaliyah was surprised she hadn't inquired about last night. Perhaps she considered it inappropriate. Or Nadura had told her what little she shared with her friend and knowing Nadura, she was confident that was most likely the case.

"It does not matter. Whatever you decide, I am okay with." She shrugged and let her servant lead her to the vanity so she could get to work.

The three engaged in casual conversations in the twenty minutes it took for Samirah to pull Aaliyah's hair into a half up, half down updo and apply a thick layer of eyeliner to her eyes. Most of the conversation consisted of Samirah asking Aaliyah what kind of clothing she liked, if she had a preference for the material of her veils and things of that nature.

When she was done, she thanked her and asked her to inform her guard she and Nadura were ready.

Samirah complied and opened the door to fetch Ta-er al-sahfer, but she was already on the other side waiting.

"Sorry if we took too long," Aaliyah apologized, securing her veil.

"Nonsense," the blonde dismissed her apology. "You're right on time."

And with that, the three were off.


Nanda Parbat was a fortress, a dark milieu, and she hadn't even seen all of it.

Ta-er al-sahfer had not covered every inch of the compound, for reasons she did not explain but alluded that it was for their safety they remained unaware of some areas. Neither girl pushed the topic. What they were shown was hard to explain as anything but long hallways and endless rooms. Many of them training rooms. Aaliyah wasn't sure just how many floors Nanda Parbat had, but it was clearly more than the three she and Nadura were shown.

They started off with the basics. Locations for seamstresses, kitchens and physicians. The rest was easily forgettable. At least, for Aaliyah it was. Nadura, however, paid close attention as Ta-er al-sahfer spoke and pointed out where each station was located.

It was toward the end of the tour the girls were shown the main training areas. So far, they had seen two. The first was a large, dark room that held almost as many workout equipment and weapons as they did assassins. Ta-er al-sahfer explained that was where the beginners started out. The next area was almost identical to the first, and similar in nature, was meant for slightly seasons members of the league.

When they reached the last training room, the blonde smirked and commented this was where the most advanced and veteran members trained.

Even Wairth Al Ghul spent many hours a day there.

Pushing the wide double doors open, both women looked around to see that the room was clearly larger than the previous two and had even more assassins.

Looking around, the guard spotted a small group of people and motioned for the two to follow.

Aaliyah watched in awe as two men, one significantly larger than the other, fought in hand to hand combat. Despite the size difference, each was holding his own. Ta-er al-sahfer called out to catch their attention, and both stopped immediately turning to look at her.

Aaliyah immediately recognized one of the them from the morning she woke up.

Al Maharib

"Sorry to interrupt boys." Neither her face or voice indicated remorse and Aaliyah had to stifle an amused grin. "But I told you I would be bringing them by today."

"Of course." The larger one whose muddy complexion resembled Aaliyah's stepped forward and extended his hand. "I am Al Jundi and this," he gestured to the shorter man with a bored expression. "Is Al Maharib."

"I remember him," she informed, accepting his firm handshake before quickly returning her hand to her side. "But it is nice to meet you. I am Aaliyah and this is-"

"Nadura," the other girl cut her off and Aaliyah looked confused. Nadura was upset. Visibly, she showed no signs, but it was evident in her voice. "My name is Nadura." She frowned, wanting to ask what accounted for the sudden change in mood, but decided now wasn't the best time. "You were the one who grabbed Aaliyah that night."

Al Jundi was unaffected by her accusation. "I was."

Aaliyah felt a little better. At least she knew why Nadura was upset. She just wish she wasn't. Sure, she'd been, they both, drugged and taken against their will. But Warith's explanation about having to keep Nanda Parbat's location a secret appeased her irritation with the nature of their journey there

She would just have to explain it to her friend later.

Not wanting things to escalate, Aaliyah redirected the conversation. "And you are?"

The last person, a brunette woman with a fierceness aura about her, stepped forward and raised her chin. "I am Nyssa Al Ghul. Daughter of the demon."

Aaliyah's eyes widened. She had no idea Ra's had any children, yet standing in front of her was his own flesh and blood. She was confounded. If she was Ra's daughter, his biological child, why was she not Warith Al Ghul.

"Don't worry."  Ta-er al-sahfer spoke up and moved to Nyssa's side, kissing her cheek and shooting the woman a wink. "Her bark is much worse than her bite."

Aaliyah watched how close they stood to each other, the look Nyssa flashed in Ta-er al-sahfer direction, and of course, the brief display of affection. It didn't take much to put two and two together. Nyssa and Ta-er al-sahfer were involved.


As sad as it was, if true, she wondered if Nyssa's relationship had anything to do with her not being her father's heir.

"Were you four the ones there that night with Warith Al Ghul?" Aaliyah questioned, picturing them in full league uniform. "The night of the banquet?"

Al Maharib answered. "We were."

"If you all are so elite and lethal, where were you when Warith was attacked and Aaliyah almost killed?" Nadura questioned without an ounce of fear in her voice. Aaliyah was flabbergasted by her friend's bold nature. Nadura was never passive like her, but she didn't think making such comments to members of the league when they had no means of protection was a good idea.

Aaliyah thanked the heavens when Al Jundi simply chuckled, and pulled a towel around his neck.

"You have much to learn about the league." He then redirected his eyes to Aaliyah. "It was a pleasure meeting you." He didn't give her a chance to respond when he turned to look at the other three. "We must meet with Ra's in one hour."

Ta-er al-sahfer dropped her smirk and walked over to the two. "I am afraid I must escort you two back to your rooms."

Aaliyah opened to respond, but Nadura spoke for her. "Oh. Don't worry. I remember the way back."

"No, we don't." Nadura was visibly annoyed by her friend's lack of cooperation, but Aaliyah was in no mood to get lost in Nanda Parbat.

She was convinced that within itself was a dangerous thing.

"I will show you back." Ta-er al-sahfer offered, and after everyone parted ways, the three woman walked in silence until they reached Aaliyah's room. The guard informed them she would have their lunch sent to Aaliyah's room, promised she would check in on them later, and left.

Aaliyah couldn't wait to ask. "Nadura. What was that?"

"I'm sorry." Her voice indicated otherwise. "I did not realize my being uncomfortable around our kidnappers was a problem for you."

Aaliyah was taken back by her bitter tone. "Nadura..."

"Look Aaliyah. I am okay with this. I am. But there are some things that will take time for me to come to terms with." Nadura tried explaining herself, but ended up confusing her friend even more. Just hours go she plastered a smile and assured she was fine, but now she had a different story. Unsure of which one was the truth, Aaliyah was inclined to believe that it lied somewhere in the middle of both stories. "I do not mean to take my frustrations out on you." Shaking her head, she gathered the bottom of her gown and headed for the door. "I think I just need some time to myself."

Aaliyah shook her head. "Nadura. I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you."

Offering her a sad smile, she turned the knob and opened. "You didn't."

With that, she walked out and almost immediately Samirah walked in, impressively balancing two trays of food.

Realizing one was hers, she looked over at the servant and craned her head in the direction of Aaliyah. "I seemed to have lost my appetite. You can have my food. Enjoy."

Samirah opened to respond, but Nadura walked off. Samirah looked at Aaliyah for clarification on what had just happened.

Unfortunately, Aaliyah had no explanation.

She was just as lost.

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