Treat You Better

By weirdoforthewin

7.8K 367 209

"I'm not trying to come between you and your man, but I know that I can treat you better than he can." Author... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 4.

395 13 11
By weirdoforthewin

(Paige P.O.V)

I quickly made my way up to my room and slowly entered without making any sounds. I made my way into our bedroom where Alberto was loudly snoring. I took off my clothes and replaced them with one of his oversized shirts. With that, I slowly got into the bed and slipped under the covers right next to Alberto, trying not to wake him up. I closed my eyes and thought about Dean Ambrose all night long. I couldn't help but keep a smile as I reminisced about our second encounter over and over again. The way his lips felt, the warmth of his body and his words... 'Are you going to spend the night?' echoed in my ears. I would have stayed if Alberto wasn't here snoring in my bed. I wonder what would have happened if I really did stay there with him. I kept thinking and thinking about it, until I finally drifted off to sleep.

*Next Day*

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, again. The clock on the nightstand read 10 am and today was both me and Alberto's day off. I rubbed my eyes and got up out of bed. I took off his shirt and settled for a tank top and shorts. I could hear the tv blasting in the other room, so I slowly made my way out of our bedroom and onto the couch where Alberto was watching the tv. "You ate without me?" I asked him when I saw empty plates on the coffee table. "I was hungry, so what." He said as he went through the channels with the remote. He didn't even look at me. "Well geez, I was only asking a question." I said folding my arms. "And I gave you an answer, Paige." "Don't have to be a pain about it." I grumpily said. I could hear him let out a loud sigh in frustration as he continued to surf through the channels. Clearly, he wasn't in the mood for chit-chat this morning and neither was I if he was going to snap at me everytime I was going to speak.

I got up and searched for my cell phone. I needed to charge it since we were going to catch a flight in the morning and I forgot to do it last night. I was sure that I left it on the dresser last night before I went to meet Dean but it wasn't there anymore. I went through my purse, my bags, and the drawers, but still no luck. "Looking for something?" I heard Alberto say. "Yeah my phone, where is it? I can't find it." I said panicking. I usually never went anywhere without it, but strangely yesterday I did. "I've got it." He said as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out my phone. "What were you doing with my phone?!" I said as I quickly snatched it from his hands. "More like what were doing last night, Paige." "I-uh..." well that caught me off guard. Shit. Shit. Shit. He raised his eyebrow and brought his hand up to his ear. "What? I can't hear you." He said smiling sadistically.

I cleared my throat. "I told you Alberto, I had a girl talk with Sasha." I said trying to keep my composure. "Hmm" he said raising his index finger to his lips and tapping it lightly. "By any chance, do you know another Sasha because you sure as hell were not with the Sasha I know last night!" He shouted and I knew he was angry,  I could see the veins popping out near his forehead. "What?" I said trying to laugh it off. "You're joking, right?" "Oh, am I? Well let's see if I'm joking." He said without me even realizing that he grabbed my phone out of my hands in a split second. He ran to the other side of the room and I chased after him. "Well here we are!" He said as he held my phone in mid air so I couldn't reach. "A-Alberto please..." I said as tears began to form in my eyes. "Message 1 from Sasha: 'Hey Paige, how did it go? Tell me everything!' "Interesting! But wait, it gets better! Message 2 from Sasha: 'Why are you taking so long to reply?! Don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing!' "Well then, Paige Bevis, tell me...what exactly were you doing last night? Because you certainly weren't at any girl talk, you little bitch." He said with that smile again and threw the phone right at me.

I threw my hands up to shield my face but luckily it landed just by my feet. I swallowed in defeat as the tears were slowly going down my cheeks. I knew this moment was coming sooner or later but him calling me a bitch hurt me even more. I felt belittled and worthless. "Tell me!" He shouted again. "Quit with the crying! You're not fooling anyone, Paige. Now I'm going to ask you one last time, what were you doing last night?!" "It's...none of your business, Alberto..." I said under my breath as I wiped away my tears. "I am your boyfriend, Paige. Your business is my business, so tell me where you were now!" He said sternly. I just stood there staring at him, my hands were now shaking. I didn't know what to do or say. Do I tell him the dirty little secret or don't I? I waited for myself to form some words, but I just couldn't.

"If you're not going to tell me Paige, you can just collect your shit and get out. Please find someone else to give you a ride tomorrow. In fact..." He said as went to his bag and pulled out my plane ticket. "I don't think you'll need this anymore." And without thinking, he ripped it in half. "NO!" I yelled but it was all for nothing. I just watched my only way to Connecticut get destroyed right in front of my eyes. "I don't know what you're crying for, I paid for it." He said as he looked me up and down in disgust. I suddenly balled up my fists and contained myself from punching him right in the nose. I had to think about my career and my image and although it seemed like the best thing to do, I didn't want to lose it all because of one guy.

"That's it." I said as I stormed into the bedroom to collect all my things. I thanked God that I didn't take out all of my things from my luggages, so I only had a few things to grab. "Yeah! Go get your stuff. See if your little 'Sasha' will take you in! No one is gonna put up with your mierda like I did! Oh and Paige, have a safe trip to Connecticut tomorrow." He said as he leaned against the door frame with an evil smirk on his face, watching me gather my things. "Get out of the way." I said as I grabbed my two luggages and brushed up against his shoulder. "Gladly." I heard him say as I stormed out of the hotel room.

I looked up and down the hallway, not knowing where to go. Should I go to Dean or Sasha? I was already beginning to feel like a burden. How was I going to get to Connecticut without a plane ticket? Flights must all be fully booked by now. I said to myself as tears were starting to form in my eyes again. I inhaled deeply, be strong Paige. I kept telling myself. I walked down the hallway with my two luggages in my hands and pressed the elevator button. It was hard to carry everything around but I wanted to get away, so I managed the best way I could.

I stood in the exact same spot from last night. I still found it difficult to work up the courage and knock. But I had to do it, there was no other option. Well actually there was, but I didn't wanna interrupt Sasha and Roman's activities. I took in a deep breath and knocked three times, just like last night. "Yeah?" Dean said as he opened up the door, "Paige?!" He said as soon as he caught of glimpse of me. I started to cry hysterically and he pulled me in for a hug, where he saw my stuff behind me, realizing what had happened. "Come in." He finally said and grabbed my luggages, bringing them inside.

I went in wiping away my tears from my face and cleared my throat. I knew my eyes were red and puffy, I hated for anyone to see me crying, so I tried my best to avoid any eye contact. Dean sat me down and gave me a glass of water. "Calm down, Paige and tell me everything." Dean said. "Alberto kicked me out..." I said with my voice cracking. I was on the verge of crying again but I did my best not to. "Ah God, did you?" He said running a hand through his hair. "Did ya tell him what we did?" He furrowed his eyebrows waiting for my answer, he almost looked mad. "No, but he knew that I wasn't with Sasha last night and he suspected me of cheating, so he kicked me out." I said looking down at my feet.

"If anyone finds out about this..." Dean said as he got up and began to pace around the room. "Is your job the only thing that concerns you, Dean?" I asked. Suddenly, I felt like crying again but not because of Alberto but because of Dean. Where was the guy that was with me last night? Surely it wasn't the same person that hugged me from behind and told me I was beautiful. "Yeah, because you know what, Paige? I'm the fuckin' WWE Intercontinental Champion, do you know how prestigous that is? I can't be in situations like these and not to mention, I'm already in a relationship with another person." I could see him losing it right in front of my face. I shook my head in disbelief and immediately got up to face Dean.

"I'm sorry, champ." I said pushing his chest with my finger, "I'm sorry that you sent me that note because you know what, I was better off without all this mess." I reached my arms up to push him with both hands but he grabbed me just in time. I was trying to loosen his grip but he was stronger than me. "I'm sorry I had to give you that ride." He said quietly and let my hands go roughly. I stood there looking up to Dean in shock. If everything wasn't bad enough, Dean just hit the nail on the coffin. I knew he could see the hurt in my eyes as tears were building up again and quickly running down my face. He hit a very weak spot of mine and I knew regretted saying that. He reached for me again and I took a couple of steps back.

"Don't fucking touch me." I said wiping away my tears quickly. I went pass him and grabbed my bags. "Paige please, I'm sorry." He said snatching the bags from my hands, so I wouldn't leave. "Give them back." I glared at him with anger and hurt in my eyes, and he handed me my bags back in defeat. He watched me as I opened the door and left. I'm not sure if he wanted to go after me or not, but I didn't care. Our business only existed behind closed doors.

I finally turned to my best friend for some help. I knocked on Sasha's door, feeling like a two-faced loser. Maybe Alberto was right on calling me a bitch. I thought to myself. Alberto didn't want me, Dean didn't want me, hell I wouldn't be surprised if Sasha didn't want me either. "Oh my gosh, Paige what happened?!" Was Sasha's immediate reaction to when she saw me as soon as she opened her door. She pulled me in for a hug and squeezed me tightly as I let out more tears. "Come in, come in."

Sasha didn't approve of my condition and after eyeing me up and down, she told me, "Honey, look at you. Ain't no man worth this much trouble. Alberto is...well...Alberto (trash) and I don't know what Dean did to you, and I'm assuming he did something, but Paige, why didn't you come to me first?" Sasha was right. Why did I go to Dean first? It wasn't like he knew me at all, hell I've only spent time with him twice and I've known Sasha since our NXT days. I felt like I betrayed her. "I don't know, I wasn't thinking." I responded. "Tell me. Don't worry, Ro's at the gym, so say anything you want." She told me as she rubbed my back.  We sat down on the couch and I began to tell her the whole story from what happened the previous night, the messages, Alberto kicking me out, and Dean rejecting me.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry about the texts! It's my entire fault!" Sasha said as she placed her hands over her mouth. "Don't say that, Sash'. I was the one who didn't bring my phone with me. Out of all the days, I had to forget that one night." I said, shaking my head. "Well, don't worry Paigey, you're safe here." She told me as she hugged me again. For the first time today, I smiled, it was a weak smile but nonetheless, it was still a smile.

"I can't believe that son of a bitch tore your plane ticket. How are you getting to Connecticut tomorrow?" "I don't know, I didn't bother trying to find another flight because it's just impossible and too late. I might get a rental car and drive through the night." I said as I checked the time on my phone. "Are you serious? That's dangerous!" Sasha exaggerated. "You're not my mum, Sasha!" I told her with a smile. I immediately began to think of my mum and wished she was here to make things better. Even if she hugged me, I knew things would become better in an instant. Right now, it felt like forever.

Suddenly, we both heard a knock on the door. The person on the other side kept knocking and knocking and Sasha shouted "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I'M COMING! Wonder who that could be." She said as she looked back at me and I shrugged my shoulders. Sasha twisted the knob and Dean Ambrose came barging in, pushing Sasha back and closed the door behind him. I got up immediately and all the mixed emotions came rushing back.

"Sorry, Sash'. I knew that if I didn't come in like that, ya wouldn't have let me in and I knew she was here." Dean said as he looked at me. "Dean I don't think this is the time right now." Sasha said to him. "No, please. I don't wanna cause a scene in the hallway." He said as he pointed at the door, "Can you please just give me 2 minutes with Paige? Please?" He begged. "This is out of my hands, Paige." Sasha said as she raised her hands and looked at me. "Make that one minute." I said as I gave Dean a stern look and Sasha immediately went into her bedroom and locked herself in there.

"Okay, it's useless to apologize right now, so I won't say that I'm sorry, even though I am." He said as he walked over to me. I took a step back and he stopped where he was. He took a deep breath and rubbed his beard. "Come on, out with it." I said. "I dunno how you're getting to Connecticut tomorrow but I know it's not with Alberto. I dunno if you booked another flight or if you're going with Sasha,'re welcome to join me on my tour bus, if you want to." I just stared at him, not sure if what I just heard was correct. He just told me that he wished that he never gave me a ride minutes ago and now he's asking me to join him on his tour bus?

Suddenly, we both heard a lock turn and Sasha's head popped out from her bedroom door. "Paige, may I have a word, please?" I was still baffled with what was happening but I walked over to Sasha without saying anything to Dean. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside of the bedroom with her, closing the door behind her. "Okay, I know I was eavesdropping, yell at me later, BUT it wouldn't be a bad idea if you went with Dean." "WHAT?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?" "Language, Paige! Anyways, it's better than driving in the middle of nowhere at night. Think about it, Paige, you don't have to actually sleep with him, you know. Just say please and thank you and you'd be fine!" Sasha said as she gave me a hopeful smile. My mum might not have been around, but Sasha was good enough. "I can't believe you're doing this to me." "It's all up to you, honey." "You're telling me to use Dean, Sash', think about it." I said. "Wouldn't that be like getting back at him for what he did to you?" Sasha said with a grin. "Hm, I like where this is going." I said nodding in approval. "Then you know what to do!" Sasha said as she opened the door and pushed me out to where Dean was impatiently waiting in the small living room.

He looked at me as I came in and I knew he was waiting for an answer. I gulped, before I said the words, "I accept." Dean's blank facial expression suddenly transitioned into a happy one as he gave me a smile. "This doesn't change anything, Dean, so stop smiling." I told him as I folded my arms. He ignored me and grabbed my bags. "Wait, we're going now?" "Hey, this won't be an hour long drive, ya know. I'm already packed, so let's get goin'." Sasha rushed out of the bedroom and gave me a bear hug. "You get there safe, okay! And you!" She said pointing at Dean. "I'm not afraid to punch you in the face." She was dead serious. "I'll keep that in mind." Dean said. "Let's go, Paige." I frowned at Sasha and followed after Dean. "See ya, Sash'." I said helplessly and walked out.


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