Sanders Sides One Shots

By FanTrash1967

981 38 15

Sanders sides ships. Give me suggestions please. More

Hey Guys (not an update, yet anyway)
Over worked (Logan/Roman)


153 8 0
By FanTrash1967

(It's been a while so I don't know how this will end up. WARNING, MENTION OF SELF HARM AND SELF HATE MAYBE MORE)

Something's wrong with Patton. He hasn't come out of his room all day and i'm worried. Thomas has been tired and drained all day. He's feeling sad today, more like depressed. He's thinking about hurting himself, the echoes of his thoughts have been bouncing around his head and are loud. They won't go away. Roman and Virgil are watching him. They told me to talk to Patton...

I don't know what to do in these situations. I'm not emotional, I'm analytical and orderly. I don't deal with emotions. Now I have to talk to Patton. How do I do this? I have no clue, but I can't just stand here and not do nothing.

I walk over to Patton's room slowly and scramble to collect my thoughts. This isn't about me, this is about Thomas. This is about Patton, my close friend who helped me raise Thomas into the person he is today. If Patton wasn't here all these years, Thomas wouldn't be this amazing person who helps people and makes them smile. He would be like me... Cold, unapproachable, not friendly. Basically everything Thomas is not.

Thomas inspires people and makes them happy even if he isn't. He saves people by showing them that it's ok to be yourself, original, and to go out and do what makes you happy. To live the best life that you can.

Before I know it, i'm standing in front of Patton's door. I raise a hand to knock when I hear crying. I knock on his door.

"Patton? It's Logan, may I come in?"

I wait for a response. Nothing.

I decide it would be fine for me to walk in. And I did, but what I saw was heart wrenching.

Patton was curled up on the floor sobbing with blood shot eyes. He looked up at me with tired eyes. He was a mess, rocking himself and grabbing his arms tightly so that blood showed up where his nails had dug in. He was crying so hard he could barley breath. His room was black and cold. He was really upset.

I rush over to him and scoop him up into my arms. I take his hands away from his arms. He grabs onto me like if he let go I would leave him forever. He cry's into my shoulder harder than before. My heart breaks. What happened to make him this upset?

I stop thinking and just hold him tightly. I gently rub his back and sit there waiting for Patton to be able to speak.

It feels like hours before Patton speaks. He whispers so softly I barely hear him.

"I'm sorry."

I'm sorry? The two words shake me to my core. What does he have to apologize for? He is crying in his room, clearly upset and he apologized to me?

Patton pulls back from my shoulder and looks at me. I feel a wet spot on my shirt, but I don't care. Patton's eyes are puffy and he looks exhausted. He gives me a very forced smile, which just continues to make my heart ache.

"I'm fine now, see?" He forces the smile more.


Patton looks taken aback. "W-What?" His 'smile' falters.

"You aren't ok Patton. Talk to me, what happened? Who did this to you?"

Patton just sighs and drops the fake smile. He looks up into my eyes.

"It's you Logan" He looks sad about admitting it. "But not just you. It's everyone who called me childish and naive and immature... The people who shot me down when I tried to help, the people who think that I can't help and that I'll only mess things up... I'm the one affecting Thomas. Roman and Virgil must think i'm doing this on purpose. So they sent you to put me in my place..."

I think I almost started crying right then and there. Is this really what Patton thinks?


"I shouldn't be here i'm just in the way of you and the others, I wasn't meant to be here.."

"Patton!" I shouted. Patton jumped and sat back.

Shit, I didn't mean to yell. But the things he was saying made me... mad?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell... But you have to know, none of those things are true. And i'm very sorry we made you feel that way.. how long have you thought..."

"For a while, I just didn't show it... It would bother you guys" Patton got up and sat on his bed.

I noticed that he wasn't wearing his glasses. I looked to where he was sitting originally. Next to the wall was a broken pair of glasses. I stood up and picked them up.

"Why do you think that Patton... I will always be here for you, I always have been here for you. You are the person who has made Thomas who he is... If you weren't here, Thomas would be like me..."

I sat next to him on the bed and looked at him smiling lightly. "Besides, If I didn't have you... I wouldn't have anyone" I said softly.

Patton looked a little shocked. He hugged me and I hugged him back like before. I heard him sigh quietly and say.

"You are amazing Logan.."

I smiled, I think I have successfully comforted him. Patton leaned all his weight onto my side and fell asleep. I smiled and pet his hair softly. I layed down slowly as not to wake him and made sure Patton was comfortable. I pulled his blanket over us and fell asleep.

Soon Roman and Virgil had come back after Thomas was calm and asleep. They walked to Patton's room. Logan had left the door open. Virgil and Roman walked in. The room was back to the original glowy happy place it was before.

Virgil looked over to Patton's bed and saw him and Logan curled up and asleep. The dads were happy. Virgil grinned and took a picture and was leading Roman out so that he didn't wake them up with his fangirling.

Roman had told Thomas what happened after he woke up. Thomas smiled and fangirled with Roman. Virgil had showed up to see what was going on since Logan and Patton were still asleep. He, Roman and Thomas all made a bet that Patton and Logan would end up dating soon.

While they were doing that Patton had woken up in Logan's arms. He smiled and watched Logan sleep peacefully for a while before Logan woke up.

Patton smiled more.

"Goodmorning Logan"

" 'morning" Logan slurred sleepily.

Patton got up and went to the kitchen to get food for him and Logan. He came back with snacks and drinks. They both sat on the bed watching disney movies and eating their snacks.

They started spending more time together and were always close to each other. When they were doing a video with Thomas, Patton would always sneak glances at Logan who had always smiled at him. Patton would smile back. They thought it wasn't obvious, but it was.

They told inside jokes all the time and would laugh when they were hanging out with Roman, Virgil, and Thomas.

Everyone was happy, and Patton and Logan eventually got together. Patton would use every chance he got to call Logan his boyfriend. Logan thought it was embarrassing but quickly changed his mind when he saw happy it made Patton.

Logan would always do anything to see Patton happy. And no one would hurt him again. He made sure of it.

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