Attracting Trouble

By wallxflowxer

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Jessa Ackerman knows her life is a mess. She's had her heart broken, a best friend she doesn't deserve, a mom... More

Author's Note
Prologue: We're all Doomed
Chapter 1: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Chapter 2: Prince Charming
Chapter 3: Grab Some Popcorn
Chapter 4: A Rose Between Two Thorns
Chapter 5: Sunflowers
Chapter 6: Planning a Funeral
Chapter 7: You, Me, and the Stars
Chapter 8: The Crack in the Fence
Chapter 9: Salads & Video Games
Chapter 10: Coffee Stains, Fire Trucks, & Stuff
Chapter 11: Uncle Brad
Chapter 12: An Aching Heart
Chapter 13: Until it's Not
Chapter 14: Superman
Chapter 15: The Rumors
Chapter 16: The Three Musketeers
Chapter 17: A Marine Biologist
Chapter 18: Dying of Thirst
Chapter 19: Fixing You
Chapter 20: The Night Everything Fell Apart
Chapter 21: My End of the Deal
Chapter 23: The Dirtbag
Chapter 24: 007
Chapter 25: Can't Fix Stupid
Chapter 26: Over
Chapter 27: Forgiving is Not Forgetting
Chapter 28: The Elephant
Chapter 29: New Beginnings
A Thousand Reasons

Chapter 22: Two Pieces are now One

1.9K 89 5
By wallxflowxer

After an exhausting ten minutes of sitting on my bed, staring intently at my bedroom door, and straining my ears to listen for anything going on downstairs, my door finally cracks open and in comes Will.

He leans back against my door and rests his head against it as he heaved a sigh. I don't say a word as I watch him. He finally looks over at me and smiles before making his way over to me. Before he jumps onto the bed beside me, he leans down and gives me a long, sweet kiss.

He helps me move back against my headboard and get under my blankets. In the ten minutes I was waiting for him, I struggled into a pair of shorts and a large t-shirt. Once I'm settled in, laying on my side, Will rests on top of the comforter and faces me.

Just having him near makes me feel warmer all over, like the rest of me is finally here. I'm in one piece again.

All I can do is smile at him as I take in every inch of his face. He's inches away from me and I can smell his cologne and see the small moles decorating his face. Without thinking, I rest my hand against his cheek and run my thumb along his cheek bone.

"I'm not good at sharing my bed," I whisper sleepily yet there's a giggle threatening to bubble up.

He laughs and grabs my hand in his to lower from his face,  it he doesn't let go.

"I know," he agrees. "Remember when we went camping all those years ago? Pretty sure I slept most of the night on the ground."

"We were technically supposed to be sleeping on the ground anyway - not an air mattress," I tell him.

"What our friends didn't know didn't hurt them." He laughs quietly. "Except they did wake up complaining about having to sleep on the ground and we - I mean you - were happy as could be."

I try to laugh, but I'm exhausted. He makes me feel alive, but even then I need sleep. It's tiring feeling crippled, and definitely makes me feel blessed that I don't have to deal with this all the time.

"Get some sleep, Jess. You need some rest." I feel his hand gently move my hair out of my face. My hands lazily reach forward and clutch his shirt so I know he's still in front of me.

"I really appreciate what you've done for me. You're such a good person, Will, and you've been treated awful, especially by me. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before-" He cuts my rambling off (which was barely English due to it being slurred from my sleepiness) with a kiss.

"It's okay, Jessa, it's really okay. I e got exactly what I've always wanted right here," he says and I feel myself warm up again. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest.

"Will? I ask a moment later. I'm almost asleep because the sound of his heartbeat is lulling.

When the night comes and your thoughts run wild, you begin to think of things that don't apply to moment itself. My mind went back to Halloween, the night I found out Will was back in town. And I remember the kiss I shared with Prince Charming.

And suddenly the puzzle pieces are pieced together.

"Yeah?" He mumbles and I can feel his chest vibrate.

"Are you my Prince Charming?" I ask him, now fully aware of everything.

He chuckles. "If you want me to be." I feel him kiss my forehead lightly.

I smile as my eyes close, sleep threatening to take over. "No, I mean at Andy's party. We're you the Prince Charming that kissed me?"

He tightens his arms around me and leans his head against mine. I'm dozing off when I hear him mumble the words, his chest vibrating the side of my head.



I wake to the sun beaming in through my window. As the events of last night come to mind, my eyes widen with the thought of Will sleeping on the other side of me. I can imagine drool being on the side of my mouth and my hair looking like I just went through a car wash without the car.

If only I had a mirror right now.

I slowly turn over, expecting to see him sleeping soundly, but instead I find a folded piece of paper laying on the pillow.

I lean up onto my elbow and open it up to read it.

I'll see you in a little bit 

I smile at the note and read it again as I think about him getting up to write this.

There's suddenly a knock on my door and I feel my heart begin to race. I jump up but quickly realize that I'm still injured, so my sprint turns into a hobble to my mirror so I can fix my bed head and make sure I don't look like a hobo.

I quickly jump back into bed -feeling every muscle work since I can't use both my legs - and pull the covers over me, the note still clutched in my hand.

"Come in," I say softly.

To my surprise, I see my mom walk in a with a tender look on her face. "Just wanted to let you know I'm leaving for work. Your dad left earlier and said he told you goodbye but you were sleeping."

I nod my head and silently hold my breath. Does she know Will was here last night? Did Dad see him?

"There's some pancakes downstairs if you want them. I'll call you later to check up in you, and, Jessa?" Mom says as she leans in the door a little further.

"Yeah?" I ask sleepily as I rub my eyes to hide my fear.

"I love you," she says and gives me a small smile.

"I love you too, Mom," I reply and watch her disappear behind my closed door. I can take this little heart-to-heart as a silent truce between us - for now, anyway.

I roll over onto my side and pull my phone off my nightstand. There aren't any texts displayed on my screen so I plug it into its charger and push myself out of bed.

I don't have a clue what to do.

I could catch up on some homework my dad collected for me... but I'd rather not.

I could try to read a book... nah.

In the midst of my thoughts, there's another knock on my door. It has to be Will this time, coming back to spend the day with me or something. I can't get my mind off of the thought of lying here watching old movies all day.

"Yeah?" I say as I turn myself toward the door. My mom peeks her head in again and I straighten up. Did she run in to Will on her way out?

"There's someone here to see you," Mom says with slight giddiness in her voice. I raise my eyebrows at her.

When Connor appears from behind her, I can feel my entire existence shatter. I don't want to be in this room with him. I don't want him anywhere near me, especially since I have no way out.

And I can't plead with Mom because she doesn't know what he did to me.

"What are you doing here?" It slips out before I can stop it.

Mom looks confused for a second, but her  confusion soon goes away and she's happy that he's here again.

"Jessa, don't be so rude. He came here to see you. I've got to get going, but you two please be careful - Jessa, don't hurt yourself more, okay?" She pleads and then before I can say anything else, she's gone.

And I'm left alone with the maker of my fears.


Hi! Hope you liked this chapter! Let me know what you think this little meeting will bring - good or bad?

Will "Prince Charming" come save the day?

The song is Two Pieces by Demi Lovato!

Sorry for the shorter chapter... I've been busy lately. And I wanted to make what happens next a surprise! It needs its own chapter! Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Let me know how you liked it!

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