Can't Run Away

By srmeadows

1.8K 54 3

A young girl is fighting a battle with Leukemia and she is an orphan who ends up befriending the head nurse w... More

Can't Run Away
Part two
Chapter 2
Part two Chapter 3
Part 2 chapter 4
part 2 chapter 6
part 2 chapter 7
part chapter 8
Part 2 chapter 9
Part 2 Chapter 10
part 2 chapter 11
Part two Chapter 12
Part 2 Chapter 13
Part two Chapter 14
Part 2 chapter 15
p2c22 (Jasmine's POV unless specified)
p2c23 (Jasmine's POV unless stated)
Part Three, Chapter One-Third person point of view
Part Three Chapter Two Jasmine's POV
I Don't Have Much Longer
The Gates Seal

Part 2 chapter 5

38 2 0
By srmeadows

       Selina left Jasmine alone with her thoughts.  She was thinking about her dad.  The wreck was terrifying, but the after effects were worse.  Jasmine thought back to when she was in the hospital.  The nurses didn't pay her any attention.  They were too busy trying to find out about her family.  The nurse who was told Jasmine about her family seemed familar.  Jasmine couldn't let that go.  She seemed like someone she knew.  Selina walked in to check on Jasmine.  Jasmine finally realized who the nurse at the trauma hospital reminded her of.  "I have a question.  Did you use to be a pediatric trauma nurse before you came here?" Jasmine asked.   Selina looked shocked.  "You actually figured me out, how did you realize that?" she asked with a hint of fear in her voice.  She didn't want anyone to figure out her past.  Jasmine finally explained herself.  "The same hair, the same warm smile, the same kind attitude, and the way you make everything work out perfectly; even when things look bleak." Jasmine said.  Selina nodded.  "You were right.  Things are different now, I didn't think anyone could figure out my past.  I left that time behind, I didn't want anyone to know my past or why I left trauma." she said.  Jasmine thought for a few moments.  "Why did you leave?  What's in your past you didn't want us to figure out?" Jasmine asked, sounding confused.  Selina looked around the room for a few minutes before saying "It happened the year I left, four years ago.  I was working late.  There was a new trauma on the floor.  Things looked bleak.  She was somebody I knew.  My daughter.  She was in a coma.  They didn't give her much time.  She would be dead by morning.  I was put in charge of her care because I was the head nurse there, too.  I was lost in thought.  I was going to lose my baby.  I already lost my husband in the same wreck.  I was thrown out of my thoughts by her heart monitor going off, she was gone.  I tried saving her, but it was too late!  My daughter was gone, it was all my fault." she said holding back tears.  Jasmine was shocked.  "You were the last person I ever treated.  You came in the same night my daughter and husband died.  I had no one.  I quit my job and didn't return to nursing for a few months, when I did I turnt to Pediatric Oncology; it was always my second choice.  When I was here for three years, you came.  I didn't think I would ever be reminded of my past, but I knew if anyone was going to figure me out, it would be you.  I was nice to you in hopes you wouldn't remeber me." Selina explained.  Jasmine nodded.  Selina got up and walked to the door, "Don't tell anyone." she said.  Jasmine nodded.

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