Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 24

39.9K 638 506
By niallsbabe_xx

The walk back from the beach seemed to have gone faster than the walk there. Liam was non-stop talking to Luke, mainly about sports. I just kind of zoned out, as I watched my feet patter against the black pavement of the sidewalk.

I feel better that I have resolved a little of the tension and drama with Luke. The part I'm dreading most is when I have to deal with Luke and Niall together because they still need to figure their shit out with each other. However, I let my mind at ease, distracting myself by thinking of the date I have tonight. Is it a date? He's taking me to dinner, but he never really classified it. I hope it is. The thought just sends me over the hill.

I smiled to myself and glanced up to see Luke's eyes focused on me as he continued talking. Oh, shit.. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I looked back down, hoping that he couldn't see how much I'm blushing. Damn, they're burning.. stupid hormones and feelings. No doubt in my mind that they're crimson red.

I looked across the street before quickly crossing, Liam and Luke hot on my tail. I slowed my pace again to walk in line with them as we neared the all too familiar college.

"Yeah, I'll see ya later, man.", Liam gave his genuine sweet smile to both of us and hugged me lightly. "Thanks for letting me crash your beach party of one.", We both chuckled and he pulled away, rubbing his hand over my still damp, knotted mop of hair before turning the other way to head to the guys dorms.

"You guys close?", Luke asked, once Liam was out of ear sight.

Turning to walk towards the girls' dorms, I gave a small smile and nodded. "Yeah. He's probably the best guy friend that I've ever had." I noticed Luke pull his lips together. I probably shouldn't have said that. I mean, Luke's a good friend and he's taking me out. He's nice and caring, but the truth is, that Liam is my best guy friend. He doesn't have to try, he is just himself and doesn't really care what other people think of him. He always seems to be there for me, and he knows how to cheer me up with out just simply taking about himself. We can have normal conversions with out the drama. Niall and Luke, well, I feel like that is all they know how to do... They get jealous-very easily if I might add, and they just create so much drama with everyone.

"Oh. Cool.", he ran his fingers across his lips, staring straight ahead.

"Yup.", I popped the 'p', feeling the tension in the air gradually become awkward. Oh, gosh.. I hope it's not like this tonight.

We didn't really say anything the rest of the way there. Just a little small talk, but no big conversation.

I noticed the building come into view and my heart began to race. I glanced at him out the corner of my eye, but his face was just in a straight line and his eyes focused ahead of him. We both finally stopped at the door and he turned to me, but neither of us said anything. Oh God, I can feel my cheeks heat. Don't blow it Khloe.

"So..", great conversation starter, stupid.

"So..", he recited. He placed his hands behind his back and rocked on his toes like a little kid waiting to get his prize. I smiled and he did too.

"What should I wear tonight?" Wow, tonight. In only a couple hours, Luke will be taking me to dinner!

He thought for a second before giving a shy smile. "Something pretty."

I chuckled, and bowed my head. Well, that sure gives me a lot to play around with. How about I show up in a puffy prom dress with sparkles in my hair. That's pretty. "Nice description.", I teased which caused a laugh to rumble his chest.

"Just like a skirt or something.", He stared at me, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips; each passing second feeling longer than the one before. His smile growing wider, he left my nerves buzzing as he pressed his lips to my cheek, the cold stinging from his lip ring. Holy shit, Khloe. Breathe!

He leaves my heart doing drum rolls and my stomach doing flips as he chuckles and pulls away. "I'll pick you up at 6." With that, he stalks off, sure to send me a quick wink first. Oh my gosh, what is he doing to me!? This feeling is so foreign, but I'm not complaining.

I checked the time on the microwave once I had entered my room, noticing that I had two hours untill he would be back. I quickly took a shower, making sure to shave and scrub myself clean. Not that we're going to do anything, but it'd be gross of me to wear a skirt and still have prickly legs. Major turn off. When I was done, I quickly wrapped a towel around my body and headed out into the main room.

I wish I had bought cuter underwear. I never really go on dates, so I don't need anything too nice, but now I just wish I would have bought that Victoria's Secret bra. It'd be nice to feel pretty on your first date. But for now, I guess the plain, strapless nude bra will have to do.

Okay, what to wear. I have my floral summer like dress, a blue dress that is tight at the top and flows from the waist down, or I could go with my black dress the has a slit in the stomach area. That'd be nice, but it might not be appropriate for a first date. I have a pink skirt that I could wear with my tighter black top? Ugh, this is when I need Gemma here!

I wonder how far the bowling alley is... No. I can't do that... Ugh, why do these things have to be so complicated?

I dug through my closet more, sighing as nothing looked either good to wear on a first date, or wasn't appropriate.

To: Gemma

Can I wear something of yours tonight? I have a date... and I've got nothing..

I pressed the send button as I plopped onto the bed, shaking my hair out with my towel. My phone buzzed and I scrambled to get it. My hands were starting to shake and the nerves became more powerful as I realized I had an hour left. Why am I so nervous for this? It's just Luke. Luke who has me going insane and completely out of my mind. Oh, gosh.


What?! A date with who!?!?!

A nervous chuckle escaped my mouth as I typed my reply.

To: Gemma

Luke Hemmings.. Please can I borrow something? I have like an hour and nothing to wear, and I'm freaking out! hahah


Lucas fucking Hemmings? Oh my gosh! What? How? Huh?

I laughed and she sent another, causing my phone to buzz again.

You're telling me EVERYTHING tonight! And yes, you may... have fun and don't freak! ;)

I laughed again and sent a quick thanks. Okay, holy cow, time is flying! I jumped off the bed and dug through her closet a little before deciding on a strapless sweethearted dress. The top was white and then blue at about the mid section. I smiled and pulled it out, rushing into the bathroom to do my hair.

I curled it, letting it fall gown my back in a cascade of dirty blonde ringlets. I slipped on the dress and finalized myself by putting on just a neutral base foundation and black mascara. I puckered my lips as I swept lipgloss across them, giving a little pop of them after. Glancing in the mirror one last time, I walked out of the bathroom, satisfied with my look.

Now. Shoes... I searched around in my closet before coming up with a pair or brown wedges. I slipped them on, just in time for the know at my door. Shit. Small, delicate butterfly wings danced around in my stomach as I slowly walked to the door, wiping my hands down my dress to straighten it. My heart raced at an irregular pace as I opened the door.

What the fuck? "Niall?", my voice raised with confusion, and it was like as if him standing in front of me had immediately calmed my nerves. My heart had slowed down a little and my shaking had stopped.

He gave me a sly smile and slowly ran his eyes up and down my body. What the hell is he doing here? I glanced to his hand that held a little wooden basket, a cloth hanging out the side. What the hell? What in the world does he have planned that brought him to my dorm with a basket?

Niall brought it upon himself to enter my room as I stood dumbfounded at the door, still holding it open. "What's up...?", I slowly turned to face him.

"Nothing. How was your day at the beach?" He sat on the bed, picking at a piece of the wood on the basket. Okay, this is not going to be good if Luke shows up. He needs to leave. Like now.

"Good... Um, I'm kind of in the middle of something.." I feel bad for kicking him out, but he has got to go.

"Oh, well can you cancel?" He looked up to me with hopeful eyes, a smirk playing on the side of his face. My gosh, Niall. Not now!

"Um, not really. Please just go?" He raised his eyebrows at me, not saying anything. Ugh, please Niall....

The last thing I expected him to do was laugh.. but he did... "Why? You have a date or something?", he sneered, judgment clear in his voice.

"Um, yeah. And he's going to be here any minute, so please leave.", I placed my hand on my hip, the door still open as I awaited him to walk through it, but instead he just moved the basket to the side and layed down on my bed, his hands behind his head. "Fuck, Niall, please just stop and leave."

He chuckled and glanced to me before looking to the ceiling. "Mm, nah. I wanna meet the bloke." Fuck... Luke is going to shit when he sees Niall in my room, and Niall is going to shit when he sees that Luke is my date..

"I don't think that's-"

"Hey babe. Are you read-" I was cut off by Luke as he entered the room. He and Niall just stared at each other, both speechless as what to say. I probably would have freaked at the use of the word babe, but now is not the time.

"This is your date?" Niall scoffed, standing up, judgment clear, not only in his voice, but on his face as well. "What the fuck!?" I cringed and exchanged glances between both of them.

"Wow, you act so surprised, Niall.", Luke retaliated, smirking.

Niall laughed and shook his head. I don't think he really knows what to say.. hell, I don't even know what to say. "Yeah, I'm surprised! I'm surprised as to why she is going on a date with you when mere hours before she was kissing me in the hallway-" Shit, thanks Niall.... "I'm surprised at why she's going on a date with you when you fucking broke her damn wrist-" Okay, nevermind. He knows exactly what to say.

"Niall! Now is not the time.", I snapped. I know how this ends, so I decided to stay back as I practically drag Luke into the hallway. This would be much easier without the heels.

"Yeah? When is the right time, Khloe? After he has sex with you? After you learn what an ass he really is? ", Niall screams down the hall, making me stop in my tracks. Not everyone needs to know everything, Niall...

"The only one being an ass here is you, Niall.", I state, trying to calm myself before before he makes me explode.

He laughed and spun in a circle as if he was losing it. Which he pretty much is. "Yes. I'm being an ass. I show up with a damn picnic basket, plan an adventure for us, think of something that would be fun for a first date" The way he said date made my heart flutter, but I know he's only saying it because I'm going on a date with Luke. "And yet, I'm still the one being an ass. Makes perfect fucking sense. And please tell me how your little date goes with your pet dog over there."

By now, I was fuming. He has no right to speak about me going on a date with a guy other than him. Niall doesn't even fucking date, so what the hell is his problem!? He's the one who implies the one night stands, not wakes up to an empty bed, upset because of them!

I stomped up to him, pushing his shoulders back with a larger amount of force than intended. "You're such a fucking hypocrite! Implying that I bounce from guy to guy, when really I'm just trying to figure you two out! What about you, huh?" Another push. "What about all the girls you've left after having sex with them? At least I'm going on a fucking date to get to know someone before I sleep with them!" The tears started to blur my image, however the anger still radiated through me, striking every nerve in my body. "And why do you care anyways!", I'm practically screaming now. Not giving a shit about who hears us. Fuck them all. "Why the fuck do you all of a sudden care who I go on dates with or who I am friends with? You're not my parents, you're not my friend, and you're sure as hell aren't my boyfriend. So why the fuck do you care?"

He pushed my hands off his shirt, careful of my wrist, but that didn't stop his demeanor of showing how mad he was. "You know what, Khloe? You're right! I don't care! I'm so over this back and forth with you. So you know what? Screw you."

"Hey!", Luke chimed in, and Niall shot him a glare. Oh if looks could kill..

"Screw you both actually. Just fuck off and go have your lame ass date. Don't come crying to me when he fucking tears you apart, Khloe. I'll most likely laugh in your face cause I'm an ass like that.", He said it with so much bitterness. Everything that I needed to hear from him to stop my heart from growing attracted to him. Everything to stop me in my tracks from moving any further with him. I knew he was just going to hurt me all along. Maybe it's good this way- before I really do, or did get attached.

With that he walked off towards the elevator without even a second glance. Fuck, could this get any worse?

I stalked over to the wall and rested my back against it, slowly sinking to the floor as the tears trembled down my face. Why does everything go wrong for me? When are things going to get easier?

Is Luke really going to hurt me? I look at him and I see an honest and caring person. But is that how everyone else sees him? I spread my fingers a little, glancing at him through the holes. I notice him get closer and closer until he is crouched infront of me, running a hand through my hair. "Shhh, Khlo.", he cooes, not really sure what to do or say. I just stay silent, letting the sobs quietly escape my mouth.

"L-Luke. J-just go home.", I sob, taking in a puff of air to try and calm myself. "It's been too long of a day. P-please. We can do t-this another time." I just about choke on my words, letting more tears roll down my cheeks.

I'm just a damsel in distress. Here I am, in the middle of a hallway, all dressed up, crying with mascara streaks running down my face. My fucking- I don't even know what to call him- sitting in front of me, and my other -don't know what to call him- ruining my mind with bullshit thoughts. I definitely let Niall get the best of me.. but that's what he wanted right? He wanted to see my weak point that would just make me snap. He pushed and pushed, and finally, I just let him have it. I'm done with trying to be okay. I'm done with all of the damn drama that I've been pushed and shoved and buried in. I'm done with trying to be friends with them. Maybe, one day it might work, but for now, I'm over it. These past few days have been the cut, and I'm drawing the line. I'm done with putting up with people's shit.

These next two weeks can not go by any faster.

I watched through my tears as Luke sighed and stood up, but not before leaving a sweet kiss on my forehead. I would have much rather appreciated the gesture if Niall hadn't ruined this whole night.

"Get some rest, Khlo. I'll call you tomorrow." Please don't... I didn't say that though, no matter how much I wanted to. Instead I just nodded, watching as he walked away. So much for a nice first date.

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