Kakashi x Reader(just read it...

By helloworld_1989

377K 8.6K 7.8K

Highest Ranking : #1 on KakashiLoveStory You are a member of Team 7. This is a love story between you and ver... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16. Emotions
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Final Chapter

Chapter 8

16.3K 373 645
By helloworld_1989

I do not own Naruto

I guess I'll just enjoy this lucky moment he's giving me.

We talked for hours, without realizing. I talked about my parents, how they trust me, and that's why they left me here in Konoha. And that they know that I enjoy being alone more than anyone, and give me my space.

- ...and yeah. Oh and by the way when I was young I was such a cheerful kid. Kinda funny. I used to make up songs about almost anything. Though I don't remember. They told me that once I made up a song about mouse, and I was singing and singing, such a long song, but when it ended, it sang "Oh my poor mama". I don't know how the hell I got there. –I said laughing

- Hha, you were such a funny kid. I wish I was like you. I was like, a complete emo. I ignored everything around me and all I could think about were rules and obligations. Obito was so sick of me. After I joined the ANBU people even called me "cold-blooded".

- Wow, really? – it was hard to believe.

- ..Well, I guess you've developed so much. - i said.

- That wasn't so long ago. Before you guys, I had a bunch of students, and none of them were qualified. The teachers thought I disqualified them just because I'm so heartless and too strict. But I didn't look for the stuff that other teachers looked for, all I needed was a glimpse of teamwork in them, and none of them had. I disqualified tons of kids, and I was starting to wonder if I "was" too harsh, but the students that i disqualified came to me to thank me. Saying that they learned the biggest lesson from me.

- Wow. That was the same way as 4th Hokage's right? To test them?

- Yes, Minato sensei. He had faith in me that I would understand one day what is teamwork and why it's important.

- He was right.

- Well, yeah, but I understood a little too late. if I knew that, maybe Obito and Rin wouldn't have died...

- Hey, don't make everything had happened your responsibility. And you know Obito and Rin wouldn't want you to suffer, right?

He hesitated for a moment, and looked at me in the eye.

- You're right.

I looked at him back, at his black eye. He leaned closer, his hand going to his mask, taking it off. I moved on my instinct, and got closer making our lips touch. It wasn't just a kiss, he was never like this before. He got out his tongue, begging for entrance. Some little part of my mind knew we shoudn't be doing this at a public place but couldn't care less. Since every time I'm with him I start losing my mind.

I parted my lips let his tongue explore my mouth. He's a good kisser, not that I ever kissed someone else in my life, but still there was no hesitation or shame in his kiss, I bet not everyone can kiss like that. I battled too, moving my tongue, into his mouth, trying to make "his" kiss mine. As our battle goes by, in the end he won.

We parted for air, none of us really wanted to.

- Wanna get out of here?

- Sure.

He pressed the button, and the waitress showed up in a second.

- How can I help you? – she said smiling at him.

- The check, please.

- Oh..of course. – she said looking for something in her pack.

The check for our food is in her pack?

- Umm, we're kind of in a hurry, so could you..

- Oh, yes, sure.

"We are?" I thought. What is he planning that makes us "in a hurry"?

The waitress went to somewhere, and came back with the check. What was she looking in her pack if the check was over there?

- Here. – she said.

In the paper, I can see a little blue sticky note, under it, but I didn't know what was that for. I looked at him, and he seemed to have noticed the paper too. Although he seemed to know what was it. He carefully signed it without touching it, and got out the money. He put it next to it. I looked at his signing, he has a neat writing. His writing is better than mine! 

- Thank you very much – he said and got his jacket.

But when he got the jacket, its sleeve touched the check, and the paper which was on the edge of the table, fell to the ground making that blue note visible. I looked at it, and yes it was a piece of paper with..

"Call me if you'd like. 090-1678-5674" ...a phone number on it. Wow, she's just showing herself, isn't she?

Kakashi sensei looked at it too with a bored expression. Of course I'm sure these type of things happened to him like a million times before. I looked at her, and to my surprise, she was blushing. I didn't think someone like her could ever be embarrassed.

He took the piece of paper and gave it to her.

- Umm, that was...um..for..you..

- I know it was for me. I'm just giving it back to you. I don't want you to wait for an uncoming call.

- Oh...ok..

I felt sorry for her, sure she was a little out of line, but it's not her fault to be interested in him. She must be feeling terrible right now, denied by him so quickly. And for me, I would say she's rather pretty so I'm sure it's the first time she gets denied. I would say it's even the first time she asked out a guy.

- I'm sorry that I'm being a little harsh, but to ask out a guy who is obviously on a date with another woman, it's just a little out of line don't you think?

- I'm sorry...I didn't know she was your date.

"Huh, maybe you didn't know that I was here" I thought.

- Well, you do now. If you excuse us, we "are" still in a hurry.

She looked at herself and realized that she was standing in our way, got the checks and walked off. But when we went forward, she came back

- You overpaid. – she said handing out money. He shook his head.

- The rest is your tip.

- But..it's.. 50%?

- You tried to hit on a taken man, but still, your serving was ok.

- Oh..thanks.

- Now, if you please.

- ..right

She moved out of the way, as Kakashi sensei grabbed my hand to my surprise. He dragged me as I saw her gaze at me. I looked at her and she looked.. sad. But yet I can see the glimpse of envy in her eyes. I would not be surprised if today was the worst day of her life.

We got out of the restaurant, still hand in hand. He was walking quite fast. And I remembered that he said something about "in a hurry".

- Hey, Kakashi sensei. Why are we in a hurry?

He slowed down a bit. And looked at me while still walking.

- You can drop the "sensei", you know?

- I'm sorry, I'm just used to it. Besides I like calling you sensei. You "are" my sensei after all.

- Right, but it just reminds me that I'm dating my student. – he chuckled.

- Well, you "are". By the way why are we rushing?

- What? I thought you knew. The store's gonna close soon.

- Ye..ahh. I know "that". But what the "store closing" has to do with anything?

- Well...do you "have" any condom?

- No, what does that... - I stopped talking as I remembered the kiss.

Oh I see, we left something there. I thought that was just an intense kiss.

- You get it now?

- Yeahh

- You didn't get any idea of it until now?

- Well..no.

- You don't want to?

- No.

- So you do want to.

- No,.. I don't know. Maybe.

- What does that.. - he was still looking at me with a confused look on his face.

- We have a mission tomorrow.

- So? You mean we have to sleep early?

- Yes

- I see, but we'll manage. Besides I'm getting that bridge builder myself, so he won't be waiting, he can sleep till I arrive at his door. So..

- He won't be waiting as the others if we get there late?

- Yes, that's it.

I thought for a moment. I cared about the others who's gonna be waiting there for us at the gate. But if we part right now, and he goes home alone, I don't think there will be much difference, so I'll arrive early, but I deny that he will too. He's probably gonna be late as always. That means I have to be there again, waiting for him with nothing to do, regretting my decision, but atleast I'll be there for the others. But will that change anything? Me being there will make such differences? I don't think so..

I thought about the situation logically, again and again, but I "wanted" to go with him. if I have that little time to spend with him, then..

- Allright.

- I thought you were gonna say no, since you were thinking through. – he said while walking again.

- ..cause it was "right" if we part now, and get there on time not waiting the others. I guess you followed your hormones.. – he said chuckling.

- What? No, I just thought even if we go our ways, "you" would show up late anyway, and I'll have to wait there as the others. – I cut him off.

What I said was true, but his words were true too. I did follow my hormones. And that's why I felt ashamed and quickly denied it.

- Hn, I guess you're right.

We finally made it to the nearest store. A small chemist's. it should have it. As we got in, we bumped into a way too familiar white haired man.

- What are you doing here, Kakashi? – Jiraiya-sama said looking at Kakashi sensei. And then he realized that I was there too.

- And ___? What are you two doing here at almost midnight?

Why we had to run into the perviest man in the world now of all times?

- We're getting some bandages for tomorrow's mission. – he lied. A good one.

- Oh really? Well that sounds like a two person job. Well I guess you already used the one that I already gave to you, huh Kakashi?

At first I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, "already gave to you?" But then it flashed my mind, the last time, he said that Jiraiya gave him a condom as a joke, and that he really didn't think it would be useful. Oh.. I looked at Kakashi sensei who already knew what he was talking about. Well what we gotta do is just stick to the lie, changing it would the stupid thing to do, and accepting it wouldn't help either.

- No, I told you, we're getting bandages for the mission. – he said. I guess he thought the same thing.

- Right, right. I would love to be around you two for a while, but I'm kind of in a hurry right now, by the way, I'll save the money for ya. – he said as he threw a box at Kakashi sensei, and ran off.

I looked at the box that Kakashi sensei was holding, as expected, it was a pack of condom.

- Well, he's..... generous. – I said not really knowing what to say.

- So, what are we gonna do? We can't go to the mission dressed like this, so we have to go home. – I said.

- I'll take you home, and go back. If you want, I can return.

Wait what? He's gonna take me home, and go to his home to change, and come back?

- No, no, that's ok. How about we go to my place first, I get changed, and we both go to yours?

He tried to deny it, but it was the most possible plan. Him going all that way is just gonna take so much time. So we started walking to my place.

- It was a great date by the way.

- Yeah, it was.

- And thank you for the nice meal.

- My pleasure.

- Although, why were you so harsh on that waitress? It's not her fault she liked you.

- Yes, and i knew from the start, the way she was paying more attention to me than you, and fulling my cup. Even when we first entered, the way she looked at me. i know these stuff, and it's not the first time i get asked out by a waitress. i knew when she looked for something in her pack, that she was trying to leave her phone number, and i saw the blue note under the check. At first i was thinking about acting like i didn't notice, and just get out without causing her trouble even though i didn't like her actions at all, it was obvious that i was on a date. But unfortunately, 'cause of my jacket, the check fell, letting us see. So i had no choice but to play along with it. i couldn't take the note, but couldn't just leave it there either. But i don't regret, I just don't like that kind of people who is shameless enough to ask out an obviously taken man, in front of his date.

- I don't look like your date. She probably thought I was your cousin or something, you're way out of my league.

- Then who "is" my league? That waitress?

- Well, no. But for the appearance, she's close.

- Oh, there's more than just appearance in this "league" thing? If she's close to my league, then why aren't you? You're prettier than her, obviously smarter than her.. – now he sounded a bit angry.

- That's not true. And now to think about it, I don't really know who "is" your league. I don't know anyone who is actually enough to be with you.

We stayed silence. But I was saying the truth, for me, it feels like no one is good enough to be with him. Except that Cinderella or whatever. I'm not really into fairy tale, I never was. But he made me believe that there "is" some kind of Prince Charming in this world.

- ..so you weren't just talking about appearances? – he asked.

- No, ..it's.. your everything. Everything about you...is...unreal. In a good way.

- That's how you think about me, huh?

- Since the start, but now, even more.

He looked at me in the eye, his hand going to mine, grabbing it.

- Then, do you know what I think about you?

- ...

- I think you're smart, I don't know if you're about Shikamaru's league but I would say you might be. And I think you're beautiful, not only on the outside, on the inside as well. You care for your friends, but your thinking of friends is a lot different than the others. You don't try to spend time with them. Just knowing they're alright, and being there when they're having a hard time is enough, more doesn't mean anything. And you're strong. You never get lonely, and no matter what people do to you, you can find a way of getting out, and leave them be. You don't accept that about yourself, do you? You always think other people are better than you, you can be shy, though I know how brave you are. You even thought that waitress was better than you. And I don't want to say this, it's very inappropriate of me to say it to my student but.. I think you're very hot.

Not just the words he said, the way he said it, his black eye staring at mine, his hand grabbing mine tightly, that voice that most girls will faint if they hear, everything about it, left me speechless. i couldn't even comment on the last part.

As for the words, I wouldn't say I'm stupid, but about Shikamaru's league? And beautiful? A goddess is telling me "I'm" beautiful?

But my denial didn't mean anything, I couldn't help but almost cry at those words. I didn't care if those words were true or not, I knew "he" was telling the truth, not the words but he actually believed that. It really felt like he was telling how he feels. Does he really think of me like that? Nobody has said that kind of stuff to me before. Nobody has thought of me that way before, and me neither.

All I could do was just stare at him until my consciousness regain. He tightened the grab of my hand a little to help me wake up.

- Are you ok?

- ...yes.

- Are you sure?

- I'm fine. – was all I could manage to say even though there were questions pouring in my head, dying to get out.

- Good, I was getting worried. – he sounded a little confused, not believing what I have said.

- ..alright..let's go.

I remembered we were walking to my home.

As we were walking in silence, we finally got there. I quickly get out my key, and got in to get my ninja clothes, and equipment pack. I got out of the house in a second.

- You done? Good, let's go. Although if you wanna stay inside, I understand, I believe you're very tired..

- No, no, it's fine, I'll go.

- Really? Allright just don't force yourself. Promise me.

- I promise.

- This is not a promise that gets broken easily like last time, it's serious, ok?

- I know. – I said remembering the little "incident".

We walked to his house a little faster than before, but I was trying to memorize where it was, and how to go. His apartment is not that far, but not so close either. We got there faster than going to my apartment. Wait, is it his apartment? I thought as I watched him getting his key, and walking towards it. I guess it is. But I didn't know if I should call it an apartment or a mansion. It wasn't that crazy big like a queen's castle, but it was big enough. More likely to say it's a very big house or something. It had 4 floors, but it wasn't like one of those old-fashioned temple. I would say it's rather modern. When I was gazing at it, he has already opened the door and was looking at me.

- You thinking about going inside?

- ..Yeah, sure – I said, trying to answer as quick as I could.

I got in, and I again, almost stayed there gazing. The inside was much better than the outside. It had that calm energy flowing. The light, the stairs, the water blue lamp and everything. it didn't have any carpet, just a very shiny floor. He went forward.

- Make yourself at home.

- Thanks. And where is the bathroom?

- It's at every floor, but the one in my room has shower, and at the 4th floor, there's one with a bath. There's a new towel in each of them, but you can use my rope if you'd like.

- No, it's okay, that won't be necessary.

- Allright. Then follow me.

I followed him, he went to the 3rd floor, and got to one room, a huge room, i recognized the smell when I entered. His fresh and chilly smell was all over. I guess it's his bedroom. He pointed to a door.

- That's the bathroom that has a shower, but if you'd like bath, then..

- No, no, it's fine.

- Allright.

I wasn't the bath type, and at someone else's home? I got to the door he was pointing, and got in. There was a large shower. I turned around and locked the door. But I remembered that I forgot my toothbrush at home, so I unlocked the door to get out and ask him if he had any that is unused.

- Um, hey, do you have any..

I stopped talking as I saw him, he was taking off his shirt showing his abs and muscles. He heard my voice, stopped, and put his shirt back on. He looked at my flushed and amazed face.

- What?

- ..what?

- Do I have any what?

- Oh, right. I forgot my toothbrush. Do you have any..

He started walking forward, got past me, going into the bathroom, and in one second, he got out, handing out a new blue toothbrush to me.

- ..thanks.

- You're welcome.

I got back to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took off my clothes and stepped in the shower feeling the water down my face. It calmed me down. I got out and found the towel that he said would be here. I wrapped my body with it tightly, and got out.

- Finally – he said.

- Wha..

Before I could finish, he smashed his lips onto mine, his hand going to my back. I remembered why we were here in the first place. I guess I forgot everything after that little speech.

His hands were on the edge of my towel, grabbing it tight.

Ok, I have to end it there for now, 'cause I'm thinking about making the next chapter lemon. But it will have alerts, and you can skip it. Tell me what you think, whether you want it lemon or not. And if It is lemon, I'll try to make it not that detailed. As always votes and follows would be very appreciated, loveya.

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