Gakuen Alice fanfiction

By YuriShiniko

2.6K 57 1


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

1.6K 21 0
By YuriShiniko

Flash Backs..The entire city in a terrible Blizzard..that Everything Outside looked white..I only had

my sister My Parents had died but no one really knew how they did die..An Unsolved cause..But

Not Only My Parents Almost my entire family has been wiped out..Which is why There Was Secret

Agents guarding us..But I didn't like the felling of being babied like that so I took my sister with

me and managed to escape..I had nothing to control my Alice I had to learn how to control by my sister said weakly..What is it Little Sis I asked...I'm Hungry she said...I had no

Idea how we where going to get enough money to get the supply's we need (Encluding Food)I

looked at how much change I had..Five Dollars..I nodded to her..we had little money but it was

enough to get a small snack..After we had spent our money on food she looked at me and

asked..What are we going to do now?i don't know was my answer..Komaru!! I thought you had a

entire plan on were we are going she whined..Actually I do but you won't like it..In my thoughts

somewhere I knew that we both will eventually go to Alice Academy since both me and my sister

have Alice's.But My sister heard to much From Eisuke and how much he hated it because this and

that and many reasons I exaggerated in my head..until I realized I still hadn't told her where we're

going And I told her..Were Headed toward Alice Academy Mary...Komaru!!! But I don't want to go

there!!Please Mary..were going there Either you like it or Not!...She clung to my Leg making me

have to drag her..Mary stop it this is Ridiculous!!..No I Won't Stop!! She Yelled...Mary I told you

to Stop it!! She unwrapped her arms around me...Fine!! I don't care!! But exactly when we go there

you will be begging to get out of there and all I'm going to tell you is I told you..That's not going to

happen And Jeez Sometimes you get so Annoying..we both didn't say anything..Well let's get going

the sooner we get there the sooner we will have shelter..she got up and walked beside was

night time my sister would have been in bed right now if we were under a roof in a house..I looked

at her again she looked like our mother while I looked more like my dad..Mary has Short hair

she also had brown eyes and blonde Colored Hair...I am 11 years and she

is 4..My Alice was both Ice and Snow and her Alice was Shapeshifting.i looked up at the starry

night I hope I don't get into the dangerous ability class just in case I will only pretend to have the

snow alice..She started to look sleepy though..Mary are you sleepy? I asked Yeah she responded I

gave her a smile and then said here..I will carry you if your tired..No!! But that's embarrassing she

said..well you can't change my mind I said...I know I can't your just..really stubborn..that's was the

last thing she said before she fell asleep..I carried her we didn't arrive there until the mourning she

woke up eventually when we was almost there..I was exhausted..while Mary my little sis was well

rested..we went through the gate and there was Alice Academy..we walked through while Mary was

Amazed..It's Amazing!! Mary Exclaimed...It is Nice huh I said...I faced her again I first thought you

Didn't want to come here I said...Wait I never said I stay here it's just Cool that's it!!! Mary responded..

Suit yourself.. I started to walk a bit faster...Hey wait up!! as she ran up to me..Slow poke I said I'm

Not slow I'm just younger than you! She said we kept walking until we bumped into a man with

Blonde hair and earrings...Oh I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to run into you I'm terribly sorry...Oh it's

Ok he responded cheerfully back..Hey Ms Lady!!! Said Mary....That's a guy Little Sis...We both had

a sweat drop...My sister blushed...sorry she said weakly...Anyway we came her to be one of the

students at this see we both have Alice's mine is The Snow Alice and My sister here

has the Shape Shifting Alice.Thats Nice!! I'm Mr.Narumi I'm also one of the teachers at this school

And I'd like to say Welcome To Alice Academy!!Oh I forgot to introduce myself I'm Komaru and

my sisters name is Mary.This is your little Sister how old Is she? Mr Narumi asked..I'm 4 My sister

Said Cheerfully.I can see that said Narumi.then my vision started to blur...Are you ok

Asked Narumi...I fell asleep.............................that's the last thing I remember before I woke up in a

Room...I must of fell asleep it was a short nap but I feel a little better...I looked around the room...

Hey Big Sis!!! You just asleep a minute ago! Oh and Look at my Uniform I look Amazing don't you

Think Sis? Asked Mary...Yeah Mary you look great! I responded We Also have a uniform for you to!

Said both Mary and Narumi....Ok let me see it...I took it from Narumi and went to try it on..once I

Was finished I walked out...Amazing said Mary...Mary does seem to like this Uniforms...a lot....

Well would you like to show you your class? Said Narumi...Yes!!! Said Mary Sure i responded...we

Walked to my new class which was....Suprisingly was...I don't even know...I told Mary to wait

Outside the both me and Narumi walked in...Narumi walked in with a cheerfully and

Walked in nervously seeing the way this class was...Narumi was about to speak but...A girl was

Doing the chicken dance and all of sudden stopped and fell to the floor confused like she possessed

Or something...I saw Eisuke Waving at me and also trying to catch my attention but I pretended

Like I saw nothing at all...Like I was Saying We Have a New Transfer Student said Narumi

Cheerfully as Always....I walked more into the room until I was in front of the class...I'm Komaru I

Said weakly....Everyone sighed....You will be sitting next to Permy and Eisuke and Eisuke will be

Your Partner..Ta'ta Narumi Waved then left..I went to sit in between both Eisuke and Permy...

What's your Alice Transfer Student Permy Asked me...I formed Snow in my hand and making sure

I didn't make the tiniest shard of ice...Permy looked at me You can't do much with that Alice But

It's Not as Useless as Mikan's she turned her head to a pigtailed girl which didn't seem to be

Listening...Eisuke Knew about my Ice Alice he had Asked me about this but I lied and said No....

I wanted to make sure know one Knows about my Ice Alice....the noise seem to get smaller and

Smaller which made me feel more nervous than I was...I looked up at the ceiling and then at the

Floor...I wonder if Mary's enjoying her class even though it's only been a few minutes since

Narumi and Mary left...

End of Chapter 1

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