The way to Space

By Leossgirl

313 11 2

Three space traveling teens crash land on a planet and meet a girl that can help them in exchange for a ride... More

A planet to be remembered
Oh Schnapp!
Translate and Repair
Home Planet
House Trap
Sky Chaser
My Mule!
Kaz's room
Escape plan 2?
Quicke burgers
Edge of it all
Its an Art form
Save me
Ruby Red
Rip off!
The three Amigos

Whats the escape plan?

7 0 0
By Leossgirl

"Lucas." She looked over to her left after hearing him try to move when he woke up. "Perfect timing Lucas." Jim grinned.

"What is this?" Lucas struggled to get free. "A little trap I knew you high horse stuck heroes couldn't resist helping an old helpless man." He paced the floor snickering a little bit.

"I know. I'm sorry Lucas you were right I should've kept my nose where it belonged you can say I told you so or whatever you were right. You always are." She lowered her head.

"Kasha it's ok. We just need to figure a way out of this right now." He sighed wiggling his wrists but it was too tight. "Who do you work for?" Lucas asked and Jim turned around. "I don't work for anybody." He replied. "I'm in a deal with the Jonessy I give them you,They give me a lifetime supply of mules." He explained.

"Are you serious?!" Kasha got angry. "Over some freeing crops?! What is wrong with you!" She was fired up and her eyes turned a dark shade of grey.

"Hey!" Jess knocked on the door. "No! Help us!" Kasha true to yell as placed duct tape over her mouth.

"Help!" Lucas shouted as he slapped the duct tape on his mouth. Jim went outside and a few minutes later dragged in Jess's body and tired him up.

He went back out and dragged in Meghan. Then caught his breath and dragged in Kaz.

He called the Jonessy while waiting for them to wake up and grabbed the tape off Luke and Kasha. "What is this?" Jess woke up first. "Were trapped." Lucas said in a low monotone voice.

"What happened?" Jess coughed opening her eyes. "We were trapped." Jess tried to lift his arms. "Ahh!" Kaz woke up a kicked the air.

"What happened?" He asked breathing heavily. A loud whooshing sound followed by footsteps were heard.

"They're here." Jim popped up and opened the door. Blue lights shone through the house and the blinds. "Were are the prisoners?" A deep electronic voice asked. "Inside." Jim answered.

A man walked in with a Jonessy uniform on all black armor and gun. "Up and out." He ordered three other men who walked in.

"They untied Jess Lucas and Kaz and handcuffed them with high tech cuffs impossible for a human to get off. "Who are the other two?" The solider asked Jim. "Accomplice duh!" He pointed at us.

They untied Kasha and Meghan and put the cuffs on and leaded them to a huge ship.

They were put in a temporary jail like hall with separate cells. There were other aliens and things in the cells further down but theirs were reserved.

They all were getting locked in there cells."Get comfy." The solider pushed in Kasha and locked the door.

"Hey!" She tried to kick the bars. "It's useless Kasha." Jess said. Lucas was in the cell beside her. "Even if you do get out the cell there's a force field that evaporates whatever is thrown into it." She heard him say.

"So the guy you two were helping was a Jonessy spy." Jess asked trying to grasp the concept. "Screw that they took all the chocolate!" Kaz complained.

2 dozen light years away...

They took them to a Jonessy department a floating space shuttle. Still apart of it but not the main planet.

The guards walked them out and they were ordered to get down on their knees to be scanned for weapons. "Boss is gonna be so happy when he sees you." He clicked his tongue at Lucas.

"Tell Jonathan I said he can jump in a black hole." Lucas looked away he could care less about Jonathan the leader of the Jonessy's well being.

The guard laughed and walked out of the room to go get the scanners. They heard a bubbling noise and smoke come from behind Kasha.

"Are you ok?" Lucas looked worryingly at her. Kasha just kept her head down and concentrated. She had melted off  her handcuffs. "But- but it's impossible." Jess shook his cuffs.

"Yeah... for humans." Kasha stood up and walked over to Jess's handcuffs and released him.

Kasha removed Lucas's handcuffs and hugged him laying her head against his chest.

"A little help here." Jess said. Lucas helped Kaz and Jess helped Meghan who didn't seem thankful at all.

"They're coming!" Jess shouted as they all started running. Lucas knocked over some of their supplies and boxes to slow them down.

"Guns." Kasha stopped and they all they took a acid gun off the shelf. "Hmph." Meghan glanced at Lucas.

"Put the guns down!" He commanded with his hands above his head. They didn't and he started running towards Lucas and hit the gun out of his hand. Jess fired up his gun and got the man off of him.

Jess helped pull Lucas up and they ran toward the back of the department and snuck into a patrol ship.

They flew back to planet and got some more candy before leaving.

Back on the ship...

Lucas hadn't said a word since they got back on the ship. Kasha thought he was mad at her and went to confront him.

She knocked on his bedroom door. "Hey Lucas it's Kasha I just wanna talk." She stood timidly in font of the door.

He didn't answer, Kasha sighed and walked back into her room leaving her door open.

She saw Meghan pass by and heard a door opening which had to be Lucas because his room was the only one on that side.

Kasha peaked out her door and saw them talking. She rolled her eyes, grabbed her door and closed it. "How come he opened the door for her but not me?" She laid down.

In his room..

"You see what I'm saying." Meghan asked referring to Kasha quickly spotting the guns. "What if she's a dangerous killer she could just turn one day." Megan gasped.

"There is like a .1% chance she will do that I trust Kasha." Lucas said letting her in. "More than me?" Meghan walked closer to him.

"I trust both of you." Lucas said backing up. Meghan smiled walking closer to him and Lucas stopped her.

"What are you doing?" He questioned nervously. "I thought you liked Jess?" He asked. "Jess is okay but he's not the one I want  I want it's you Lucas." She rubbed his arm.

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