first question... ~ Paul McCa...

By NotebooksandCoffee

86.5K 1.9K 479

[first book] She didn't want to be like the crazy fan girls, she just wanted to be normal. Amelia had always... More

•Part 1•
•Part 2•
•Part 3•
•Part 4•
•Part 5•
•Part 6•
•Part 7•
•Part 8•
•Part 9•
•Part 10•
•Part 11•
•Part 12•
•Part 13•
•Part 14•
•Part 15•
•Part 16•
•Part 17•
•Part 18•
•Part 19•
•Part 20•
•Part 21•
•Part 22•
•Part 23•
•Part 24•
•Part 25•
•Part 26•
•Part 27•
•Part 28•
•Part 30•
•Part 31•
•Part 32•
•Part 33•
•Part 34•
•Part 35•
•Part 36•
•Part 37•
•Part 38•
•Part 39•
•Part 40•
•Part 41•
•Part 42•
•Part 43•
•Part 44•
•Part 45•
•Part 46•

•Part 29•

1.2K 22 3
By NotebooksandCoffee

October 7th 1965

They pulled up to the supermarket about 50 carpark spaces away. Amelia was feeling apprehensive about revealing their relationship to the public but she knew they had to do it at some point. As soon as they stepped into the store, it felt as if all eyes fell on the pair. Amelia tried her best to stay confident and didn't belittle herself. Paul gave her a reassuring smile and she smiled in return.

"Let's just get the lamb!" She said and they laughed.

They found the meat isle and searched for what they needed. He joked around picking up everything that wasn't lamb and waving it in front of her making her laugh. They were causing quite a stir to be fair but she was enjoying herself and so was Paul. They were distracted by the confectionary isle and he ran over to the sweets like a five year old. He began picking up miscellaneous bars of Dairy Milk chocolate and pilling them on top of the meat. Amelia's nearly dropped everything from the amount he'd given her.

He paused looking at her and slightly out of breath "I think we need a trolley" and that was the queue for them to sprint to the entrance of the shop.

Amelia threw all their items, heavily portioned by chocolate, into the metal basket on the wheels along with herself. Paul grabbed hold of the bar and ran as fast he could as her arms sprung into the air and laughed. This was definitely giving them attention that wasn't ideal. A mob of about 15 girls started picking up their pace as the pair rushed down all the isle weaving in and out.

"Chips! Peas! Ice!" She yelled down the frozen section directing Paul what to pick up out of the freezers.

Amelia turned sharply "they're gaining on us!" She yelled once more. The mob had spawned to about 30 including press and staff.

"To the wine!" He commanded and continued to push the trolley quickly.

"Red? White? Rosé? What should we get!" He said running down.

"Wait for it" she said almost at the end "now!" She instructed and he slowed down as she rose out of her crouching position to grab a large bottle of alcohol.

"Laurent-Perrier? Good champagne I've heard" he said looking at the bottle and picking up speed again as he heard the screams.

He rushed to the counter frantically grabbing his wallet, Amelia didn't bring any money as she thought he would be paying which he was. He chucked ruffly a dozen 20 pound notes at the cashier before running towards the car before the fans caught up. Just as they reached the door Amelia stood up confidently and waved impersonating the queen as the fans stopped realising they were leaving.

"That's my girl" he said and she curled back down giving him a kiss as the pace of the trolley decreased.


A camera snapped one close up shot, even thought he was a few yards away, of the two sharing this moment. They looked and he ran off without revealing their identity. But the posture and frame looked as if it was a female in disguise, she kept this mental image. They knew that it wasn't going to be kept on the film.

"Let's go home" he said wrapping his arms around her waist then bending into the drivers seat.

The drive seemed to drag just like Paul's cigarette smoke as it whisked away with the breeze. The sun made the sky an ambient apricot light that glowed an outline on the clouds. The air was chilly but not freezing making Amelia realise that it wasn't long until Winter. Today was probably one of the most extravagant and wildest days of her life, all they wanted to get was some lamb for dinner that night. As soon as they arrived home they cooked, collaboratively, dicing vegetables and slicing pieces of meat. Whilst Paul took an important business call, she laid the table with a white cloth and two posh candle sticks that had only been used a few times. She snuck into the bedroom to play a smooth jazz record from her house on full volume so that she could just about here it in the dining room. Paul came back into the dining room looking a little flustered but quickly changed to a more positive expression. He took in the dim candle lit atmosphere and the roast lamb on two plates.

"Shall we?" She said gesturing to the chair.

"Indeed" he said and they sat down in unison.

The empty champagne flutes reflected the flicker of the flame. Paul picked up the bottle and popped it open creating a rather loud noise. The glasses were now full of the fizzing sensation and they began their meal. Their work had payed off and they managed to create a delightful main course. It wasn't until Amelia had started on her vegetables when she asked,

"Who was on the phone?".

Paul swallowed his mouthful of potato "Your Mother".

She almost choked "My Mother! Well why on earth didn't you tell me!" She said pausing and he shrugged. "What did she say?" She asked worried.

He smiled to himself "she apologised, said that I was taking good care of you all along but it just took her a while to realise..." he paused too not moving his cutlery.

"And?" Amelia asked knowing there was more to it by the facial expression he had pulled earlier.

"However, she wasn't too keen on your article from last week" he raised his left eyebrow and laughed.

"I knew she wouldn't be" she said "she probably thought it was unfair for Karen" and continued laughing. Even though she had changed her mother dramatically, she wasn't completely controlled by Amelia and she still took things seriously at times. As opposed to Amelia's carefree lifestyle. "Do you think I was too harsh?" She asked suddenly remembering what she had written.

"Oh no, what you did was minuscule compared to the damage she did to John" he said finally continuing their dinner.

"How is he?" She asked thinking back to his distraught manner on that night.

"A lot better, especially now that he's distracted with the recording" he said and she nodded unable to form a verbal respond without covering him in her half-eaten food.

Before they knew it, their romantic meal was over and just about the same time as the record. Paul placed a fork under the champagne bottle as there was some left, which was unusual, and they made their way to the living room. She sat on the sofa taking her socks off as Paul lit the fire to warm up the room. Once the blaze had been successfully made, he crawled back and snuggled next to her. They had little to talk about and were quite worn out from the manic day they'd had. She closed her eyes gradually and drifted off to sleep along with Paul.

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