Role Play Characters

By merciful-

678 16 127

Hey guys! I've been role playing for a long time; long time being 4-5 years now. If you want to Role Play wit... More

"Old Habits Die Hard."
"Does This Face Looks Like It Gives A Fuck?"
"Do you want more~?"
"Awe, you humans seem to break so easily~"
"I hope you die in a fire."
"You Can't See Me!"
"You don't like your smile? LET ME FIX THAT!!"
"OH How Shocking! Do I Care?"
Slasher Role Play Form

"Do not test my patience or I'll grow tired of you."

102 1 31
By merciful-

Name: Violet Von Murdoch or VV

Age: 15-19 (Depending on scenario.)

Gender: Female

Species: Spirit User. Violet has Telepathy, along with other talents that makes her kind rare.

Personality: Hard to tell with her constant mood swings.

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: Around her left ankle is a tattoo of a centipide and on her lower back is a yin yang symbol.

Likes: Good Books, Good Food, Cooking, Good Movies, Good Anime, Staying up late and sleeping in late, and her cat, Matthia.

Dislikes: Boring Books, Bad Food, Restaurants, Boring Movies, Boring Anime, Going to bed early and waking up early.

Powers: Telepathy, Puppet Master Control, Illusions, Teleportation, and Hand to Hand Combat. She carries with her two silver daggers.

Backstory: Her mother died after she turn 15, leaving her and her two sisters alone in the world. The youngest Tessa died causing strife between her older sister. Violet has been on her own since she was 16, fending for herself and her cat, Matthias. She's never seen the ocean. Violet never stays in the same place twice due to Spirit Hunters who either want to strip her of her powers or kill her outright. She tries to learn everything from books because she is too scared to try anything in real life.

Other: Violet smokes when she's stressed, her favorite color is purple, and her favorite flower is Casa Blanca Lilies.



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