Unexpected (Harry Potter fan...

By Hummingclouds

168 6 4

Who wouldn’t wish they went to Hogwarts? It’s a perfect school, much better than the one I go to now anyway... More

Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
The Hogwarts Express

Unexpected (Harry Potter fan fiction)

109 3 2
By Hummingclouds

The sun shone down on the old brick house of the Robsons. It was 7 am in the morning and the sun crept into Alice Robson’s window. Her alarm clock sprang to life, which she slammed down.

Grumpily getting up, Alice practically crawled into the bathroom, where she turned on the shower, removed her clothes and stepped inside. The shower was exhilarating and woke her up, and she hopped down to a cheery breakfast. “Alice dear, there’s a letter for you,” said her mother. Alice took the letter from her mother’s hand and wondered immediately, who on earth sent letters? It was all sent by email nowadays. She ripped it open eagerly and laughed.

“Oh my god mum, is this a joke?” she laughed. Her mother leaned in forwards and read the letter. She frowned, but didn’t say anything. Alice continued to laugh. “Ms. A Robson, The first bedroom, 26 Brigg St, Cokestown, Oh my god,” She laughed, clutching her sides. She pointed at the slanted, emerald green writing on the yellow parchment. There was a knock on the door.

Alice stopped laughing. Her dad answered it. “Hello Mr Robson, I am Derrick Higgins, are you aware your daughter, Alice Robson has received a letter on her acceptance at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?” He said. It was very quick, like a very well recited speech. Her father, dumbfounded, nodded slowly, staring at the man in front of him, while taking in his attire. He wore a pink, fuzzy bathrobe that went just above his knees, and sneakers. On his head, he had a warm, bright blue beanie and he wore long, engagement gloves that were a pearly white. He also wore rainbow stockings.

“May I come in?” He asked politely. Mr Robson almost considered replying with a “no”, but Mrs Robson ushered him in. and offered to make a cup of tea. “Make yourself at home dear, I’ll go and make some tea,” She said and hurried to the kitchen. “Oh, no, It’s fine, absolutely fine, I’ll need both of you here,” he said, but she already had a kettle of boiling water ready. Derrick took off his beanie and revealed dark brown hair.

“Muggle clothes are so… itchy and warm sometimes, most unusual,” he muttered. Mr Robson peered at him, as he had never met a wizard before. “I’m sorry, a what? A muggle, what on earth is that?” He asked. Derrick smiled. “Non Magical folk, I’ll explain it all when Mrs Robson is done with the tea.”

“I’m done!” she called out and brought a silver tea tray with 4 teacups and one large kettle.

“So, on with business,” He said. Alice hardly believed anything Derrick said as he continued talking about magic, school needs, Creatures and the Ministry of Magic, and finally getting to wands. “There are wands? Are you sure they aren’t… dangerous?” asked Mrs Robson. Derrick smiled. “They aren’t dangerous, unless Alice does something, she and everyone else won’t be learning magic until they get to school, and they’ll only be able to send sparks flying really, not enough to damage themselves, or others. So when they do, they’ll be under supervised conditions.”

“So, where will we be getting all the school needs?” Alice asked quietly. She hadn’t spoken through the whole time. Derrick smiled. “In Diagon Alley,” he said. Mr Robson looked curious. “Do wizards have a hidden place?” Derrick laughed. “Yes, yes! We do in fact! We have a number of them actually! It’s all invisible from muggles,” he said, rather proudly.

“School starts on the 1st of September, we’ve got a month to prepare and get ready, whenever you want to go to Diagon Alley, just send me a word,” he said, smiling, again. Alice lit up suddenly. “Can I go now?” She asked excitedly. “Alice, dear, shouldn’t it be better if we wait until tomorrow? I mean-“Her mother began.

“We can go now!” He said, beaming. He strode out the door, before coming back in again. “With your permission, of course,” he added. Alice’s dad did a half shrug half nod but Alice’s mum replied with an unsure “no”. “Well, let Alice go, what’s stopping her from having fun? I mean, she’s with Derrick! A ministry-approved guy! He’s been doing this for… err, how many-“

“12 years!” He said, puffing out his chest. “12 years and still couldn’t get our attire right,” Alice’s mum muttered under her breath. “Oh come on Jenny! Let her go!” Her father said. Her mother sighed. “Oh fine, she can go,” she said reluctantly.

Alice hugged her mum. “You’re the best!” she said with a grin. “Do you guys want to come too?” asked Derrick. They both shook their head (Alice’s dad was going to say yes, her mum stamped on his foot and he bit back a yell of pain instead).

Derrick grinned. “That’s alright, you two stay here, Alice will be quiet safe with me,” he said and walked out the door with Alice.

:] So… what do you think? My first story.. I’m a really big Harry Potter fan, so I wrote this fan fiction.. it’s set in year 2008, that’s when Harry and his friends repeat a year, to catch up. If you enjoyed it, please take time to comment, or vote. Please. Derrick, Alice, and her parents are mine, not JK Rowling's or the Warner Brother's and I don't assiciate with them, and nor does my story.. unfortunately. But Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasly, Roonil Walzib and their friends (They'll come up later) don't belong to me. At all. Unfortunately.

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