The Cool Sister(Diabolik Love...

By Nqchristine18

125K 3.1K 2.3K

What if Yui Komori isn't the only one who moves to the Sakamaki mansion and meet the bloodsucking Sakamaki br... More

Ren Hattori Bio
The Sakamaki Mansion
Something's Suspious Here....
The Sakamaki Brothers....
Getting Ready For Night School....
Fangirls(Great ๐Ÿ˜‘).....
A Lazy Deadbeat Knows Well....
You Love Yui Do You?...
Compromising Position....
Meet The Idol!
Rose Gardens...
The Finest Blood...
Get To Know You....
Reiji's Test...
Yui's Advice....
The Search Is On....
Aiko Braveheart...
Defeat Cordelia and Richter!
Yui's Resurrection...
Trivia Time!
Nothing Has Changed....
The Mukami Brothers
Dangerous Night......
Yui's Gone?!
Search For Yui....
New Story

The Night When She Rises....

2.7K 71 14
By Nqchristine18

Nobody's POV:
It was silent in the night for Yui where she was sleeping in her room, but something strange is happening to her....she has a....strange dream....



She became confused when she heard the word "Cordelia".

W-Who's there?....

She asked frighteningly.

You will rise in the night my love.....


Suddenly a black aura appeared surrounding her causes her to panic.

Aaahhh!! No! Get away! Oh please get away from me!!!

She cried while struggling to break free from the dark aura, something has stopped her when she saw a young woman with purple hair and green eyes with blood dripping from her chest where she grabs her with a menacing smirk with Yui widen her eyes.....

She then immediately wake up from her sleep breathing fearfully and sighs eventually.

"Oh god it was only a dream....."

"Is it though?"

" *gasps*"

Yui then quickly turns to see a young man with long dark green hair and red pierced with malice.

"W-Who are- eep!"

The mysterious man cuts her off by covering her mouth as he stares at her with a serious red gaze.

"Come with me....."

He demanded as Yui felt something weird when her fear and uncertainty fades away into complete cold darkness where her eyes turned completely dark and emotionless. After she got hypnotized, Yui eventually nodded at the young man's request as he forms a slight smirk.


Later outside of the Sakamaki mansion, the young man drags a hypnotized Yui to a mysterious room where it was dark and eerie. The man then walked towards the mysterious dark closet where he opens it to reveal a dark long dress with blood covered from the top and it's ripped.

"Now come here."

He ordered which Yui nods as she walks towards the bloody ripped dress, the man ordered her again.

"Now take a closer look at that dress."

She then nodded at the man's orders as she took a closer look at the ripped bloody dress, a mysterious woman from Yui's dream appeared with a menacing evil smirk as she grabs Yui to her with Yui widen her eyes in shock and fear.

As the dark aura surrounds Yui, the dark aura soon faded away as she slowly turns to the man with a devious smirk.

"It's been a long time Richter."

She grinned sweetly at him as he smiled lovingly at her, he gets down on his knees to show his love and loyalty to her.

"It is indeed my lovely Cordelia."

Richter smirked at her with Cordelia reciprocating his smirk as well. She then walked towards him and lifts his chin gently.

"You're such a gentleman as I remembered."

She complimented with seductive green eyes.

"And you look beautiful as I remembered Cordelia."

He replied as he gets up from the ground, he gently grab her hand and kissed it.

"Let the night begin my love."

"And the night will last forever.~"

Cordelia then chuckled menacingly before she laughs even evilly where the evil, sadistic, dark night begins when she rises to claimed the one she once controlled with the Sakamakis can sense her presence has return. The night begins with Cordelia desire to claim what's really important to her. To take over the Sakamaki mansion.......

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