Plus Size Punch

By sadloveletterssigned

286K 11.4K 1.3K

Sarabi is a plus size black girl who doesn't talk to anyone but has a good built wall between her and society... More

Punch Size Punch
Next Time
Let me Be
The Words She Kept
The New Friend
In The Wrong
The Victim
At That Very Moment
Ready, Aim, And Fire
Past the Point of Anger
Walls Are Broken
Say It.
Prom Day
After Prom
The Poems
Olive Garden
Olive Garden Part 2
Hospital Part 2
The Best Things Happen At School
The White Rose
Ok What the Hell?
Lets Be Honest on this Book

The Unknown Happens

13.5K 578 14
By sadloveletterssigned

Sarabi Scott P.O.V

"I have never seen you fight like that." Matt said were walking out the gym.

"Well when you have anger built in for a long time it stores up." I said as were waking to my truck never really liked cars.

"Sarabi I just want you to know that I won't let anything happen to you. You are like a sister to me." He said truthfully. I read his face he was honest and loyal I like loyal. He is like a brother to me.

"Same here Matt. I won't let my problems harm you. I should handle my own problems." I said hopping in my truck. He was hopping into his. We said our good-bye and I drove home. I was getting ready for him. The man that was drunk and unhappy. My father. When I got home I notice another car in the drive way. I got all my stuff out the car and I walk in the door hearing yelling screaming and crying. I walked in to see the person I haven't saw in years. My mother in a corner crying.

"Please Jordan! Don't hit m-" she got stop by a slap in the face. I was ticked all the way off I grabbed my father and punched him in his face.

"Sarabi my baby!" she looked at me as me and father fought. He stared me down. Then he started to punch but I caught his arm and broke it. He yelled is pain.

"Damn you!" he yelled but I didnt show any emotion.

"Call 911" I told mom and we did. We the ambulance came they picked him up and drove to the hospital. I didn't bother not going to the hospital I didn't want to I could care less. Never hurt your family or you won't have anyone to turn to.

"Sarabi...I-I-I-I have missed you. You have grown up and everything. You look beautiful." My mother looked at me up and down.

"Mom where have you been all these years huh?" I say with a serious face I wanted to know.

"Well um.... After I left I went and lived with your grand-ma for a while. I had to get a new job and get on my feet now I have a house that we can share. I came to get you from your father." she said looking me in my eye. I saw hope in her eyes and truthful.

"I know you like music and boxing so I got you some gloves with your name on it and a crystal white piano. It's in your room. I just hope that you will come with me." she said sitting on the couch

"Ok. I will go. Just know I'm not the same from when I was young. I not the happy joyful child you had before you left. Father has ruined me. I have been fighting him ever since you left." I said heading up stairs to pack my clothes.

"We have to visit the hospital tomorrow to tell him that I'm leaving understand?"i said Turing to her. She nodded I grab all my stuff and put it in the car. And we drove to her house. I was only 17 so I couldn't live alone but at least is was with my mother.

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